#ubuntu-meeting: Developer Membership Board meeting

Meeting started by tsimonq2 at 19:03:11 UTC (full logs)

Meeting summary

  1. Review of previous action items (tsimonq2, 19:03)
    1. ACTION: teward to resolve the wiki / Discourse process ambiguity (carried over) (tsimonq2, 19:03)

  2. Application Review (tsimonq2, 19:04)
    1. Ubuntu MOTU Application by Pushkar Kulkarni (tsimonq2, 19:04)
      1. VOTE: Grant pushkarnk membership to Ubuntu MOTU (Denied) (tsimonq2, 19:44)
      2. VOTE: Grant pushkarnk membership to Ubuntu Contributing Developers (Carried) (tsimonq2, 19:47)

  3. AOB/outstanding mailing list items (tsimonq2, 19:49)

Meeting ended at 20:00:16 UTC (full logs)

Action items

  1. teward to resolve the wiki / Discourse process ambiguity (carried over)

Action items, by person

  1. teward
    1. teward to resolve the wiki / Discourse process ambiguity (carried over)

People present (lines said)

  1. rbasak (61)
  2. tsimonq2 (56)
  3. pushkarnk (31)
  4. meetingology (23)
  5. teward (9)
  6. bdrung (8)
  7. utkarsh2102 (0)

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