20:01 <popey> #startmeeting File Manager meeting
20:01 <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Nov 18 20:01:35 2014 UTC.  The chair is popey. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
20:01 <meetingology> 
20:01 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
20:01 <ajalkane_> howdy sires
20:01 <popey> welcome Letozaf_  (Carla)
20:02 <ajalkane_> and ladies
20:02 <Letozaf_> popey, hello
20:02 <CarlosMazieri> hello
20:02 <Letozaf_> hello to everyone :)
20:02 <iBelieve> Hey everyone
20:02 <popey> Oh hey iBelieve !
20:03 <popey> long time no see ☻
20:03 <ajalkane> how do you do iBelieve
20:03 <iBelieve> I’m great! I’m trying to make time for Ubuntu development again :)
20:03 <ajalkane> awesome
20:04 <popey> Good stuff.
20:04 <popey> Ok, where shall we start? As Letozaf_ is here, I could mention that she's great with autopilot ㋛
20:04 <popey> So I see we have a couple of "needs autopilot test" bugs.
20:04 <popey> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-filemanager-app/+bugs
20:05 <popey> are these still valid?
20:05 <popey> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-filemanager-app/+bug/1235060
20:05 * Letozaf_ is looking at the bugs
20:05 <ajalkane> that's just great
20:05 <popey> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-filemanager-app/+bug/1385364
20:05 <popey> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-filemanager-app/+bug/1386850
20:05 <popey> i see Letozaf_ already touched that last one
20:06 <Letozaf_> popey, yes the last one should be fixed tonight I hope :)
20:06 <popey> awesome
20:06 <iBelieve> I forgot that I had bugs assigned to me that I was working on a while back. Sorry about that :(
20:06 <Letozaf_> :)   for  the others, I can tak a look
20:06 <popey> np. can you update them iBelieve or unassign if you dont think you'll get to them?
20:07 <popey> Letozaf_: aweomse, want to assign yourself and set priority?
20:07 <Letozaf_> popey, ok, let me see what I can take
20:07 <popey> magic, thanks.
20:07 <iBelieve> popey, I’ll take a look at the bugs assigned to me and hopefully work on them, otherwise I’ll unassign myself.
20:07 <popey> k
20:08 <popey> for those that were not around we discussed a bit of a wish-list of things we'd like in file manager...
20:08 <popey> (last week at UOS)
20:08 <popey> they're noted here http://pad.ubuntu.com/uos-1411-filemanager-planning
20:09 <popey> So really right now, the two priorities were bug fixing and getting the top header redesign done.
20:09 <popey> ajalkane: hows the top-header working out?
20:09 <ajalkane> top-header? I think it's great and done. Bug still open?
20:10 <ajalkane> Oh or was there some small fixes to be done...
20:10 <ajalkane> I'll check
20:10 <popey> Won't it break autopilot tests?
20:11 <ajalkane> No I fixed those
20:11 <popey> oh great!
20:11 <popey> Ok, I'll give it some testing.
20:13 <ajalkane> Now that we're here and some testing experts also, could someone take a look at the zips support and why tests fail: https://code.launchpad.net/~nikwen/ubuntu-filemanager-app/zips/+merge/239662
20:13 <popey> failing in jenkins?
20:13 <ajalkane> yes, jenkins
20:13 <popey>
20:14 <popey> testtools.matchers._impl.MismatchError: After 10.0 seconds test failed: '/tmp/tmpozdzeuyg/destination' != '/tmp/tmpozdzeuyg'
20:14 * Letozaf_ is reading
20:14 <popey> seems like it's setting the destination incorrectly?
20:15 <ajalkane> But the branch has not touched 'em tests and they used to work
20:15 * balloons looks
20:15 <ajalkane> oh i guess it has touched some tests but hard to see why that one. The developer of that branch is stymified
20:15 <ajalkane> thanks balloons
20:16 <balloons> we should have some tests to verify that feature anyway ;-)
20:16 <ajalkane> there's really nothing in that branch that I could see affecting anything else than unarchiving zips
20:17 <balloons> I kicked off a fresh run for sanity
20:18 <balloons> seems odd only cut would be affected, but we should look at the videos
20:19 <balloons> ajalkane, ahh, videos show the problem as usual :-) Something wrong with his code as cut asks to extract archive
20:19 <balloons>
20:19 <ajalkane> whoppy doo
20:19 <balloons> in other words, tests are fine :-_)
20:20 <ajalkane> thanks. I'm not sure how to formulate that answer to him but this helps a lot
20:22 <balloons> ajalkane, I
20:22 <balloons> 'll leave a comment as well
20:22 <ajalkane> Good
20:22 <balloons> But I would add you should land some tests for the zip functionality at the same time
20:23 <popey> +1
20:24 <popey> CarlosMazieri: how is the samba support coming?
20:25 <CarlosMazieri> I am in the beginning, doing some network tests
20:25 <CarlosMazieri> It will take some time, some redesign is required to prepare to fit other network types
20:26 <popey> ok.
20:26 <popey> Thanks.
20:27 <popey> CarlosMazieri: Is there anything else on the big etherpad list that perhaps iBelieve or ajalkane could pick off? what do you see as a priority?
20:28 <CarlosMazieri> I do not know, they can pick any task.
20:28 <iBelieve> Does the app still have a dark theme? It might be nice to look into a light theme to match what many of the other core apps are doing now.
20:29 <popey> It does, yes.
20:29 <popey> iBelieve: We're also missing icons for popular file types.
20:30 <popey> iBelieve: yeah, a lighter theme would be most welcome.
20:30 <iBelieve> I don’t know what everyone else is working on, but I’d like to clean up the UI a bit. I see the Go To dialog is still using the gradients.
20:31 <iBelieve> Here is a screenshot of a light design I had started a while back: https://www.dropbox.com/s/845100rvkytl5h8/filemanager.png?dl=0
20:31 <ajalkane> I'd say it'd be grand if the Go To dialog would instead appear as writable text in the header, in place of the scrollable path thingy. But dunno if that's possible
20:31 <ajalkane> iBelieve: looks nice
20:31 <popey> ajalkane: I never even realised it was scrollable!
20:31 <popey> yeah, like the look of that.
20:32 <iBelieve> ajalkane: I was actually working on that a while back, it’s not too hard to implement.
20:32 <ajalkane> it's all kind of magical courtesy of akiva
20:32 <popey> haha
20:32 <popey> it is indeed that!
20:32 <iBelieve> But that scrollable top path thing is quite nice, not sure if an editable text field is better for most users
20:32 <popey> a places menu which has a shortcut for the sdcard would be most welcome too
20:32 <ajalkane> I mean editable only when Go TO selected. Back to scrollable thingy after entering
20:33 <popey> which I realise is hard to debug on a phone without an sd card slot
20:33 <iBelieve> ajalkane: Yes, that would work nicely. With a keyboard shortcut too!
20:34 <ajalkane> Something to notice also, is that there is no "Go To" option in phone mode - it's reachable via Places menu
20:34 <popey> well, for the phone we could keep the scrollable touchable thing
20:34 <popey> but if someone presses CTRL+L we know they've got a keyboard and could switch to a field where they type the path?
20:34 <popey> CTRL+L being the shortcut in nautilus which does the same
20:36 <iBelieve> The text field in the header might be a bit small to type in on the phone.
20:36 <popey> well indeed
20:36 <ajalkane> iBelieve: aye, might be, but since phone doesn't have Go To dialog the problem kind of resolves itself
20:36 <popey> hence not showing it until you press ctrl+l
20:36 <popey> because there is no CTRL on the phone, they can't show it ㋛
20:37 <popey> unless they have a keyboard plugged into an OTG cable, in which case it's fine, because they can type on that
20:37 <ajalkane> Well, theoretically on keyboard infested phone, you could just show the Places Bottom edge thingy to get the writable path
20:38 <iBelieve> Do we have a bottom edge gesture on the phone? I’m only looking at the app on my tablet.
20:38 <ajalkane> yes on phone there is bottom edge gesture
20:38 <iBelieve> Nice!
20:38 <popey> yeah, brings up places
20:38 <ajalkane> you access the stuff that is in tablet in left bar + editable field for entering path (Go To equivalent)
20:39 <popey> bottom edge is disabled on tablet?
20:39 <popey> I haven't tried file manager on my tablet for a while
20:39 <ajalkane> it is, since the same stuff is in left bar with easier access
20:39 <popey> excellent.
20:39 <popey> you guys think of everything
20:39 <popey> :D
20:40 <popey> ajalkane: would you be able to have a go at adding a place for sdcard browsing if it's available?
20:40 <popey> I think we have an sd card icon
20:40 <popey> I can file a bug if we don't already have one.
20:42 <ajalkane> mayhaps, when I get some sdcard reader for pc on my pawns
20:42 <ajalkane> a bug would be good
20:43 <popey> ok, will do.
20:44 <popey> Ok, anything else we need to discuss?
20:44 <ajalkane> Not for me
20:45 <CarlosMazieri> No
20:45 <iBelieve> Nothing for me
20:45 <Letozaf_> no
20:45 <popey> Okay guys and gals, thanks as always.
20:46 <ajalkane> thanks all, laters
20:46 <CarlosMazieri> Thanks
20:46 <iBelieve> Thanks everyone!
20:46 <Letozaf_> Thanks and bye
20:48 <popey> #endmeeting