11:16 <dpm> #startmeeting
11:16 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Aug  7 11:16:11 2014 UTC.  The chair is dpm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
11:16 <meetingology> 
11:16 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
11:16 <dpm> ahayzen, so looking at http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/core-apps-sponsoring/ I see a few blocked branches, what's their status?
11:17 <ahayzen> Listitem actions ... that one is probably gonna be superseded by https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/listitem-actions-take-2/+merge/229536
11:17 <ahayzen> add search support is blocked by a bug in UITK
11:17 <ahayzen> now playing item label is waiting for one of the list item actions to land
11:18 <ahayzen> and the remaining are just under review
11:19 * dpm looks at search bug
11:19 <ahayzen> dpm, this one https://code.launchpad.net/~vthompson/music-app/prevent-incorrect-no-music-screen/+merge/228972
11:19 <ahayzen> should have landed
11:20 <ahayzen> but 'bzrlib.errors.UnknownErrorFromSmartServer: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', 'GhostRevisionsHaveNoRevno', 'Could not determine revno for {victor.thompson@gmail.com-20140805001613-qw0wakbotr1msgct} because its ancestry shows a ghost at {victor.thompson@gmail.com-20140805001613-qw0wakbotr1msgct}')'
11:20 <ahayzen> http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2F91.189.93.70%3A8080%2Fjob%2Fgeneric-land%2F1846%2Fconsole&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFfP4o6C4v1wrzHZE4lH9dZ49nFWA
11:20 <ahayzen> bah damn u google
11:20 <ahayzen>
11:20 <ahayzen> dpm, any ideas what happened to that landing?
11:20 * dpm looks
11:21 <ahayzen> dpm, as one ^^ lands ... i *think* we are back to 'working' after ms2 and UITK updates
11:21 <dpm> awesome
11:22 <dpm> I've just pinged the folks on #ubuntu-ci-eng to see if they can trigger the autolanding job
11:22 <ahayzen> dpm, the only issue we have is if we push to click store... then anyone on the 'old' ms2 (devel ?) .. the music-app won't run
11:22 <ahayzen> dpm, as we use the new onFilled
11:22 <ahayzen> thanks for pinging them
11:23 <dpm> ahayzen, we can wait for the upload until there is a new promoted image, should be no problem
11:23 <ahayzen> dpm, yeah but then the issue is CI won't go green until we push :P
11:23 <ahayzen> dpm, so chicken and egg lol
11:24 <dpm> ah, bummer
11:24 <ahayzen> yeah
11:24 <dpm> I'll talk to balloons to see what we can do there
11:24 <ahayzen> dpm, thanks
11:24 <ahayzen> dpm, unless will dev-3 stop people on devel getting the new click?
11:25 <dpm> I don't know if that is in place, that's a good point, that'd solve the problem
11:25 <ahayzen> ok something to investigate
11:25 <ahayzen> dpm, ok so thats all the mps....
11:25 <ahayzen> dpm, now for my content-hub update :) ...
11:26 <ahayzen> dpm, FYI there is a WIP branch here https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/content-hub-dest-support
11:26 <ahayzen> dpm, there are some changes landing to UDM for u at the moment...
11:26 <ahayzen> ..in silo 5 ...
11:26 <dpm> ack
11:27 <ahayzen> dpm, once they have landed then all that is left is we need a way of reloading/streaming the ms2 models
11:27 <dpm> is this something you can do from within the app, or does it require ms2 changes?
11:27 <ahayzen> dpm, but we just need to check that with the ms2 update that things like .lookup(filepath) ... do not infact now 'work' as expected for us... but otherwise i'll try and send a mail to ms2 guys with the request tonight/tomorrow
11:28 <dpm> ok
11:28 <ahayzen> dpm, this is a change to ms2 ... we discussed it before with them but think we need to poke them again
11:28 <dpm> ok, yeah, feel free to poke again, everyone is busy, but I think that'd be one important feature to have
11:29 <ahayzen> dpm, basically (at least before the recent update)... as soon as the app is started the models as 'frozen' with that data...so any new tracks that are indexed require an app restart
11:29 <dpm> gotcha
11:29 <ahayzen> dpm, yep we have this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/1347444 tracking it...which i'll post an update to tonight detailing what i just said
11:30 <dpm> ok, cool
11:30 <dpm> ah, I see this is being tracked for RTM
11:30 <ahayzen> yep
11:30 <ahayzen> and this bug in UITK affects us .. https://bugs.launchpad.net/dialer-app/+bug/1353491
11:31 <dpm> yeah, so if you could update the bug as you said, that'd be great
11:31 <ahayzen> see https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/1353229
11:31 * dpm looks
11:31 <ahayzen> dpm, but ^^ is in a silo at the moment being resolved so should be ok
11:31 <dpm> ok, excellent. How does it affect the app?
11:32 <ahayzen> dpm, look at the second bug
11:32 <ahayzen> dpm, this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/1353229
11:32 <dpm> ah, yeah, I actually saw that yesterday
11:32 <ahayzen> dpm, basically the now playing screen becomes all squished/stretched lol
11:32 <dpm> I was wondering why
11:32 <ahayzen> dpm, we saw it in jenkins lol
11:33 <dpm> ok -> <psivaa> dpm: i've just triggered the autolanding job manually.. i see it's been done the same was in the past by fginther too..
11:33 <dpm> so the autolanding job for that branch is running, if all goes well it should land in the next few minutes
11:34 <dpm> or "soon" :)
11:34 <ahayzen> dpm, ok thanks... strange how it just died before but then didn't say fail or anything in the mp
11:34 <dpm> yeah, I don't know why, but I've seen this happening sometimes
11:34 <ahayzen> magic
11:35 <dpm> :)
11:35 <ahayzen> dpm, the only other things are things to work on after listitem actions has landed
11:36 <ahayzen> dpm, so i've been attempting to do bottomedge...which has been fun ... and balloons (and us) want to do a refactor of the ap tests
11:36 <ahayzen> dpm, there is a WI here https://trello.com/c/2p7zUffL/278-music-refactor-ap-tests-to-use-python3-correct-objectname-test-var-names
11:37 <ahayzen> oh and we think we can simplify the playlists db even more...
11:37 <dpm> ok, do you think we should push bottom edge + tests refactoring + playlist DB simplification for post-RTM?
11:38 <ahayzen> playlist simplification ... yes think it should be pretty simple ....
11:38 <ahayzen> test refactor ... probably just a lot of work to rewrite everything...but balloons will hopefully help us
11:38 <ahayzen> bottom edge ... maybe it is pretty complex depends if i get stuck
11:39 <dpm> ok
11:39 <ahayzen> but tim approved of my earlier prototype so i must be doing somethign right lol
11:39 <dpm> :-)
11:39 <dpm> ok, great. So you mentioned that the l-i-a-2 branch would probably supersede the original branch?
11:39 <ahayzen> problem with bottom edge is at the moment every page has an instance of the NowPlaying page...so it is really slow and laggy...i've been playing about with having one and reparenting it...but that causes other fun :)
11:40 <ahayzen> dpm, yep if it gets Victor's approval :)
11:40 <ahayzen> dpm, some of the colours/sizes of things need sorting...and nik90 has just suggested a simplification to the way i was doing parts of the ap
11:40 <dpm> ahayzen, so do you think we should remove the first branch from the "Needs Review" list, or does it need Victor to approve the new branch first?
11:41 <ahayzen> dpm, i'll sort it out tonight i'll probably reject and abandon ... but i just want to make sure this v2 has feature parity first
11:42 <dpm> ok, makes sense
11:42 <ahayzen> then the only other stuff is things upstream...
11:42 <ahayzen> so UITK is blocking the searching
11:42 <ahayzen> and media-hub has a lot of bugs related to us which would be nice to get solved
11:43 <ahayzen> i see Jim has been working on a few... i know he had a meeting planning the priority of them recently but i haven't spoken to him to check up on that yet
11:44 <dpm> ok, we'll follow up with jhodapp on that
11:44 <dpm> and I'll follow up as well with the -dev3 upload question
11:45 <dpm> anything else?
11:45 <ahayzen> dpm, oh and looks like that landing failed again
11:45 <dpm> argh
11:45 <ahayzen> dpm,
11:45 <ahayzen> dpm, bzrlib.errors.UnknownErrorFromSmartServer: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', 'GhostRevisionsHaveNoRevno', 'Could not determine revno for {victor.thompson@gmail.com-20140805001613-qw0wakbotr1msgct} because its ancestry shows a ghost at {victor.thompson@gmail.com-20140805001613-qw0wakbotr1msgct}')
11:45 <ahayzen> dpm, yey bzr errors \o/
11:46 <dpm> ahayzen, ok, so let me bring some good news at least :)
11:46 <dpm> <dpm> hi beuno, if the current devel image has a -dev2 framework, and if I upload an app to the store with the -dev3 framework, is it correct to assume that users of that image won't see the new version of the app for upload?
11:46 <dpm> <beuno> dpm, it is
11:46 <ahayzen> dpm, sweet :)
11:46 <ahayzen> dpm, ok so once that ^^ mp lands probably best to push to the store
11:47 <ahayzen> dpm, as then we should be 'working'
11:48 <dpm> awesome
11:48 <ahayzen> dpm, so who do we ask about this bzr error?
11:48 <ahayzen> dpm, as that is now 'blocking' us pushing to the store ;)
11:48 <dpm> I'm asking psivaa on #ubuntu-ci-eng atm
11:48 <ahayzen> cool
11:49 <dpm> feel free to join the channel if you want
11:49 <dpm> or I can just forward any feedback
11:49 <ahayzen> dpm, i'm already in the chann :)
11:49 <dpm> ah, great :)
11:49 <dpm> somehow I seem to remember that error happening somewhere else, but can't recall the reason why or where
11:49 <ahayzen> dpm, one of my many sources of info...and most importantly u know when the new image comes out before anyone else ;)
11:50 <dpm> hehehe
11:51 <dpm> ok, so we can call it a meeting, then :)
11:51 <dpm> as usual, thanks so much for your work and for awesomely staying on top of things
11:52 <dpm> if awesomely is a word
11:52 <ahayzen> dpm, yep think we are done ... i need to go back to work in a bit anyway...so could u follow up that bzr error while i'm away?
11:52 <dpm> sure
11:52 <ahayzen> dpm, np we're getting there
11:52 <dpm> \o/
11:52 <dpm> #endmeeting