16:02 <juliank> #startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team
16:02 <meetingology> Meeting started at 16:02:41 UTC.  The chair is juliank.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
16:02 <meetingology> Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick
16:02 <juliank> #topic Lightning rounds
16:03 <juliank> #link https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/foundations-team-updates-thursday-2025-02-27/56018/
16:04 * schopin thinks we should probably rename that particular topic :)
16:14 <juliank> #topic Release incoming bugs
16:14 <juliank> #link http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/rls-mgr/rls-pp-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs
16:14 <juliank> bug 2099778
16:22 <juliank> doko: gcc-defaults-ports needs a merge ^
16:22 <juliank> bug 2099864
16:22 <juliank> enr0n: ^
16:23 <enr0n> juliank: untag, fix committed
16:25 <juliank> bug 2099827
16:25 <mateus-morais> I have a fix for that one pending review and sponsorship
16:25 <juliank> untagging this then as the work is for sponsoring
16:27 <juliank> #link http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/rls-mgr/rls-nn-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs
16:27 <schopin> FWIW bug 2100266 is for us
16:28 <schopin> It just happens that we're not subscribed to the various rustc-*
16:28 <juliank> Oh we are subscribed to that one
16:28 <juliank> It just happens that the incoming bug list tool seems to not know about it
16:28 <juliank> maybe it failed to refresh its subscriptions
16:30 <juliank> rustc is tagged
16:30 <juliank> bug 2088268
16:30 <schopin> Skia: you know about that infra perhaps? ^
16:30 <juliank> This has an update to add affected packages to an exclusion list
16:31 <juliank> that's for submitters to add bug tasks
16:31 <juliank> bug 2096979
16:31 <enr0n> backing up for a second, can we "won't fix" bug 2088268 for systemd then?
16:32 <juliank> enr0n: I don't know how the systemd-tmpfiles D /tmp or what it is exclusions are managed
16:32 <Skia> schopin: yes, I know about that infra, but it's old and ancient and old and ancient, and I guess investigating that would take quite some time.
16:33 <juliank> enr0n: Can you figure that out and handle the systemd state accordingly?
16:33 <enr0n> juliank: alright I'll try to provide a proof of concept for affected packages to help it along first then
16:33 <juliank> wireless-regdb is straightforward, taking it
16:34 <juliank> (personally :D)
16:34 <juliank> bug 2098093
16:34 <juliank> I'll go ask Slyon about it
16:35 <juliank> jj, ff empty
16:35 <juliank> #topic Team proposed-migration report
16:35 <juliank> #link https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs
16:36 <juliank> libuv1 is with mateus-morais
16:36 <schopin> glibc is mine ;)
16:36 <juliank> libsepol is with waveform
16:36 <juliank> git is with adrianoco
16:36 <juliank> glibc is with schopin
16:37 <juliank> the rest is going to be messy
16:38 <juliank> python-click vs black: xypron
16:38 <juliank> vs celery  mwhudson
16:38 <juliank> vs mailman3 paride
16:38 <juliank> vs python-inline-snapshot vpa1977
16:38 <juliank> vs python-renault-api pushkarnk
16:38 <juliank> vs python-whey chrisccoulson
16:39 <juliank> vs scriv/1.5.1-1: mkukri
16:39 <juliank> vs silkaj/0.11.0-2: andersson123
16:39 <juliank> vs sqlfluff/3.3.1-1 adrien
16:39 <juliank> vs typer/0.15.1-1: Skia
16:39 <Skia> ack
16:40 <adrien> ack
16:40 <juliank> sphinx: mateus-morais (seems there is an MIR in there too for extra fun)
16:40 <juliank> but maybe we can avoid the node-mathjax-full dependency?
16:40 <schopin> doesn't mateus-morais already have libuv1?
16:40 <juliank> schopin: Yes but that is the patch from the bug further above
16:40 <levihackerman> I can take it up, since I haven't done an mir before
16:41 <schopin> mateus-morais: I tried... ;)
16:41 <juliank> Alright
16:41 <mateus-morais> haha I'm out most of next week so, better to hand it over anyway :)
16:41 <juliank> sphinx: levihackerman
16:41 <levihackerman> ack
16:42 <juliank> bpftrace: juliank
16:42 <samirkamerkar> We may want to reassign that as mateus-morais will be out of office half of next week - Monday to Wednesday
16:42 <juliank> build-essential: doko
16:42 <juliank> samirkamerkar: We already did :)
16:42 <schopin> juliank: falling on his sword for the team. Nice.
16:42 <r41k0u> I can take up libuv then
16:43 <schopin> r41k0u: it's in the hands of sponsors now I think ;)
16:43 <juliank> that's all
16:43 <juliank> #topic AOB
16:43 <r41k0u> ahh
16:47 <juliank> #endmeeting