15:27 <cpaelzer> #startmeeting Weekly Main Inclusion Requests status
15:27 <meetingology> Meeting started at 15:27:08 UTC.  The chair is cpaelzer.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
15:27 <meetingology> Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick
15:27 <cpaelzer> Ping for MIR meeting - didrocks joalif slyon sarnold cpaelzer jamespage ( dviererbe )
15:27 <cpaelzer> no shock - we will start on time
15:27 <jamespage> o/
15:27 <cpaelzer> but an early ping can't hurt
15:27 <cpaelzer> individual extra ping - pushkarnk
15:28 <pushkarnk> o/
15:29 <cpaelzer> while we are waiting for the right time and everyone to appear - you pushkarnk might draft an intro. Anything better than "I hate this but matthieu forced me to do it" will do :-)
15:29 <jbicha> o/
15:29 <slyon> o/
15:30 <pushkarnk> Hah, no. I volunteered. Eager to get my hands dirty with all kinds of distro work :) I am from the Foundations team, been here since June 2023.
15:30 <cpaelzer> Welcome
15:30 <slyon> welcome!
15:30 <pushkarnk> thank you :)
15:30 <cpaelzer> and now that it is time let me help so that everyone gets the point
15:31 <cpaelzer> since Server has absorbed slyon he can no more be the foundations representative
15:31 <sarnold> good morning
15:31 <cpaelzer> he will be server's second helping me as needed
15:31 <cpaelzer> and for foundations now pushkarnk will tkae the representative role
15:31 <sarnold> welcome pushkarnk :)
15:31 <pushkarnk> sarnold: thanks :)
15:31 <cpaelzer> slyon: will train him and tell us when he is ready to get https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mir/+members power
15:32 <cpaelzer> right now your first task pushkarnk is to file a PR that adds your nick to the people to ping at https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-mir?tab=readme-ov-file#mir-team-weekly-status-meeting
15:32 <cpaelzer> thereby - welcome^2 pushkarnk
15:32 <pushkarnk> cpaelzer: ack
15:32 <cpaelzer> let us get going with the content then
15:32 <joalif> o/
15:32 <cpaelzer> in theory post FF nothing should happen in practice ...
15:32 <cpaelzer> #topic current component mismatches
15:32 <cpaelzer> Mission: Identify required actions and spread the load among the teams
15:32 <cpaelzer> #link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed.svg
15:32 <cpaelzer> #link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.svg
15:33 * sarnold falls over
15:33 <cpaelzer> renan and john still work on making ruby ready - we'Ve discussed it last week
15:33 <jbicha> fonts-inter is still on my plate
15:33 <cpaelzer> I'll handle it once really ready
15:33 <cpaelzer> thanks for asnwering that before I ask jbicha
15:33 <cpaelzer> where does xterm come from?
15:34 <cpaelzer> desktop-minimal -> xdg-terminal-exec -> xterm
15:34 <jbicha> xterm has been an annoyance for years. I'm not sure if it will actually be seeded when we promote xdg-terminal-exec
15:34 <jbicha> it's an alternate dependency
15:34 <cpaelzer> Depends: gnome-terminal | ptyxis | x-terminal-emulator | xterm
15:34 <sarnold> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/777835667/xdg-terminal-exec_0.12.1-1_0.12.1-2.diff.gz
15:35 <slyon> I remember xterm as false-positive: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1980663
15:35 <slyon> (see comment #2)
15:35 <cpaelzer> yep, if that is the true state add it there as a task please
15:35 <cpaelzer> again ...
15:36 <cpaelzer> wow and then in proposed there is ... more
15:36 <slyon> the case was a bit different. Interestingly here, gnome-terminal is listed as first alternative, still it pops up in component-mismatches?
15:36 <cpaelzer> some change in sphinx tries to bring in node-*, which isn't really wanted
15:36 <cpaelzer> yeah I wondered as well slyon
15:37 <cpaelzer> we have some red boxes, that are mostly in security review
15:37 <cpaelzer> fine
15:37 <cpaelzer> ruby- is the same as mentioned before
15:37 <cpaelzer> the rest has tracker bugs filed
15:37 <cpaelzer> except this sphinx thing
15:37 <jbicha> sphinx-doc depends on node-mathjax-full. Foundations could consider demoting sphinx-doc to universe to fix that mismatch
15:38 <cpaelzer> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sphinx/8.1.3-5
15:38 <cpaelzer> yes, something like that seems right jbicha
15:38 <slyon> I can probably investigate the sphinx case with pushkarnk. It probably needs an Extra-Exclude for sphinx-doc
15:38 <cpaelzer> something for pushkarnk to carry to the team
15:38 <pushkarnk> cpaelzer: slyon: jbicha: sure
15:38 <cpaelzer> but I feel we excluded sphinx-doc like 7 times alreay
15:38 <cpaelzer> why does it come back??
15:39 <cpaelzer> OK, AFAICS we will see the rest in new and incomplete queue
15:39 <cpaelzer> except
15:39 <cpaelzer> let me ask about this one
15:39 <cpaelzer> jbicha: lp-solve?
15:40 <jbicha> lp-solve was in main for oracular, we'd like it back
15:40 <cpaelzer> seems to be related to libreoffic
15:40 <cpaelzer> interesting
15:40 <cpaelzer> there was a similar case which I asked seb about
15:40 <cpaelzer> and we said we can just keep it in, as it would come back
15:40 <jbicha> yes it's related: https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu/commit/?id=5fd5bcba1b
15:40 <cpaelzer> which probably is this upload
15:41 <jbicha> it was suitesparse that we noticed but lp-solve was the cause
15:41 <cpaelzer> yep, that was the other case i asked seb
15:41 <cpaelzer> can suitesparse go to universe now?
15:42 <jbicha> no, we want to keep lp-solve & its dependency suitesparse in main since they were demoted or mismatched only because of a temporary packaging change
15:42 <cpaelzer> If you could leave an explanatory comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/backport-util-concurrent/+bug/305790 please pointing to the commit you shared above
15:42 <cpaelzer> then I can handle the promotion of it
15:42 <cpaelzer> re-promotion
15:42 <cpaelzer> this is a case of the "in theory you could ask for re-review with todays rules"
15:43 <cpaelzer> but you do not have to as this one at least has a bug already, even an old one
15:43 <cpaelzer> ok, going on ...
15:43 <jbicha> I'm already doing that for tinysparql (formerly tracker) & tracker-miners (renaming to localsearch), lol
15:43 <cpaelzer> hehe
15:43 <cpaelzer> thanks, I'll pick up what you leave there for me
15:43 <cpaelzer> #topic New MIRs
15:43 <cpaelzer> Mission: ensure to assign all incoming reviews for fast processing
15:43 <cpaelzer> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?field.searchtext=&orderby=-date_last_updated&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&assignee_option=none&field.assignee=&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir
15:44 <cpaelzer> ok, that is a lot
15:44 <slyon> phew, quite a few
15:44 <cpaelzer> but many are the ruby case we knew will be coming and is quick
15:44 <jamespage> the sass ones are refreshes after the initial MIR reviews
15:44 <cpaelzer> thanks
15:44 <cpaelzer> joalif: could you check if they are OK and/or if they need security now?
15:45 <cpaelzer> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsass/+bug/2095582
15:45 <jamespage> and python-observabilityclient is ready for promotion I think
15:45 <cpaelzer> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsass-python/+bug/2095581
15:45 <joalif> libsass need sec review
15:45 <joalif> libsass-python does not need sec review
15:46 <jamespage> it does - also one of the TODO's needs discussion - built time test is not tractable however autopkgtests in libsass-python give us some reverse-depends coverage for testing
15:46 <cpaelzer> that is fine then jamespage
15:46 <cpaelzer> autopkgtest > build-test (if not superficial)
15:46 <cpaelzer> I've tagged and assigned th ebugs accordingly
15:46 <jamespage> libsass buildtime tests to be specific
15:46 <jamespage> ta
15:47 <cpaelzer> fixing the new xterm task
15:47 <cpaelzer> done
15:47 <cpaelzer> I mentioned I'll do the ruby wave once renan tells me it is all ready
15:48 <cpaelzer> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nlohmann-json3/+bug/2093868 waits for re-review by didrocks
15:48 <cpaelzer> assigning
15:48 <cpaelzer> jbicha:  you mentioned https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tinysparql/+bug/2099086 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tracker-miners/+bug/2099160 right?
15:48 <sarnold> if any of these ruby things will require security tracking, the use of a single bug for them all will complicate our lp-to-jira tool
15:48 <jbicha> re-reviews. Can tinysparql be promoted to main while that is processed?
15:49 <cpaelzer> yeah, re-reviews are not meant to be blocking
15:49 <cpaelzer> sarnold: as far as I know - so far all of them will not need it (so far all broken out same code as before)
15:49 <sarnold> oh hah, the ruby bug is from 2016
15:50 <cpaelzer> reusing an old one
15:50 <cpaelzer> or that is what the tool finds
15:50 <cpaelzer> allow him to get pro 35 out and he'll be on it :-)
15:50 <cpaelzer> jbicha: since deeper re-review is optional - do you want us to do so?
15:51 <jbicha> cpaelzer: are you saying it's not mandatory to do a rereview for a rename?
15:51 <cpaelzer> correct
15:51 <cpaelzer> a bit of paperwork, but not the full gauntlet
15:51 <jbicha> I'll have to get back with you on that then
15:51 <cpaelzer> the re-review  comes in by this putting it on our radar - and often things have been accepted ages ago - without much bar to pass
15:52 <cpaelzer> showing up in rename allows to re-review them, but we didn't want to be a party crasher delaying everyone just becuase things got renamed
15:52 <jbicha> maybe I misunderstood the intent of https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-mir?tab=readme-ov-file#renamed-or-reorganized-sources
15:53 <cpaelzer> trying to clarify: we will do the review, but not block/delay you on it
15:53 <jbicha> ok
15:53 <cpaelzer> it can be promoted as-is based on what it used to be
15:54 <jbicha> yes, I expected that part
15:54 <cpaelzer> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-observabilityclient/+bug/2095359 seems ready for promotion
15:54 <cpaelzer> I'll do that
15:54 <cpaelzer> OK, AFAICS that leaves three for review assignment today
15:54 <cpaelzer> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nghttp3/+bug/2098797
15:54 <cpaelzer> but
15:54 <cpaelzer> this has Julian saying we should not yet do so
15:55 <cpaelzer> pushkarnk: wold yo mind carrying that to the foundations team to give us a clear go-or-stop call?
15:55 <pushkarnk> cpaelzer: sure
15:55 <cpaelzer> and then we have the low-prio but good to be done re-reviews
15:55 <jbicha> (yeah nghttp3 doesn't have a team owner yet)
15:55 <cpaelzer> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tinysparql/+bug/2099086
15:55 <cpaelzer> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tracker-miners/+bug/2099160
15:56 <cpaelzer> I have picked up too many AA follow ups already - anyone else ok to review one of these?
15:56 <slyon> I can take one
15:56 <cpaelzer> I'll promote them tomorrow based on the ruling and discussion we had
15:56 <joalif> I can take one as well
15:56 <slyon> let me take localsearch
15:56 <cpaelzer> thanks slyon tiny, joalif local
15:56 <joalif> ack
15:56 <cpaelzer> arr
15:56 <cpaelzer> ok, fine
15:56 <slyon> that's fine, too
15:56 <cpaelzer> just make sure the assignments are right ._)
15:57 <cpaelzer> #topic Incomplete bugs / questions
15:57 <cpaelzer> Mission: Identify required actions and spread the load among the teams
15:57 <cpaelzer> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?field.searchtext=&orderby=-date_last_updated&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir
15:57 <cpaelzer> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/raspi-utils/+bug/2094805
15:58 <cpaelzer> perfect case for slyon and pushkarnk to look if it is ready now
15:58 <pushkarnk> ok
15:58 <cpaelzer> and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rust-gst-plugin-gtk4/+bug/2097804 went back to jbicha
15:58 <cpaelzer> fine for now
15:58 <cpaelzer> le tme skip docs today, time flies
15:59 <cpaelzer> sarnold:  your turn
15:59 <cpaelzer> #topic MIR related Security Review Queue
15:59 <cpaelzer> Mission: Check on progress, do deadlines seem doable?
15:59 <cpaelzer> Some clients can only work with one, some with the other escaping - the URLs point to the same place.
15:59 <cpaelzer> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/+bugs?field.searchtext=%5BMIR%5D&assignee_option=choose&field.assignee=ubuntu-security&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir
15:59 <cpaelzer> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/+bugs?field.searchtext=[MIR]&assignee_option=choose&field.assignee=ubuntu-security&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir
15:59 <cpaelzer> Internal link
15:59 <cpaelzer> - ensure your teams items are prioritized among each other as you'd expect
15:59 <cpaelzer> - ensure community requests do not get stomped by teams calling for favors too much
15:59 <cpaelzer> #link https://warthogs.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/SEC/boards/594
15:59 <cpaelzer> we've just had one to enter the queue
15:59 <slyon> cpaelzer: yeah, actually I think raspi-utils is ready to be promoted
15:59 <cpaelzer> how does leaving the queue gp these days
15:59 <sarnold> fede has told me he's got papers very close to done, he's got a few outstanding questions for me. probably we'll have that finished by my eod.
15:59 <cpaelzer> slyon: confirm it on the bug and ensure with I guess Dave that it is in component mismatches
16:00 <cpaelzer> then I can promote it
16:00 <cpaelzer> wow, papers already is nice
16:00 <sarnold> iirc glycin was a low-ish priority, so noam has almost certainly not made much progress on that yet
16:00 <cpaelzer> what about that jpeg-xl thing
16:00 <cpaelzer> I thought that plus ?highway? was for a new image format to be supported by default
16:00 <sarnold> sudhackar wanted to see how https://github.com/libjxl/libjxl/pull/4111 was going ..
16:01 <slyon> cpaelzer: I just did so. And it's already in c-m
16:01 <sarnold> which has had a frustrating lack of engagement :(
16:01 <cpaelzer> perfect slyon
16:01 <cpaelzer> too bad sarnold
16:02 <cpaelzer> jbicha: is there any community pushing power you can use on this?
16:02 <cpaelzer> or just tell us if that still is 25.04 material or delayed anyway?
16:02 <jbicha> I haven't worked with jpeg-xl upstream yet :/
16:02 <jbicha> It's not *required* for 25.04, just a nice feature to have
16:02 <cpaelzer> hmm, ask in the team please if anyone can help this
16:02 <cpaelzer> ok thanks
16:03 <sarnold> thanks jbicha, cpaelzer
16:03 <cpaelzer> sarnold: maybe leave a trace that you wait on this PR on the LP bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jpeg-xl/+bug/2070882 ?
16:03 <cpaelzer> just for transparency on the delay
16:03 <sarnold> I think that's about it from our side
16:04 <cpaelzer> done that update
16:04 <cpaelzer> #topic Any other business?
16:04 <sarnold> cpaelzer: good idea
16:04 <cpaelzer> nothing else from me - the above was already a lot :-)
16:04 <sarnold> nothing here
16:04 <jbicha> could someone review xdg-terminal-exec for promotion?
16:05 <cpaelzer> how have we missed that ...
16:05 <slyon> jbicha: IIRC that's ready.
16:05 <cpaelzer> it was in mismatches
16:05 <cpaelzer> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xdg-terminal-exec/+bug/2069308
16:05 <slyon> it's now in mismatches
16:05 <cpaelzer> I see, the state
16:05 <cpaelzer> so that is ok to be promoted right?
16:05 <cpaelzer> does anyone read it differently?
16:06 <sarnold> yeah I think this is ready for promotion
16:07 <slyon> +1
16:07 <cpaelzer> ok, I'll add it to my lsit
16:07 <cpaelzer> "list" even
16:07 <jbicha> nothing else from me, thanks all
16:07 <jbicha> oh actually
16:07 <jbicha> also libimobiledevice-glue
16:08 <cpaelzer> that was still worked on AFAIR the color in mismatches
16:08 <cpaelzer> https://launchpad.net/bugs/2074086
16:08 <cpaelzer> ha
16:08 <cpaelzer> you are right
16:08 <cpaelzer> thanks jbicha
16:08 <sarnold> oh bother I forgot to ask around just how we need to handle new embedded crypto stuff
16:08 <slyon> it says "Ready to promote once showing up in component mismatches."
16:09 <slyon> so libimobiledevice-glue seems to be ready, too
16:09 <cpaelzer> yep, and there it now is
16:09 <cpaelzer> 8 promotions for me tomorrow
16:09 <sarnold> wow ;)
16:09 <cpaelzer> quite a start for the day, lots of "be double sure" ...
16:09 <cpaelzer> but it should clear the view quite a bit
16:10 <cpaelzer> thank you jbicha for making us aware of not relaizing these are now where they should be
16:10 <cpaelzer> reminder for myself: approved but not in mismatches" appears as red seems wrong
16:10 <cpaelzer> one day ...
16:10 <cpaelzer> any other AOB?
16:11 <cpaelzer> rolling a dice for you ...
16:11 <cpaelzer> 63
16:11 <cpaelzer> 76
16:11 <cpaelzer> 67
16:11 <cpaelzer> #endmeeting