16:02 <juliank> #startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team
16:02 <meetingology> Meeting started at 16:02:02 UTC.  The chair is juliank.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
16:02 <meetingology> Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick
16:02 <juliank> #topic Lightning rounds
16:02 <dviererbe> o/
16:02 <Skia> o7
16:02 <juliank> #link https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/foundations-team-updates-thursday-2025-02-20/55546
16:02 <mkukri> o/
16:02 <adrien> o/
16:03 <dviererbe> #2098797
16:03 <dviererbe> LP: #2098750
16:04 <dviererbe> LP: #2098797
16:04 <dviererbe> these should be rls-pp-incoming
16:04 <juliank> They are but they are not owned by foundations but by nobody
16:05 <dviererbe> Oh, well the MIR team asked me to raise this within foundations
16:11 <enr0n> dviererbe: what's the request? Whether we will be the owning team? Or actually driving the MIR(s)?
16:12 <dviererbe> LP: #2098797 is about if we want to have nghttp3 for curl than we should do this before beta freze
16:13 <dviererbe> LP: #2098750 is about re-review. The mir team wants to do re-reviews for packages that do not have an mir bug or an very old one. That is less time sensitive
16:14 <juliank> OK so
16:14 <juliank> #topic Release incoming bugs
16:14 <dviererbe> I can take the re-review
16:14 <enr0n> My guess is that security review for nghttp3 would be bottleneck, no?
16:14 <juliank> Regarding nghttp3, this is no longer needed?
16:14 <dviererbe> enr0n: yes
16:14 <dviererbe> juliank: that would also be fine with me and the MIR team
16:15 <enr0n> juliank: why exactly?
16:15 <juliank> curl does not depend on nghttp3, so this is not needed.
16:16 <juliank> So I am tagging it rls-pp-wontfix
16:16 <enr0n> isn't the whole point of the bug that Ubuntu has a delta to make that so?
16:17 <adrien> btw, re http3, I need to go through https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2025/02/16/openssl-does-a-quic-api/ and links
16:18 <juliank> GnuTLS is not an option for the curl binary
16:18 <juliank> (IMO)
16:18 <juliank> (too many stuff breaks with GnuTLS)
16:18 <dviererbe> so, won't fix for pp and taking this for qq
16:18 <enr0n> +1
16:19 <juliank> Not yet
16:19 <juliank> Debian does it because they use the gnutls backend for the curl binary, which is a bad idea
16:19 <juliank> But we don't yet know if we need it for the OpenSSL one
16:19 <juliank> ?
16:19 <juliank> So we need to wait until the OpenSSL version has HTTP/3 support
16:20 <enr0n> ahh
16:21 <dviererbe> then just let it as incomplete until we know and leave a comment that we may take this for qq
16:21 <adrien> ath's openssl 3.5
16:21 <adrien> that's*
16:21 <adrien> in two months
16:22 <juliank> #topic Team proposed-migration report
16:22 <juliank> #link https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs
16:22 <juliank> recap:
16:22 <juliank> * vim is with mwhudson
16:22 <juliank> * libuv1 is with mateus-morais
16:22 <juliank> * libsepol is with waveform
16:22 <juliank> * media-types is with andersson123
16:22 <juliank> new:
16:22 <juliank> * git: xypron
16:22 <juliank> * dpkg: bdrung (double check the elf metadata stuff is correct oooh)
16:22 <juliank> * openssl: adrien
16:22 <juliank> * pyasn1: dviererbe
16:22 <juliank> * libsemanage: schopin, could you please simply remove from proposed, needs libselinux 3.8 which has not been merged?
16:22 <juliank> - pcre2: tobhe
16:22 <xypron> ok
16:22 <juliank> - usbmuxd: rkratky
16:22 <juliank> - glibc: schopin (duh)
16:22 <bdrung> ack
16:23 <juliank> Ah yes I already asked for libsemanage removal in ubuntur-release, schopin
16:23 <adrien> openssl is waiting to migrate already
16:23 <juliank> Nothing to do then I suppose
16:23 <juliank> #topic AOB
16:26 <juliank> #endmeeting