16:01 <juliank> #startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team 16:01 <meetingology> Meeting started at 16:01:46 UTC. The chair is juliank. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology 16:01 <meetingology> Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick 16:01 <juliank> #topic Lightning rounds 16:02 <juliank> #link https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/foundations-team-updates-thursday-2025-02-13/55114 16:02 <Skia> o7 16:02 <juliank> Due to the roadmap sprint going on in parallel I'll go skip discussion period for status, moving it to #AOB, such that we can assign excuses now 16:03 <juliank> #topic Release incoming bugs 16:03 <juliank> > Nothing new here 16:03 <juliank> #topic Team proposed-migration report 16:03 <juliank> #link https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs 16:03 <juliank> we are skipping numpy and llvm-toolchain 16:03 <juliank> tzdata: bdrung 16:04 <juliank> libuv1: mateus-morais 16:04 <mateus-morais> juliank ack 16:04 <juliank> libsepol: waveform 16:04 <bdrung> ack 16:04 <waveform> ack 16:04 <juliank> media-types: andersson123 16:05 <andersson123> ack 16:05 <juliank> libtasn1-6 : Skia 16:05 <juliank> #topic AOB 16:05 <Skia> ack 16:05 <Skia> That's some speedrunning! 16:06 <bdrung> and i forgot to paste my status report 16:07 <r41k0u> o/ 16:07 <schopin> o/ 16:07 <schopin> Oh, AOB already? 16:07 <schopin> Dayum! 16:07 <Skia> 🤣 16:08 <dviererbe> o/ 16:08 <schopin> I knew I was late, but not *that* late. 16:08 <dviererbe> :D 16:08 <adrien> Pretty good speedrunning score indeed! 16:08 <juliank> I moved the discussion period into AOB to save time 16:09 <schopin> Still, the triaging + proposed migration was impressively short. 16:10 <juliank> Alright I think we're done here? 16:10 <juliank> #endmeeting