20:17 #startmeeting Hello and welcome to the Ubuntu Membership Review Board meeting for 6 February 2025 The wiki page for the Review Boards is available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/Boards 20:17 Meeting started at 20:17:30 UTC. The chair is Wild_Man. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology 20:17 Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick 20:18 You have signed the Code of Conduct. Do you affirm that you have read and understood the whole document, and do you agree to be bound by the terms for the duration of your membership should it be granted? 20:18 Yes! 20:20 We will attempt to get through all the applicants that have added themselves to that list, or posted a thread to the Ubuntu Discourse, before today's meeting. If we are unable to make it through the complete list due to time constraints, then at the next meeting we will pick up where we left off. 20:20 The format for the meeting is as follows: We will go through the list of applicants one by one, by date of application (FIFO). 20:20 Each applicant should introduce themselves (1-5 sentences) and 20:20 provide links to their Ubuntu Wiki page or Ubuntu Discourse thread. After the introduction, the members of the Membership Review Board will review the pages and, if needed, ask the applicant further questions. 20:22 cnihelton, please tell us about yourself and provide links to your wiki and launchpad page 20:22 Hi all! My name is Carlos Nihelton. User of Linux distros since 2009, my first experience was with Ubuntu. While I was looking to fix the computer I had recently received as a donation back then, I heard that Linux would be the perfect choice, but it was too complicated and required hacker-like skills. I accepted the challenge, but was surprised with how easy was to get Ubuntu just working on that PC. I currently work at 20:22 Canonical shaping the experience of Ubuntu users on the WSL platform. Here's my application link on Discourse: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/carlos-nihelton-membership-application/54197 20:23 My Launchpad profile: https://launchpad.net/~cnihelton 20:23 During this time, it is encouraged for other members of the community to show their support for the applicant. Do not be alarmed if the members of the Membership Review Board are quiet during this time; they are reading wiki/launchpad/forum/other pages and deciding how they are going to vote. 20:25 cnihelton It was great to see your contributions in WSL. You've really done a great job with shaping up the "Ubuntu" experience in WSL. 20:25 Thank you soumyadghosh! 20:25 Also, that you've worked on docs. That is something I very very appreciate. 20:26 cnihelton: Where do you see the WSL on Ubuntu story going in the next five years, and why is it important? (One and only question, I don't have voting power here :) ) 20:27 cnihelton: You do have great endorsements for your application, In these they allude to other contributions outside of WSL. Can you expand on these other activities ? 20:29 tsimonq2: I totally see WSL adoption growing inside corporate environments where it's currently not welcome (and to some extent Linux desktops either). I believe making Ubuntu friendly to those use cases will allow us to grow our user base and reach people that wouldn't otherwise take the time to learn about Linux and Ubuntu. A direct result of this is more people interested in our success and more funding for the project. 20:29 Bashing-om 20:31 cnihelton: Thank you :) and best of luck! 20:31 cnihelton How long have you been a Canonical employee? 20:33 cnihelton, do you have plans to be more active in the community outside of Canonical? 20:33 Bashing-om: I contributed to subiquity, the server and desktop installer backend, to enable Active Directory enrollment. I did some minor contributions to the Ubuntu Desktop Installer in the past. Few bug reports about cloud-init and nvidia drivers on the desktop. Recently I dusted off a nice project written with Flutter named workshops, that allows easy creating and interacting with LXD containers. 20:33 soumyadghosh: 3 years and 4 months working at Canonical on WSL. 20:34 Carlos, I really appreciate your work to grow the community within the enterprise and WSL space. In your application, you mentioned a desire to spread the word of Ubuntu. Can you tell me about any specific undeserved or potentially untapped communities that you had in mind? 20:34 cnihelton: :D Well and good. 20:35 Wild_Man: Yeah, my long term vision is to become an Ubuntu Core Dev, which requires working on other areas of Ubuntu my current role in WSL doesn't require. 20:35 cnihelton, Thank you 20:35 Same question as Wild_Man 20:35 As you said, you work in Canonical. So, how much of your work will be company work and not community work. As in, if someday you leave Canonical, will you still continue contributing to Ubuntu? 20:38 aaronprisk: While I don't leave nearby communities with those characteristics my roots are in a poor region of my country which I still travel to once a year. I tried with little success taking some of that time to talk about Ubuntu and Open Source Software in general. One example is the university I mentinoned in one post on Discourse (though Uni doesn't represent unpriviledged regions). I currently don't have bandwidth to 20:38 become an embassor of any sort though. 20:39 Thank you, cnihelton! 20:40 soumyadghosh: It took me three years working at Canonical to feel confident about this question of whether I'll stay engaged in Ubuntu after/if I leave Canonical. Life goes on and can be unpredictable, but the best I my knowledge at this moment let's me respond confidently that Ubuntu is the most impactful Open Source Software project I can think of that can be a good force in the world and I see contributing to it a way to 20:41 give back to this world for the amazing stuff I already got in my life. So yeah, that's my plan. 20:42 Awesome cnihelton 20:42 well said. 20:43 Thank you cnihelton I am very happy that you feel about Ubuntu that way! That's really awesome! 20:43 Any more questions? 20:44 no more questions from me. 20:44 Okay, nothing more from me 20:44 Nothing more from me 20:45 When the board is ready to vote, they will publicly vote in the channel with either +1, 0, or -1 (for membership, abstain, and against membership, respectively). If most of the voting board members vote +1, then the applicant is now an official Ubuntu member! (Feel free congratulate them!) 20:46 #topic cnihelton 20:46 topic cnihelton 20:48 #voters Wild_Man Bashing-om soumyadghosh aaronprisk 20:48 Current voters: Bashing-om, Wild_Man, aaronprisk, soumyadghosh 20:48 #vote on cnihelton membership application 20:48 Please vote on: on cnihelton membership application 20:48 Public votes can be registered by saying +1, -1 or +0 in channel (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1|-1|+0 #channelname') 20:48 +1 20:48 +1 received from soumyadghosh 20:48 +1 20:48 +1 received from Wild_Man 20:48 +1 20:48 +1 received from aaronprisk 20:48 #endvote 20:48 Voting ended on: on cnihelton membership application 20:48 Votes for: 3, Votes against: 0, Abstentions: 0 20:49 Motion carried 20:49 +1 Considering your endorsements 20:49 #topic Congratulations to all the new members. Don't forget to check the perks at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership#The_Perks and once you've been added to the members group remember to apply for your certificate at https://forms.canonical.com/certificate/ 20:50 Your @ubuntu.com email address will go live within 48 hours. Do NOT set it as your primary launchpad.net email address because that will cause emails to loop forever and you'll never receive them! 20:50 Congratuations, cnihelton! 🎉🎉🎉 If you need any help learning the ropes WRT Ubuntu Development, feel free to reach out or consult this ;) https://ubuntu.com/community/contribute/ubuntu-development 20:50 Wow! Thank you folks! 20:51 Congratulations cnihelton 20:51 Congrats cnihelton!! 20:51 Am I allowed to ask questions? 20:52 Yes, please 20:52 cnihelton: My contgraulations also - Show your colors :P 20:52 Is the email in the certificate application form meant to be related to my @ubuntu.com alias? 20:53 I am not sure what you are asking cnihelton 20:53 No, not necessarily. But, I doubt that service of certificates still works though. Because I haven't got mine, even trying twice. aaronprisk Any idea? 20:54 Wild_Man He is talking about the certificate application. You can get a physical certificate for your Ubuntu Membership. 20:54 There's probably an email address attached to the request itself when filling out the form. If you'd like to use your @ubuntu.com alias for that (waiting for it to be activated), you can. Otherwise a normal email should be fine. 20:54 I still have mine I saw ina couple of days ago, it is on the best card stock I have ever seen 20:55 We're looking into the certs right now. It may be a perk we need to re-evaluate. Also, keep in mind your ubuntu.com alias is going to be getting a whole lot better in the coming months. :) 20:56 #endmeeting