#ubuntu-meeting: Hello and welcome to the Ubuntu Membership Review Board meeting for 6 February 2025 The wiki page for the Review Boards is available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/Boards

Meeting started by Wild_Man at 20:17:30 UTC (full logs)

Meeting summary

  1. cnihelton (Wild_Man, 20:46)
    1. VOTE: on cnihelton membership application (Carried) (Wild_Man, 20:48)

  2. Congratulations to all the new members. Don't forget to check the perks at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership#The_Perks and once you've been added to the members group remember to apply for your certificate at https://forms.canonical.com/certificate/ (Wild_Man, 20:49)

Meeting ended at 20:56:03 UTC (full logs)

People present (lines said)

  1. Wild_Man (25)
  2. cnihelton (17)
  3. meetingology (11)
  4. soumyadghosh (11)
  5. Bashing-om (6)
  6. aaronprisk (6)
  7. tsimonq2 (4)

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