16:01 <juliank> #startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team
16:01 <meetingology> Meeting started at 16:01:03 UTC.  The chair is juliank.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
16:01 <meetingology> Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick
16:01 <juliank> #topic Lightning rounds
16:01 <ginggs> o/
16:01 <juliank> #link https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/foundations-team-updates-thursday-2025-01-30/54248
16:01 <levihackerman> o/
16:01 <mateus-morais> o/
16:02 <Skia> o7
16:03 <mkukri> o/
16:03 <adrien> \o
16:03 <xypron> o/
16:12 <juliank> #topic Release incoming bugs
16:12 <juliank> We have 2 bugs for pp and 3 for nn
16:12 <juliank> #link http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/rls-mgr/rls-pp-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs
16:12 <juliank> bug 2093081 - enr0n ?
16:12 <juliank> still more time? :D
16:12 <enr0n> ugh this keeps falling off my radar
16:13 <enr0n> one sec
16:13 <juliank> enr0n: create yourself a spike for next pulse, perhaps?
16:13 <enr0n> yeah
16:14 <enr0n> doing that now, we can move on
16:14 <juliank> bug 1886211
16:14 <juliank> mkukri: could just drop the auto completion entirely shrug
16:14 <juliank> maybe dkiper wants to fix it :D
16:15 <mkukri> yeah it does not sound like something we care about
16:15 <mkukri> also no one actually uses grub-reboot
16:15 <schopin> that you know of :)
16:16 <mkukri> i mean we should just remove the incorrect automcomplete and make dkiper fix it
16:16 <juliank> I'm fine just tagging it rls-pp-wontfix
16:16 <mkukri> aka it wont happen in the next 3 years
16:16 <juliank> We don't need to allocate time for it particularly
16:16 <juliank> "Patches welcome"
16:18 <juliank> alright
16:18 <juliank> #link http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/rls-mgr/rls-nn-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs
16:18 <juliank> bug 1888347
16:18 <juliank> still waiting for details
16:18 <juliank> bug 2088268
16:18 <juliank> Up to security whether they follow the argument or not
16:19 <juliank> bug 2041518 was with desktop, I remember now
16:19 <schopin> juliank: not anymore
16:19 <schopin> I've figured out a workaround
16:20 <juliank> schopin: hmm? There's two bugs, one for "apport starts after display is shutdown" and the  other for display dies while gtk applications print dialog
16:20 <juliank> I thought we kept that one for the generic kind
16:20 <schopin> oh, right.
16:21 <juliank> I left a comment with details :D
16:21 <juliank> #link https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs
16:21 <juliank> #topic Team proposed-migration report
16:22 <juliank> Wrong order :/
16:22 <juliank> Let's see
16:22 <juliank> 9 packages needing attention, 15 packages not yet considered late
16:22 <juliank> We're going to ignore numpy because it's weird dependency issues everywhere
16:23 <juliank> (all it's rdeps need rebuilding against the new abi)
16:23 <jbicha> Desktop is handling libpng1.6/gtk4
16:23 <ginggs> i'm doing the no-change rebuillds for numpy
16:23 <juliank> Who takes over rustc/libgit2 stuff
16:24 <juliank> I see schopin is looking at libgit2
16:24 <schopin> yeah, I'm a bit unhappy about that one, how come we started a transition ahead of Debian on it?
16:25 <jbicha> schopin: I agree
16:25 <juliank> vim vs vim-youcompleteme: mwhudson
16:25 <juliank> pillow vs python-guizero: enr0n
16:25 <enr0n> ack
16:25 <ginggs> i filed a bug for pillow
16:25 <ginggs> just needs an archive adming
16:25 <juliank> OK
16:26 <juliank> then schopin ^
16:26 <juliank> Remove the package
16:26 <ginggs> LP: #2097001
16:26 <schopin> looking.
16:26 <juliank> #topic AOB
16:27 <bdrung> Fosdem will be on the weekend.
16:27 <tobhe> yay
16:27 <tobhe> what about Matrix
16:27 <juliank> This meeting will eventually move to matrix
16:28 <juliank> It would be nice to have the meeting notes in discourse in the status threads
16:28 <schopin> please not before we have publicly available logs on Matrix.
16:29 <dviererbe> don't you get the chat "logs" when joining a channel?
16:29 <juliank> usually
16:29 <mkukri> that has to be enabled idk if the ubuntu channels do that
16:29 <tobhe> you do get logs, but I think the search is not great
16:29 <schopin> If you have to join then it's not public in my book.
16:29 <juliank> but (a) it's not reliable and (b) you can't link to it publicly
16:30 <juliank> So we will wait until matrix council folks tell us we have logs
16:30 <ebarretto> juliank: on bug 2088268 I will follow up with Sud, it might have slipped after the holidays.
16:30 <juliank> Thanks ebarretto
16:31 <juliank> #endmeeting