== Meeting information == * #ubuntu-meeting: Developer Membership Board meeting, started by rbasak, 20 Jan at 19:01 — 19:21 UTC. * Full logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2025/ubuntu-meeting.2025-01-20-19.01.log.html == Meeting summary == === Review of previous action items === Discussion started by rbasak at 19:01. * ''ACTION:'' teward to resolve the wiki / Discourse process ambiguity (rbasak, 19:05) === Ubuntu MOTU Developer Applications === Discussion started by rbasak at 19:05. * '''Ubuntu MOTU Application by Leo Barbosa at DMB meeting 2025-01-20''' (rbasak, 19:05) === Outstanding mailing list requests to assign === Discussion started by rbasak at 19:19. * No recent activity that requires assignment (rbasak, 19:19) === Open TB bugs === Discussion started by rbasak at 19:19. * No open bugs (rbasak, 19:20) === AOB === Discussion started by rbasak at 19:20. == Action items, by person == * teward * teward to resolve the wiki / Discourse process ambiguity == People present (lines said) == * rbasak (39) * leosilva (16) * teward (6) * meetingology (4) == Full log == 19:01 #startmeeting Developer Membership Board 19:01 Meeting started at 19:01:38 UTC. The chair is rbasak. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology 19:01 Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick 19:01 #topic Review of previous action items 19:01 teward follow up to get all application process wiki/docs to explain the process to be able to edit wiki pages, for applicants who don't yet have wiki edit access (carried over) 19:02 o/ late but here had to deal with some #ubuntu-server stuff) 19:02 rbasak: as the wiki starts to be phased out i'm not sure that's still required, we might want to consider moving application(s) to a section in Discourse but that's a larger discussion 19:03 Do you want to keep the action item? 19:03 I guess someone* needs to drive moving the docs out of the wiki then, and adjust the application process to not use the wiki either? 19:03 If nobody volunteers, then we're stuck on the wiki really 19:03 rbasak: i can talk to IS and see if we can get a DMB section for applications to be filed on Discourse, similar to memberhsip applipcations, etc. that exist for membership board, etc. 19:04 teward: maybe Canonical's community team rather than IS? 19:04 I don't think they're responsible for regular board admin 19:04 rbasak: well me as a drive and then poke the CCT 19:04 yeah i'll poke CCT then 19:04 force of habit to irk IS :P 19:05 #action teward to resolve the wiki / Discourse process ambiguity 19:05 * meetingology teward to resolve the wiki / Discourse process ambiguity 19:05 #topic Ubuntu MOTU Developer Applications 19:05 #subtopic Ubuntu MOTU Application by Leo Barbosa at DMB meeting 2025-01-20 19:05 leosilva: welcome! 19:05 rbasak: tks SirĀ¹ 19:06 I was reviewing your application earlier 19:06 Do you have examples of any Ubuntu package merges and SRUs that you've done, please? 19:06 I was unable to spot any 19:07 rbasak: i hadn't done any SRU as mostly of my work is security update. Regarding merges, i did some at the past, like in, if i did touched a main package and so, the community role we have in security requires us to do the merge in this case. but to honest don't recall the package 19:07 there weren't much merge like tihs indeed 19:08 leosilva: any examples of proposed migration that needed your involvement, or +1 maintenance, handling autopkgtest failures, or transitions? 19:09 rbasak: as part of the security updates, we care about autopkt tests, and we care with all cogs are green. I had some FTBFS, and retries to make it pass, as many of them are floky ones, 19:10 about transitions, i had to rebuild no change some dependencies to make packages pass, but not a huge transition in that sense 19:10 but, once again, all this in the security side of that universe 19:10 leosilva: do you have any examples you can show us of those things happening in the release or proposed pockets, please? The security pocket works a little differently in practice there. 19:10 For a MOTU application, I'd expect to see these examples in your application. 19:10 hmm, lemme try to find something 19:12 meh, i'll time consume this meeting if keeping looking, maybe i should be more prepared in that sense. 19:13 I'm sorry I think we have a big mismatch in expectations here. 19:13 no sorries, i do understand things are different between areas 19:14 but, i can assure i do understand autopktest expectations in regarding watch and care to proposed queeue 19:14 My own expectations are documented at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RobieBasak/DMB/CoreDev. In particular see the second last paragraph. For MOTU, just take off seeds and MIRs. 19:14 I'd like to see a documented track record of your experience in these. 19:15 ok, no worries, maybe next time 19:15 And at an application meeting I expect to mostly spend the time probing your understanding of those topics. 19:15 We don't have enough DMB members here today to decide on your application, but I think it's unlikely to succeed as-is. 19:16 ok, thank for you time. 19:16 Also, one endorsement from an existing uploader for MOTU is very think. 19:16 thin 19:16 I suggest you work on getting sponsored uploads in those areas first. 19:17 okdokie. 19:17 I can't make you withdraw your application, but maybe that's the easiest course of action here? 19:17 nah worries, it make sense to me, as i need proofs and so, and i don't have, 19:17 well, didn't get them together properly =] 19:18 OK 19:18 Thank you for all your security uploads though - they all look excellent! The thing about MOTU is that they are expected to have a much wider range of experience than that. 19:19 I hope to see you back soon, once you're ready! 19:19 #topic Outstanding mailing list requests to assign 19:19 o/ 19:19 #info No recent activity that requires assignment 19:19 #info Open TB bugs 19:19 #undo 19:19 Removing item from minutes: INFO 19:19 #topic Open TB bugs 19:20 #info No open bugs 19:20 #topic AOB 19:20 AOB? 19:21 #endmeeting Generated by MeetBot 0.4.0 (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology)