15:00 <juliank> #startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team
15:00 <meetingology> Meeting started at 15:00:03 UTC.  The chair is juliank.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
15:00 <meetingology> Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick
15:00 <juliank> #topic Lightning rounds
15:00 <juliank> #link https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/foundations-team-updates-thursday-2024-06-06/
15:00 <zhsj> o/
15:00 <ginggs> o/
15:00 <Skia> o/
15:00 <bdrung> \o
15:00 <xypron> o/
15:00 <liushuyu> o/
15:01 <adrien> \o
15:01 <slyon> o/
15:01 <ogayot> o/
15:01 <pushkarnk> o/
15:01 <mkukri> o/
15:01 <cpete> o/
15:01 <mclemenceau> o/
15:02 <ravikant_> o/
15:02 <bdmurray> o/
15:02 <mateus-morais> o/
15:03 <vorlon> o\
15:10 <bdrung> reading cpete's status, i got reminded to look at the apport PR again
15:11 <bdmurray> cpete: I might be of some assistance with an SRU test plan for apport.
15:11 <cpete> bdrung: thank you
15:12 <bdrung> we need to sru that and also the fix for bug #2067120
15:12 <bdmurray> waveform_: will there be a snap update of rpi-imager?
15:12 <cpete> bdmurray: that would be great, thanks. I plan to start that next pulse.
15:12 <waveform_> yes, but while the changes are merged upstream they're not released yet (or weren't when I checked a few days ago)
15:12 <bdmurray> bdrung: What about the /usr/lib sandbox change?
15:13 <bdmurray> cpete: I'm out part of next pulse.
15:14 <bdmurray> bdrung: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/2067120/comments/7 for clarity
15:14 <bdrung> bdmurray, i need to incorporate your fix (and hopefully add a test case). i'll have an apport session with schopin tomorrow where we can work on that.
15:14 <cpete> bdmurray: I'll run my ideas past you sooner then
15:16 <bdmurray> Skia: Is there any kind of testing of the base images that can be done in jenkins / the upgrade testing?
15:17 <bdmurray> dbungert: "RESULTS WILL VARY." I like your certainty
15:18 <juliank> Can we continue, we have a couple of bugs?
15:18 <juliank> #topic Release incoming bugs
15:18 <juliank> #link http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-oo-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs
15:18 <juliank> bug 1969394
15:19 <juliank> This is a desktop+design topic I believe
15:19 <juliank> Or wellr seb believes
15:20 <vorlon> agreed
15:20 <Skia> bdmurray: difficult to say. In that case, the image were booting, but the system just was partially broken afterwards. In any case, the tests were red, meaning we had a look at them, and fixed the issue. The answer might just be that I need to level up in debugging those tests :-)
15:21 <juliank> bug 2063467
15:21 <juliank> This is a simple quality of life improvement I believe
15:21 <vorlon> I'm going to argue that's pretty low priority
15:22 <juliank> We could mark just the services that would need restarting that we didn't
15:22 <vorlon> compared to all the other things wrong with needrestart :)
15:22 <vorlon> and thus shouldn't be taken for foundations
15:22 <schopin> +1 on vorlon's remarks :)
15:22 <juliank> Untagging
15:22 <juliank> bug 2067350
15:24 <schopin> doko has been OOO so I think I'll JFDI in glibc in my upcoming merge.
15:24 * bdmurray trembles
15:24 <juliank> I'll assign it to you and tag it todo
15:24 <schopin> bdmurray: don't worry, I'll warm up the queues first with an openssl sponsoring.
15:24 <bdmurray> so winter isn't coming? ;-)
15:24 <juliank> bug 2015538
15:24 <juliank> this one again
15:25 <slyon> hehe, maybe. someday
15:25 <vorlon> not sure why, process-wise, an MIR bug should be in the -incoming queue
15:25 <slyon> It needs somebody doing the (upstream) work
15:26 <schopin> vorlon: there's something that needs implementing in there, I believe.
15:26 <juliank> vorlon: The queue part is removing the dbus-run-session dependency from gdm, basically
15:27 <juliank> There is https://github.com/bus1/dbus-broker/pull/321
15:27 <juliank> Which is written in Rust
15:27 <juliank> So bluca doesn't want it :D
15:28 <juliank> But I guess we can move this to rls-pp-incoming
15:28 <juliank> And hope the solution is ready then
15:29 <juliank> Well no objections, so moving it
15:29 <bdmurray> petable porcupine
15:29 <dbungert> pointed panther
15:30 <vorlon> postulating pika
15:30 <juliank> #link http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-nn-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs
15:30 <juliank> bug 2066995
15:30 <vorlon> please? :)
15:31 <bdrung> assign that one to vorlon? ;)
15:31 <vorlon> D:
15:31 <bdrung> we need to find the root cause.
15:31 <schopin> I'm wondering if that's not a whoopsie problem.
15:32 <juliank> So this only affects vorlon so far and he's the only one who can investigate? :D
15:32 <vorlon> I assume this is only because none of you are having crashes
15:32 <juliank> And why don't we log the errno for "could not be opened"
15:32 <schopin> Well, the looping part is all vorlon, but the failing to deal with Python crashes I also observed.
15:32 <juliank> I don't have apport but systemd-coredump
15:32 <juliank> :D
15:32 <schopin> not a coredump.
15:33 <bdmurray> cupsd and some bluetooth thing crash for me regularly
15:33 <bdrung> juliank, you can have both now: systemd-coredump and apport
15:33 <juliank> I guess that's true
15:33 <vorlon> bdmurray: this is probably python specific
15:33 <juliank> I need to set it up, bdrung
15:33 <bdmurray> vorlon: you didn't say that in your original statement
15:33 <juliank> Ah ok I just had no apport-gtk
15:33 <vorlon> bdmurray: the example crash is a python thingy
15:34 <vorlon> and the only crashes I've had here on noble have been python
15:34 <juliank> Really need to have an "investigate bug" spike
15:34 <vorlon> maybe y'all should just run 'grep-merges' :P
15:34 <vorlon> merges.ubuntu.com will helpfully make this crash
15:35 <vorlon> and then you can see if it's reproducible!
15:35 <juliank> I just crashed apport by inserting a raise ValueError
15:36 <juliank> Well I'll move on
15:37 <juliank> bug 2067622
15:37 <bdmurray> oof
15:37 <juliank> That seems straightforward, no, ubuntu-release-upgrader has a flag to make it protect some packages
15:38 <juliank> Broken cryptsetup-initramfs:amd64 Depends on cryptsetup:amd64 < 2:2.7.0-1ubuntu4 @ii pgP > (>= 2:2.7.0-1ubuntu4)
15:38 <juliank> It doesn't help that we break users by purging all packages during the upgrade
15:39 <juliank> Assigning to Nick, targetting, and tagging
15:39 <juliank> bug 2067916
15:39 <schopin> Ah. Yes.
15:40 <schopin> Just wanted to discuss the severity of this.
15:40 <juliank> If it crashes it should get fixed
15:40 <juliank> :D
15:40 <bdmurray> but how soon?
15:40 <juliank> ASAR
15:40 <schopin> Not actually sure it crashes?
15:40 <juliank> :D
15:41 <juliank> If the data is just garbled but not crashing that may be um not critical
15:41 <schopin> I mean, the crash would be for last(1) and a few other tools.
15:41 <schopin> And only if they're upgrading.
15:42 <juliank> But yeah medium seems fine
15:42 <vorlon> things crashing on malformed utmp would almost certainly be security issues that should have been fixed 20 years ago
15:42 <juliank> I guess they are not setuid binaries that crash
15:43 <juliank> Anyway I'll go tag this and assign it to schopin
15:43 <schopin> ACK
15:43 <schopin> to the backlog it goes :)
15:43 <juliank> OK rls-mm just has the usual 2 desktop bugs masquerading in foundations queue :D
15:44 <juliank> #link http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-jj-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs
15:44 <juliank> bug 530252
15:44 <juliank> This we probably should just untag, it should land via patch pilot
15:45 <juliank> Oh I think they directly installed to a luks partition, rather than use lvm
15:45 <schopin> Oh wow, 6 digits!
15:45 <bdrung> schopin, 5 digits is needed for a "wow"
15:45 <vorlon> definitely shouldn't be accepted via the incoming queue, based solely on the bug number :)(
15:46 <juliank> Ok ff is mpty too
15:46 <juliank> #topic Team proposed-migration report
15:46 <juliank> #link https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs
15:46 <juliank> vorlon:
15:47 <vorlon> fwupd-efi is carry-over, sits with me and juliank
15:47 <bdrung> regarding dracut blocking systemd 256~rc3-5ubuntu1: I need to merge dracut 102 to fix that.
15:48 <vorlon> pyopenssl still stuck - adrien this was assigned to you, and I think you're still working on it wrt python-oauth2client and its revdeps?
15:51 <vorlon> gcc-13 I see as 'candidate' but it hasn't moved. bdrung can you take this? means digging into update_output.txt
15:51 <bdrung> vorlon, i still have dracut vs systemd
15:51 <vorlon> dbungert: ^ can you take this?
15:52 <vorlon> cpete: you still have libsub-override-perl yes? (MIR)
15:52 <adrien> vorlon: yes, still on it; there's a few packages left
15:52 <cpete> vorlon: yes
15:52 <dbungert> ack for dracut vs systemd
15:52 <vorlon> juliank: apt and cron, I guess this is with you
15:52 <vorlon> ?
15:52 <vorlon> dbungert: sorry, I meant can you take gcc-13 - leaving dracut v systemd with bdrung
15:53 <dbungert> ah, sorry
15:53 <dbungert> ack for gcc-13
15:53 <juliank> vorlon: Well yes, that should sort itself out with the next apt upload
15:53 <vorlon> git: danilogondolfo?
15:53 <danilogondolfo> ack
15:53 <adrien> vorlon: cinder, python-googleapi done; pydrive sorted out (removal); beancount, fence-agents, python-certbot-dns-google: need to be worked upon; pydrive2: not obvious how to deal with it (assess whether we can remove stuff from python-oauth2client and vendor?)
15:54 <vorlon> systemd: enr0n uploaded but he's out this week. ginggs?
15:54 <ginggs> ack
15:54 <vorlon> and then that's the list
15:55 <bdrung> we have fakeroot 1.35-1 that FTBFS
15:55 <adrien> well, I have at least one revdep of python-googleapi that will need attention...
15:55 <schopin> all arches or armhf?
15:55 <schopin> oh, all arches. Not t64, good :)
15:55 <bdrung> fakeroot ftbfs on all archs (except riscv64)
15:56 <bdrung> so who want to take it?
15:56 <bdrung> or vorlon to pick a volunteer
15:56 <zhsj> i can take
15:56 <vorlon> zhsj: thanks
15:56 <zhsj> though not expect a easy fix
15:59 <vorlon> juliank:
15:59 <juliank> #topic AOB
16:00 <tsimonq2> I took https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debhelper/13.15.3ubuntu1 and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bash/5.2.21-2.1ubuntu1 and will follow up on p-m - if these uploads break anything please feel free to ping me.
16:01 <juliank> #endmeeting