16:03 <juliank> #startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team 16:03 <meetingology> Meeting started at 16:03:07 UTC. The chair is juliank. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology 16:03 <meetingology> Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick 16:03 <juliank> #topic Lightning rounds 16:03 <juliank> #link https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/foundations-team-updates-thursday-1-february-2024/ 16:03 <zhsj> o/ 16:03 <mkukri> o/ 16:03 <bdmurray> upils: What is this about the ubuntu-image github runners? 16:04 <xypron> \o 16:04 <liushuyu> o/ 16:05 <upils> I added some labels on it to make sure my jobs runs on them and not the shared runners. And I need to find who is managing them to understand how they are setup to compare with shared ones (because spread is missing on the shared ones) 16:05 <Skia> o/ 16:05 * vorlon waves 16:06 <upils> and shared ones are used if the repo ones are already working, so sometimes, the job end up on a shared ones, missing spread 16:06 <upils> But it looks like sergio from the snap team can help, I just need to poke him 16:10 <schopin> bdmurray: are we still good for a glibc upload tomorrow, with all the autopkgtest db woes? 16:11 <bdmurray> schopin: Yes, AIUI britney is checking swift directly for results now while the database is getting the spa treatment. 16:12 <bdmurray> sil2100: correct? 16:12 <vorlon> did that get fixed? 16:12 <sil2100> Yes 16:12 <vorlon> awesome 16:12 <vorlon> \o/ 16:13 <juliank> #topic Release incoming bugs 16:13 <juliank> #link http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-nn-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs 16:13 <juliank> bug 2050884 16:15 <juliank> bdmurray: is this for us or someone else I'm not sure? 16:15 <juliank> who owns the server? 16:15 <bdmurray> That's the desktop team 16:15 <vorlon> Desktop Team I believe 16:15 <juliank> we seerm to own the client though 16:16 <juliank> no 16:16 <juliank> oh 16:16 <juliank> Sorry I am in the wrong list 16:16 <juliank> bug 2051512 16:17 <juliank> I mean we gotta take this and the next two as well 16:17 <juliank> which are 16:17 <juliank> bug 2051589 16:17 <juliank> bug 2051590 16:17 <juliank> Should fix all of them 16:18 <juliank> I'll take ubuntu-release-upgrader as I need to fix it for deb822 python-apt ubuntu.sources support anyhow 16:18 <juliank> I'll tag all of them 16:18 <juliank> When do we move ubiquity to universe? 16:18 <vorlon> when oem-config is split out of the source 16:19 <vorlon> because we can't rely on the Ubuntu Desktop team's new first boot wizard meeting the needs of the raspi images in time for noble 16:19 <vorlon> (I have said this needs doing but I don't know that it has been picked up into the backlog yet) 16:20 <juliank> ok 16:20 <juliank> bug 2051674 16:20 <vorlon> take it 16:20 <vorlon> you don't get usrmerge back :) 16:20 <bdmurray> Is moving ubiquity to universe a priority such that that the team should do what vorlon says? 16:21 <vorlon> yes 16:21 <vorlon> flavors that are staying on ubiquity should have direct commit/upload control without being gated by Core Dev or Foundations 16:21 <vorlon> and we should do the work for the one-time split, instead of the ongoing work of having to sponsor uploads :) 16:22 <juliank> OK nothing else for noble or mantic, jammy, focal 16:22 <juliank> #topic Team proposed-migration report 16:22 <juliank> #link https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs 16:22 <juliank> vorlon: It's starting to look _a lot_ better 16:22 <vorlon> hurray 16:22 <vorlon> yes it doesn't crash chromium anymore for me 16:26 <vorlon> juliank: oh you wanted me to actually assign stuff from there, sorry 16:26 <vorlon> (was still reading status!) 16:27 <juliank> oh 16:27 <juliank> yes 16:27 <vorlon> so 16:27 <vorlon> if autopkgtest results are coming in again I guess it's useful to assign 16:27 * juliank does the classic handover banter when news goes to the weather report 16:28 <juliank> vorlon: Well tomorrow is glibc upload 16:28 <vorlon> adrien: the card for libxcrypt vs ruby3.1 is marked done but it shows as still blocked? 16:28 <vorlon> by autopkgtest 16:28 <juliank> But yes glibc is huge :) 16:29 <vorlon> uh hang on update_excuses shows libxcrypt blocked by a lot more stuff than what's listed on the by-team report 16:29 <vorlon> um just punt on this 16:29 <vorlon> because I can't trust the report 16:29 <vorlon> sorry 16:29 <vorlon> oh wait 16:29 <vorlon> I should also refresh update_excuses in my browser when comparing 16:29 <adrien> vorlon: it's done, I'll update the card 16:29 <juliank> :) 16:30 <adrien> or at least look at why it shows up 16:30 <vorlon> adrien: my point is the card already says it's done and there's still a failing autopkgtest on armhf 16:30 <vorlon> (from today) 16:30 <juliank> adrien: these all failed https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/r/ruby3.1/noble/armhf 16:30 <vorlon> ok so libxcrypt still with adrien 16:30 <schopin> poor adrien cannot escape armhf 16:30 <vorlon> libdbi-perl vs mariadb: cpete please 16:30 <cpete> ack 16:31 <adrien> juliank: not updated yet (armhf tests are still running) 16:31 <vorlon> libfilesys-df-perl vs sbuild: I'll take this because I already have the horrible commandline here to set the almost-complete set of extra triggers 16:31 <adrien> vorlon: ah, ok, it's just a matter of waiting for tests 16:31 <vorlon> adrien: ok 16:31 <adrien> they're still queued; I could only requeue them effectively yesterday late evening I think 16:31 <vorlon> libxml-libxml-perl vs libimage-info-perl: dbungert please 16:31 <dbungert> ack 16:31 <adrien> (it was the fourth try) 16:32 <vorlon> libcpanel-json-xs-perl vs libmonitoring-livestatus-perl: this one I also have in my shell history so will take 16:32 <vorlon> llvm-toolchain-14 vs ppyaml: danilogondolfo please 16:32 <danilogondolfo> vorlon, ack 16:32 <vorlon> sorry, that's actually pyyaml in general 16:33 <vorlon> (llvm-toolchain-14 has 4 packages w/ failing autopkgtests to sort) 16:33 <vorlon> python-apt: juliank resolved the ftbfs from last week, now it's blocked on u-r-u autopkgtests. juliank do you want this again this week? 16:33 <vorlon> or do you want someone else to look at u-r-u 16:34 <vorlon> openssl i386 autopkgtest regression blocking perl, sounds like a me (generally, archive admin) thing to sort out; I'll take 16:34 <vorlon> click autopkgtest blocking perl: waveform please 16:34 <waveform> ack 16:34 <vorlon> sbuild/s390x blocking perl: dviererbe please 16:34 <ginggs> those click/unknown ones i can take 16:35 <dviererbe> ack 16:35 <ginggs> i can take all the perl */unknown 16:35 <vorlon> oh ok 16:35 <vorlon> waveform: dviererbe: ^^ I'll find others for you 16:35 <ginggs> so click, sbuild, etc 16:35 <juliank> vorlon: I'm doing u-r-u that's why I also took the bug 16:35 <vorlon> waveform: psmisc vs systemd 16:35 <waveform> okay 16:35 <vorlon> juliank: ok 16:35 <vorlon> dviererbe: gsasl vs libidn 16:35 <dviererbe> ack 16:35 <vorlon> Skia: pycountry vs iso-codes 16:36 <vorlon> ginggs has the ones above so not giving him another immediately 16:36 <vorlon> sbuild vs qemu: xypron 16:36 <Skia> vorlon: ack 16:36 <xypron> ok 16:36 <vorlon> llvm-toolchain-14 on arm64 also blocks ncurses, so danilogondolfo please take this also 16:37 <danilogondolfo> vorlon, ack 16:37 <vorlon> lxml: slyon: 16:37 <slyon> ok 16:37 <vorlon> the rest of ncurses: mkukri 16:37 <vorlon> libdrm: mateus-morais: 16:37 <mateus-morais> ack 16:37 <mkukri> vorlon: ack 16:38 <vorlon> that takes us to python3-defaults; ginggs is there anything to say on this generally before I dole out tasks? 16:38 <ginggs> err 16:38 <juliank> I think some we already took as bugs 16:38 <ginggs> backdoor-factory i'm testing a patch 16:38 <juliank> (apport, ubiquity, u-r-u) 16:39 <ginggs> datalad-next i triggered retries recently 16:39 <vorlon> automake-1.16 blocking python: enr0n 16:39 <ginggs> the rest are up for grabs 16:39 <enr0n> vorlon: ack 16:40 <vorlon> llvm-toolchain-15 *also* on arm64 blocking python: danilogondolfo please take this also (and if it's unrelated and too much work, let me know and we'll reassign it out) 16:40 <vorlon> pexpect blocking python: upils 16:40 <danilogondolfo> ack 16:40 <upils> ack 16:40 <vorlon> anorack vs python: pushkarnk 16:40 <pushkarnk> ack 16:41 <vorlon> ansible-core and ansible vs python: schopin 16:41 <schopin> ack 16:41 <vorlon> apprise and ariba vs python: liushuyu 16:41 <vorlon> aubio and bdebstrap vs python: vpa1977 16:41 <vorlon> binwalk and bookletimposer vs python: mwhudson 16:41 <vorlon> booth and circlator vs python: zhsj 16:42 <vorlon> cmdtest and comitup vs python: doko 16:42 <vorlon> have I missed anyone else who's not here and I should assign some to? 16:42 <zhsj> ack 16:42 <vorlon> oh let's see 16:43 <vorlon> commonmark-bkrs and crmsh vs python: bdmurray 16:43 <ravikant_> I'll take one 16:43 <vorlon> csound and diffoscope vs python: sil2100 16:43 <vorlon> dipy and django-rich vs python: ravikant_ 16:43 <ravikant_> ack 16:43 <liushuyu> ack 16:43 <vorlon> we'll stop there 16:43 <vorlon> juliank: 16:45 <adrien> I don't have one but I'll be at fosdem and will take a swap day but if things go well (which seems likely right now), I'll take on some migrations next week 16:45 <juliank> I seem to have broken IRC push notifications sorry 16:45 <juliank> #topic AOB 16:45 <vorlon> adrien: ack - sorry I was counting libxcrypt for you 16:46 <adrien> guessed so; I'm assuming everything will be fine now though :P 16:46 <adrien> AOB: FOSDEM \o/ 16:48 <zhsj> i will be on holiday for two weeks. 16:50 <vorlon> zhsj: 恭喜发财 16:51 <zhsj> \o/ 16:53 <juliank> I think that wraps this up 16:53 <juliank> #endmeeting