14:34 <didrocks> #startmeeting Weekly Main Inclusion Requests status
14:34 <meetingology> Meeting started at 14:34:24 UTC.  The chair is didrocks.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
14:34 <didrocks> Ping for MIR meeting - didrocks joalif slyon sarnold cpaelzer jamespage ( eslerm dviererbe )
14:34 <meetingology> Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick
14:34 <didrocks> #topic current component mismatches
14:34 <didrocks> Mission: Identify required actions and spread the load among the teams
14:34 <didrocks> #link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed.svg
14:34 <didrocks> #link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.svg
14:34 <didrocks> c-m-p: I don’t see anything new, the whole mm/pp stack is in discussion with the desktop team
14:35 <didrocks> c-m: all good too, nothing to add
14:35 <didrocks> #topic New MIRs
14:35 <didrocks> Mission: ensure to assign all incoming reviews for fast processing
14:35 <didrocks> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?field.searchtext=&orderby=-date_last_updated&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&assignee_option=none&field.assignee=&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir
14:36 <didrocks> the status is incorrect on all of them
14:36 <didrocks> jbicha: please, look at https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-mir for the correct status, it should be New once ready for review
14:36 <sarnold> is it? the process states section has "new/confirmed" even on step 1
14:37 <didrocks> oh, I still had the old wiki version in mind :)
14:37 <jbicha> In this case, I specifically chose Confirmed, but LP automatically upgrades bugs to Confirmed if someone clicks "this affects me" :/
14:37 <didrocks> ah, that was maybe why it was changed to it
14:37 <didrocks> ok, my bad then :)
14:38 <didrocks> sorry for the false ping
14:38 <didrocks> ok, so we need to split them
14:38 <didrocks> but as I’m the only non security member here, I think nobody else can take any other?
14:39 <didrocks> and I don’t want to assign for joalif or jamespage with them being away
14:39 <jbicha> the 5 packages are fairly similar to each other
14:39 <didrocks> I can take a second for the next pulse but can’t act more, I already have one
14:39 <sarnold> yeah, at this point it's probably just a question of "how many does didrocks want?" :)
14:40 <didrocks> sarnold: we agreed with management to take 2 by pulse
14:40 <didrocks> this pulse was already full, so next pulse, I already have 1
14:40 <sarnold> heh
14:40 <didrocks> + another one
14:40 <sarnold> sounds like the start of the cycle, indeed
14:40 <didrocks> but it means I can’t take anymore for the next 2 pulses
14:40 <didrocks> sorry 2 weeks*
14:41 <didrocks> so meh, let’s do that, and maybe that will convince people to add more people to the MIR team :)
14:41 <didrocks> I think libglibmm is the one making more sense, isn’t it jbicha?
14:41 <jbicha> that's fine with me to start there
14:42 <jbicha> oh it actually depends on libsigc++-3.0 though
14:42 <didrocks> jbicha: I see that most of them have a bunch of lintian warnings, some could be fixed if we are working on debian, is it the case?
14:42 <jbicha> libsig actually has a symbols file already :)
14:42 <sarnold> \o/
14:43 <jbicha> my opinion is that the lintian warnings are harmless, but yes I can fix things in Debian if needed
14:43 <didrocks> jbicha: at worst with lintian override? that way, you get a clean list, and when a new one is introduced, you will notice it rather than being list in the existing list
14:43 <didrocks> thanks!
14:43 <didrocks> ok, taking libsigc++ first
14:44 <didrocks> if joalif or jamespage reads afterwards, please, take one on the list ^
14:44 <sarnold> "national-encoding"?
14:45 <didrocks> #topic Incomplete bugs / questions
14:45 <didrocks> Mission: Identify required actions and spread the load among the teams
14:45 <didrocks> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?field.searchtext=&orderby=-date_last_updated&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir
14:45 <jbicha> sarnold: I try to ignore m4 files
14:45 <sarnold> jbicha: ahh, apparently, as did I, I saw the 'x86_64-linux-gnu' and assumed it was an .so :)
14:46 <didrocks> ok, on the incomplete list, only tagging and other in progress comments as far as I can see
14:46 <didrocks> let’s move on
14:46 <sarnold> duktape assigned to band_ali, probably for todos?
14:46 <didrocks> right
14:46 <sarnold> and cargo, similar, tagged
14:46 <didrocks> yep
14:46 <didrocks> #topic Process/Documentation improvements
14:46 <didrocks> Mission: Review pending process/documentation pull-requests or issues
14:46 <didrocks> #link https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-mir/pulls
14:46 <didrocks> #link https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-mir/issues
14:47 <didrocks> unsure I will have time to go to your PR dviererbe this week, but nice to see this work!
14:47 <dviererbe> No problem :)
14:48 <didrocks> I think for typos, an approval from a peer is enough to merge
14:48 <sarnold> ooo is there an easy way to see the rendered flowchart?
14:48 <dviererbe> Just go to my repo
14:48 <dviererbe> https://github.com/dviererbe/ubuntu-mir/tree/modernize-process-states-overview
14:48 <sarnold> dviererbe: ah!
14:48 <eslerm> \o/
14:48 <didrocks> that’s nice, I didn’t know that was rendered by GH!
14:49 <dviererbe> I just learned about that this week
14:49 <didrocks> just used mermaid today and rendered a svg…
14:49 <didrocks> so ok, I have some PR to open :)
14:50 <didrocks> ok, let’s move to the next section
14:50 <didrocks> #topic MIR related Security Review Queue
14:50 <didrocks> Mission: Check on progress, do deadlines seem doable?
14:50 <didrocks> Some clients can only work with one, some with the other escaping - the URLs point to the same place.
14:50 <didrocks> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/+bugs?field.searchtext=%5BMIR%5D&assignee_option=choose&field.assignee=ubuntu-security&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir
14:50 <didrocks> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/+bugs?field.searchtext=[MIR]&assignee_option=choose&field.assignee=ubuntu-security&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir
14:50 <didrocks> Internal link
14:50 <didrocks> - ensure your teams items are prioritized among each other as you'd expect
14:50 <didrocks> - ensure community requests do not get stomped by teams calling for favors too much
14:50 <didrocks> #link https://warthogs.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/SEC/boards/594
14:50 <didrocks> sarnold:  anything to mention at this point?
14:51 <sarnold> didrocks: eslerm finished cpdb-libs last week \o/ :) and we've assigned tasks around
14:51 <didrocks> ironic that for once, you are more on the security side than the reviewer side :p
14:51 <eslerm> I'm working on dbus-broker
14:51 <didrocks> oh, that will make seb128 happy
14:51 <eslerm> someone signed up for cargo, but since it is incomplete I'll suggest other cargo dependencies
14:52 <didrocks> unsure we got a conclusion on the maintaince side yet
14:52 <didrocks> yeah
14:52 <didrocks> ok, so good progress on that front :)
14:52 <didrocks> #topic Any other business?
14:52 <sarnold> the one missing piece from dbus-daemon does seem like a large risk..
14:52 <didrocks> exactly
14:53 <didrocks> and we need to know where we are heading to, to prevent doing a MIR security review check for nothing
14:53 <sarnold> we're not interested in *two* running dbus daemons, one for system and one for user
14:53 <eslerm> I could hold off for now
14:53 <didrocks> maybe check with seb128 first, as he was the one checking with foundation IIRC
14:54 <didrocks> apart from breaking dbus (oh wait… broker, not breaker :p) anything else to note?
14:54 <eslerm> I'll ping ~mir-security-review-priority on MM
14:54 <didrocks> sounds good to me
14:54 <sarnold> I think eslerm ought to continue onwards; dbus is an integral part of everything, and getting issues with it sorted out as early as possible seems like a good approach
14:54 <eslerm> I'll just do what Seth suggests :D
14:54 <didrocks> ack!
14:55 <sarnold> and even if we decide to stick with what we've got because it meets gdm's needs, maybe we'll find useful things for upstream to work on before we return
14:56 <sarnold> oh yes! we missed the .../issues/ section earlier
14:56 <sarnold> https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-mir/issues
14:56 <sarnold> I just added one about team members :) and eslerm added one a few days ago https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-mir/issues/22
14:56 <didrocks> https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-mir/issues/24 has been "opened" for years
14:57 <didrocks> yeah, agreed on 22, but it’s also blocked on 24 still
14:57 <didrocks> anyway, I think we should discuss processes when more team members are around, wdyt?
14:57 <eslerm> +1
14:57 <dviererbe> +1
14:57 <sarnold> now that it's written down somewhere, I can trust cpaelzer will be annoyed enough by it to try to drive that through to an answer of how we do this :)
14:57 <didrocks> heh, sounds good!
14:58 <sarnold> that's it for me
14:58 <didrocks> ok, going once…
14:58 <didrocks> going twice…
14:58 <didrocks> and here we go! Thanks everyone :)
14:58 <sarnold> thanks didrocks, dviererbe, eslerm, jbicha  :)
14:58 <didrocks> #endmeeting