15:29 <cpaelzer> #startmeeting Weekly Main Inclusion Requests status 15:29 <meetingology> Meeting started at 15:29:52 UTC. The chair is cpaelzer. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology 15:29 <meetingology> Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick 15:29 <cpaelzer> ping slyon, didrocks, sarnold, joalif, jamespage for MIR meeting 15:30 <joalif> o/ 15:30 <cpaelzer> no previous logged actions to review 15:30 <didrocks> hey! 15:30 <slyon> o/ 15:31 <cpaelzer> #topic current component mismatches 15:31 <cpaelzer> #link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed.svg 15:31 <cpaelzer> #link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.svg 15:31 <jamespage> o/ 15:31 <cpaelzer> I see one new thing which is mesa -> llvm-toolchain-13 15:31 <sarnold> good morning 15:31 <cpaelzer> which is slightly odd since we just had that with postgresql 15:32 <cpaelzer> But either way doko is tasked by mclemenceau to process and promote it 15:32 <cpaelzer> didrocks: worth for you to know I guess 15:32 <didrocks> yeah, if doko is going to promote it, no action I guess? 15:33 <cpaelzer> other than maybe chasing doko - no :-) 15:33 <didrocks> heh :) 15:33 <cpaelzer> eventually it is a new version 15:34 <cpaelzer> that usually isn't even worth any process 15:34 <cpaelzer> so you (didrocks) being an AA might consider promoting it if nothing happens from doko as he might have no time for it 15:34 <cpaelzer> sugegstion: if we see it two more weeks then you could promote it didrocks 15:34 <cpaelzer> #topic New MIRs 15:34 <cpaelzer> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?field.searchtext=&orderby=-date_last_updated&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&assignee_option=none&field.assignee=&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir 15:35 <didrocks> cpaelzer: ack 15:35 <cpaelzer> ok, there are 4 15:35 <cpaelzer> looking for reviewers for ... 15:35 <cpaelzer> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/protobuf-c/+bug/1956617 15:35 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1956617 in protobuf-c (Ubuntu) "[MIR] protobuf-c" [Undecided, New] 15:35 <cpaelzer> now signed up by foundations 15:36 <cpaelzer> I could review that 15:36 <cpaelzer> now two by the server team which belong together 15:36 <cpaelzer> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/frr/+bug/1951834 15:36 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1951834 in frr (Ubuntu) "[MIR]: frr" [Undecided, New] 15:36 <cpaelzer> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libyang2/+bug/1958293 15:36 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1958293 in libyang2 (Ubuntu) "[MIR]: libyang2" [Undecided, New] 15:36 <cpaelzer> it is important to know that FRR is a fork of quaggy which is in main 15:36 <cpaelzer> quagga 15:37 <cpaelzer> volunteers ? 15:37 <didrocks> sounds a little bit big, but I can make some time for it 15:37 <cpaelzer> do you want the lib or frr itself didrocks? 15:38 <didrocks> frr is big, I would like someone else to do the lib if possible 15:38 <didrocks> if not, I will take both 15:38 <cpaelzer> joalif: how about libyang2 for you then? 15:38 <joalif> yes I could do that 15:38 <cpaelzer> and then there is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1958109 15:38 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1958109 in OEM Priority Project "[MIR] v4l2-relayd" [High, In Progress] 15:39 <slyon> I guess that leaves e2l2-relayd for me :) 15:39 <slyon> v4l2-relayd* 15:39 <cpaelzer> yeah 15:40 <cpaelzer> jamespage: if joalif would need help on libyang2 would you be around this week to help? 15:40 <cpaelzer> that way each of us gets something :-) 15:40 <jamespage> yep 15:40 <joalif> thanks :) 15:40 <cpaelzer> great 15:40 <cpaelzer> all assigned then 15:40 <cpaelzer> #topic Incomplete bugs / questions 15:40 <cpaelzer> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?field.searchtext=&orderby=-date_last_updated&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir 15:40 <sarnold> hrm, what's the .tar.xz and .dsc files attached to that v4l2-relayd? 15:41 <cpaelzer> sarnold: oO 15:41 <cpaelzer> this isn't even inth e archive yet 15:41 <cpaelzer> the tarballs are probably there to show the full content 15:41 <sarnold> d'oh 15:42 <sarnold> I missed that it wasn't attached to a package 15:42 <cpaelzer> slyon: can probably expect some non matured packaging on that 15:42 <slyon> yea, we might need some more iterations on that one 15:43 <cpaelzer> recent updates on libio-prompt-tiny-perl , rustc and ledmon 15:43 <cpaelzer> ledmon is cancelled 15:43 <cpaelzer> the other two have updates but none needs action by us atm 15:44 <cpaelzer> #topic MIR related Security Review Queue 15:44 <cpaelzer> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/+bugs?field.searchtext=%5BMIR%5D&assignee_option=choose&field.assignee=ubuntu-security&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir 15:44 <slyon> libio-prompt-tiny-perl should be resolved as of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lintian/+bug/1959004 15:44 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1959004 in lintian (Ubuntu) "lintian: remove unused non-main dependency libio-prompt-tiny-perl" [High, In Progress] 15:44 <cpaelzer> good to hear slyon 15:44 <cpaelzer> sarnold: any progress, report of things started or anything else ? 15:45 <sarnold> yes, python-cheroot is in progress, and I started in on adsys before last week, but made no progress on it last week. I'll return to it tonight 15:45 <cpaelzer> awesome 15:45 <cpaelzer> #topic Any other business? 15:45 <cpaelzer> I have ... 15:45 <cpaelzer> we have three PRs for our wiki 15:45 <cpaelzer> https://github.com/cpaelzer/ubuntu-mir/pull/6 15:45 <ubottu> Pull 6 in cpaelzer/ubuntu-mir "Clarify check-mir and such are not to stay in the post" [Open] 15:45 <cpaelzer> https://github.com/cpaelzer/ubuntu-mir/pull/7 15:45 <ubottu> Pull 7 in cpaelzer/ubuntu-mir "Update Ubuntu CVE Tracker URL" [Open] 15:45 <cpaelzer> https://github.com/cpaelzer/ubuntu-mir/pull/8 15:45 <ubottu> Pull 8 in cpaelzer/ubuntu-mir "Add deadlines to a MIR request" [Open] 15:46 <cpaelzer> so far I hae only positive feedback 15:46 <cpaelzer> please take a minute and discuss or agree 15:46 <cpaelzer> I'd then make them live after the meeting (unless we object too much) 15:46 <didrocks> Sorry, haven’t took time for them, will read quickly after meeting 15:46 * slyon approved PR 15:46 <slyon> 7 15:47 <sarnold> ack on all three 15:47 <joalif> they all lgtm too 15:47 <cpaelzer> ok, that seems to be enough 15:48 <cpaelzer> I'll make them active then 15:48 <slyon> all good! 15:48 <cpaelzer> thank you all 15:48 <cpaelzer> anything else for this section? 15:48 <sarnold> nothing from me, thanks for the prioritization meeting last week :) 15:49 <didrocks> nothing either 15:49 <joalif> nothing 15:49 <slyon> nothing. foundations is still working on their priorities :) 15:49 <cpaelzer> slyon: yeah I've seen that swtom still isn't bumped 15:50 <cpaelzer> slyon: could you ensure foundations prios are complete by the end of the week please ? 15:50 <slyon> I do have a meeting with mclemenceau after this meeting, and will discuss with him 15:50 <cpaelzer> of those in the security review queue 15:50 <cpaelzer> ok 15:50 <cpaelzer> then we seem to be done for today ... 15:50 <cpaelzer> o/ 15:50 <sarnold> thanks cpaelzer, all :) 15:50 <slyon> thanks! o/ 15:50 <joalif> thanks all bye o/ 15:51 <cpaelzer> #endmeeting