15:30 <cpaelzer> #startmeeting Weekly Main Inclusion Requests status 15:30 <meetingology> Meeting started at 15:30:28 UTC. The chair is cpaelzer. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology 15:30 <meetingology> Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick 15:30 <cpaelzer> ping sarnold jamespage slyon for MIR meeting 15:30 <cpaelzer> ping ddstreet until we have a replacement 15:31 <sarnold> good morning 15:31 <slyon> o/ 15:31 <cpaelzer> not pinging did_rocks he is absent with a valid excuse :-) 15:31 <sarnold> snow day? :) 15:31 <cpaelzer> no snow here :-P 15:31 <cpaelzer> Th elists looked full in a sneak peak, so let us get going 15:32 <cpaelzer> #topic Review of previous action items 15:32 <cpaelzer> we had none defined 15:32 <cpaelzer> #topic current component mismatches 15:32 <cpaelzer> #link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed.svg 15:32 <cpaelzer> #link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.svg 15:33 <slyon> ccache vs hiredis is being discussed here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2021-December/041710.html 15:33 <cpaelzer> I've seen it, thanks slyon 15:33 <cpaelzer> haproxy is being worked on 15:33 <cpaelzer> sdl and django have new MIRs int he new queue today 15:34 <cpaelzer> so what is really new 15:34 <cpaelzer> jeepney -> * 15:34 <slyon> so does dh-elpa 15:34 <cpaelzer> jeepney is foundations 15:34 <cpaelzer> I do not know why its dependencies exploded so much 15:35 <cpaelzer> but slyon could you find someone to do an initial triage of what is going on ? 15:35 <slyon> yeah I'm wondering as well... 15:35 <cpaelzer> cherryp3/cheroot for oepnstack (no changes) 15:35 <slyon> yes, I can do that 15:35 <cpaelzer> a bunch of known cases and known false positives 15:35 <cpaelzer> I see one more 15:36 <cpaelzer> python-pysaml2 -> responses/importlib-resources/emlementpath/python-repoze 15:36 <cpaelzer> jamespage: that is an openstack package 15:36 <cpaelzer> since we didn't hear a ping from jamespage yet let me highlight coreycb ^^ FYI 15:37 <cpaelzer> jamespage: if you read the log/ping later - would you find someone from your team to have a look what happened to python-pysaml2 please ? 15:37 <cpaelzer> since it is new this week we do not have to panic and can go on for now IMHO 15:37 <sarnold> on the component-mismatches.svg, there's screen-resolution-extra -> policykit-1-gnome, which feels vaguely familiar, but I don't see it in /lastlog 15:38 <sarnold> is my /lastlog too short to see that's known? heh 15:38 <cpaelzer> sarnold: it is a known false positive 15:38 <sarnold> cool, thanks 15:39 <cpaelzer> discussion was ~june 2021 15:39 <cpaelzer> and once more a long while before 15:39 <cpaelzer> #topic New MIRs 15:39 <cpaelzer> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?field.searchtext=&orderby=-date_last_updated&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&assignee_option=none&field.assignee=&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir 15:39 <cpaelzer> I see slyon prepared dh-elpa 15:39 <cpaelzer> since we prefer cross reviews I volunteer to take this one 15:40 <slyon> thanks. the package wasn't in best shape, so I added a diff to improve that a bit (e.g. add some testing) 15:40 <cpaelzer> slyon: the cmake tasks on that is only for trackign right? 15:40 <slyon> correct 15:40 <cpaelzer> ok setting it to invlaid then 15:40 <cpaelzer> I'd love if LP had a "for tracking" status 15:41 <cpaelzer> didrocks: let me know that he volunteers for the new pirpewire thing in there 15:41 <cpaelzer> we have one from coreycb (which usually james takes) 15:41 <cpaelzer> let me cover the next two which are simpler 15:41 <slyon> didrocks: also re dh-elpa: I think this should be a desktop package, as it is a abstraction layer above emacsen-common (a desktop package) 15:42 <cpaelzer> slyon: why is it a dep of cmake then? 15:42 <slyon> because cmake did use emacsen-common in the past for its packaging, but switched to using emacsen-common via dh-elpa now 15:43 <cpaelzer> slyon: we can review it normally and you can sort out (or let mclemenceau ask to do) if the final subscriber would be desktop 15:43 <slyon> yes 15:43 <cpaelzer> that needs to be kown when being promoted, not earlier 15:43 <cpaelzer> python-asgiref and libdecor-0 are from the server team 15:43 <cpaelzer> I could review asgiref but libdecor-0 I filed so I do not want to self-review 15:44 <cpaelzer> slyon: would you take libdecor-0 please ? 15:44 <slyon> ok 15:44 <cpaelzer> that leaves two 15:45 <cpaelzer> xdg-desktop-portal-gnome from seb128 - usually those go to didrocks 15:45 <cpaelzer> let me assign it and if not ok he can let us know 15:45 <cpaelzer> and the python things from openstack by coreycb I assign to jamespage, please speak up (next time?) if that does not work out for you 15:46 <cpaelzer> Ok, that is 1-2 reivews for each of us 15:47 <cpaelzer> #topic Incomplete bugs / questions 15:47 <cpaelzer> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?field.searchtext=&orderby=-date_last_updated&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir 15:48 <cpaelzer> raqm is incomplete between didrocks and slyon 15:48 <cpaelzer> anything worth to discuss here about that one? 15:49 <slyon> waveform had been taking care of that and he's usually on top of it, so I will coordinate with him about raqm 15:49 <cpaelzer> ok 15:50 <cpaelzer> everything else is older 15:50 <cpaelzer> #topic Any other business? 15:50 <sarnold> nothing from me 15:50 <slyon> nothing 15:50 <cpaelzer> nothing from me either - other than the active cases we have assigned above 15:50 <cpaelzer> let us try to get those processed pre-christmas 15:51 <cpaelzer> so that they are ready or at least in the queue of security for them to have a better chance at prio-planning 15:51 <cpaelzer> ok, closing then ... 15:51 <cpaelzer> thanks everyone 15:51 <sarnold> thanks cpaelzer, all :) 15:51 <slyon> thank you o/ 15:51 <cpaelzer> didrocks: and jamespage: pelase read the backlog once you are around 15:51 <cpaelzer> #endmeeting