15:01 <bdmurray> #startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team 15:01 <meetingology> Meeting started at 15:01:02 UTC. The chair is bdmurray. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology 15:01 <meetingology> Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick 15:01 <bdmurray> #topic Lightning Round 15:01 <bdmurray> bdmurray schopin sil2100 dbungert alexghiti xypron vorlon jawn-smith slyon juliank mwhudson waveform ginggs doko 15:01 <bdmurray> SRU verification of LP: #1916250 15:01 <bdmurray> investigation into CPC build failure and reporting of LP: #1949116 15:01 <bdmurray> pinging people about the above bug and getting llvm12 promoted 15:01 <bdmurray> worked with sil2100 to rebuild Intel IoT images after some livecd-rootfs 15:01 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1916250 in libsignon-glib (Ubuntu Impish) "gir1.2-signon-2.0 needs to declare replace on older releases (Groovy2Hirsute and Focal2Jammy)" [Low, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1916250 15:01 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1949116 in mesa (Ubuntu Hirsute) "libgl1-mesa-dri depends on libllvm12 from universe" [Critical, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1949116 15:02 <bdmurray> esearch regarding removal of Precise crash data from the Error Tracker 15:02 <bdmurray> updated daisy crash removal code to successfully remove data for LTSes 15:02 <bdmurray> review of a u-r-u MP which fixes LP: #1926267, uploaded it for jammy 15:02 <bdmurray> uploaded apport fixing an autopkgtest failure (gdb abort again) 15:02 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1926267 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Impish) "do-release-upgrade failed silently after failed to connect to snap service" [High, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1926267 15:02 <bdmurray> investigation into Intel IoT image issues 15:02 <bdmurray> review of livecd-rootfs, cloud-initramfs-tools changes for the above 15:02 <bdmurray> testing of the grow root partition changes for Intel IoT image 15:02 <bdmurray> review of candidate applications 15:02 <bdmurray> interviews 15:02 <bdmurray> testing / tweaking ps5 deployments of the Error Tracker 15:02 <bdmurray> ✔ done 15:02 <bdmurray> schopin: 15:02 <schopin> # 20211104 15:02 <schopin> * Holiday + PTO Monday/Tuesday 15:02 <schopin> * OpenSSL: 15:02 <schopin> + Started preparing patched versions of the Foundations packages for OpenSSL3 15:02 <schopin> + Looked into the status of other main packages that failed to build: 15:02 <schopin> - dovecot: found a patch on the RedHat bugzilla 15:02 <schopin> - spice: doesn't FTBFS on Debian, which has a later upstream version 15:02 <schopin> * netplan: 15:02 <schopin> + Reviewed PR 243 for slyon addressing LP: #1949104 15:02 <ubottu> Bug 243 in pinfo (Ubuntu) "Dpkg set up fails with: Setting up pinfo (0.6.8-3) ..." [Medium, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/243 15:02 <schopin> ✓ done 15:02 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1949104 in netplan.io (Ubuntu Jammy) "netplan try is broken" [Undecided, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1949104 15:03 <bdmurray> sil2100: 15:03 <sil2100> * Shorter week due to holidays 15:03 <sil2100> * SRU reviews and releases 15:03 <sil2100> * ubuntu-image: 15:03 <sil2100> - Reviewed PR for armhf test fixes 15:03 <sil2100> - Prepared PR for go-diskfs to enable custom sector-size definition 15:03 <sil2100> - Lots of great discussion and planning on the ubuntu-image planning session 15:03 <sil2100> - Started moving the old Python-based UI to the right org and different name 15:03 <sil2100> * Ubuntu Core: 15:03 <sil2100> - Started switching core22 to jammy 15:03 <sil2100> - Discussions regarding future core enablements 15:03 <sil2100> * Intel IOT: 15:03 <sil2100> - Looking into enabling growroot and swapfile, SRUed required changes 15:03 <sil2100> - Lots of debugging related to a bug with growroot forcing an initrd prompt on first boot 15:03 <sil2100> - (wasted time doing local builds!) 15:03 <sil2100> - Found issue with udev props missing after growpart, proposed workaround 15:03 <sil2100> - Did more testing, pushed changes with help of Brian 15:03 <sil2100> * Enhanced sru-review to be able to generate debdiffs also for uploads that are missing debdiffs 15:03 <sil2100> * Take home test reviews 15:03 <sil2100> * NEW reviews for Xilinx - looking into some licensing issues 15:03 <sil2100> * Gathering feedback on ubuntu-cdimage simplestreams 15:04 <sil2100> * Reviewed canary MP for cdimage for Dan 15:04 <sil2100> * Review of the unsubscribe-team MP for ubuntu-archive-tools 15:04 <sil2100> * Other stuff I forgot 15:04 <sil2100> (done) 15:04 <dbungert> * update-notifier: Prep for SRU of report button fix (LP: #1821412) 15:04 <dbungert> * ubuntu-desktop-installer vs curtin: created new seed aimed at pulling 15:04 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1821412 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "'System program problem' report button does nothing" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1821412 15:04 <dbungert> in packages that the desktop installer wants, and that curtin wants. 15:04 <dbungert> Tell ubuntu-cdimage to use that seed. Both PRs merged. 15:04 <dbungert> https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-desktop-installer/issues/449 15:04 <ubottu> Issue 449 in canonical/ubuntu-desktop-installer "Installation fails without explanation on apt download errors" [Open] 15:04 <dbungert> * +1: crowdsec (LP: #1946376) - sorting out changes to golang packages to fix a 15:04 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1946376 in golang-github-tonistiigi-fsutil (Ubuntu) "FTBFS due to conflict with vendored source in docker.io" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1946376 15:04 <dbungert> conflict between vendored and non-vendored source. Fix plan read, affecting 15:04 <dbungert> 12 packages, discussing with potential sponsors and looking to get most of 15:04 <dbungert> these changes into Debian. Looking at firewalld next. 15:04 <dbungert> (done) 15:04 <alexghiti> BeagleV board: 15:04 <alexghiti> ddrinit 15:04 <alexghiti> Code: DONE https://github.com/AlexGhiti/JH7100_ddrinit/tree/int/alex%2Fspl 15:04 <alexghiti> Package: TODO 15:04 <alexghiti> u-boot SPL 15:04 <alexghiti> Code: DONE https://github.com/AlexGhiti/u-boot/tree/int/alex%2Fspl_support 15:04 <alexghiti> Package: TODO 15:04 <alexghiti> u-boot: 15:04 <alexghiti> Code: DONE https://github.com/AlexGhiti/u-boot/tree/int/alex%2Fspl_support 15:04 <alexghiti> Package: DONE https://launchpad.net/~alexghiti/+archive/ubuntu/riscv/+build/22367399 15:04 <alexghiti> Linux kernel: 15:04 <alexghiti> Code: DONE https://github.com/AlexGhiti/riscv-linux/tree/int/alex%2Fbeaglev 15:04 <alexghiti> Package: ONGOING. 15:04 <alexghiti> Rootfs: 15:04 <alexghiti> ONGOING in livecd-rootfs 15:04 <alexghiti> Image 15:04 <alexghiti> ONGOING in livecd-roots 15:04 <alexghiti> Tutorial: 15:05 <alexghiti> (done) 15:05 <bdmurray> xypron: 15:05 <xypron> The last week I have continued working on U-Boot for the Nezha board. 15:05 <xypron> Anyway it was a short week with 2 days off. 15:05 <xypron> <done> 15:06 <slyon> vorlon is off 15:06 <bdmurray> vorlon is feeling under the weather 15:06 <slyon> jawn-smith is off but left this summary: 15:06 <slyon> * ubuntu-image 15:06 <slyon> * Used a locally patched snapd to avoid LP: #1948838 and used it to add --validation flag to ubuntu-image 15:06 <slyon> * will push these changes when the above bug is resolved and I can update go.mod 15:06 <slyon> * Started investigating passing through arbitrary flags/environment variables to live-build 15:06 <slyon> * The strategy for this may change as we redesign classic builds, so putting in backlog for now 15:06 <slyon> * Started work on adding --snap flag for extra snaps in classic images 15:06 <slyon> * Created PR to fix LP: #1949208 15:06 <slyon> * LP: #1923352 and LP: #1938442 for more SRU experience 15:06 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1948838 in Snappy "Snapd can no longer be imported as a Go module" [Critical, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1948838 15:06 <slyon> * Finishing up demo video for RISC-V summit 15:06 <slyon> * HR and security training 15:06 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1949208 in Ubuntu Image "Integer overflows possible when creating large images on 32 bit architectures" [Undecided, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1949208 15:06 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1923352 in speedtest-cli (Ubuntu Bionic) "speedtest-cli crashed with ValueError in get_config(): invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''" [Undecided, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1923352 15:06 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1938442 in hplip (Ubuntu Jammy) "Wrong permissions on ~/.hplip/.gnupg" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1938442 15:06 <slyon> Now my status: 15:06 <slyon> - short week: Fri & Mon off 15:06 <slyon> - Take-home test 15:06 <slyon> - HR training 15:06 <slyon> - Bug grooming for netplan and systemd 15:06 <slyon> - sponsored timidity for alexghiti 15:06 <slyon> - working on Debian usrmerge bug #997866 15:06 <ubottu> Bug 997866 in AskUbuntu Lens "Default view on lens should show the FAQ" [Wishlist, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/997866 15:06 <slyon> === Netplan === 15:06 <slyon> - working on SRUs LP: #1949104, LP: #1949761, LP: #1771740 15:06 <slyon> - created PR https://github.com/canonical/netplan/pull/243 15:06 <slyon> - created PR https://github.com/canonical/netplan/pull/235 15:06 <slyon> - reviewed & merged PR https://github.com/canonical/netplan/pull/242 15:06 <slyon> (done) 15:06 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1949104 in netplan.io (Ubuntu Jammy) "netplan try is broken" [Undecided, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1949104 15:06 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1949761 in netplan.io (Ubuntu Jammy) "NM backend does not accept 'scope: link' routes" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1949761 15:06 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1771740 in netplan.io (Ubuntu Impish) "Expose link offload options" [Wishlist, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1771740 15:06 <ubottu> Pull 243 in canonical/netplan "cli:apply: initialize self.state (LP: #1949104)" [Merged] 15:06 <ubottu> Pull 235 in canonical/netplan "generate:dbus:util: glib 2.70 compat" [Open] 15:06 <ubottu> Pull 242 in canonical/netplan "Reset offload options" [Merged] 15:07 <juliank> * autopkgtest cloud work on analysing failures, improving grafana graphs 15:07 <juliank> * some apt merge request and issue reviewing and merging 15:07 <juliank> (done) 15:07 <bdmurray> waveform: 15:07 <waveform> * Holiday last week (but managed a structa release :) 15:07 <waveform> * Pi Zero 2 release (with associated blog post, tests, etc.) 15:07 <waveform> * Tested proposed HDMI display freeze fix (LP: #1946368) 15:07 <waveform> * Finished ISO test cases for Ubuntu Desktop for Pi (awaiting merge decision on https://code.launchpad.net/~waveform/ubuntu-manual-tests/+git/ubuntu-manual-tests/+merge/410534 before proposing as this branch builds on that one) 15:07 <waveform> * Bumped proposed lg-gpio package for Debian (new upstream release) 15:07 <waveform> * Working on rtimulib proposed package for Debian 15:07 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1946368 in linux-raspi (Ubuntu) "HDMI output freezes under current/proposed impish kernels" [Critical, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1946368 15:07 <waveform> * Testing flash-kernel changes for Pi's boot.img mode 15:07 <waveform> * Working on u-boot merge 15:07 <waveform> * Pi meetings 15:07 <waveform> (done) 15:08 <bdmurray> ginggs: 15:08 <ginggs> * still busy adding python3.10 as a supported version 15:08 <ginggs> * set up tracker for openssl3 transition https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/html/openssl3.html 15:08 <ginggs> * started filing bugs in debian https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?tag=python3.10;users=debian-python@lists.debian.org 15:08 <ginggs> * was off on Monday 15:08 <ginggs> (done) 15:08 <doko> - preparing OpenJDK 8 security updates 15:08 <doko> - backporting jtreg / jtharness to bionic and focal, after chatting with the scurity team 15:08 <doko> - preparing to file bug reports for python3.10 to debian 15:08 <doko> (done) 15:08 <bdmurray> are there any Questions on status? 15:09 <bdmurray> waveform: what is the status of the HDMI output freeze? 15:10 <waveform> bdmurray, the kernel in -proposed appears to fix the issue (for myself and for others), the verification on the bug is also done 15:10 <sil2100> \o/ 15:10 <bdmurray> great 15:10 <bdmurray> #topic Release Incoming Bugs 15:10 <waveform> bdmurray, I believe it's due to land on the 8th 15:10 <sil2100> waveform: does it fix all the known cases? 15:11 <bdmurray> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-jj-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs 15:11 <bdmurray> bug 1934439 is for the desktop team 15:11 <ubottu> Bug 1934439 in software-properties (Ubuntu Xenial) "Add Ubuntu Pro banner to Livepatch page" [Wishlist, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1934439 15:11 <bdmurray> bug 1949089 15:11 <ubottu> Bug 1949089 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd randomly fails to activate mount units in Ubuntu Core 18" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1949089 15:12 <slyon> that's a weird issue the snapd team found happening in their spread tests. I started investigating a bit. we should card it 15:12 <bdmurray> okay, let's do that 15:12 <slyon> might be an SRU regression of the latest bionic upload 15:12 <mclemenceau> done 15:13 <bdmurray> bug 1943530 is still incomplete 15:13 <ubottu> Bug 1943530 in krb5 (Ubuntu) "link libkrb5 with openssl" [Undecided, Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1943530 15:13 <bdmurray> bug 1949104 15:13 <ubottu> Bug 1949104 in netplan.io (Ubuntu Jammy) "netplan try is broken" [Undecided, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1949104 15:13 <bdmurray> this is already targetted to Jammy 15:13 <slyon> netplan try broke with the latest netplan SRU. It's a regression, we should card & fix it. I'm working on a fix 15:13 <bdmurray> Its an SRU regression? 15:14 <slyon> (but we have an easy workaround available) 15:14 <slyon> yes. It's a SRU regression 15:15 <bdmurray> Okay, well when you upload something feel free to ping me or any other SRU team member. 15:15 <bdmurray> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ii-incoming-bug-tasks.html 15:15 <slyon> ack. will do 15:15 <bdmurray> there is nothing there \o/ 15:15 <bdmurray> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ff-incoming-bug-tasks.html 15:15 <bdmurray> bug 1948884 15:15 <ubottu> Bug 1948884 in casper (Ubuntu) "casper interactive_netmount looks for the wrong url on 20.04.3" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1948884 15:16 <bdmurray> I did look into this week and there aren't any symlinks 15:16 <bdmurray> sil2100: Could you have a peek at this? 15:16 <bdmurray> Or does somebody know when this actually gets called? 15:17 <sil2100> Looking, wait 15:17 <bdmurray> Is it a use case we actually care much about? 15:18 <sil2100> hmmm, good question 15:18 <sil2100> I think this would always be broken, so it's funny that this is the first report 15:18 <bdmurray> right 15:18 <sil2100> I'd like to check what's up with that tho 15:19 <sil2100> But seems low priority 15:19 <bdmurray> okay, let's leave it tagged until more investigation is done 15:19 <bdmurray> #topic Team proposed-migration report 15:20 <bdmurray> #link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs 15:20 <bdmurray> There are some things showing up now which are not waiting on ppc64el 15:20 <bdmurray> Like aptdaemon 15:21 <bdmurray> I'll press the retry button 15:22 <bdmurray> and I'll do that with command-not-found 15:22 <bdmurray> dbus-python ? 15:23 <slyon> I can check dbus-python 15:23 <bdmurray> thanks 15:23 <bdmurray> I'm just gonna assign some stuff 15:23 <bdmurray> alexghiti: dnspython 15:24 <bdmurray> dbungert: gpgme1.0 15:24 <dbungert> bdmurray: ack 15:24 <bdmurray> waveform: jeepney 15:24 <alexghiti> bdmurray: ack 15:24 <waveform> bdmurray, ack 15:24 <bdmurray> ginggs: keyrings.alt 15:24 <ginggs> gpgme1.0 doesn't build for pythoon 3.9 and 3.10 15:25 <bdmurray> Is there a bug about that? 15:25 <ginggs> bdmurray: not yet, i'm still filing those 15:25 <bdmurray> dbungert: numpy then 15:25 <dbungert> bdmurray: ack for numpy instead of gpgme1.0 15:26 <bdmurray> xypron: open-iscsi 15:27 <bdmurray> juliank: parsedatetime 15:27 <bdmurray> slyon: pygments 15:28 <slyon> bdmurray: ack 15:28 <bdmurray> juliank: python-apt too 15:28 <bdmurray> sil2100: python-attrs 15:29 <juliank> all eatmydata ones just need retrying afaict, eatmydata 130 is in release pocket 15:29 <bdmurray> doko: python-crypto 15:29 <doko> ok 15:29 <schopin> python-crypto has just been removed from Debian, I think. 15:30 <schopin> https://tracker.debian.org/news/1243909/removed-261-131-from-unstable/ 15:31 <bdmurray> ah, thanks for that 15:31 <sil2100> bdmurray: sure o/ 15:34 <bdmurray> slyon: systemd 15:34 <slyon> ack 15:37 <bdmurray> Okay, I think that's good but based off some other discussion we are going to retry a bunch of the python3-defaults so if your assigned autopkgtest failure involves python3-defaults maybe wait until Monday to look at it 15:37 <bdmurray> #topic AOB 15:37 <bdmurray> Anything else? 15:37 <bdmurray> Next Thursday is a US holiday but I'm swapping it 15:40 <bdmurray> Okay, thanks everybody 15:40 <bdmurray> #endmeeting