16:00 <bdmurray> #startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team 16:00 <meetingology> Meeting started at 16:00:57 UTC. The chair is bdmurray. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology 16:00 <meetingology> Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick 16:01 <bdmurray> #topic Lightning Round 16:01 <bdmurray> echo $(shuf -e vorlon bdmurray xnox doko sil2100 rbalint mwhudson juliank waveform slyon jawnsmith dbungert) 16:01 <bdmurray> juliank rbalint slyon bdmurray dbungert mwhudson vorlon xnox waveform sil2100 jawnsmith doko 16:01 <juliank> Yay 16:01 <mclemenceau> o/ 16:02 <juliank> I worked on apt SRUs, I'm mostly done now, but another patch came up today, so hopefully tomorrow 16:02 <juliank> Some autopkgtest testing for rbalint 16:02 <juliank> (done) (i think) 16:02 <rbalint> * +1 maintenance 16:02 <rbalint> * meetings 16:02 <rbalint> * fixed SRU template for LP: #1806076 16:03 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1806076 in apt (Ubuntu Bionic) "unattended-upgrade --help raises UnicodeEncodeError when stdout encoding is ascii" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1806076 16:03 <rbalint> * uploaded systemd 247.3-2ubuntu1 16:03 <rbalint> * uploded wireshark 3.4.4-1 via Debian, needs to be merged 16:03 <rbalint> (done) 16:03 <rbalint> y 16:03 <slyon> - Testing Matrix IRC bridge 16:03 <slyon> - Interview 16:03 <slyon> === Netplan === 16:03 <slyon> - Bug triage of LP: #1918198, LP: #1918421 16:03 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1918198 in netplan "Support explicitly excluding an interface from netplan's handling" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1918198 16:03 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1918421 in netplan.io (Ubuntu) "netplan does not match multiple driver specifications" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1918421 16:03 <slyon> - Reviewed & Merged duplicate ARPIPTargets PR#199, bug #1915837 16:03 <slyon> - Implemented small wireguard test stability improvements 16:03 <slyon> - Final review, testing & merge of huge NM integration API PR#193 16:03 <slyon> - Implemented 'set' CLI writeback to existing file, PR#197, needs review 16:03 <slyon> - Working on implementation of 'networkctl reload/reconfigure' refactoring 16:03 <slyon> * incl. some integration-test system improvements 16:03 <slyon> (done) 16:03 <ubottu> bug 1915837 in netplan "Duplicate values set to ARPIPTargets property in NetDev files" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1915837 16:05 <xnox> bdmurray: ? 16:05 <juliank> bdmurray: ping 16:06 <bdmurray> sponsored opencryptoki fix for LP: #1915517 16:07 <bdmurray> sponsored initramfs-tools upload fixing LP: #1571506 16:07 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1915517 in opencryptoki (Ubuntu Groovy) "[UBUNTU 21.04] openCryptoki: pkcscca migration fails with usr/sb2 is not a valid slot ID" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1915517 16:07 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1571506 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu Focal) "update-initramfs should include firmware from /lib/firmware/updates" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1571506 16:07 <bdmurray> worked around a request issue with python-django in Bionic for the devel Error Tracker 16:07 <bdmurray> worked around a csrf token issue with python-django in Bionic for the devel Error Tracker 16:07 <bdmurray> continued work / testing on upgrading the Error Tracker to Bionic 16:07 <bdmurray> investigation into where charmhelper PR https://github.com/juju/charm-helpers/pull/573 went 16:07 <bdmurray> reported, forwarded freecad autopkgtest failure on s390x LP: #1918474 16:07 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1918474 in freecad (Ubuntu) "femtest.app.test_open.TestObjectOpen test fails on s390x in hirsute" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1918474 16:07 <bdmurray> ✔ done 16:07 <dbungert> * monkeysphere vs libgcrypt20 - test flake bug filed (LP: #1917943), 16:07 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1917943 in monkeysphere (Ubuntu) "autopkgtest failure - public key file not found (~2% reproduction rate)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1917943 16:07 <dbungert> libgcrypt20 unblocked by monkeysphere retest 16:07 <dbungert> * autoinstall-generator - lots of cleanup, bugfixes, and minor features, 0.1 16:07 <dbungert> release with Discourse post 16:07 <dbungert> * LP: #1915866 - Uploaded, thanks juliank & xnox 16:07 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1915866 in iniparser (Ubuntu) "non-blocking items from MIR of iniparser: tests, 1 byte stack overflow" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1915866 16:07 <dbungert> * LP: #1918456 - iniparser1 test failure on armhf, under investigation 16:07 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1918456 in iniparser (Ubuntu) "test failure - invalid conversion on armhf" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1918456 16:07 <dbungert> (done) 16:07 <xnox> riscv64: 16:07 <xnox> sponsored uboot merges 16:07 <xnox> uploaded opensbi patches + uboot patches 16:08 <xnox> made ubuntu-cdimage/livecd-rootfs changes to add +unleased +unmatched images 16:08 <xnox> testing in PPA before proposing/merging those 16:08 <xnox> assembled case, psu, motherboard hopefully it will not explode on me or catch fire 16:08 <xnox> secureboot 16:08 <xnox> testing new proposed shim with SBAT 16:08 <xnox> studying maas/grub interaction of grub-http stack vs uefi-http stack 16:08 <xnox> preparing grub2-signed changes for bionic down 16:08 <xnox> installer boot UX 16:08 <xnox> having fun with casper improvements 16:08 <xnox> uc20 16:08 <xnox> core-initrd update with support for dell server SKU, VMware 16:08 <xnox> core-initrd add support for clock-epoch 16:08 <xnox> done 16:08 <waveform> * Added diversions to linux-firmware-raspi2 (LP: #1918013) 16:08 <waveform> * Worked on autopkgtest failure on initramfs-tools merge (LP: #1915966) 16:08 <waveform> * Testing new stuff (bumps required in linux-firmware-raspi2) 16:08 <waveform> * Worked on netplan driver-name mismatch (LP: #1918421) 16:08 <waveform> * Pi meetings 16:08 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1918013 in linux-firmware-raspi2 (Ubuntu Hirsute) "package linux-firmware 1.194 [modified: lib/firmware/brcm/brcmfmac43430-sdio.bin lib/firmware/brcm/brcmfmac43430-sdio.raspberrypi,3-model-b.txt lib/firmware/brcm/brcmfmac43455-sdio.bin lib/firmware/brcm/brcmfmac43455-sdio.raspberrypi,3-model-b-plus.txt lib/firmware/brcm/brcmfmac43455-sdio.raspberrypi,4-model-b.txt] failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/lib/firmware/brcm/br 16:08 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1915966 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "Please merge initramfs-tools 0.139 from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1915966 16:08 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1918421 in netplan.io (Ubuntu) "netplan does not match multiple driver specifications" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1918421 16:08 <waveform> (done) 16:09 <bdmurray> sil2100: 16:09 <sil2100> - Crazy week with power outages and heating bonanza 16:09 <sil2100> - SRU reviews and releases 16:09 <sil2100> - DMB meeting and discussions 16:09 <sil2100> - TB meeting 16:09 <sil2100> - Discussing nearing changes to kernel SRU processes 16:09 <sil2100> - Review of Andy's copy-proposed-kernel regarding new lrm handling 16:09 <sil2100> - Interviews 16:09 <sil2100> - needrestart MIR: 16:09 <sil2100> * Looking at the upstream testing story = none 16:09 <sil2100> * Created a small sanity autopkgtest, uploaded, noticed armhf failure 16:09 <sil2100> * Fought to get an armhf hirsute instance running, but with no success 16:09 <sil2100> * armhf kernel detection not working, investigating why, waiting for MIR team feedback 16:09 <sil2100> - Tried reproducing an ubiquity bug regarding keyboard layout in user/password fields - failed 16:09 <sil2100> * Waiting for feedback from community 16:09 <sil2100> - Looked into some Bileto weirdness 16:09 <sil2100> - Reviewed big libnetplan NM PR for Lukas 16:09 <sil2100> - Finishing review of get/set improvements for netplan for Lukas as well! 16:09 <sil2100> - ESM britney: 16:09 <sil2100> * Working on tests for the britney parts, fighting mocking out swiftclient nicely 16:09 <sil2100> - Reviewed Michael's ubuntu-image PR for snap prepare-image preparing the DTB stuff 16:09 <sil2100> * Will be poking for more things regarding that 16:09 <sil2100> - Got poked about possibly helping with some package sponsoring/review for HWE, sent to management 16:09 <sil2100> (done) 16:09 <slyon> yay! Thanks o/ 16:10 <JawnSmith> * Proposed migration: freetype 16:10 <JawnSmith> * Proposed migration: openssl 16:10 <JawnSmith> * LP: #1901043 SRU verification using nightly build 16:10 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1901043 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Focal) "No sound in ubiquity-dm with nomodeset" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1901043 16:10 <JawnSmith> * LP: #1912371 flashrom + libftdi MIR 16:10 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1912371 in libftdi (Ubuntu) "[MIR] flashrom + libftdi" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1912371 16:10 <JawnSmith> * LP: #1571506 SRU verification for focal 16:10 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1571506 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu Focal) "update-initramfs should include firmware from /lib/firmware/updates" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1571506 16:10 <JawnSmith> * Ensure RPi.GPIO works on pi400 and CM4 with kernel 5.8 16:10 <JawnSmith> * Addressing lgpio library failures with kernel 5.11 16:10 <JawnSmith> [done] 16:10 <bdmurray> doko: 16:11 <doko> - gcc-11 uploads with the sanitizer libs built 16:11 <doko> - some bug triage for existing LP issues: gcc-defaults, gcc-10, gcc-9 16:11 <doko> - MIR reviews, promoting approved MIRs 16:11 <doko> - more +1 related work, helping some transitions, e.g. android-* 16:11 <doko> - LLVM 12 fixes, and prepared llvm-defaults to point to 12 16:11 <doko> - some unplanned work tracking down ABI breakage in libgnat 16:11 <doko> - evaluated x86-64-v1 and -v2 test rebuilds 16:11 <doko> - working with pip/setuptools upstream on integrating some of the python3.x 16:11 <doko> patches upstream. 16:11 <doko> (done) 16:12 <bdmurray> Any questions on status? 16:12 <bdmurray> alright moving on then 16:13 <bdmurray> #topic Release Incoming Bugs 16:13 <bdmurray> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-hh-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs 16:13 <bdmurray> bug 1916541 16:13 <ubottu> bug 1916541 in glibc (Ubuntu) "smtp "fatal: unknown service: smtp/tcp", probably after libc upgrade " [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1916541 16:13 * rbalint already on it 16:13 <rbalint> please card it for tracking 16:13 <bdmurray> okay, let's target and card it 16:14 <mclemenceau> ok 16:14 <bdmurray> bug 1917590 16:14 <ubottu> bug 1917590 in casper (Ubuntu) "File integrity check at boot of install media no longer functional" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1917590 16:15 <bdmurray> xnox will take that one 16:15 <bdmurray> bug 1917780 16:15 <ubottu> bug 1917780 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "initramfs-tools does not include fsck in initrd if mount pass is 0" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1917780 16:16 <bdmurray> this was too vague for me to understand - xnox? 16:17 <xnox> the initramfs-tools one? 16:17 <bdmurray> yes 16:17 <bdmurray> bug 1915275 16:18 <ubottu> bug 1915275 in mysql-8.0 (Ubuntu) "mysql-8.0 regressed on riscv64 due to new glibc" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1915275 16:18 <rbalint> imo this is not for us 16:19 <bdmurray> How is that? 16:19 <rbalint> marked as such 16:19 <bdmurray> Ah, I got far enough down. The server team has taken some mysql steps upstream. 16:19 <xnox> bdmurray: added a comment, marked wont-fix, marked as duplicate of the other bug report. 16:19 <rbalint> yes 16:19 <xnox> (re:initramfs-tools) 16:20 <bdmurray> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ff-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs 16:20 <bdmurray> bug 1917625 16:20 <ubottu> bug 1917625 in openssl (Ubuntu) "OpenSSL TLS 1.1 handshake fails internal error" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1917625 16:20 <xnox> bdmurray: that one is for me. 16:21 <xnox> let me add a comment to it. 16:21 <mclemenceau> alright I carded it 16:22 <bdmurray> So that's it for rls stuff. mclemenceau do you have any bugs to bring up today? 16:22 <mclemenceau> No I think I'm good thanks! 16:23 <bdmurray> #topic Team proposed-migration report 16:23 <bdmurray> #link http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs 16:23 <mclemenceau> 10 packages \o/ 16:24 <bdmurray> pexpect has an associated bug reported about Launchpad buildds 16:24 <bdmurray> gnupg2 is with xnox still is that correct? 16:25 <xnox> yes.... 16:25 <bdmurray> sqlite3 and vuls - any takers? 16:26 <sil2100> Maybe give me sqlite3, if no one else is interested o/ 16:27 <bdmurray> okay, its yours 16:27 <bdmurray> Does anybody know the status of sbuild? 16:27 <rbalint> i'm on it 16:27 <bdmurray> cool 16:28 <bdmurray> I'm guessing xnox is interested in livecd-rootfs 16:28 <xnox> yes 16:28 <bdmurray> So then we have python3-defaults 16:29 <bdmurray> doko: have you looked at any of those? 16:29 <bdmurray> xnox is working on lintian 16:30 <bdmurray> and ubiquity 16:30 <doko> just python3-furl, which is caused by a python 3.9.2 security fix 16:30 <doko> the others need investigation 16:30 <bdmurray> okay, why don't we split those up 16:31 <bdmurray> python-furl for JawnSmith 16:31 <bdmurray> er no, skip that 16:31 <bdmurray> python-pynvim for JawnSmith 16:31 <JawnSmith> o/ 16:31 <bdmurray> tuptime for dbungert 16:31 <dbungert> bdmurray: OK 16:32 <bdmurray> python-pyflow for me 16:32 <bdmurray> sshuttle for waveform 16:32 <waveform> ok 16:32 <bdmurray> I'll also take python-crontab which passes locally for me 16:32 <bdmurray> so now we are down to sphinx 16:32 <doko> that's the libgnat ABI break 16:33 <doko> I'll do these 16:33 <bdmurray> Thanks! 16:33 <bdmurray> #topic AOB 16:33 <doko> let's do the following two as well ... 16:33 <slyon> I will be out tomorrow 16:33 <bdmurray> iniparser is with dbungert 16:33 <dbungert> correct 16:33 <doko> right 16:33 <rbalint> i'll be out tomorrow and on Monday 16:34 <doko> and initramfs-tools with waveform? 16:34 <waveform> I'll also be out tomorrow (and each Friday this month, using up carry-over) 16:34 <mclemenceau> I'll be out Mon/Tue/Wed 16:34 <waveform> doko, ok 16:34 <bdmurray> I'm out next week 16:34 <doko> is anybody interested in looking at autopkg test regressions triggered by pytest? 16:37 <bdmurray> doko: these? https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#pytest 16:40 <doko> bdmurray: yes 16:40 <doko> stuck in propoised for two months 16:40 <bdmurray> I'll try and have a look today 16:42 <bdmurray> Okay, thanks everybody 16:42 <bdmurray> #endmeeting