16:00 <bdmurray> #startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team 16:00 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Nov 12 16:00:55 2020 UTC. The chair is bdmurray. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 16:00 <meetingology> 16:00 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick 16:01 <bdmurray> #topic Lightning Round 16:01 <bdmurray> echo $(shuf -e vorlon bdmurray xnox tdaitx doko sil2100 rbalint mwhudson juliank waveform slyon) 16:01 <juliank> o/ 16:01 <bdmurray> bdmurray rbalint vorlon sil2100 slyon tdaitx xnox doko mwhudson waveform juliank 16:01 <bdmurray> tested a fix for LP: #1848829 16:01 <bdmurray> updated daisy code on the staging error tracker to use a TTL w/ snap crashes 16:01 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1848829 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Hirsute) "distribution upgrade failed due pip install of distro-info" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1848829 16:01 <bdmurray> updated errors code in production for hirsute 16:01 <bdmurray> reported apport crasher LP: #1903567 16:01 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1903567 in apport (Ubuntu Bionic) "/usr/share/apport/apport:AttributeError:/usr/share/apport/apport@447:parse_arguments:print_usage:_print_message" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1903567 16:02 <bdmurray> uploaded ubuntu-release-upgrader dropping cdrom upgrades 16:02 <bdmurray> uploaded u-r-u fixing LP: #1848829 16:02 <bdmurray> merged vim from debian 16:02 <bdmurray> tested / uploaded whoopsie patch for LP: #1899100 16:02 <bdmurray> uploaded apport w/ autopkgtest fixes for new gdb 16:02 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1899100 in whoopsie (Ubuntu) "whoopsie assert failure: double free or corruption (fasttop)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1899100 16:02 <bdmurray> ✔ done 16:02 <bdmurray> rbalint 16:02 <rbalint> pass, i need a bit of time 16:02 <bdmurray> vorlon said he might miss the meeting 16:02 <bdmurray> sil2100: ! 16:02 <sil2100> Oh no! 16:02 <sil2100> - OoO on Wednesday 16:02 <sil2100> - SRU reviews and releases 16:02 <sil2100> - Reviews for the focal HWE update 16:02 <sil2100> - NEW reviews 16:02 <sil2100> - Merged console-setup 16:02 <sil2100> - Merged libgcrypt20 (and retriggering some failed tests) 16:03 <sil2100> - Reviewed Lukas's new NetworkManager netplan spec 16:03 <sil2100> - Training 16:03 <sil2100> - Poking systemd upstream about the networkd ActivationPolicy PR 16:03 <sil2100> - Sponsored bluez pi400 bluetooth fixes, sorting out the situation 16:03 <sil2100> - Multiple discussions regarding the existing NM netplan read/write plugin 16:03 <sil2100> - Various code reviews for the phased-upgrades scripting 16:03 <sil2100> - Finalizing 20.04.2 dates 16:03 <sil2100> - Investigated reverting the livecd-rootfs hack for image-size calculation 16:03 <sil2100> (done) 16:03 <slyon> - Trying to upstream remaining klibc delta to Debian 16:03 <slyon> * https://salsa.debian.org/kernel-team/klibc/-/merge_requests/9 16:03 <slyon> - α merge party 16:03 <slyon> * curl 16:03 <slyon> * s390-tools, bug #1902533 (+ update for s390-tools-signed) 16:03 <slyon> * user-setup, bug #1903688 16:03 <slyon> === Netplan === 16:03 <ubottu> bug 1902533 in user-setup (Ubuntu) "Please merge user-setup 1.85 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1902533 16:03 <ubottu> bug 1903688 in s390-tools (Ubuntu) "Please merge s390-tools 2.14.0-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main) " [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1903688 16:03 <slyon> - Working on NetworkManager spec, for new netplan backend 16:03 <slyon> - Implemented netplan try/DBus "mini spec" (config state mgmt), PR#170 16:03 <slyon> * Implemented tests for netplan DBus code 16:03 <slyon> * Fixed testing of DBus code, to allow calculating the coverage 16:03 <slyon> * Adopted test to retain 100% coverage, incl. DBus code 16:03 <slyon> * Final testing and PR cleanup ongoing 16:03 <slyon> (done) 16:04 <bdmurray> tdaitx: 16:04 <tdaitx> * beta merge party: coreutils and apr-utils 16:04 <tdaitx> * snapcraft snap begets snapcraft pack begets snap pack begets mksquashfs-with-hardcoded-exclude-list begets missing-directory~ (ie. when name ends in ~) 16:04 <tdaitx> - hacky racy fix: inotify on the creation of the exclude list in /tmp and 'sed -i' to remove the offending regex 16:04 <tdaitx> - yeah, never look under the hood of how your infra actually builds stuff 16:04 <tdaitx> * packaged openjdk with regression fix: 8u275 and 16:04 <tdaitx> - uploaded xenial, bionic, focal, groovy, hirsute 16:04 <tdaitx> - openjdk-8/hirsute stuck with autopkgtest failures from other packages, filled bug 1903929 for britney (hopefully I got the who-triggers-who right in the description) 16:04 <ubottu> bug 1903929 in britney "swi-prolog and fdroidserver triggering autopkgtests for openjdk-8" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1903929 16:04 <tdaitx> - openjdk 11 got armhf/focal and arm64/bionic builder failures (ie. no buildlog, no email) 12h in, added 1 extra sad day for releasing it T_T 16:04 <tdaitx> * jtreg version 5+: 16:04 <tdaitx> - supports match (ie. include) besides exclude list, found the patch for that, will backport to bionic 16:04 <tdaitx> - jtreg is generating spurious man pages since focal, found fix for that, will backport 16:04 <tdaitx> * updating jck scripts to allow specifying a lxd 'remote:' for all lxc calls 16:04 <tdaitx> Other: 16:04 <tdaitx> - gbp is way better than dget/debdiff 16:05 <tdaitx> - killed my only 2 jenkins nodes, poor things couldn't handle the load, OOM probably finished off the jenkins' agent java process, waiting for the magic resurrection script to be run by IS 16:05 <tdaitx> (done) 16:05 <bdmurray> xnox: 16:05 <xnox> merges 16:05 <xnox> +1 16:05 <xnox> sponsoring things 16:05 <xnox> discussions about secureboot on power 16:05 <xnox> discussions on dtbs on Pi 16:05 <xnox> done 16:06 <doko> - two days of +1 maintenance 16:06 <doko> - three days of perl transition 16:06 <doko> - some other merges from the merge party 16:06 <doko> - finished packaging the bpf toolchain 16:06 <doko> - a first look at packaging gcc-11 16:06 <doko> (done) 16:06 <bdmurray> waveform: 16:06 <waveform> * Worked on kbd merge (LP: #1903614) 16:06 <waveform> * Working on u-boot SRUs (groovy, focal, bionic, LP: #1903054) 16:06 <waveform> * Proposed fix for bluetooth on Pi400 issue (LP: #1903048) 16:06 <waveform> * Working on flash-kernel merge (still) 16:06 <waveform> * Experimented further with "tryboot" facility in upstream pi firmware (pre pi4 tests) 16:06 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1903614 in kbd (Ubuntu) "Please merge kbd 2.3.0-3 from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1903614 16:06 <waveform> * Worked on pibootctl for EEPROM config 16:06 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1903054 in u-boot (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Please merge u-boot 2020.10+dfsg-1 from Debian unstable" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1903054 16:06 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1903048 in bluez (Ubuntu Hirsute) "[SRU] Bluetooth won't activate on the pi 400" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1903048 16:06 <waveform> * SRU'd update-notifier changes (LP: #1836475) 16:06 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1836475 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Groovy) "[SRU] update-notifier-common weekly cron job runs at the same time for all computers across the globe" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1836475 16:06 <waveform> * Writing up DTB boot details on Pi 16:06 <waveform> (done) 16:06 <juliank> * followed up on python-apt 2.1.5 sync with some retries 16:06 <juliank> * merged packagekit 1.2.1 from Debian 16:06 <juliank> * traded 4 arm64 autopkgtest workers for 1 new armhf one (running 3 lxd containers); to give it a chance to catch up 16:06 <juliank> * uploaded networkd-dispatcher/2.1-1 to Debian (LP: #1884248) (debian bug 968941) 16:06 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1884248 in networkd-dispatcher (Ubuntu Groovy) "networkd-dispatcher gives corrupted information" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1884248 16:06 <juliank> * reviewed grub merge from dannf 16:06 <ubottu> Debian bug 968941 in networkd-dispatcher "New upstream release v2.1" [Wishlist,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/968941 16:06 <juliank> * +1 maintenance Nov 10/11: 16:06 <juliank> (to be sent out report) 16:06 <juliank> (done) 16:07 <bdmurray> any questions on status? 16:07 <rbalint> (short week due to holidays) 16:07 <rbalint> * synced libvpd, lsvpd 16:07 <rbalint> * merged busybox 16:07 <rbalint> * got system migrated 16:07 <rbalint> * collected falsely passing i386 autopkgtest 16:07 <rbalint> * filed LP: #1903913 and collected stats 16:07 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1903913 in Auto Package Testing "Don't run tests that never pass (or don't run tests with force-badtest)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1903913 16:07 <rbalint> * fixed LP: #1891686 in a different way, to fix glibc's riscv64 build and realize that it needs a new unrelated update to fix it 16:07 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1891686 in dpkg (Ubuntu) "Please default to nocheck on riscv64" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1891686 16:07 <doko> system or systemd? 16:07 <rbalint> * collected new round of glibc fixes to land to Hirsute: LP: #1902955, LP: #1899800, and fixing riscv64's libc6-prof build 16:07 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1902955 in glibc (Ubuntu) "package libc6:amd64 2.31-0ubuntu9.1 failed to install/upgrade: package libc6:amd64 2.31-0ubuntu9.1 cannot be configured because libc6:i386 is at a different version (2.27-3ubuntu1.3)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1902955 16:07 <rbalint> (done) 16:07 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1899800 in glibc (Ubuntu Groovy) "Runtime deadlock: pthread_cond_signal failed to wake up pthread_cond_wait due to a bug in undoing stealing" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1899800 16:07 <rbalint> doko, heh, systemd :-) 16:08 <bdmurray> #topic Release Incoming Bugs 16:08 <rbalint> i have a hard time not to type systemd all the time 16:08 <bdmurray> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-hh-incoming-bug-tasks.html 16:08 <bdmurray> bug 1903849 we should take 16:08 <ubottu> bug 1903849 in vim (Ubuntu) "vim ftbfs" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1903849 16:08 <bdmurray> and it should probably queue jump 16:08 <doko> somebody touched in a merge party ;p 16:09 <xnox> vim ftbfs are bad, it manages to entagle with _everything_ 16:09 <bdmurray> I know who touched it and that it ftbfs 16:10 <bdmurray> Somebody retried it a whole bunch for me 16:10 <bdmurray> bug 1901043 lets pass on again 16:10 <ubottu> bug 1901043 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "No sound in ubiquity-dm with nomodeset" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1901043 16:10 <bdmurray> bug 1902025 is already carded 16:10 <ubottu> bug 1902025 in update-manager (Ubuntu Hirsute) "hwe kernel not scoped under "Ubuntu Base"" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1902025 16:10 <bdmurray> bug 1903567 16:10 <ubottu> bug 1903567 in apport (Ubuntu Bionic) "/usr/share/apport/apport:AttributeError:/usr/share/apport/apport@447:parse_arguments:print_usage:_print_message" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1903567 16:11 <rbalint> it is mine already 16:11 <rbalint> the previous one, i mean 16:11 <bdmurray> This is a follow on bug to an incorrect number of arguments bug 16:11 <bdmurray> This is an issue with the executablepath having a space in it 16:11 <bdmurray> So worth taking but not an immediate priority 16:12 <rbalint> +1 for taking 16:12 <bdmurray> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-gg-incoming-bug-tasks.html 16:12 <rbalint> space in path occurs more often on wsl 16:13 <bdmurray> the first 3 are known 16:13 <bdmurray> bug 1902260 16:13 <ubottu> bug 1902260 in cloud-images "systemd-detect-virt is missing on Groovy EC2 AMI" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1902260 16:13 <bdmurray> I feel like we talked about this before 16:14 <xnox> yet not carded? 16:14 <rbalint> yes, i think we should take it but i opened it 16:14 <bdmurray> Oh somebody was going to talk to CPC about it. Does that sound right? 16:15 <rbalint> i did and they confirmed it 16:15 <bdmurray> Okay, so let's card that 16:16 <bdmurray> bug 1898342 can just be closed 16:16 <ubottu> bug 1898342 in grub-installer (Ubuntu) "Bootloader install failed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1898342 16:16 <bdmurray> xnox: can you do that? 16:16 <bdmurray> bug 1899026 16:16 * juliank already did 16:16 <ubottu> bug 1899026 in update-manager (Ubuntu Groovy) "Add proxy auto detect support" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1899026 16:17 <juliank> Carded already 16:17 <bdmurray> Ah, indeed 16:17 <bdmurray> bug 1903351 has a patch 16:17 <ubottu> bug 1903351 in procps (Ubuntu) "ignore_eacces and ignore_erofs patches don't work properly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1903351 16:19 <rbalint> +1 for taking it 16:19 <bdmurray> okay, so lets card that 16:19 <bdmurray> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ff-incoming-bug-tasks.html 16:19 <bdmurray> bug 1900390 seems similar to the distro-info-data and pip issue 16:19 <ubottu> bug 1900390 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "do-release-update hangs from use of user $PATH (specifically 'npm which')" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1900390 16:20 <bdmurray> I think it'd make sense to take that in conjunction with the pip issue 16:20 <bdmurray> i.e. SRU them together 16:20 <xnox> nodejs 16:21 <xnox> pip for the wrong language 16:21 <bdmurray> I'll card and take that 16:22 <bdmurray> bug 1902760 we said would probably get pulled in with 2.34 16:22 <ubottu> bug 1902760 in binutils (Ubuntu) "Please merge linker bugfix into Ubuntu 20.04 LTS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1902760 16:22 <bdmurray> bug 1899372 16:22 <ubottu> bug 1899372 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "update-grub 10_linux_zfs fails when /usr is a separate filesystem" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1899372 16:23 <bdmurray> So its about zfs and having /usr as a separate file system 16:23 <bdmurray> Correct? 16:26 <doko> that binutils fix is not yet on the 2.34 branch 16:26 <bdmurray> So this is an abnormal setup and we'll pass on fixing it. I guess it might be something for the desktop team. 16:27 <bdmurray> ah, in that case perhaps we should card it so we don't lose track of it 16:27 <bdmurray> that's bug 1902760 which needs carding 16:27 <ubottu> bug 1902760 in binutils (Ubuntu) "Please merge linker bugfix into Ubuntu 20.04 LTS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1902760 16:28 <bdmurray> #topic Team proposed-migration report 16:28 <bdmurray> #link http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs 16:29 <bdmurray> This is a bit daunting 16:29 <sil2100> The list is huge, I don't know how we can plan on tackling this in the current form 16:29 <rbalint> jut go in order 16:30 <sil2100> By this I mean, we'd only have to assign part of the list 16:30 <sil2100> Since no way we can assign all the items to people 16:31 <bdmurray> Some of the list seems out of date too as my apport upload from yesterday evening isn't showing up 16:31 <doko> python3-defaults, I talked with sil2100 about it 16:31 <sil2100> python3-defaults - me and doko are looking at it, I'll try tackling this a bit later 16:32 <slyon> this netplan.io / glib2.0 looks like a flaky test and should be retried 16:32 <sil2100> binutils - that's also on you doko? 16:34 <sil2100> aptdaemon - juliank? Is it something on your radar? 16:34 <sil2100> boost1.71, whenever I see boost I think xnox 16:35 <doko> sil2100: it's just waiting ... 16:35 <sil2100> Ah, misread! Right, moving ooon 16:36 <sil2100> bison has something that's not only the cross-toolchain-base, any voluneers for the cmake regressioins? 16:36 <slyon> I can look into cmake 16:37 <sil2100> dbus-python! Lots of various failures 16:37 <juliank> I'll retry the aptdaemon ones, they shouldn't be failing, later ones aren't either, but let's wait for results from ubuntu35 16:37 <tdaitx> I will take dbus-python 16:37 <doko> gvfs is a retry 16:38 <sil2100> tdaitx: \o/ 16:38 <sil2100> libcgi-pm-perl has a libcgi-application-plugin-authentication-perl regression, if no one looked into that I guess I could take it? 16:39 <sil2100> Ok, it's mine then 16:39 <doko> perl would need somebody who's looking at all the test failures 16:40 <sil2100> Yeah, lots of those, is this handled by the +1 maintenance team? 16:41 <sil2100> Let's move on 16:41 <sil2100> lintian - is this on anyone's plate right now? Any volunteers? 16:42 <doko> needs security team review 16:43 <sil2100> For the test regressions? Those look like timeouts, hm 16:43 <sil2100> The livecd-rootfs looks like it needs a retrigger, let me do that 16:44 <sil2100> lxml regressions (html5lib and pandas) - who wants to look? 16:45 <rbalint> sil2100, i take it 16:45 <sil2100> rbalint: thanks! 16:46 <sil2100> ncurses - I see the crash and trafficserver would need someone to take a look 16:46 <sil2100> If there are no grand plans for those, I could take a look 16:48 <sil2100> netbase, mercurial regression - who wants it? 16:48 <sil2100> bdmurray: you feel like poking on it? (assigning random!) 16:48 <tdaitx> sil2100: I can take netbase 16:48 <sil2100> tdaitx: ...SOLD! 16:48 <sil2100> Thanks o/ 16:49 <sil2100> openssh has two regressions, libssh and sshuttle - is anyone looking at it? 16:50 <sil2100> xnox: ? Or maybe bdmurray this time? ;) 16:50 <bdmurray> I can look at ssh 16:51 <sil2100> Thank you 16:51 <sil2100> Ok, I'd recommend stopping here, I think we have enough for now 16:51 <sil2100> What do you guys think? 16:52 <bdmurray> wfm 16:52 <slyon> I'd just want to ask anybody to retry netplan: https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/n/netplan.io/hirsute/arm64 16:52 <sil2100> hm hm, did I retry that already? 16:52 <sil2100> Please don't press retry yet, I need to check if I didn't do that just some moments ago 16:53 <sil2100> I'll handle it 16:53 <slyon> that was another test/arch, no? This one is new, there is no retry in the list. 16:53 <slyon> thank you 16:53 <bdmurray> #topic AOB 16:53 <bdmurray> I'm out tomorrow 16:53 <sil2100> slyon: well, it's not visible until the tests are finished 16:53 <sil2100> slyon: which is a bit unfortunate! Since you can have multiple people retrying since they don't know that a retry is already in progress ;/ 16:54 <sil2100> slyon: lookin at my browser history it looks like I retried it earlier 16:54 <sil2100> So we should be seeing it in a while 16:54 <slyon> oh ok. thanks 16:55 <rbalint> i'll upload glibc again to hirsute tomorrow 16:56 <rbalint> juliank,i guess there is little chance to fix LP:# 1903913 before that, right? 16:57 <juliank> rbalint: There's not much point uploading I suppose, builders are away tomorrow 16:57 <juliank> I can upload a new apt 2.1.12 and sync it 16:57 <juliank> but nothing will migrate 16:58 <doko> juliank: no, Nov 20? 16:58 <juliank> oh 16:58 <juliank> I'm off by a week 16:58 <juliank> Oh I'm also on the wrong bug 16:59 <rbalint> wrong meeting as well ? :-) 16:59 <bdmurray> Thanks everybody 16:59 <bdmurray> #endmeeting