15:01 <bdmurray> #startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team 15:01 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Jul 30 15:01:50 2020 UTC. The chair is bdmurray. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 15:01 <meetingology> 15:01 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick 15:02 <bdmurray> #topic Lightning rounds 15:02 <bdmurray> echo $(shuf -e vorlon bdmurray xnox tdaitx doko sil2100 rbalint infinity mwhudson juliank waveform slyon) 15:02 <bdmurray> slyon juliank mwhudson doko vorlon sil2100 infinity waveform bdmurray tdaitx rbalint xnox 15:02 <slyon> - Short week 15:02 <slyon> - Fixed GCC-10 ftbfs for netplan package 15:02 <slyon> * MP awaiting sponsoring, bug #1875412 15:02 <slyon> - Communicated iwd vs wpa_supplicant document 15:02 <slyon> === Netplan === 15:02 <slyon> - Meeting with heather/desktop re NM plugin 15:02 <slyon> - Fixed compilation with GCC-10, PR#115, merged 15:02 <slyon> - Website update, re 'netplan try' docs, published 15:02 <slyon> - Another review for IP addr labels, PR#89 15:02 <ubottu> bug 1875412 in netplan.io (Debian) "netplan.io: ftbfs with GCC 10" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1875412 15:02 <slyon> - Another round of OVS fixes, PR#156, merged 15:02 <slyon> - Continued working on Wireguard PR#113 15:02 <slyon> * Schema changes, NM support, integration test 15:02 <slyon> - Debugging of "first-boot" OVS problem 15:02 <slyon> * Probably cloud-init is not triggering the netplan-* service units 15:02 <slyon> (done) 15:03 <bdmurray> julian is out this week 15:03 <bdmurray> doko: 15:03 <doko> - GCC 10 as default, already migrated 15:03 <doko> - binutils 2.35, already migrated 15:03 <doko> - prepared gcc-10 SRU, still not built on riscv64 15:03 <doko> - prepared Python 3.8.5 SRU, just built yesterday 15:03 <doko> - prepared Python 3.9 SRU, not yet built 15:03 <doko> - +1 work 15:03 <doko> - MIR and archive work 15:04 <doko> (done) 15:04 <bdmurray> vorlon: 15:04 <vorlon> * fixing holes in my boots https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/GRUB2SecureBootBypass 15:05 <vorlon> * working on icu/re2/nodejs migration 15:05 <vorlon> * netplan schema reviews 15:05 <vorlon> * prep work for beginning the point releases 15:05 <vorlon> * SRU reviews 15:05 <vorlon> (done) 15:05 <bdmurray> sil2100: 15:05 <sil2100> uh oh 15:05 <sil2100> - SRU reviews and releases 15:05 <sil2100> - 20.04.1, 18.04.5 and 16.04.7: 15:05 <sil2100> * Release related meetings 15:05 <sil2100> * Sponsoring various pi related packages needed for .5 15:05 <sil2100> * Tweaking pi-gadget classic for bionic .5 15:05 <sil2100> * Creating release tracking thread on discourse for .1 15:05 <sil2100> * Various re-spins, milestone creations, tweaks 15:05 <sil2100> * Preparing for .5 and .7 15:05 <sil2100> * Investigating do-release-upgrade strangeness for raspi bionic->focal 15:05 <sil2100> - Netplan: 15:05 <sil2100> * Various reviews of PRs from Lukas 15:05 <sil2100> * Refreshing OVS packages with latest changes 15:05 <sil2100> - Reviewing the flake8 groovy PR for ubuntu-image 15:05 <sil2100> - Work on smooth core gadget delivery 15:05 <sil2100> - Preparing for core18 release - postponed for next week 15:06 <sil2100> - Other stuff 15:06 <sil2100> (done) 15:06 <sil2100> Oh and appliance stuff too! 15:06 <bdmurray> sil2100: Is there a bug about raspi and u-r-u? 15:06 <bdmurray> waveform: 15:06 <waveform> * Verification of linux-firmware-raspi2 for bionic (LP: #1886581) 15:06 <waveform> * Finished raspberrypi-userland work (LP: #1883111) 15:06 <waveform> * Tested release-upgrade from bionic to focal on various Pis and both architectures 15:06 <waveform> * Verified rpi-eeprom for focal (and issue with libraspberrypi-bin dependency) 15:06 <waveform> * Investigated audio switching issue for the headphone jack (upstream change) 15:06 <waveform> * Worked on flash-kernel update to make u-boot optional in groovy 15:06 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1886581 in linux-firmware-raspi2 (Ubuntu Bionic) "Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit RasPi 3 and 4 image fails to boot on RasPi 4B" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1886581 15:06 <waveform> * Worked on "new stuff" 15:06 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1883111 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] raspberrypi-userland" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1883111 15:06 <waveform> (done) 15:07 <bdmurray> uploaded python-apt for 20.04.1 (updated mirrors list) 15:07 <bdmurray> sent an email to -crew mailing lists re: squid.internal and autopkgtests 15:07 <bdmurray> review / testing of security bug fix(es) 15:07 <bdmurray> iso tracker database update for download links via storm 15:07 <bdmurray> and more point release work 15:07 <bdmurray> ubuntu-release-upgrader bug triage 15:07 <bdmurray> +1 maintenance 15:07 <bdmurray> ✔ done 15:07 <tdaitx> * openjdk-11 and openjdk-8 security updates 15:07 <tdaitx> - rebuild openjdk-8 with upstream patch to fix regression from a security patch 15:07 <tdaitx> - openjdk-8 xenial/powerpc failed 3 times without buildlog, disabled build time tests to speed-up build 15:07 <tdaitx> - keeping an eye on lp and error tracker for openjdk-11 regressions 15:07 <tdaitx> * jck 15:07 <tdaitx> - updated documentation 15:07 <tdaitx> - fixed report file links 15:07 <tdaitx> - compiler passes 100%, runtime passes ~97% 15:07 <tdaitx> - doing re-runs to test runtime baseline 15:07 <tdaitx> (done) 15:07 <bdmurray> balint is out for the moment 15:07 <bdmurray> xnox: 15:08 <xnox> Boothole is out - yeah 15:08 <xnox> Boothole regression fixing - oh noes 15:08 <xnox> Respun grub2-signed, d-i, pc 16 gadgets, pc 18 gadgets 15:08 <xnox> Uploaded things for json-c transition 15:08 <xnox> Failing at progressing icu67 transition 15:08 <xnox> Did not deal with proposed-migrations assigned last week 15:08 <xnox> Still looking for AA to review NEW signed zfcpdump kernel https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/focal/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=zfcpdump-kernel-signed 15:08 <xnox> Progressing with ifupdown ifenslave isc-dhcp resolvconf resolved integration improvements 15:08 <sil2100> bdmurray: yes 15:08 <xnox> done 15:08 <bdmurray> any questions on status? 15:08 <sil2100> bdmurray: (keeping track of stuff here now: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/focal-fossa-20-04-1-lts-point-release-status-tracking/17604 ) 15:08 <vorlon> xnox: pc 20 gadgets incoming? 15:09 <bdmurray> welcome to the community sil2100 15:10 <xnox> vorlon: needs resigning first. 15:10 <bdmurray> #topic Release incoming bugs 15:10 <bdmurray> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-gg-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs 15:11 <bdmurray> bug 1888916 15:11 <ubottu> bug 1888916 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "upgrade from bionic to focal a server with molly-guard moves back sources.list to bionic entries" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1888916 15:11 <xnox> bad molly 15:11 <bdmurray> so the quit code restores your sources.list file 15:11 <bdmurray> which while is wrong I don't know how widely used molly-guard is. Is there some way to figure out how popular a package is? 15:13 <vorlon> seems to me we should just prioritize fixing this in u-r-u 15:14 <xnox> ack 15:14 <bdmurray> bug 1889324 15:14 <ubottu> bug 1889324 in ifenslave (Ubuntu) "ifenslave invalid syntax in hooks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1889324 15:14 <vorlon> xnox: were you already working on this one? 15:14 <bdmurray> this looks like spam 15:15 <vorlon> certainly the submitter has low reputation 15:15 <bdmurray> bug 1887372 15:15 <ubottu> bug 1887372 in lvm2 (Ubuntu) "Cannot create lvm upon IMSM raid array" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1887372 15:16 <xnox> vorlon: i have thousands of points on TeX exchange, and lots of gold & silver medals in amateur volleyball tournaments! 15:16 <vorlon> :) 15:17 <bdmurray> Let's take and card that one 15:17 <vorlon> +1 15:17 <vorlon> xnox: you want it targeted for focal as well? 15:17 <xnox> yes please 15:17 <bdmurray> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ff-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs 15:17 <xnox> but not it to actually cherrypick and upload it =) 15:18 <bdmurray> bug 1886748 15:18 <ubottu> bug 1886748 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04 fails to calculate with clang-6.0 and pocl-opencl-icd installed" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1886748 15:18 <bdmurray> this is reproducable by installing those two packages 15:18 <bdmurray> it looks like there are a fair number of dupes of it too 15:19 <bdmurray> so its def worth fixing 15:19 <bdmurray> I'm just not sure what needs to happens with the dependencies 15:19 <vorlon> agreed; seems like the failure condition is manageable so probably shouldn't be a .1 blocker though? 15:19 <bdmurray> right, the upgrade just doesn't happen 15:20 <bdmurray> so the card should *not* queue jump then? 15:20 <vorlon> I think that's right 15:21 <sil2100> +1 15:21 <bdmurray> That's about it then 15:22 <bdmurray> #topic Team proposed-migration report 15:22 <vorlon> [LINK] https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs 15:22 <vorlon> vim, still with me unless someone wants to steal it 15:23 <vorlon> xz-utils, juliank not here this week; did he hand this off to anyone as he said he would? 15:23 <juliank> xz-utils/snapd needs a snapd Testsuite fix 15:23 <vorlon> juliank: in what way? 15:24 <juliank> I thought they'd have uploaded it by now, but I guess not 15:24 <juliank> https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8922 15:25 <vorlon> juliank: hmm why is this failing only on ppc64el? 15:25 <juliank> I don't know for sure, but I know that the snapd team told me that's the issue 15:25 <vorlon> ok 15:26 <vorlon> if it's a broken test suite I'll probably just go ahead and badtest snapd/ppc64el then 15:26 <juliank> Can do that yes 15:26 <vorlon> build-essential seems to be waiting on autopkgtest results for a newly-uploaded package 15:27 <vorlon> and I was on this last week but failed to follow through to the point of migration because it's been blocked by changes in britney policy 15:27 <vorlon> I'll follow through 15:27 <waveform> python-tz I still need to hunt down a sponsor for oops 15:27 <bdmurray> I'm your huckleberry 15:27 <vorlon> waveform: there are several in this team, please hunt explicitly :) 15:27 <vorlon> there you go 15:27 <waveform> bdmurray, thanks 15:28 <doko> vorlon: isn't that just a component mismatch? 15:28 <vorlon> doko: maybe; I'll check it out 15:28 <vorlon> rbalint_: any progress with libsereal-decoder-perl and friends? 15:28 <slyon> rbalint is out, I think 15:30 <vorlon> is he? 15:30 <vorlon> ok moving on and assuming carry-over 15:32 <vorlon> bdmurray: was mpfr4 / python-gmpy2 yours? 15:32 <vorlon> I thought there was something about a python-gmpy2 removal 15:33 <bdmurray> yes doko mentioned that was happening in debian 15:33 <tdaitx> the lintian regressions (libtext-levenshteinxs-perl libtext-xslate-perl libtime-moment-perl) are still on me, will work on them tomorrow 15:33 <vorlon> bdmurray: you good to follow through? 15:33 <vorlon> tdaitx: thanks 15:33 <bdmurray> vorlon: okay 15:33 <vorlon> xnox: python-werkzeug still yours? 15:33 <xnox> yes 15:33 <doko> upstream said they'll ignore/remove that test 15:34 <xnox> +Package: crossbuild-essential-riscv64 15:34 <xnox> +Architecture: all 15:35 <doko> HOST_ARCHS_riscv64 = amd64 i386 x32 arm64 ppc64el 15:36 <vorlon> logilab-common, there was an MIR which we dealt with instead by demotion so it's still stuck 15:36 <vorlon> s/so/but/ 15:36 <vorlon> slyon: do you want to follow through on this and find out why it's still stuckL? 15:36 <slyon> vorlon: yes. will do 15:36 <doko> I was told, it was wrongly seeded 15:36 <vorlon> slyon: oh it may just be that we didn't actually demote it after removing it from the seed 15:37 <vorlon> so I'll do that and then you can follow up as needed 15:37 <slyon> okay. I will keep an eye on it 15:37 <slyon> and see if it will be resolved 15:38 <xnox> vorlon: doko: looking at cross-build-essenail-* it is mixed state. Some are in main (where cross-arch is "supported" like armhf ppc64el) and some are in universe where arch is not supported (i.e. armel powerpc) and yeah it looks like riscv64 is missmatched in components. 15:38 <vorlon> dbus-python is mine to carry over 15:38 <vorlon> xnox: and in fact it was on the component-mismatches-proposed report for demotion 15:38 <xnox> har har har har 15:39 <vorlon> bdmurray: pygment + mercurial is yours? 15:39 <bdmurray> vorlon: indeed 15:39 <xnox> and it went into main by default, because source package is in main, sigh. 15:40 <vorlon> waveform: are you on gpgme1.0? 15:41 <waveform> vorlon, yup 15:41 <vorlon> xnox: autodep8 is still yours 15:41 <xnox> yes 15:41 <vorlon> gcc-9 just waiting on riscv64 build 15:41 <doko> for a week ... 15:41 <vorlon> who can take software-properties? 15:42 <slyon> I can 15:42 <bdmurray> If not the desktop team I could 15:42 <xnox> vorlon: doko: but we have retrieved gcc-9 buildlog for riscv64, did you see that? 15:42 <xnox> doko: it FTBFS. 15:42 <vorlon> actually maybe we should leave software-properties with the uploader ( tsimonq2 ) 15:42 <slyon> ok 15:43 <bdmurray> software-properties looks like a network issue 15:44 <vorlon> gce-compute-image-packages is a wibbly NBS issue which I don't understand; I'll follow up 15:44 <xnox> doko: https://chat.canonical.com/canonical/pl/hpugx38u3ido3jz14fxgy1oihw 15:44 <vorlon> (looks to me like a britney bug, frankly) 15:44 <vorlon> fwupd needs signing requests accepted, I'll handle 15:45 <vorlon> doko: can you take paramiko? 15:46 <bdmurray> actually software-properties looks like it should be ddstreet 15:46 <bdmurray> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-properties/0.99.0 15:47 <ddstreet> hmm pyflakes failure, sure i can upload a new one 15:48 <bdmurray> I think its more than pyflakes but I haven't looked closely. https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-groovy/groovy/amd64/s/software-properties/20200728_121029_07976@/log.gz 15:48 <doko> vorlon: ok 15:48 <vorlon> thanks 15:48 <vorlon> bdmurray: done 15:48 <bdmurray> #topic AOB 15:49 <bdmurray> Anything else? Anybody have great vacation plans in the next week? 15:50 <sil2100> Never 15:50 <sil2100> ;) 15:50 <bdmurray> I'm looking for mountain goats this weekend. 15:50 <mclemenceau> I'll be out tomorrow 15:50 <bdmurray> but anyway 15:50 <vorlon> the ones that chewed holes in your boots 15:50 <vorlon> ? 15:50 <bdmurray> #endmeeting