15:01 <bdmurray> #startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team 15:01 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Mar 26 15:01:33 2020 UTC. The chair is bdmurray. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 15:01 <meetingology> 15:01 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick 15:01 <bdmurray> #topic Lightning rounds 15:01 <bdmurray> echo $(shuf -e vorlon bdmurray xnox tdaitx doko sil2100 rbalint infinity mwhudson juliank waveform slyon) 15:02 <bdmurray> mwhudson juliank waveform bdmurray rbalint sil2100 vorlon xnox doko slyon infinity tdaitx 15:02 <bdmurray> no mwhudson so juliank 15:02 <juliank> wooohoo 15:02 <juliank> * made the debian-cd oem work ready to land, take #2 (also handle kernel-flavour: default) 15:02 <juliank> * apt 2.0.1 (colored error prefixes, wooohoo) 15:02 <juliank> * synced python-apt 1.9.10 15:02 <juliank> * worked around mypy 0.770 failures in python-apt; fixed failure in mypy: https://github.com/python/typeshed/pull/3882 15:02 <juliank> * initial work on designing the interactive/non-interactive apt stuff 15:02 <juliank> * initial work on the installing grub to multiple ESPs (copy and paste code from grub-pc to grub-efi...) 15:02 <juliank> * some upstream grub emails 15:02 <juliank> (done) 15:02 <bdmurray> waveform: 15:03 <waveform> * Worked on uc20 boot sequence (tweaked env vars in boot script to fit new snapd requirements) 15:03 <waveform> * Added some bells and whistles to pibootctl (bash completion) 15:03 <waveform> * Started work on pi configuration tool to sit on top of pibootctl 15:03 <waveform> * Updated flash-kernel with new +raspi kernel flavor (LP: #1868071) 15:03 <waveform> * Updated flash-kernel to make initrd optional on pi; improves boot speed by 4s but requires further work before we can switch to it (LP: #1867791) 15:03 <waveform> * Preparing upgrade of linux-firmware-raspi2 (again!) 15:03 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1868071 in flash-kernel (Ubuntu Bionic) "flash-kernel needs to support 'raspi' kernel flavors" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1868071 15:03 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1867791 in flash-kernel (Ubuntu Bionic) "initrd should be optional on pi" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1867791 15:03 <waveform> * Testing bionic->focal and eoan->focal upgrades on the pi (slowly :) 15:03 <waveform> (done) 15:03 <bdmurray> waveform: what flash-kernel testing can I help with? 15:03 <bdmurray> its a me! 15:03 <bdmurray> SRU verifications for apport bug LP: #1814611 15:03 <bdmurray> helped mclemenceau fix an apport autopkgtest failure 15:03 <bdmurray> tested setting regulatory domain to fix LP: #1862760 15:03 <bdmurray> special SRU review of glib2.0 - included badtesting packages 15:03 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1814611 in apport (Ubuntu Bionic) "turning off "Send error reports to Canonical" prevents using ubuntu-bug" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1814611 15:03 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1862760 in linux-firmware-raspi2 (Ubuntu Focal) "Unreliable 802.11ac connection on our raspi images" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1862760 15:03 <bdmurray> emailed ubuntu-devel re langpacks on desktop ISOs 15:03 <bdmurray> discussed RPi image symlinking 15:03 <bdmurray> uploaded u-r-u with updated kernel and initrd fallback size calculations 15:03 <bdmurray> much work on ubuntu-security-status 15:03 <bdmurray> ✔ done 15:04 <bdmurray> rbalint: 15:04 <rbalint> * landed systemd 245.2 in Focal 15:04 <rbalint> * uploads via Debian: kodi 18.6 and all rev deps 15:04 <rbalint> * partner work 15:04 <waveform> bdmurray, mostly just making sure that on all pis it works without crashing and then a reboot operates correctly - I've tested it on a reasonable selection here but more testing is always good 15:04 <rbalint> * MIR: many lintian dependencies 15:04 <rbalint> * emacs: switch to use Python 3 15:04 <rbalint> (done) 15:04 <bdmurray> sil2100: 15:04 <sil2100> Oh, me 15:04 <sil2100> - SRU reviews and releases 15:04 <sil2100> - Kernel SRU reviews 15:04 <sil2100> - netplan: 15:04 <sil2100> * Cherry-picked and sponsored Lukases autopkgtest fixes for netplan.io focal 15:04 <sil2100> * Some discussions on future netplan plans 15:04 <sil2100> * Reading up on SR-IOV devices and their support 15:04 <sil2100> * Finished base implementation, finalizing filtered vlan setup 15:04 <sil2100> * Started working on unit-tests 15:04 <sil2100> * Looked into some details for the read-write spec 15:04 <sil2100> - Prepared release tracking document for 20.04 beta 15:04 <sil2100> - Moved the BetaReleaseChecklist to the tracking document 15:05 <sil2100> - Extended the GPG key for langpack builds, pushed to keyserver 15:05 <sil2100> - Built first set of focal language-packs, made sure the new -ckb packs got accepted 15:05 <sil2100> - Release team work, some FFe reviews 15:05 <sil2100> - Stuff 15:05 <sil2100> (done) 15:05 <xnox> rbalint: emacs python3? which bits? 15:05 <bdmurray> vorlon is out for the week 15:05 <bdmurray> xnox: 15:05 <xnox> UC20 ubuntu-core-initramfs ftbfs debugging 15:05 <xnox> UC20 snapd.mount is mounted for install mode, now needs to happen for run-mode too 15:05 <xnox> Updating llvm-toolchain to final v10 release with s390x arch set to z13 15:05 <xnox> Uploaded atlas with min-arch set at z13 15:05 <xnox> Merge proposals for ubuntu-archive-scripts merged, switching GG series to single signed key 15:05 <xnox> Made merge proposal for what-is-python migration 15:05 <xnox> TODO: chat with mvo as to what is wrong with CNF data 15:05 <xnox> Worked on drafting OEM archive spec 15:05 <xnox> Working on OVS netplan spec 15:05 <xnox> done 15:05 <bdmurray> doko: 15:06 <doko> - python b-d removals 15:06 <doko> - MIRs 15:06 <doko> - package removals 15:06 <doko> - fixing ftbfs 15:06 <doko> - OpenJDK updates 15:06 <rbalint> xnox, it called out to "python" to run sripts, see the very simple diff 15:06 <doko> (done) 15:06 <bdmurray> slyon: 15:06 <slyon> * fixed netplan's integration tests 15:06 <slyon> * split netplan into libnetplan.so + binaries, making use of the lib 15:06 <slyon> * verify and cleanup the packaging for libnetplan[-dev] and netplan.io 15:06 <slyon> * setup test env for libnetplan <-> NetworkManager netplan plugin 15:06 <slyon> * working on NetworkManager plugin code & creating unit tests 15:06 <slyon> (done) 15:06 <bdmurray> infinity isn't about 15:06 <bdmurray> tdaitx: 15:06 <xnox> rbalint: tah! 15:07 <tdaitx> Short week: worked only 2 half-days 15:07 <tdaitx> * emails, checking and following up on new/updated bug reports 15:07 <tdaitx> Other: 15:07 <tdaitx> - limited connectivity; ISP disabled the old connection before enabling it in the new location, so my server cannot do any heavy lifting for now; expect to be fixed some time tomorrow morning 15:07 <tdaitx> - will work half a day today (maybe again tomorrow, depending on ISP) and will compensate these hours over the weekend 15:07 <tdaitx> (done) 15:07 <bdmurray> #topic Release incoming bugs 15:07 <bdmurray> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ff-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs 15:08 <bdmurray> bug 1867065 15:08 <ubottu> bug 1867065 in casper (Ubuntu) "Installer hangs at boot on machine" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1867065 15:09 <bdmurray> this is related to the spinner theme stuff 15:09 <bdmurray> so lets move on 15:10 <bdmurray> bug 1868191 15:10 <ubottu> bug 1868191 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Unchecking all optional media apps, install fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1868191 15:10 <xnox> there has been some progres; but more casper work is needed 15:11 <bdmurray> This one seems to be a dupe of bug 1851346 so next 15:11 <ubottu> bug 1851346 in ubuntustudio-live (Ubuntu Focal) "Ubuntu Studio 19.10 Installer Causes Wanted Programs to be Removed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1851346 15:12 <bdmurray> bug 1868716 15:12 <ubottu> bug 1868716 in git (Ubuntu) "git: fatal: mmap failed: Cannot allocate memory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1868716 15:13 <bdmurray> doko: you think we should be fixing this for Focal 15:14 <doko> bdmurray: would be nice to have a working git? 15:15 <bdmurray> Okay, lets target and card that then. 15:15 <bdmurray> And lets all keep an eye out for issues with git 15:16 <xnox> possibly a support issue 15:16 <bdmurray> bug 1868240 - it looks like seb is investigating 15:16 <ubottu> bug 1868240 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "No plymouth screens displayed at all after installing the Nvidia driver" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1868240 15:17 <bdmurray> bug 1868409 15:17 <ubottu> bug 1868409 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "gnome-{calculator,logs,characters} snaps not removed after the equivalent APT packages are installed on 20.04, and gnome-software APT package not replaced by snap-store" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1868409 15:17 <bdmurray> I'm just gonna comment on that, I believe update-manager is supposed to sort this out 15:20 <bdmurray> rls-ee and rls-bb are fine 15:20 <bdmurray> #topic Team proposed-migration report 15:21 <bdmurray> #link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs 15:22 <bdmurray> is openssh still with security? 15:23 <bdmurray> doko: ^^ 15:23 <doko> bdmurray: yes 15:23 <xnox> mercurial -> i propose to reduce the autopkgtest to basic usage only 15:23 <bdmurray> netplan.io I thought I just read the tests were fixed 15:24 <xnox> yes 15:24 <xnox> but the test retriggers didn't happen (or got lost) 15:24 <slyon> netplan is fixed in 0.98-0ubuntu4 15:24 <xnox> i retriggered again today, there should be results in a few hours 15:24 <bdmurray> okay 15:24 <xnox> if not something odd is happening 15:24 <bdmurray> python3-defaults - kazoo 15:25 <bdmurray> the failure on arm64 looks the same as the amd64 failure which retrying fixed 15:25 <bdmurray> however retrying arm64 didn't help... 15:26 <bdmurray> So if somebody could help me look at it that would be nice 15:26 <bdmurray> xnox: did you look at python-fabio? 15:28 <xnox> yes, and gave up 15:28 <xnox> i don't understand it =( 15:29 <bdmurray> maybe mwhudson can sort it out 15:29 <bdmurray> what about scipy? 15:29 <bdmurray> It didn't show up last week iirc 15:32 <bdmurray> rbalint: can you look at beets? 15:32 <rbalint> bdmurray, sure, taking it 15:32 <bdmurray> xnox will take gnutls28 15:32 <waveform> I'll take mu-editor 15:32 <bdmurray> thanks 15:33 <bdmurray> I'll look at django-axes 15:33 <bdmurray> tdaitx: can you look at dune-common? 15:33 <tdaitx> bdmurray: will do 15:33 <doko> I'll look at beets 15:33 <bdmurray> slyon: Do you time to look at anything? 15:34 <slyon> I'm mostly busy with NetworkManager currently 15:34 <bdmurray> okay 15:34 <bdmurray> juliank: python-llfuse? 15:35 <juliank> ok 15:35 <bdmurray> I guess we need to loop around 15:35 <bdmurray> python-nacl - doko? 15:36 <bdmurray> scipy we'll leave for vorlon or mwhudson 15:37 <bdmurray> lapack - anybody? 15:37 <xnox> i'll take it 15:37 <bdmurray> pcre3 ... php-mockery we'll ask server 15:38 <bdmurray> uchardet - rbalint? 15:38 <rbalint> bdmurray, ok 15:38 <bdmurray> pinentry I'll have a look 15:38 <bdmurray> dpkg - julian‽ 15:39 <juliank> mhh 15:40 <xnox> sil2100: lapack is no longer built on i386, so it should be badtested on i386, and then badtest removed, britney "missfired" i386 request 15:40 <juliank> that seems a bit excessive 15:40 <bdmurray> I'm sorry could you elaborate? 15:41 <juliank> well, there are no related failures afaict, and they're spread across a lot of ecosystems 15:42 <xnox> bdmurray: i'll take dpkg to drive to resetting 15:42 <bdmurray> xnox okay, thanks! 15:42 <bdmurray> #topic AOB 15:43 <bdmurray> Next week is Beta! 15:43 <doko> yes, autopkg images 15:43 <juliank> I'm off tomorrow 15:43 <juliank> should we revert shim nowß 15:43 <juliank> ? 15:43 <doko> juliank: any progress with the update, or is it waiting on the kernel? 15:43 <juliank> doko: well, i have not looked 15:45 <bdmurray> how can we decide about shim? 15:45 <juliank> shim is breaking fwupd (or well, any argument passed to it) 15:46 <waveform> anybody that has a bit of time and a spare pi or three - feel free to test out pibootctl from ppa:waveform/pibootctl - now with (incomplete) bash completion :) 15:47 <bdmurray> julian will look in the age of focal autopkg images 15:50 <bdmurray> okay, lets wrap this up 15:50 <bdmurray> 1 15:51 <bdmurray> #endmeeting