16:24 <juliank> #startmeeting 16:24 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Feb 27 16:24:42 2020 UTC. The chair is juliank. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 16:24 <meetingology> 16:24 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick 16:25 <juliank> #topic Lightning rounds 16:25 <juliank> echo $(shuf -e vorlon bdmurray xnox tdaitx doko sil2100 rbalint infinity mwhudson juliank waveform) 16:25 <juliank> mwhudson waveform juliank doko rbalint vorlon tdaitx xnox bdmurray sil2100 infinity 16:25 <juliank> waveform: 16:26 <waveform> * Going slow (lungs still recovering) 16:26 <waveform> * Looked at mu-editor/pyserial but couldn't replicate the segfault under armhf; requested re-run of test 16:26 <waveform> * Patched ssh-import-id for focal (LP: #1864107) 16:26 <waveform> * Built linux-firmware-raspi2 testing packages (LP: #1862760) 16:26 <waveform> * Patched f-k to avoid running under containers (LP: #1863145) 16:26 <waveform> * Finished off all pictl features; working on test suite/docs 16:26 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1864107 in ssh-import-id (Ubuntu) "ssh-import-id broken on Focal" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1864107 16:26 <waveform> * Working on f-k merge (several deltas can probably be removed) 16:26 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1862760 in linux-raspi2-5.3 (Ubuntu Focal) "Unreliable 802.11ac connection on our raspi images" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1862760 16:26 <waveform> * Working on uc20 boot scripts (images build locally, u-boot starts, combining core A/B elements into optional portion of classic bootscript to bring both into a single package-based source) 16:26 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1863145 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu) "arm64 cloud image contains flash-kernel which leads to apt errors on upgrade" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1863145 16:26 <waveform> (done) 16:26 <juliank> juliank: 16:26 <juliank> * apt transition 16:26 <juliank> * debian-cd/grub work 16:26 <juliank> (done) 16:26 <juliank> doko: 16:27 <doko> - gnat transition 16:27 <doko> - fixed remaining icu related ftbfs 16:27 <doko> - syncs & merges 16:27 <doko> - GCC update 16:27 <doko> (done) 16:27 <juliank> rbalint: 16:27 <rbalint> * uploads via Debian: meld 3.20.2, unattended-upgrades 1.18 (via experimental), wireshark 3.2.2-1 16:27 <rbalint> * (highlight) unattended-upgrades now honors pinning and became much faster 16:27 <rbalint> * proposed-migration: postgresql-pgmp (gmp) 16:27 <rbalint> * merges: uisp, ssmtp, speex, mawk (synced), systemd, mtd-utils 16:27 <rbalint> * updated kodi and all packaged addons to 18.5 upstream version 16:27 <rbalint> * partner work 16:28 <rbalint> (done) 16:28 <juliank> vorlon: 16:28 <vorlon> * proposed-migration: icu and boost-defaults have migrated! 16:28 <vorlon> * just in time for FF, which will be happening today 16:28 <vorlon> * looking at arm64 autopkgtest backlog, possibly stuck wasting time on umpteen libreoffice tests that will never succeed 16:28 <vorlon> * out next Tuesday 16:28 <vorlon> (done) 16:28 <juliank> tdaitx: 16:28 <tdaitx> * apport security backports for xenial, bionic, eoan (LP: #1853383, LP: #1851806, LP: #1854237) 16:28 <tdaitx> - local tests are good, waiting for autopkgtest results from bileto 16:28 <tdaitx> * openjdk 11 fixes for i386 (LP: #1861467, thanks vorlon for the patch) and partial hs-err log artifacts collection 16:28 <tdaitx> * openjdk 8 ongoing to add hs-err artifact collection and merge with debian 16:28 <tdaitx> * collected openjdk-11 buildlogs, parsing to generate stable and flaky test lists 16:29 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1853383 in apport (Ubuntu Eoan) "autopkgtest regression in test_add_proc_info" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1853383 16:29 <tdaitx> * retesting LP: #1838740 on focal, eoan, bionic 16:29 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1851806 in apport (Ubuntu) "'module' object has no attribute 'O_PATH'" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1851806 16:29 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1854237 in apport (Ubuntu Disco) "autopkgtests fail after security fixes" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1854237 16:29 <tdaitx> (done) 16:29 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1861467 in openjdk-lts (Ubuntu) "make autopkgtests cross-test-friendly" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1861467 16:29 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1838740 in openjdk-lts (Ubuntu Focal) "libjawt.so inconsistency lets JVM crash" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1838740 16:29 <juliank> xnox: around? 16:29 <juliank> I guess that means no 16:30 <juliank> bdmurray is out 16:30 <juliank> sil2100: 16:30 <sil2100> - SRU reviews and releases 16:30 <sil2100> - Cherry-picked bubblewrap test fixes to unblock libcap2, retried tests 16:30 <sil2100> - ubuntu-image: 16:30 <sil2100> * Fixed focal ADT tests 16:30 <sil2100> * Released 1.9 to focal, uploaded SRUs to stable series 16:30 <sil2100> * Investigated and fixed snap builds 16:30 <sil2100> - netplan: 16:30 <sil2100> * Worked though the existing network-manager changes and made them buildable 16:30 <sil2100> * Set up a test environment, performed first batch of tests 16:30 <sil2100> * Worked on some edge-cases causing segfaults in network-manager 16:30 <sil2100> * Make sure nm-created netplan .yaml configs are deleted on nmcli con delete 16:30 <sil2100> - Switched the raspi3 SUBARCH to raspi on focal 16:30 <sil2100> - Release sprint travel booking 16:30 <sil2100> - Some health hiccups 16:30 <sil2100> (done) 16:30 <juliank> infinity yis not here 16:30 <juliank> #topic Release incoming bugs (focal) 16:30 <juliank> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ff-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs 16:32 <juliank> bug 1847191 16:32 <ubottu> bug 1847191 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Selected experimental ZFS otion and install in QEMU/KVM and crashed" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1847191 16:32 <juliank> this one has jibel assigned to it, so ? 16:33 <vorlon> so let's punt and leave it to desktop team to decide whether they're committing for focal 16:33 <juliank> bug 1861873 16:33 <ubottu> bug 1861873 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport-collect fails to run with python3.8" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1861873 16:33 <juliank> I see uploads from cjwatson in there 16:33 <juliank> is there still an actual apport bug? 16:34 <vorlon> my understanding from reading the bug log just now is that's fixed in python-launchpadlib 16:34 <vorlon> so I'll close the apport task invalid 16:34 <juliank> ack 16:34 <juliank> bug 1860957 16:34 <cjwatson> Should be, I was waiting for doko to confirm 16:34 <ubottu> bug 1860957 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Focal) "ZFS installation crash when ESP already exists" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1860957 16:34 <vorlon> doko: ^^ please reopen if you find problems still 16:35 <sil2100> I somehow remember seeing a card for that already 16:35 <sil2100> But I can't find any, so probably just in my head 16:35 <vorlon> it's already targeted, we should take off the incoming tag at any rate 16:35 <juliank> the zfs one? 16:35 <vorlon> yeah 16:35 <juliank> ack 16:36 <juliank> vorlon: don't see a card id tag, though 16:36 <vorlon> juliank: yes, because it's the desktop team's project 16:36 <juliank> ah right 16:36 <vorlon> so if they targeted it to the release, I assume that means they're owning it, even if there's no assignee 16:36 <juliank> bug 1864586 16:36 <ubottu> bug 1864586 in plymouth (Ubuntu Focal) "plymouth does not ask for LUKS password and does not change tty properly" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1864586 16:37 <vorlon> this one is a definite critical 16:37 <vorlon> and I'm going to upload plymouth today 16:37 <vorlon> :P 16:38 <juliank> bug 1861472 16:38 <ubottu> bug 1861472 in openssh (Ubuntu) "upgrade from fresh bionic to focal needlessly prompts user" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1861472 16:38 <juliank> that's assigned to colin, so let's ignore it, I guess? 16:39 <vorlon> yeah and remove the incoming tag 16:40 <juliank> OK, that's it for high/critical 16:41 <vorlon> (and openssh is probably just waiting on libfido2 MIR) 16:41 <juliank> #topic Release incoming bugs (bionic) 16:41 <juliank> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-bb-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs 16:41 <juliank> nothing on there 16:41 <vorlon> \o/ 16:41 <juliank> #topic Team proposed-migration report 16:41 <juliank> #link http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs 16:42 <juliank> libyaml-libyaml-perl (0.80+repack-2 to 0.81+repack-1) in proposed for 28 days 16:42 <juliank> regression of libkiokudb-perl/ 16:43 <vorlon> that one is deprioritized 16:43 <vorlon> (there's an update-excuse bug) 16:43 <vorlon> libcap2/bubblewrap 16:43 <vorlon> sil2100: you said last week you were looking at this? 16:43 <sil2100> That one hopefully should be better, let me look 16:43 <vorlon> sil2100: are you going to carry on? 16:44 <sil2100> I pushed a new bubblewrap that fixed the tests 16:44 <sil2100> Probably needs a re-run somewhere with the new bubblewrap 16:44 <sil2100> Looking 16:44 <vorlon> only on arm64 16:44 <vorlon> considering that one taken 16:44 <vorlon> gpgme1.0, this is my merge and it's failing terribly 16:44 <vorlon> so it's on my list but probably not going to get worked this week 16:44 <juliank> nice 16:44 <sil2100> vorlon: I think I actually re-ran the arm64 one, but I think the arm64 tests are going quite slow 16:45 <vorlon> pyyaml: one autopkgtest regression, probably reproducible in release, I'll take it 16:45 <juliank> Yeah I tried merging gpgme as well a while back and stopped after the errors 16:45 <vorlon> simplejson, same failing autopkgtest (mpi4py/ppc64el) 16:45 <vorlon> so I'll take this also 16:45 <vorlon> lxml/searx 16:45 <vorlon> who can take this? 16:46 <vorlon> juliank: ? 16:46 <juliank> I guess 16:46 <vorlon> thanks 16:46 <vorlon> libhtml-parser-perl: gscan2pdf/arm64 16:46 <vorlon> this one is hanging/timing out on the autopkgtest runners 16:46 <vorlon> so whoever takes this, don't try to solve it by blindly retrying tests :P 16:47 <vorlon> (which apparently Laney already had to clean up after today) 16:47 <rbalint> i take it, i tried to retry before :-) 16:47 <Laney> I have hinted that one fwiw 16:47 <Laney> but still feel free to fix it of course 16:47 <rbalint> Laney, i'd pass then :-) 16:47 <vorlon> ah, let's move on instead :) 16:48 <vorlon> git, mercurial/s390x 16:48 <vorlon> rbalint: you can have this one 16:48 <rbalint> Laney, in release it passed, so there seems to be a genuine regression 16:48 <rbalint> vorlon, ok, mercurial then 16:49 <vorlon> rbalint: or just flaky 16:49 <vorlon> pastedeploy: waveform: ? 16:49 <waveform> vorlon, ok 16:49 <vorlon> licensecheck: tdaitx: ? 16:49 <tdaitx> vorlon: ok 16:50 <rbalint> vorlon, if it is flaky we should at least add a shorter timeout to the script 16:50 <vorlon> to what script? 16:50 <rbalint> gscan2pdf/arm64 autopkgtest 16:50 <vorlon> python3-stdlib-extensions is a candidate, I think this is de facto me + doko to unpick 16:51 <vorlon> rbalint: in the testsuite itself? fair, but not a priority at the moment IMHO 16:51 <cjwatson> waveform: looks like a bad test FWIW since the module is called paste.deploy not pastedeploy 16:51 <vorlon> libhtml-form-perl 16:51 <waveform> cjwatson, ta 16:52 <vorlon> doko: could you take libhtml-form-perl please? 16:52 <doko> ok 16:52 <juliank> autodep8-perl-build-deps failure 16:52 <vorlon> and that's the list 16:52 <juliank> wooo 16:52 <cjwatson> waveform: Hmm but debian/tests/pkg-python/import-name exists and looks correct, so may be more subtle 16:52 <juliank> #topic AOB 16:53 <rbalint> it is Feature Freeze today! 16:53 <vorlon> indeed 16:53 <juliank> :( 16:54 <juliank> #endmeeting