15:03 <rbalint> #startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team 15:03 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Aug 8 15:03:07 2019 UTC. The chair is rbalint. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 15:03 <meetingology> 15:03 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick 15:03 <rbalint> #topic Lightning rounds 15:03 <rbalint> echo $(shuf -e vorlon bdmurray xnox tdaitx sil2100 rbalint cyphermox mwhudson juliank waveform) 15:03 <rbalint> sil2100 mwhudson juliank bdmurray waveform cyphermox tdaitx xnox vorlon rbalint 15:03 <sil2100> Oh no 15:04 <sil2100> - SRU reviews and releases 15:04 <sil2100> - A few quick kernel reviews 15:04 <sil2100> - 18.04.3: 15:04 <sil2100> * Preparing and formatting the changelog 15:04 <sil2100> * Poking people for testing 15:04 <sil2100> * Fixing download urls for netboot images on the isotracker 15:04 <sil2100> * Spinning ubuntu-core 16 and 18 images, iterating on testing 15:04 <sil2100> * Linked core release process wiki to the PointReleaseProcess 15:04 <sil2100> - Moved libpwquality in l-o-m from gnome to the common langpack packages 15:04 <sil2100> - NEW review of ibus-avro 15:04 <sil2100> - disk-space-estimate for snaps: change ready, finishing writing basic tests 15:04 <sil2100> - Proposed an MP for livecd-rootfs to add the system-boot NoCloud datasource for all ubuntu-image images 15:04 <sil2100> - Investigating reports of slow pi bootup time - we might want to consider backporting livecd-rootfs changes to bionic 15:04 <sil2100> (done) 15:04 <sil2100> (and I'm out the next 2 weeks) 15:05 * sil2100 pokes juliank 15:05 * juliank is poked 15:06 <juliank> but desktop buggy 15:06 <juliank> * Hack around broken procenv in eoan breaking sbuild and pbuilder autopkgtest everywhere 15:06 <juliank> * hotfix python-apt so snapd builds in eoan (LP: #1837926), needs a cleaner fix, but that needs work in bindings 15:06 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1837926 in snapd (Ubuntu Eoan) "snapd snap ftbfs in eoan due to python-apt regression" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1837926 15:06 <juliank> * Released apt 1.9.2 15:06 <juliank> * Verify dpkg SRUs 15:06 <juliank> * Answered questions about which apt binary packages need upgrading needed for trusty ESM 15:06 <juliank> * Some initial analysis and workarounds in autopkgtest for the i386 autopkgtest queue being stuck, which turned out to be a gnutls bug (LP: #1839354) 15:06 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1839354 in gnutls28 (Ubuntu) "gnutls28 requires write and executable bits" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1839354 15:06 <juliank> (done) 15:06 <waveform> * Worked on pi4 kernel patches; got a cleanly building tree under armhf (currently building arm64) which works on pi3 but not pi4 yet, still stripping out irrelevant patches 15:06 <waveform> * Further testing on pi4-compatible u-boot; found it's semi-compatible across pi versions but we *may* still need conditional boot sections 15:06 <waveform> * Built patches for u-boot postinst & pi gadget to handle conditional boot sections 15:06 <waveform> * Investigating boot issue on arm64 pi images (appears to be kernel framebuffer) 15:06 <waveform> (done) 15:06 <cyphermox> I'll be off tomorrow, and Monday-Tuesday next week 15:06 <cyphermox> libuv1 shepherding from -proposed: uploaded new nodejs with upstream fix 15:06 <cyphermox> Rerunning various node-* autopkgtests 15:06 <cyphermox> Writing the OpenVSwitch support spec for netplan 15:07 <cyphermox> trying to get review for the NM plugin spec for netplan 15:07 <cyphermox> Looked into no-writable-files-in-/etc for UC20 15:07 <cyphermox> shim update: didn't get reviewed get, will do a new snapshot 15:07 <cyphermox> preparing netplan release with the recently merged PRs 15:07 <cyphermox> 🀄 15:07 <xnox> tdaitx not in the channel? 15:07 <xnox> * sprint last week 15:07 <xnox> * prepared openvpn-server update for trusty / esm / #is 15:07 <xnox> * prepared initrd updates for microcode handling on core16/18 15:07 <xnox> * patches to linux-snap to use the right microcode packages 15:07 <xnox> * expenses / notes / post-sprint jetlag (more to do) 15:07 <xnox> * core20 snap, it build! it boots! console-conf fails! 15:07 <xnox> * fixing console-conf... as it was not touched for like 2+ years 15:07 <xnox> * lots of s390x tickets to work on 15:08 <xnox> * attempt to unbreak unattended-upgrades pyflakes adt regression 15:08 <xnox> * refreshed ubiquity 15:08 <xnox> * new upstream release of s390-tools 15:08 <xnox> done... 15:08 <xnox> vorlon: 15:08 <vorlon> * worked with juliank and mwhudson to fix a gnutls28 bug on i386 that was breaking autopkgtests (LP: #1839354) 15:08 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1839354 in gnutls28 (Ubuntu) "gnutls28 requires write and executable bits" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1839354 15:08 <vorlon> * proposed-migration curling 15:08 <vorlon> * preparation for kicking off public i386 discussion 15:08 <vorlon> * reviews of netplan PRs 15:08 <vorlon> * off tomorrow 15:08 <vorlon> (done) 15:09 <rbalint> * uploaded wslu 2.3.0 15:09 <rbalint> * reopened MIR for libnftnl 15:09 <rbalint> * verified and announced new WSL tarballs 15:09 <rbalint> * uploaded unattended-upgrades 1.14 fixing a few recent issues 15:09 <rbalint> * merged systemd 242-rc1, poking it to migrate 15:09 <rbalint> * other proposed migration work 15:09 <rbalint> (done) 15:09 <rbalint> any questions? 15:09 <cyphermox> rbalint: fwiw, libnftnl approved. 15:09 <cyphermox> (it had already been MIRed, etc. etc.) 15:09 <rbalint> cyphermox, thanks! 15:10 <cyphermox> rbalint: carry on I guess :) 15:10 <gaughen> what is that picture cyphermox ? 15:10 <cyphermox> what picture? 15:10 <rbalint> #topic Release incoming bugs 15:10 <gaughen> 🀄 15:10 <rbalint> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ee-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs 15:10 <cyphermox> gaughen: a mahjong tile 15:10 <gaughen> aaaah 15:10 <gaughen> I couldn't tell 15:10 <sil2100> It's a red dragon I guess? 15:10 <gaughen> I put glasses on to try and see if that would help 15:11 <gaughen> I thought it was a bow/arrow 15:11 <gaughen> and he was indicating doneness by shooting an arrow at the next person 15:11 <rbalint> hmm, no high or unclassified there. 15:11 <rbalint> Bionic does not have new bugs either 15:11 <sil2100> rbalint: guess we can move on then 15:12 <rbalint> #topic Team proposed-migration report 15:12 <rbalint> #link http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs 15:12 <rbalint> imagemagick is blocked on libheif mir 15:12 <rbalint> i fixed unattended-upgrades regression for debconf 15:14 <vorlon> rbalint: are you retrying the tests against new unattended-upgrades in -proposed? 15:14 <rbalint> vorlon, yep 15:15 <vorlon> ok 15:15 <vorlon> xnox: btrfs-progs still blocked on curtin, and your comment to me on IRC did not give me clarity 15:15 <rbalint> prometheus-blackbox-exporter is still sad, and i faced 404 in other tests from ftpmaster.internal 15:15 <rbalint> i think there is something with ftpmaster.internal 15:15 <vorlon> xnox: are you reverting this btrfs-progs change again, or are you teaching the curtin maintainers about or'ed dependencies? 15:16 <vorlon> rbalint: if that's only on i386, that's the gnutls28 ubg 15:16 <vorlon> bug 15:17 <rbalint> vorlon, ok 15:17 <vorlon> because systemd-resolved links against libgnutls, confinement means text relocations were rejected at startup time, name resolution fails if your env pulled gnutls from -proposed 15:17 <vorlon> so yeah, I've retried that one now 15:17 <vorlon> (the log clearly shows it trying to pull all packages from -proposed and then falling over) 15:22 <rbalint> debconf: i'll retry with new u-u 15:22 <rbalint> any taker for openssh? 15:23 <vorlon> it's i386, I'm retrying it 15:23 <vorlon> (and reading the logs afterwards) 15:24 <vorlon> but I'll follow up 15:24 <rbalint> u-u is mine 15:24 <vorlon> it looks, at best, a flaky test 15:24 <sil2100> livecd-rootfs - looks like it just needs a re-run, apparently the tests were running at a wrong moment 15:25 <sil2100> Let me re-run it 15:25 <vorlon> golang-1.12-race-detector-runtime seems to be just plain missing from the archive 15:25 <cyphermox> I have been looking into netplan. I guess I better check what's up with pyyaml 15:25 <vorlon> (so, golang-defaults blocked on the Debian maintainers) 15:26 <rbalint> vorlon, ack 15:26 <rbalint> cyphermox, do you take pyyaml then? 15:26 <cyphermox> yessir. 15:26 <rbalint> cyphermox, thanks! 15:27 <rbalint> libvpx looks ok 15:27 <vorlon> libvpx is a lib transition 15:27 <vorlon> I'll kick off some rebuilds 15:27 <rbalint> vorlon, ok, thanks! 15:27 <rbalint> #topic AOB 15:29 <gaughen> rbalint, did we finish the proposed-migration list? 15:29 <rbalint> gaughen, yes 15:30 <sil2100> No AOB from me 15:30 <rbalint> so if there is no AOB, i'm closing the meeting in 1m :-) 15:30 <sil2100> Well, there is one thing... 15:30 <sil2100> It's international cat day 15:30 <sil2100> I guess that's important enough to discuss as AOB? 15:31 <rbalint> sil2100, i should have used shuf | cat 15:31 <sil2100> ! 15:31 <sil2100> ;) 15:31 <sil2100> 🐈 15:31 <sil2100> (but seriously, no other AOB here) 15:31 <rbalint> #endmeeting