15:04 <gaughen> #startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team
15:04 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu May  9 15:04:46 2019 UTC.  The chair is gaughen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
15:04 <meetingology> 
15:04 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
15:04 <gaughen> o\
15:05 <sil2100> o>
15:05 <juliank> |o|
15:05 <gaughen> #topic Lightning rounds
15:05 <gaughen> order - infinity doko juliank cyphermox xnox waveform bdmurray tdaitx vorlon rbalint mwhudson sil2100
15:05 <cyphermox> ~o~
15:06 <gaughen> infinity isn't on the channel
15:06 <juliank> me I guess
15:06 <bdmurray> juliank: your turn
15:06 <gaughen> doko is at a srpint
15:06 <gaughen> juliank, it's you
15:06 <juliank> * booked DebConf travel
15:06 <juliank> * python-apt SRUs with locking fixes  (LP: #1826870)
15:06 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1826870 in python-apt (Ubuntu Cosmic) "cache.commit() doesn't release the archives lock" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1826870
15:06 <juliank> * Various work on getting APT 1.9 ready to upload (ABI/API break), not done yet - first break, some more to come throughout the cycle, as we're working towards APT 2.0 and improve extensibility.
15:06 <juliank> * apt SRUS to fix LP: #1820886 and LP: #1821640
15:06 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1820886 in apt (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Potential inconsistency due to system halt/reboot being allowed when package installation in progress" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1820886
15:06 <juliank> * merged wpa 2.8 from experimental; dropped android-headers build-dep
15:06 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1821640 in apt (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Missing pattern for linux-image-unsigned keeps autoremovable kernels on the system" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1821640
15:06 <juliank> * added more gnome 2 stuff to removal bug
15:07 <juliank> (LP: #1825972)
15:07 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1825972 in libgnome-keyring (Ubuntu) "Remove gnome 2 stack + linsmith from eoan" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1825972
15:07 <juliank> (done)
15:07 <bdmurray> cyphermox:
15:07 <cyphermox> fixing bringing up interfaces without an assigned IP in netplan (bug LP: #1763608)
15:07 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1763608 in netplan "Netplan ignores Interfaces without IP Addresses" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1763608
15:07 <cyphermox> netplan.io 0.97 release + SRUs
15:07 <cyphermox> more debugging of HTTP Boot for MAAS
15:07 <cyphermox> fielding questions from Till on NM VPN DNS bug 1754671
15:07 <ubottu> bug 1754671 in network-manager (Ubuntu Bionic) "Full-tunnel VPN DNS leakage regression" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1754671
15:07 <cyphermox> updated sbuild-launchpad-chroot to work on eoan
15:07 <cyphermox> partner work
15:07 <cyphermox> tracking/verifications for in-flight SRUs
15:07 <cyphermox> reviewed subiquity PRs
15:07 <cyphermox> whitepaper / spec review responses
15:07 <cyphermox> (done)
15:07 <bdmurray> xnox:
15:07 <xnox> * uploaded s390-tools cherrypicks from master for secureboot
15:07 <xnox> * uploaded bash PATH SRU updates into all the releases
15:07 <xnox> * uploaded upstream test fix for golang-github-prometheus-client-golang
15:07 <xnox> * uploaded/working on perl stack regressions w.r.t. SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY
15:07 <xnox> * uploaded transition to uncouple icu & boost-regex transitions
15:07 <xnox> * subiquity code reviews
15:07 <xnox> + srus waiting to be accepted into -proposed:
15:07 <xnox> - xenial bash
15:07 <xnox> - bionic bash, s390-tools, ruby2.5
15:07 <xnox> - cosmic s390-tools, python-tornado4 (NEW)
15:07 <xnox> Done
15:08 <waveform> * Short week (bank holiday Monday)
15:08 <waveform> * Working on consolidating raspi2 and raspi3 classic images (armhf working, arm64 being tricky)
15:08 <waveform> * Attempted to shuffle cloud-init's startup order to avoid partition renaming (this doesn't work)
15:08 <waveform> * Attempted to shuffle fstab earlier in systemd's boot sequence (this is a bad idea!)
15:08 <waveform> * So, back to partition renaming - investigated upgrade procedure for /boot partition renaming
15:08 <waveform> * Digging into ubuntu-image issue building armhf images on arm64
15:08 <waveform> * Investigating wifi issues on core for cec
15:08 <waveform> (done)
15:08 <xnox> tdaitx, hello
15:08 <bdmurray> disabled accepting crash reports from Ubuntu 14.04 in the Error Tracker
15:08 <bdmurray> wrote test case for upgrading from 12.04 to 14.04 w/ ESM enabled
15:08 <bdmurray> SRU verification of bug 1824862
15:08 <ubottu> bug 1824862 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Trusty) "Enable upgrading from 12.04 to 14.04 while keeping ESM enabled" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1824862
15:08 <bdmurray> reported bug re u-r-u and upgrading from 18.04 to 19.04 (LP: #1827635)
15:08 <bdmurray> uploaded u-r-u for Eoan, disco SRU for LP: #1827635
15:08 <bdmurray> updated meta-release-development for Eoan
15:08 <bdmurray> uploaded u-r-u again with Ermine info also update m-r-d
15:08 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1827635 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Disco) "dist-upgrader tarball needs updating to support upgrades from bionic to disco" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1827635
15:09 <bdmurray> tested / merged vorlon's MoM changes, updated MoM on the server
15:09 <bdmurray> reported u-r-u bug LP: #1827951 re snap refreshing
15:09 <bdmurray> reported u-r-u bug LP: #1828072 about updating and SRU'ing it
15:09 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1827951 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Disco) "snaps not refreshed when upgrading from bionic or cosmic to disco" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1827951
15:09 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1828072 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Disco) "KernelRemoval section is out of date" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1828072
15:09 <bdmurray> uploaded SRUs of u-r-u to B, C, D releases
15:09 <bdmurray> reported u-r-u bug LP: #1828100 regarding long term fix for it
15:09 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1828100 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "KernelRemoval section of DistUpgrade.cfg shouldn't require manual updating" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1828100
15:09 <bdmurray> tdaitx:
15:10 * sil2100 pokes tdaitx
15:10 <bdmurray> vorlon:
15:11 <tdaitx> * local tests with jck 11 using lxc
15:11 <tdaitx> * fixed & tested tomcat8's LP: #1827090, missing upload
15:11 <tdaitx> * fixed & tested netbeans' LP: #1825604
15:11 <tdaitx> * working on netbeans' LP: #1828427, cleaning up conflicts from upstream patch
15:11 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1827090 in tomcat8 (Ubuntu) ""-1" instead of "8005" in tomcat8-instance-create" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1827090
15:11 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1825604 in netbeans (Ubuntu) "Netbeans 10 requires openjdk-11" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1825604
15:11 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1828427 in netbeans (Ubuntu) "Netbeans fails to create a java project with NoSuchMethodError" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1828427
15:11 <vorlon> assuming he's done, since he's having irc problems and won't see if I ask him :)
15:11 <vorlon> * short week, was out yesterday
15:11 <vorlon> * merges
15:11 <vorlon> * improved the filtering of d-i components out of the merge-o-matic stats for Foundations
15:12 <vorlon> * NEW processing
15:12 <vorlon> * SRU reviews
15:12 <vorlon> * boot speed: analyzing remaining pain points across different substrates and kernels
15:12 <vorlon> * prep for Lyon next week
15:12 <vorlon> * out tomorrow, swap for Lyon travel
15:12 <vorlon> (done)
15:12 <sil2100> rbalint is out sick I think?
15:12 <vorlon> rbalint is out sick
15:12 <vorlon> sil2100:
15:12 <sil2100> - Last week: long weekend due to national holidays
15:12 <sil2100> - SRU reviews and releases
15:12 <sil2100> - Some kernel reviews, trying out new code-paths for ESM
15:12 <sil2100> - Rewriting the publish_info pieces for ubuntu-cdimage (now merged)
15:12 <sil2100> - Setting up an SRU team meeting
15:12 <sil2100> - DMB meeting (short one)
15:12 <sil2100> - Hacking bileto to not re-set PPA dependencies periodically
15:12 <sil2100> - Preparing no-change security-only rebuilds of the toolchain updates for cosmic and bionic
15:12 <sil2100> * Blocked until next week as one additional fix might be pulled in
15:12 <sil2100> - All-hands meeting
15:12 <sil2100> - Writing up an explaination of the steps needed to add new images for supported devices
15:12 <sil2100> - Reviewing final raspi-amazing spec
15:12 <sil2100> - Starting the release process of ubuntu-image 1.7
15:12 <sil2100> (done)
15:14 <gaughen> #topic Release incoming bugs
15:14 <gaughen> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-dd-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs
15:14 <bdmurray> gaughen: which release are we on?
15:14 <cyphermox> ee!
15:15 <gaughen> bdmurray, I'm following the instructios
15:15 <vorlon> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ee-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs
15:15 <gaughen> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ee-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs
15:15 * cyphermox updates the 'structions
15:15 <gaughen> cyphermox, thank you
15:15 <vorlon> do we need a checklist item in the NewReleaseCycleProcess to update the link?
15:15 <seb128> you guys don't review your stable series incoming bugs? ;)
15:15 <bdmurray> the high one, bug 1825021, is carded
15:15 <ubottu> bug 1825021 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt's dpkgpm.cc WriteApportReport function should gather more data" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1825021
15:16 <bdmurray> seb128: Is there one you are particularly concerned about?
15:16 <cyphermox> seb128: I think they should be carried over, probably.
15:16 <seb128> bdmurray, no, just feels like a weak point to not review the series where most the users are
15:16 <cyphermox> ie. script the change of tags
15:16 * vorlon checks where that card is and if it's close enough to the front to ever realistically be worked
15:16 <seb128> cyphermox, well, things might be fixed in e but not b
15:16 <bdmurray> I haven't had a chance to review them as I've been fixing other bugs
15:16 <seb128> anyway, don't let me derail your meeting
15:16 <cyphermox> seb128: sure, and then they get in a different list
15:16 <seb128> probably not a discussion for here/now
15:17 <seb128> cyphermox, we do review all the rls-nn-incoming weekly for desktop (bb cc dd ee atm)
15:17 <cyphermox> seb128: if something is broken (incoming) in the previous devel release, it probably is still unfixed in the new devel release
15:17 <vorlon> yeah, it's 1825021 is close enough to the top to consider it committed
15:17 <juliank> What to do on that though?
15:18 <cyphermox> ie. actively culling thigns that are to be fixed, and whatever people really don't care about and won't fix, would be nice.
15:18 <cyphermox> rather than forever keeping bugs unfixed in a "incoming" or "tracking" list
15:18 <juliank> PATH is now replaced by APT in disco, so tracking it there probably makes no sense
15:18 <xnox> cool
15:19 <bdmurray> juliank: I thought when we last talked about it we said it needed testing.
15:19 <juliank> yeah, well, before I realized it was disco+, and thought it was in cosmic too
15:20 <bdmurray> So regardless the original bug is about getting more info and maybe there should be a second one about u-r-u setting the path
15:20 <vorlon> bdmurray: do we need to triage any of the ones on rls-ee-incoming that are importance: undecided?
15:21 <vorlon> (where valid triage might be "remove tag because someone nominated it but couldn't be bothered to set importance"?)
15:22 <bdmurray> vorlon: before we get there could we talk about bug 1821415
15:22 <ubottu> bug 1821415 in policykit-1 (Ubuntu) "pkexec fails in a non-graphical environment" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1821415
15:25 <vorlon> bdmurray: what's the impact of this bug if you run apport as root?
15:26 <vorlon> I would expect most users who run apport on servers to just invoke it as root
15:26 <bdmurray> vorlon: there should be no impact
15:26 <vorlon> so maybe it is low impact overall?
15:26 <bdmurray> what about xorg and no X?
15:26 <vorlon> as in desktop user is trying to report a problem with their X server not starting?
15:26 <bdmurray> yeah
15:26 <vorlon> couldn't they also run as root?
15:27 <vorlon> but maybe they wouldn't know to
15:27 <bdmurray> that is true
15:27 <vorlon> do we generate a useful error message in the UI when the client fails to collect due to lack of privs?
15:27 <bdmurray> polkit-agent-helper-1: error response to PolicyKit daemon: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: No session for cookie
15:27 <bdmurray> ==== AUTHENTICATION FAILED ===
15:27 <bdmurray> Error executing command as another user: Not authorized
15:27 <bdmurray> i wouldn't call that useful
15:28 <vorlon> bdmurray: but it at least doesn't silently submit an incomplete report
15:28 <bdmurray> Its also worth considering that I'm the one who reported the bug so maybe no one else is bothered by it
15:29 <vorlon> so I think it warrants opening a task on apport, but is still probably not a high priority to fix
15:29 <bdmurray> okay, thanks for helping prioritize it
15:30 <vorlon> so the unprioritized ones
15:30 <vorlon> LP: #1727472
15:30 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1727472 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "[RFE] Automatically update the Ubuntu version string in ubuntu-release-upgrader" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1727472
15:31 <juliank> so boring
15:31 <vorlon> certainly seems a worthwhile fix
15:32 <bdmurray> should be trivial too
15:32 <bdmurray> so target it? and what importance?
15:32 <vorlon> yeah I wouldn't make it 'high', but I think we should take it
15:33 <vorlon> importance: medium?
15:33 <bdmurray> works for me
15:33 <vorlon> and carded
15:33 <vorlon> LP: #1796193
15:33 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1796193 in apt (Ubuntu) "unattended do-release-upgrade asks about /etc/cron.daily/apt-compat" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1796193
15:34 <juliank> I don't think that's an apt bug, maybe it's a dpkg one?
15:35 <vorlon> is it reproducible? do we know what removed it?
15:35 <juliank> well, I guess the user removed the file
15:35 <juliank> I'm checking files right now
15:36 <vorlon> juliank: it's plarson doing automated upgrade testing
15:36 <vorlon> so it is unlikely to be the result of user action
15:36 <juliank> The files certainly are different in xenial and bionic
15:36 <vorlon> I guess there are two questions here
15:36 <vorlon> 1) what removed this conffile
15:37 <vorlon> 2) what should the handling of conffiles be when using the noninteractive frontend
15:37 <xnox> crash burn and die
15:37 <vorlon> because we do in general consider there to be no sane default for conffile prompts
15:37 <juliank> unattended-upgrades has some code to handle some conffile stuff, maybe it did something here? idk
15:37 <vorlon> so I tend to agree with xnox, that the current behavior for 2) is not a bug in the package manager
15:37 <bdmurray> I gather that something used to happen with conffiles when using the noninteractive frontend
15:37 <vorlon> juliank: unattended-upgrades handling is to hold back those packages
15:37 <vorlon> which is not sensible for a release upgrade
15:38 <juliank> Now it also detects unmodified moved conffiles or stuff
15:39 <juliank> I'm trying to run an upgrade in xenial, but I don't get any
15:39 <vorlon> bdmurray: so I think we should initially treat this as a matter of figuring out why there are modified conffiles and addressing that
15:39 <bdmurray> So what is the next step with this bug?
15:39 <vorlon> ask the submitter for a reproducer
15:39 <juliank> Try to reproduce it
15:39 <bdmurray> Okay, I remember seeing one with mlocate recently
15:40 <vorlon> bdmurray: will you follow up with the submitter then?
15:40 <bdmurray> vorlon: yeah and I'll ping david ames again
15:40 <vorlon> LP: #1818564
15:40 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1818564 in apport (Ubuntu) "directory permission sanity checks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1818564
15:41 <vorlon> is interesting
15:42 <vorlon> I wouldn't commit to it
15:42 <vorlon> but I'll card it :)
15:42 <bdmurray> so leave it incoming?
15:42 <vorlon> bdmurray: I'll take it out of incoming but card it
15:43 <vorlon> LP: #1825000
15:43 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1825000 in apt (Ubuntu) "Add ability for mirrors to distinguish interactive and non-interactive apt runs" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1825000
15:44 <vorlon> ok no fair juliank triaging these during the meeting and invalidating the report ;)
15:45 <vorlon> so this is wishlist, I guess we can move on
15:45 <juliank> heh, yeah
15:45 <vorlon> also the next one
15:45 <vorlon> LP: #1828100
15:45 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1828100 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "KernelRemoval section of DistUpgrade.cfg shouldn't require manual updating" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1828100
15:45 <vorlon> bdmurray has been talking about this one
15:45 <juliank> that's something rbalint probably wants to have a look at
15:45 <vorlon> that looks like a good one for us to take
15:46 <vorlon> so that we can finally put the nail in the coffin of stale kernels on /boot
15:46 <vorlon> so I'll take it in for eoan
15:47 <sil2100> +1 on that
15:47 <bdmurray> Yeah that bug is about the long term fix
15:48 <vorlon> so I think that's the bottom of the queue
15:49 <gaughen> #topic Team proposed-migration report
15:49 <gaughen> #link http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs
15:49 <vorlon> lintian
15:49 <vorlon> upstream failure
15:49 <gaughen> lintian
15:49 <gaughen> vorlon, anything we should do?
15:49 <vorlon> Debian broke their own autopkgtests, we can wait for them to fix it
15:49 <gaughen> k
15:49 <gaughen> done
15:49 <sil2100> NEXT
15:49 <vorlon> the other one, libnet-ssleay-perl, is xnox breaking apache
15:49 <xnox> yes
15:49 <sil2100> ;)
15:50 <gaughen> #topic AOB
15:50 <xnox> and i don't know why, cause it was all green
15:50 <gaughen> anything?
15:50 <gaughen> beuller?
15:50 <gaughen> bueller?
15:50 <cyphermox> yes
15:50 <gaughen> ooooh
15:50 <cyphermox> seb128 has a point;
15:50 <cyphermox> should we start to review bb, cc, dd as well as $newcycle
15:50 <cyphermox> ?
15:50 <xnox> cc is dead to me =)
15:51 <gaughen> should we at least do one review of cc/dd at the transition
15:51 <gaughen> but monitor bb
15:52 <bdmurray> we / somebody could subscribe to the -incoming bug tag
15:52 <vorlon> perhaps next week we should review what's in the queue for those, so we can assess how much value there is in doing so
15:52 <cyphermox> I already have bb in the script since there *are* point-releases
15:52 <juliank> that'S tricky
15:52 <juliank> maybe we should do it every first meeting in the month?
15:53 <juliank> or every second week?
15:57 <vorlon> looks like we need to work through the backlog out of band
15:58 <vorlon> and then try to add reviewing these into the meeting agenda
15:58 <gaughen> #endmeeting