16:01 <vorlon> #startmeeting 16:01 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Mar 7 16:01:34 2019 UTC. The chair is vorlon. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 16:01 <meetingology> 16:01 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick 16:01 <vorlon> [TOPIC] Lightning round 16:01 <vorlon> $ echo $(shuf -e vorlon bdmurray xnox tdaitx doko sil2100 rbalint infinity cyphermox mwhudson juliank waveform) 16:01 <vorlon> doko sil2100 infinity rbalint bdmurray xnox mwhudson cyphermox juliank vorlon tdaitx waveform 16:02 <doko> first time 1st 16:02 <doko> and didn't prepare an update ... so openjdk-11 transition & toolchain work 16:02 <doko> (done) 16:02 <sil2100> - SRU reviews and releases 16:02 <sil2100> - Kernel reviews and releases, lots! 16:02 <sil2100> - Last week: 16.04.6 16:02 <sil2100> - This week: 14.04.6 - and it's out now! 16:02 <sil2100> - Lots of package copies and reviews for the OpenJDK-11 bionic transition 16:03 <sil2100> - Some minor changes to the purge-count cdimage MP, thanks Steve for merging! 16:03 <sil2100> - Working around checksum-directory limitations in the image archival scripting 16:03 <sil2100> - Tomorrow: out of office o/ 16:03 <sil2100> (done) 16:03 <rbalint> o/. 16:04 <bdmurray> rbalint: does that mean you are ready? 16:04 <rbalint> * partner work 16:04 <rbalint> * uploaded wireshark 2.6.7-1 through Debian 16:05 <rbalint> * packaged wslu for Disco 16:05 <rbalint> * gardened wsl bugs in LP 16:05 <rbalint> * fixed regresion in Disco's acpid 16:05 <rbalint> (done) 16:05 <bdmurray> reported bug regarding postgresql charm (LP: #1818145) 16:05 <bdmurray> tested new postgresql charm in ET mojo spec (success!) 16:05 <bdmurray> tested IS changes to ET mojo spec (fail :-( ) 16:05 <bdmurray> submitted MP which fixes that (ET mojo spec) 16:05 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1818145 in PostgreSQL Charm "check_lastest_ready_wal.py fails" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1818145 16:05 <bdmurray> research into how nbs report and checkrdepends works 16:05 <bdmurray> uploaded new version of distro-info that only shows LTSes for supported-esm 16:05 <bdmurray> started SRU of distro-info and distro-info-data 16:05 <bdmurray> SRU verification of apport SRUs for 18.04 16:05 <bdmurray> research into gdb issues in disco 16:05 <bdmurray> reported gdb bug re: debug-file-directory (LP: #1818918) 16:05 <bdmurray> special SRU review of curtin 16:05 <bdmurray> discussed machine readable rls reports with will cooke 16:05 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1818918 in gdb (Ubuntu) "gdb doesn't search in debug-file-directory for .gnu_debugaltlink" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1818918 16:06 <bdmurray> done but no check mark b/c something sucks 16:06 <bdmurray> xnox: 16:06 <xnox> * short week, was out tue-mon since malta 16:06 <xnox> * openssl 1.1.1b uploaded & migrated 16:06 <xnox> * zkey fixes for automation (needed for installers) 16:06 <xnox> * validating / sheparding openssl/s390x SRUs 16:06 <xnox> * prototyping rebootspeed 16:06 <xnox> * send kernel autopkgtest fixes for review to the kernel team 16:06 <xnox> DONE 16:06 <cyphermox> finished grub2 merge -- uploaded after fixing my bad pointer math 16:06 <cyphermox> investigating grub theming / menu changes 16:06 <cyphermox> preparing SRU for grub2 conffile fixes 16:06 <cyphermox> code review open PRs for netplan 16:06 <vorlon> sharphed 16:06 <cyphermox> netplan.io 0.96 tagging + prepare upload for disco 16:06 <cyphermox> sponsored carla package for e.eickmeyer 16:06 <cyphermox> clarifying upstream systemd "ActivationMode=" PR + rebase 16:06 <cyphermox> (done) 16:08 <juliank> oh, it's my time! 16:08 <juliank> * APT 16:08 <juliank> - Fixed a few bugs in never pinning in apt/trusty git branch 16:08 <juliank> - Uploaded SRUs for all releases 16:08 <juliank> - SRU verifications 16:08 <juliank> - Another small fix and translation updates for 1.8.0 (release ETA tomorrow) 16:08 <juliank> - auth.conf.d directory is missing (LP: #1818996) 16:08 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1818996 in apt (Ubuntu Disco) "auth.conf.d directory missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1818996 16:08 <juliank> - seemed like auth.conf.d support in trusty and xenial did not work for https, only http; turned out I forgot to upgrade apt-transport-https to proposed ... 16:08 <juliank> * PackageKit: 16:08 <juliank> - Merge new version from unstable 16:08 <juliank> - Forwarded frontend-locking patch to upstream 16:08 <juliank> - SRU crash fix to bionic and cosmic (LP: #1818201) 16:08 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1818201 in packagekit (Ubuntu Cosmic) "packagekitd crashed with SIGSEGV in __memmove_{sse2,avx}_unaligned_erms() from std::char_traits<char>::copy() from ... from show_errors (errorCode=PK_ERROR_ENUM_CANNOT_FETCH_SOURCES)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1818201 16:08 <juliank> * autopkgtest-cloud: Change request.cgi to sort printed fields by name, so output is in stable order 16:08 <juliank> * python-mechanicalsoup: Fixed tests, forwarded to Debian 16:08 <juliank> * apport: 16:08 <juliank> - Introduce support for non-positional arguments (LP: #1732962) 16:08 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1732962 in apport (Ubuntu Cosmic) "apport uses sys.argv instead of named arguments" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1732962 16:08 <juliank> - Fixup for style issue in yesterday's upload that broke the build 16:08 <juliank> * livecd-rootfs/bionic: new minimize-manual merge proposal https://code.launchpad.net/~juliank/livecd-rootfs/+git/livecd-rootfs/+merge/363932 16:08 <juliank> * update-notifier / apt esm hook thinking, fixes 16:08 <juliank> (ubottu is a bit slow..) 16:09 <juliank> (done) 16:09 <vorlon> * assist with openjdk-11 SRUs 16:09 <vorlon> * full SRU day last Friday, made some progress on the queues 16:09 <vorlon> * discussions around SecureBoot signing of FIPS kernels 16:09 <vorlon> * discussions around trusty ESM transition 16:09 <vorlon> * TB business 16:09 <vorlon> (done) 16:09 <tdaitx> * openjdk-11 bionic security transition 16:09 <tdaitx> - reviewed and uploaded packages 16:09 <tdaitx> - bump & rebuild arch specific packages 16:09 <tdaitx> - updated list of packages that also need Cosmic SRU 16:09 <tdaitx> - 153 packages 16:09 <tdaitx> - 9 are arch specific (no binary copies) 16:09 <tdaitx> Other: 16:09 <tdaitx> - travelling back home on Saturday early morning 16:09 <tdaitx> - wondered if the bot can handle the openjdk transition bug, decided not to try 16:10 <tdaitx> - (done) 16:10 <waveform> * Reading up on ARM TrustZone (specifically in relation to pi3) 16:10 <waveform> * Testing wimpress' bluetooth fixes on classic & core (not finished core yet) 16:10 <waveform> * Verified u-boot-tools SRU 16:10 <waveform> * Added Pi-specific permissions to linux-firmware-raspi2 16:10 <waveform> * Added hacks from Malta to livecd-rootfs to reduce boot time, and ensure getty starts after cloud-init's done 16:10 <waveform> * Moving Pi-specific hacks from livecd-rootfs to linux-firmware-raspi2 (need to test upgrade path) 16:10 <waveform> * gpiozero 1.5 tested; needs colorzero (also tested) importing (upstream? SRU?) 16:10 <waveform> * Did I mention the reading up on ARM TrustZone? Well, more of that... 16:10 <waveform> (done) 16:11 <gaughen> pause for an argument about fortnite 16:12 <bdmurray> I was disappointed we didn't do the dance off gaughen 16:12 <rbalint> gaughen, is it snapped? 16:13 <vorlon> any questions over status? 16:13 <cyphermox> can we patent our pattern of discussion? 16:14 <cyphermox> since we're essentially talking about copyright and trademark, etc. 16:14 <vorlon> waveform: are the livecd-rootfs changes hacks, or real fixes? :) 16:14 <waveform> vorlon, some are "fixes" or even just downright configuration, but they're definitely "hacks" in the way they're implemented! 16:15 <tdaitx> waveform: don't answer that, it is a trick 16:15 <vorlon> heh 16:15 <vorlon> [TOPIC] Bugs 16:15 <vorlon> [LINK] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-dd-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs 16:15 <xnox> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1817097 16:15 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1817097 in Ubuntu on IBM z Systems "pvmove causes file system corruption without notice upon move from 512 -> 4096 logical block size devices" [Critical,New] 16:15 <bdmurray> cyphermox: It doesn't look like bug 1794292 was fixed in cosmic, it should be SRu'ed right? 16:15 <ubottu> bug 1794292 in plymouth (Ubuntu Cosmic) "plymouthd crashed with SIGSEGV in /sbin/plymouthd:11 in ply_renderer_set_handler_for_input_source -> ply_keyboard_stop_watching_for_renderer_input -> ply_keyboard_stop_watching_for_input -> ply_device_manager_deactivate_keyboards -> on_deactivate" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1794292 16:16 <vorlon> xnox: so isn't that a kernel bug? 16:16 <cyphermox> bdmurray: yes 16:16 <bdmurray> cyphermox: there are still 12k crashes for Cosmic 16:16 <cyphermox> yep 16:16 <bdmurray> cyphermox: is that something you'll take then? 16:16 <cyphermox> yep. 16:16 <cyphermox> now we have nice shiny upstream-blessed patches too 16:16 <bdmurray> cyphermox: feel free to ping me if you upload something 16:19 <bdmurray> bug 1818890 was reported the other day 16:19 <ubottu> bug 1818890 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[disco] After installation, all the default languages are installed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1818890 16:19 <bdmurray> That seems worth fixing 16:19 <cyphermox> wat, again? 16:20 <sil2100> cyphermox: you have context on that one? 16:20 <cyphermox> well, I'm pretty sure we've seen that happen before 16:20 <cyphermox> it's common class of problems, where packages aren't being removed correctly after install 16:21 <bdmurray> I'll target it and card it 16:21 <vorlon> thanks 16:22 <bdmurray> bug 1817862 should probably be carded too based of seb's comment 16:22 <ubottu> bug 1817862 in update-manager (Ubuntu Disco) "/usr/bin/update-manager:RuntimeError(org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.RuntimeError):_on_clicked:_deferable:_convert_dbus_exception..." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1817862 16:22 <xnox> argh 16:22 <vorlon> fwiw when I noticed the desktop image got bigger recently, analysis of the packages showed language packs turning up in the manifest which hadn't been there in the image earlier this year 16:23 <vorlon> which may mask the actual problem, or may be related 16:23 <vorlon> bdmurray: agreed, though the traceback looks generic and useless 16:23 <vorlon> (and the bug title makes the reports ugly :) 16:24 <bdmurray> should the error tracker just limit the title to 42 characters or so? 16:24 <vorlon> wfm 16:24 <vorlon> (low priority though) 16:24 <cyphermox> vorlon: langpacks in manifest may actually be why it's a problem 16:24 <vorlon> cyphermox: ack 16:25 <cyphermox> something with shipped vs. live, we'll see 16:25 <bdmurray> seb also tagged bug 1817619 but I haven't looked into it yet 16:25 <ubottu> bug 1817619 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Update causes 30 sec boot delay on EFI system, with NVMe and LVM" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1817619 16:25 <vorlon> uh 16:25 <vorlon> how is that not a duplicate of the bugs I closed invalid? 16:26 <vorlon> answer: it is but has not been marked such 16:26 <cyphermox> indeed 16:26 <vorlon> I'll take care of it 16:27 <vorlon> bdmurray: next? 16:27 <didrocks> bdmurray: vorlon: I've already done the analyzes of bug #181889, you can give it to me 16:27 <ubottu> bug 181889 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 (Ubuntu) "special buttons on Fujitsu tablets doesn't work anymore" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181889 16:28 <didrocks> (not related to the image size increase though, IMHO) 16:28 <bdmurray> vorlon: that's it from me 16:28 <vorlon> [TOPIC] Proposed-migration 16:28 <vorlon> [LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/disco/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs 16:28 <bdmurray> didrocks: is that the right number? 16:29 <vorlon> glibc is out of the way now 16:29 <didrocks> bdmurray: sorry, missing one digit: bug #1818890 16:29 <ubottu> bug 1818890 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[disco] After installation, all the default languages are installed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1818890 16:29 * didrocks vanishes and let you continue your meeting 16:29 <vorlon> ah and it looks like openssl + r-cran-openssl got sorted too 16:29 <vorlon> so it's a short list 16:29 <rbalint> i'm triaging curl->ruby-rack 16:30 <bdmurray> cyphermox: ^^ 16:30 <vorlon> pillow still waiting for an MIR 16:30 <doko> python-scipy regressed in the release pocket as well, afaics 16:30 <vorlon> rbalint: ok. I've prodded the Server Team about the fact that we maybe want to remove the whole rails stack instead of trying to play whack-a-mole with these packages we can't maintain and we believe no one uses 16:30 <vorlon> but I haven't seen any action from them yet wrt socializing this plan 16:30 <rbalint> vorlon, i'm +1 on that for disco 16:31 <vorlon> rbalint: unfortunately it doesn't unblock curl any quicker because ruby-rack is quite deep in the stack so it would take a while to unwind, unless you think this particular regression is ignorable 16:31 <cyphermox> vorlon: so who will write the pillow MIR? 16:32 <vorlon> cyphermox: is it not written yet? I assumed doko had a handle on this 16:32 <cyphermox> typically it's nice to not write your own, since it makes it a little weird to also review it ;) 16:32 <cyphermox> well, if doko wants to write it, I'll review 16:32 <cyphermox> or the other way around 16:32 <rbalint> vorlon, i'll be back with and answer for curl 16:32 <vorlon> cyphermox: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libimagequant/+bug/1812858 ? 16:32 <cyphermox> I couldn't find a bug for it 16:32 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1812858 in libimagequant (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libimagequant (dependency of pillow)" [Undecided,New] 16:32 <cyphermox> ah 16:32 <cyphermox> well, libimagequant is fine, waiting for security review. top of the queue iirc 16:33 <vorlon> lintian is an issue with the new autopkgtests having become consistently slower and now hitting timeouts 16:33 <vorlon> this was a post-freeze sync by a community member, who I have asked to own this; I don't feel any responsibility for getting lintian 2.9.1 in until this is resolved 16:34 <vorlon> doko: if python-scipy has regressed also in release, do you want to follow up with me on #ubuntu-release after this to get it badtested? 16:35 <vorlon> xnox: fuse-zip/s390x + fuse, does that need attention? 16:35 <doko> vorlon: but later tonight. afk atter the meeting 16:35 <vorlon> ok 16:37 <vorlon> xnox: fuse-zip/s390x? 16:37 <xnox> possibly 16:37 <xnox> what's wrong? 16:37 <vorlon> do you want to take it? 16:37 <vorlon> failing autopkgtest 16:37 <vorlon> xnox: http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/f/fuse-zip/disco/s390x 16:39 <vorlon> doko: do you know anything about the epsilon regression w/ new python-defaults? 16:40 <doko> vorlon: that's the new kernel, changed diskstats 16:40 <doko> I'm looking at that one 16:40 <vorlon> ok 16:40 <vorlon> I think that's everything that needs attention currently 16:40 <vorlon> [TOPIC] AOB 16:40 <vorlon> anything else? 16:42 <vorlon> #endmeeting