16:01 <vorlon> #startmeeting 16:01 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Jan 31 16:01:49 2019 UTC. The chair is vorlon. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 16:01 <meetingology> 16:01 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick 16:02 <vorlon> [TOPIC] Lightning round 16:02 <vorlon> echo $(shuf -e vorlon bdmurray xnox tdaitx doko sil2100 rbalint infinity cyphermox mwhudson juliank waveform) 16:02 <vorlon> well that's no good 16:02 <vorlon> vorlon xnox cyphermox doko waveform sil2100 rbalint tdaitx bdmurray mwhudson juliank infinity 16:02 <xnox> ha 16:02 <xnox> i'm ready for once to be at the start =) 16:03 <juliank> but slow please 16:03 <juliank> :) 16:03 <xnox> hahahhahha 16:03 <vorlon> * long time, no see! 16:03 <vorlon> * two weeks ago: roadmap sprint in Cape Town 16:03 <vorlon> * last week: traveling back Monday; off Tue-Fri 16:03 <vorlon> * which means I was spending time on the readline transition and nodejs 16:03 <vorlon> * this week: 16:03 <vorlon> * Ubuntu Core 20 stratemagizing 16:03 <vorlon> * Secure Boot discussions w/ partner 16:03 <vorlon> * proposed-migration transitions 16:03 <vorlon> * 18.04.2 is next week, a little bit of kibbitzing to go with it 16:03 <vorlon> (done) 16:03 <vorlon> xnox: 16:03 <xnox> * systemd v240 in disco-proposed 16:03 <xnox> - more adt tests fixes/hunting 16:03 <xnox> - filed lxd/apparmor issue (thanks for rbasak report) 16:03 <xnox> - which lxd team has fixed, will be releasing 16:03 <xnox> * ubuiquity sru for .2 release 16:03 <xnox> - uploaded, verified, and released 16:03 <xnox> * proposed migration 16:03 <bdmurray> juliank: the key is to ask questions 16:03 <xnox> - working on unblocking systemd 16:03 <xnox> - also fixed up git migration blockers 16:03 <xnox> * powerpc 16:03 <xnox> - valgrind bugfix 16:03 <xnox> * s390x 16:03 <xnox> - s390-tools SRUs for xenial & cosmic in unapproved 16:03 <xnox> * prepering slides for the systemd-resolved talk for fosdem 16:03 <xnox> * off to FOSDEM tomorrow, through sunday 16:04 <xnox> (done) 16:04 <cyphermox> - started attending UEFI Spec Working Group weekly call 16:04 <cyphermox> - e2fsprogs: SRU for corruption when resizing (bug LP: #1798562) 16:04 <cyphermox> - debugging/questions in #netplan 16:04 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1798562 in e2fsprogs (Ubuntu Cosmic) "After a side by side installation, resized filesystem is corrupted" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1798562 16:04 <cyphermox> - various SRU verifications for grub (trusty, bionic, cosmic) 16:04 <cyphermox> - Secure Boot: DKMS/shim SRUs for trusty/xenial, preparing GRUB SRU for SB enforcing on bionic 16:04 <cyphermox> - partman-efi: improve catching of missing ESP early in installer (bionic) 16:04 <cyphermox> - ubiquity: merge bind-mount for efivars (waiting to rebuild with partman-efi as well) 16:04 <cyphermox> (done) 16:04 <bdmurray> doko: 16:05 <doko> - handling -proposed ... 16:05 <doko> - isolated and forwarded three more GCC issues upstream 16:05 <doko> - GCC 7 & GCC 8 updates 16:05 <doko> - having fun with the new laptop, crashing when the screen blanks :-/ 16:05 <doko> (done) 16:05 <bdmurray> waveform: 16:05 <waveform> * Back-porting arm64 fix to gpiozero (now applied upstream) 16:05 <doko> ohh, and getting binutils ready for disco ... 16:05 <waveform> * WiringPi packaging ongoing (got something that builds and works locally, but not in a PPA ...) 16:05 <waveform> * Investigating regressions caused by python3-numpy (something's changed in matmul?) 16:05 <waveform> * Got Pi3 builds working locally (yay!) but not booting (boo!) - missing kernel+initrd in boot partition 16:05 <waveform> * U-boot has received a stay of execution on Pi 16:05 <waveform> * Testing images (including armhf) on various Pis (2B, 3B, 3B+, CM3) 16:05 <waveform> * RPi.GPIO packaging done - poke sil2100 for sponsorship :) 16:06 <waveform> (done) 16:06 <xnox> doko, eewww what laptop is it? 16:06 <juliank> ok we can go faster now 16:06 <sil2100> waveform: I confirmed that the daily-built images boot so I guess it was something busted in the local live-build run, let's debug it later ;p 16:06 <bdmurray> also poke sil2100 since its his turn 16:06 <sil2100> - SRU reviews and releases 16:06 <sil2100> - raspi3 'upstreaming': 16:06 <sil2100> * Removing unneeded files from linux-firmware-raspi2 and re-releasing 16:06 <sil2100> * Validating current state of arm64 raspi3 images, sending images to CE 16:06 <waveform> sil2100, yup - sorry! :) 16:06 <sil2100> * Creating future-work cards for missing pi3 work 16:06 <sil2100> * Fixed build-ability of the classic gadget tree with snapcraft 16:06 <sil2100> * Added full-cross-compilation support to the gadget tree with snapcraft 16:06 <sil2100> * Discussed the road forward with pi3 support 16:06 <sil2100> - core18 code reviews 16:06 <sil2100> - Verifying pl langpacks 16:06 <sil2100> - Release of 18.04.2 verified langpacks 16:06 <sil2100> - Fixed libdbusmenu and libidn FTBFS in bionic 16:06 <sil2100> - Tested core18 pi3 arm64 gadget snap locally, sent for CE testing 16:06 <sil2100> - Prepared json blob for signing, waiting for naming consensus 16:06 <sil2100> - Investigated Bileto autopkgtest test-result reporting not working due to cache invalidation 16:07 <sil2100> (done) 16:07 <tdaitx> rbalint is out right? 16:07 <bdmurray> tdaitx: yes 16:07 <tdaitx> Short week: working half-days 16:07 <tdaitx> * openjdk-11 transition 16:07 <tdaitx> - documenting the approach & timeline 16:07 <tdaitx> - transition will include backports into bionic-security so rechecking for additional backports 16:07 <tdaitx> - triaging failed rebuilds and testing fixes 16:07 <tdaitx> * ongoing openjdk-8 update to 8u201 16:07 <tdaitx> - merge conflicts after m4 autoconf files were updated upstream 16:07 <tdaitx> - massaging autopkgtest scripts to fail only on _regressions_ 16:07 <tdaitx> Other: 16:07 <tdaitx> - flying tomorrow afternoon to Brussels 16:07 <tdaitx> - at FOSDEM during the weekend 16:07 <tdaitx> - at OpenJDK workshop on Monday 16:07 <tdaitx> - taking a train to Stuttgart Tuesday afternoon (hopefully it will have a working internet connection) 16:07 <tdaitx> (done) 16:08 <bdmurray> modifications to ET mojo spec to use autocert (still in progress) 16:08 <doko> German trains and working internet, hahahahha ... 16:08 <bdmurray> wrote a blog post about PPAs and upgrading releases of Ubuntu 16:08 <bdmurray> replaced kernel bug triage contact person in bugbot scripts 16:08 <bdmurray> uploaded a fix for apport-symptoms gnome-session bug LP: #1813428 16:08 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1813428 in apport-symptoms (Ubuntu) ""sorry, you are not running GNOME or KDE" while running GNOME" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1813428 16:08 <bdmurray> review of bugs tagged rls-bb-incoming 16:08 <bdmurray> submitted ubiquity MP re not logging "Ecryptfs is deprecated" in every bug 16:08 <bdmurray> special SRU reviews for sil2100 16:08 <juliank> doko: worked for me 16:08 <bdmurray> ✔ done 16:08 <bdmurray> juliank: 16:08 <juliank> oh, is it already my time? 16:09 <sil2100> bdmurray: thanks again for those! 16:09 <juliank> * apt SRUs 16:09 <juliank> * gnupg2 autopkgtest replacement 16:09 <bdmurray> you'd said to go fast now 16:09 <juliank> * networkd-dispatcher bug 1787495 16:09 <ubottu> bug 1787495 in networkd-dispatcher (Ubuntu Cosmic) "no explanation for the events in the networkd-dispatcher manpage" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1787495 16:09 <juliank> * apt hardening 16:09 <juliank> * apt merge request reviewing and merging (thanks mvo for json hook EPIPE fix) 16:09 <juliank> * hddemux 0.4-7ubuntu0.1 SRU for bug 1814062 16:09 <ubottu> bug 1814062 in hddemux (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Failing autopkgtest on cosmic" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1814062 16:09 <juliank> (done) 16:09 * juliank almost pastged in #ubuntu-installer 16:09 <juliank> doko: ok, the on-board wifi is crap, but luckily I had lte :) 16:10 <bdmurray> infinity doesn't seem to be in here 16:12 <bdmurray> vorlon: what's next on the agenda? there was some discussion at the last minute about what the agenda should really be 16:13 <bdmurray> s/minute/meeting/ 16:14 <vorlon> ok, what was the outcome of that discussion? 16:14 <vorlon> [TOPIC] Bugs 16:14 <bdmurray> well doko wanted to add a whole bunch of stuff 16:15 <doko> bdmurray: don't you see the rls-bb-incoming bugs? 16:15 <bdmurray> doko: ? 16:15 <doko> LINK: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs 16:15 <vorlon> doko: can you email the foundations list with any proposed additions to the agendas so that there's a paper trail? 16:16 <doko> didn't we agree on that already two weeks ago? 16:16 <vorlon> agree on what? 16:16 <vorlon> I wasn't here 2 weeks ago so I don't know what was agreed 16:16 <doko> to walk over https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs 16:16 <doko> every week 16:17 <vorlon> ok; the current topic is bugs. bdmurray ? 16:17 <bdmurray> bug 1772222 16:17 <ubottu> bug 1772222 in rsyslog (Ubuntu Bionic) "dangling symlink in /etc/rsyslog.d breaks rsyslogd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1772222 16:17 <xnox> that bug number is ugly 16:17 <bdmurray> I found that when I was reviewing the rls-bb-incoming bugs 16:17 <bdmurray> xnox: 4 of a kind! 16:18 <vorlon> bdmurray: throw it to the backlog? 16:18 <vorlon> rather, I will 16:18 <bdmurray> Is that conjure-up's fault though? 16:19 <bdmurray> vorlon: ack, thanks 16:19 <vorlon> I think it's rsyslog's fault that it breaks under these conditions 16:19 <xnox> bdmurray, both. 16:19 <xnox> bdmurray, conjure-up should have cleaned up its mess; and rsyslog should be more resiliant 16:19 <vorlon> card created 16:19 <vorlon> bdmurray: next? 16:20 <bdmurray> okay, moving on bug 1766102 - adam targetted it to bionic and I wonder if it really should be 16:20 <ubottu> bug 1766102 in debhelper (Ubuntu Bionic) "dh_installchangelogs fails if version is 0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1766102 16:20 <bdmurray> or rather should we tag it notfixing 16:21 <vorlon> bdmurray: agreed, notfixing 16:22 <vorlon> if infinity has another reason to think it should be SRUed, he can follow up 16:22 <bdmurray> juliank: you seemed to have some idea about bug 1801629. Should it be fixed in ubiquity? 16:22 <ubottu> bug 1801629 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Disco) "xubuntu-core needs to depend on cryptsetup and lvm2 or 'apt autoremove' will make a LUKS+LVM encrypted root partition non-bootable" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1801629 16:23 <juliank> bdmurray: yes, it should 16:23 <juliank> bdmurray: it's just a matter of running the command from the comment in the installed system after having done all package changes 16:23 <cyphermox> so they dropped relevant deps from their seed? 16:23 <vorlon> no, we changed the behavior of autoremoval 16:23 <juliank> cyphermox: the problem is that my "manually installed" minimization script runs on the "live" image 16:24 <cyphermox> ah, right 16:24 <juliank> it marks the packages as auto that are reachable from a metapackage 16:24 <vorlon> juliank: are you on track to fix that for 18.04.2, given the bug targeting? 16:24 <vorlon> (upload deadline: yesterday or so) 16:24 <juliank> and cryptsetup and friend are recommended for that 16:25 <juliank> vorlon: I have no idea of ubiquity code, so maybe someone else wants to take that over 16:25 <juliank> vorlon: ah, but this only affects 18.10, not 18.04 16:25 <bdmurray> oh, well then that makes things easier 16:25 <juliank> except for the OEM image which seems to do its own thing 16:27 <vorlon> oh, ok 16:27 <vorlon> moving on then? 16:28 <juliank> guess so 16:28 <bdmurray> what actions should we take on that? card it for disco, won't fix for cosmic and something else for oem? 16:28 <juliank> there is a card for it in committed, it might want to go the the backlog 16:29 <juliank> I pulled it into in progress for analysing 16:29 <juliank> I might keep it open for cosmic in case we do a respin for apt 16:31 <vorlon> so it sounds to me like everything that needs doing is done 16:32 <bdmurray> okay, then bug 1811695 - juliank do you have an opinion on what update-manager / aptdaemon should be doing here? 16:32 <ubottu> bug 1811695 in update-manager (Ubuntu Disco) "/usr/bin/update-manager:RuntimeError(org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.RuntimeError):_on_clicked:_deferable:_convert_dbus_exception:_convert_dbus_exception:cancel:__call__:call_blocking:wait_for_lock:acquire:acquire:_inline_callbacks:get_uid_from_dbus_name:return_value:_inline_callbacks:_cancel:_inline_callbacks" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1811695 16:33 <juliank> that's a long title 16:33 <juliank> am 16:33 <juliank> um 16:33 <juliank> wait and retry 16:34 <juliank> kind of similar to what mvo had in mind for apt: https://salsa.debian.org/apt-team/apt/merge_requests/6 16:34 <juliank> "apt: retry acquire the cache if it is already locked for 120s" 16:34 <juliank> in any case, that should not be a new bug 16:35 <gaughen> vorlon, cyphermox has a wiki page, I think, for running this meeting - could we move to using that consistently? then if we all agree to add a topic, we can just update that 16:35 <bdmurray> juliank: you mean not new for disco? 16:35 <juliank> yeah, that sounds like a generic thing 16:35 <vorlon> gaughen: ok, no one has told me where this wiki page is :) 16:35 <bdmurray> juliank: okay, I'll look for previous ones 16:35 <bdmurray> vorlon: that's because he's making it right now 16:36 <cyphermox> not wiki 16:36 <cyphermox> http://people.ubuntu.com/~cyphermox/meetings/foundations.html 16:36 <bdmurray> since gaughen called him out ;-) 16:36 <gaughen> close enough.. I almost said a wiki-like-thng 16:36 <gaughen> thing 16:36 <juliank> bdmurray: could also pop up a diaalog saying "Busy, try again later" or something I guess 16:36 <vorlon> not editable 16:36 <vorlon> cyphermox: can you move it to the wiki? :) 16:36 <cyphermox> nope. 16:36 <vorlon> ok 16:36 <vorlon> my browser can't read people.u.c 16:36 <cyphermox> because there's javascript in there, to shuffle 16:36 <vorlon> I guess we'll never know what it says 16:36 <vorlon> heh 16:36 <cyphermox> :) 16:37 <cyphermox> your browser can't p.u.c? 16:37 <bdmurray> juliank: oky, thanks 16:37 <vorlon> cyphermox: yes, it's difficult that way 16:37 <cyphermox> "what a p.o.s" ;) 16:37 <vorlon> it protects me from viewing sites that people won't let me edit 16:37 <cyphermox> hahaha 16:38 <xnox> win 16:38 <vorlon> bdmurray: any more on bugs? 16:38 <cyphermox> point is, it could sure be elsewhere than specifically there 16:38 <bdmurray> If I can't fix it, I don't want to see it. 16:38 <cyphermox> I'm sure we could have a ~foundations or something so everyone could modify. 16:38 <bdmurray> vorlon: nope, not today 16:38 <vorlon> ok 16:39 <bdmurray> everyone could modify but vorlon couldn't see? 16:39 <juliank> I can't even ssh into those servers as me I think 16:39 <vorlon> [TOPIC] Team proposed-migration report 16:40 <vorlon> [LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs 16:40 <vorlon> doko: is this your topic to drive? 16:41 <juliank> (it should be...) 16:41 <doko> I can, ... 16:41 <xnox> systemd is in a better shape now, but still not migratable yet 16:41 <juliank> doko is our excuses wizard, right? 16:41 <doko> things to look at: spice 16:41 <xnox> and juliank was doing gnupg stuff, no? 16:41 <doko> enigmail 16:41 <doko> heat-dashboard 16:41 <juliank> xnox: yeah, I replaced the autopkgtest 16:41 <vorlon> I'm confused by spice, because lz4 didn't previously list it as a blocker 16:41 <doko> lintian ftbfs 16:42 <doko> buls 16:42 <vorlon> ah spice has a new version in -proposed that passed for the first time 16:42 <doko> vuls even 16:42 <doko> xnox: gnupg2 is fixed? 16:42 <vorlon> so we can badtest && rerun the test with all-proposed (doing) 16:42 <juliank> vorlon: that is annoying 16:42 <vorlon> that leaves systemd as the lz4 blocker 16:42 <juliank> doko: yes, gnupg2 is fixed 16:42 <juliank> need to retrigger 16:42 <xnox> hmmmm heat-dashboard & horizon is like jamespage and/or his friends? 16:43 <xnox> maybe coreycb 16:43 <vorlon> xnox: if we rerun systemd autopkgtests for lz4 with all-proposed are they going to pass now? 16:43 <xnox> vorlon, yes v239 is broken for lz4, v240 is fixed for lz4 16:43 <xnox> vorlon, but there are other systemd regressions in v240 16:43 <xnox> vorlon, it is safe to release lz4 without systemd 16:43 <doko> juliank: can you do that? 16:43 <juliank> yes 16:43 <vorlon> xnox: ok, will override 16:43 <xnox> vorlon, the systemd test suite was "lets test a bug in lz4, yeah, still there" but now 'lz4 is fixed and not buggy' 16:43 <coreycb> xnox: yes heat-dashboard & horizon are ours 16:44 <xnox> coreycb, please fix them =) or pester people. they look hot on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs 16:44 <xnox> coreycb, well ubuntu-openstack portion of the report 16:44 <vorlon> xnox: this will of course make systemd autopkgtests fail consistently in devel, but that's more or less status quo 16:44 <xnox> vorlon, yes! 16:44 <coreycb> xnox: will do 16:44 <vorlon> ok, hinted 16:45 <doko> juliank: gnupg2 triggers some failing tests itself 16:45 <sil2100> I could try looking at heat-dashboard I guess? 16:45 <sil2100> Ah, coreycb is on it 16:46 <sil2100> Goooood 16:46 <sil2100> ;) 16:46 <juliank> doko: meh, there are no changes in gnupg outside debian/tests 16:47 <xnox> vorlon, ah, looks there is upstream progress https://github.com/kapouer/marked-man/issues/19 16:47 <juliank> xnox: The user named '~xnox' has no PPA named 'ubuntu/nonvirt' 16:47 <vorlon> xnox: huzzah 16:47 <juliank> xnox: failing software-properties test case 16:47 <xnox> juliank, that one is dangerous! 16:47 <xnox> no no that's different! 16:48 <juliank> xnox: https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-disco/disco/armhf/s/software-properties/20190130_180736_23562@/log.gz 16:48 <juliank> xnox: but only one failure, that's odd 16:49 <vorlon> xnox: are you taking an action to follow up w/ coreycb and jamespage on heat-dashboard, horizon? 16:49 <vorlon> oh, coreycb already replied, sorry ;) 16:49 <juliank> xnox: it's working on the test after 16:50 <xnox> add-apt-repository ppa:xnox/nonvirt --yes --no-update 16:50 <vorlon> doko: you seem to have skipped over pillow in your list; perhaps you know the status but I don't 16:50 <xnox> i'll work on software-properties adt 16:51 <doko> vorlon: mir pending security review 16:51 <vorlon> ok 16:51 <xnox> $ lxc launch ubuntu-daily:disco 16:51 <xnox> cannot read mount namespace identifier of pid 1: Permission denied 16:52 <vorlon> doko: and do you know anything about lintian's ftbfs? "file-references-package-build-path" unexpected output, seems like a toolchain behavior difference vs Debian 16:52 <doko> no, didn't look yet 16:52 <vorlon> ok 16:53 <vorlon> sounds like we've identified next steps on a reasonable chunk of these, and the queue is definitely coming don 16:53 <vorlon> down 16:53 <vorlon> so I'm happy with that 16:53 <vorlon> doko: anything further to discuss? 16:54 * xnox is afk 16:55 <coreycb> xnox: fyi https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-django-debreach/+bug/1805690 will unblock horizon. it has a security team ack now. 16:55 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1805690 in python-django-debreach (Ubuntu) "[MIR] python-django-debreach" [Undecided,Confirmed] 16:55 <doko> no, the other stuff is still grayed out ... 16:55 <vorlon> ok 16:55 <juliank> vorlon, doko is that https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=920536? 16:55 <vorlon> [TOPIC] AOB 16:55 <ubottu> Debian bug 920536 in src:lintian "lintian: fails to build because of test failure" [Serious,Open] 16:55 <juliank> Fix FTBFS by avoiding "self" false-positives when checking for file-references-package-build-path in the Lintian test suite. (Closes: #920536) 16:55 <vorlon> juliank: yes; so how about if I just remove the package from -proposed and wait for Debian to fix it (thanks) 16:56 <vorlon> anything else? 16:56 <cyphermox> yep 16:56 <cyphermox> I'll put the meeting stuff on the wiki under FoundationsTeam/ 16:56 <cyphermox> vorlon: that way we can edit 16:56 <bdmurray> There's a FoundationsTam wiki? 16:56 <cyphermox> there is 16:56 <cyphermox> it's old 16:56 <bdmurray> older than us? 16:56 <cyphermox> yeah 16:57 <sil2100> Older than the world 16:57 <cyphermox> I mean. *SO* old 16:57 * xnox back 16:57 <vorlon> cyphermox: ta 16:57 <xnox> coreycb, tah 16:57 <vorlon> cyphermox: share the exact link once it exists? 16:57 <cyphermox> I guess take the opportunity to update the wiki page Members section if you want, too 16:57 <vorlon> (or declare it now, before it exists :) 16:57 <cyphermox> vorlon: yup 16:58 <cyphermox> MeetingScript 16:58 <cyphermox> whatever. 16:58 <vorlon> ok 16:58 <vorlon> #endmeeting