15:02 <slangasek> #startmeeting 15:02 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Sep 21 15:02:41 2017 UTC. The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 15:02 <meetingology> 15:02 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick 15:02 <slangasek> [TOPIC] Lightning round 15:02 <slangasek> $ echo $(shuf -e slangasek bdmurray xnox tdaitx doko sil2100 rbalint infinity cyphermox mwhudson rcj philroche Odd_Bloke tribaal fginther) 15:02 <slangasek> tribaal Odd_Bloke sil2100 xnox slangasek rbalint cyphermox tdaitx philroche fginther doko bdmurray mwhudson infinity rcj 15:03 <Tribaal> short status for me this time 15:03 <Tribaal> * Investigate memory usage in kubernetes images for a particular provider. 15:03 <Tribaal> (done) 15:04 <Tribaal> (so much work for such a simple status line) 15:04 <Tribaal> Odd_Bloke: 15:05 <Odd_Bloke> * Continued work on GCE testing improvements 15:05 <Odd_Bloke> * (HIGHLIGHT) On-site visit with Microsoft, discussing ways to continue delivering an excellent Ubuntu experience on Azure and across their other platforms 15:05 <Odd_Bloke> (done) 15:05 <Odd_Bloke> sil2100: 15:05 <sil2100> - Family meetings on Wednesday 15:05 <sil2100> - Kernel SRU releases 15:05 <sil2100> - Review of the new kernel SRU cycle 15:05 <sil2100> - Regular SRU duties 15:05 <sil2100> - ubuntu-image: 15:05 <sil2100> * Sync up on the work so far and on the current design with Gary 15:05 <sil2100> * Review of some of the work so far 15:05 <sil2100> * Work on ripping out common builder parts for ease of testing 15:05 <sil2100> - Coordinating and building final plano images 15:05 <sil2100> - Disabling ubuntu-gnome artful+ from nusakan 15:05 <sil2100> - Preparing and releasing walinuxagent 2.2.17 15:05 <sil2100> - Some discussion regarding uvp-monitor NEWing 15:05 <sil2100> (done) 15:06 <slangasek> xnox: 15:06 <sil2100> xnox: ? 15:06 <Odd_Bloke> xnox is out, I believe. 15:06 <slangasek> ah 15:06 <slangasek> I'm still writing; skip me please 15:06 <slangasek> rbalint: 15:07 <rbalint> * +1-maint: LP: #1717016, then dropping it later: LP: #1718521 15:07 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1717016 in libgd2 (Debian) "FTBFS in Artful on i386" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1717016 15:07 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1718521 in libgd2 (Ubuntu) "Sync libgd2 2.2.5-3 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1718521 15:07 <rbalint> * Debian uploads: meld 1.8.0-1 15:07 <rbalint> * fixed cloud-init regression: LP: #1717477 15:07 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1717477 in cloud-init "cloud-init generates ordering cycle via After=cloud-init in systemd-fsck" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1717477 15:07 <rbalint> * translated subiquity to Hungarian 15:07 <rbalint> * u-u: - (highlight) major speedup (> 10 times), minor fixes, release 0.97 to Debian 15:07 <rbalint> - asking for merge to Ubuntu LP: #1718419 (please sponsor!) 15:07 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1718419 in unattended-upgrades (Ubuntu) " Please merge unattended-upgrades 0.97 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1718419 15:07 <slangasek> rbalint: complete translation? :) 15:07 <rbalint> - other queued fixes: https://github.com/rbalint/unattended-upgrades/commits/master-next-wip 15:07 <rbalint> slangasek: sure :-) 15:08 <rbalint> https://translations.launchpad.net/subiquity/trunk/+pots/subiquity 15:08 <rbalint> (done) 15:08 <slangasek> cyphermox: 15:08 <cyphermox> wee 15:08 <cyphermox> artful: 15:08 <cyphermox> - console-setup fix for Ctrl-C feedback in wayland (bug LP: #1710637) 15:08 <cyphermox> - netplan 0.28 fixes for lxc (AcceptRA) (bug LP: #1655440, bug LP: #1717404) 15:08 <cyphermox> - netplan 0.29 to unbreak autopkgtests now that netplan is on by default 15:08 <cyphermox> - shim testing for v13 15:08 <cyphermox> - debugging /run mount life-cycle (base-installer) 15:08 <cyphermox> - merging slideshow updates for ubuntu, ubuntukylin, kubuntu 15:08 <cyphermox> SRUs: 15:08 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1710637 in console-setup (Ubuntu) "Input falls through to gdm3 and terminates the session on Ctrl+C after udevadm trigger is executed under wayland" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1710637 15:08 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1655440 in nplan (Ubuntu Xenial) ""unconfigured" NIC can still get IPv6 addresses via RA" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1655440 15:08 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1717404 in nplan (Ubuntu) "IPv6 support regresses with nplan transition" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1717404 15:08 <cyphermox> - coaching balloons on the git-ubuntu process, for a juju-core SRU 15:08 <cyphermox> - finishing up SRUs for isc-dhcp, nplan 15:08 <cyphermox> (done) 15:09 <slangasek> * moved updates through to xenial-updates for the first Azure image using linux-azure 15:09 <slangasek> * +1 maintenance, getting artful-proposed driven down for release 15:09 <slangasek> * sorted out some docker.io autopkgtest failures resulting from the networkd-resolved landing 15:09 <slangasek> * attempted to debug the problems with arm autopkgtest infrastructure having unusually frequent network errors (no results to report yet) 15:09 <slangasek> * review image minimization branches for landing 15:09 <slangasek> * partial translation of subiquity to Catalan 15:09 <slangasek> (done) 15:09 <slangasek> philroche: 15:09 <philroche> - Short week due to vacation last week (high*light) 15:09 <philroche> - Cloud image build system vanguard 15:09 <cyphermox> oh, I guess I should translate subiquity to french 15:10 <philroche> - New cloud image build system automated promotion development 15:10 <philroche> - Partner meetings 15:10 <philroche> (done) 15:10 <slangasek> fginther: 15:10 <fginther> * On-site visit with Microsoft 15:10 <fginther> * Assisted with testing of walinuxagent 2.2.17 15:10 <fginther> * Updated the Ubuntu WSL application in the Windows store 15:10 <fginther> * Continued library development to facilitate automated publication 15:10 <fginther> (done) 15:11 <doko> - more getting-rid-off-maven syncs and merges 15:11 <doko> - getting python2 off the desktop images \o/ 15:11 <doko> - some defaults updates 15:11 <doko> - usual proposed and autopkg test fixing, debian bug filings 15:11 <doko> - binutils 2.19.1, more toolchain updates 15:11 <doko> - installed 17.10 and trying to get used to gnome3 :-/ 15:11 <doko> - python 3.6.3rc1 and 3.7alpha1 15:11 <doko> (done) 15:11 <bdmurray> SRU team rotation 15:11 <bdmurray> uploaded X and Z SRUs for LP: #1682934 15:11 <bdmurray> X, Z SRU verification of python3.5 path issue (LP: #1682934) 15:11 <bdmurray> SRU verification of LP: #1676547 for zesty 15:11 <bdmurray> SRU releases of neutron, neutron-lbaas-dashboard due to pings 15:11 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1682934 in python2.7 (Ubuntu Zesty) "python3 in /usr/local/bin can cause python3 packages to fail to install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1682934 15:11 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1676547 in network-manager (Ubuntu Zesty) "No network connectivity after upgrade from 16.04 to 16.10" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1676547 15:11 <bdmurray> SRU review of systemd (follow-up from Thursday) 15:11 <bdmurray> sponsored nagios-nrpe upload for balint (LP: #1715167) 15:11 <bdmurray> reported update-manager test failure bug (LP: #1717360) 15:11 <bdmurray> research into reasons /boot gets full and RemoveOldKernels wiki page 15:11 <bdmurray> uploaded artful fix for LP: #1515513 15:11 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1715167 in nagios-nrpe (Ubuntu) "FTBFS in Artful" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1715167 15:11 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1717360 in update-manager (Ubuntu Zesty) "test_update_origin.py test failure" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1717360 15:11 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1515513 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "/boot/initrd.img-*.old-dkms files left behind" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1515513 15:11 <bdmurray> bug triage of ubiquity not clearing /boot (LP: #1586303) 15:11 <bdmurray> tested unattended-upgrades bug LP: #1675079 15:11 <bdmurray> reported u-r-u bug regarding /var free space (LP: #1718497) 15:11 <bdmurray> tested, uploaded Artful fix for LP: #1477455 15:11 <bdmurray> uploaded X and Z fixes for LP: #1477455, LP: #1717360 15:11 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1586303 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "clear_partitions doesn't clear /boot" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1586303 15:11 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1675079 in unattended-upgrades (Ubuntu) "16.04 LTS Partition /boot fills up with Kernel images, gets underwear in a twist" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1675079 15:11 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1718497 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "checkFreeSpace says it checks /var but may not really" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1718497 15:11 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1477455 in update-manager (Ubuntu Zesty) "Incorrect instructions leave automatic updates blocked when /boot is full" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1477455 15:11 <bdmurray> testing of unattended-upgrades bug LP: #1624644 15:11 <bdmurray> irc discussion with manjo re apport-cli and updating a bug (LP: #1208508) 15:11 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1624644 in unattended-upgrades (Ubuntu Artful) "By default settings unattended-upgrade is unable to automatically remove packages that become unused in conjunction with updating by other software." [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1624644 15:11 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1208508 in Apport "unable to update an bug with an existing .crash file" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1208508 15:11 <bdmurray> tested the fix for LP: #1679435 still works in Artful 15:12 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1679435 in gnome-software (Ubuntu Artful) "GNOME Software fails to install .deb packages that trigger debconf prompts" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1679435 15:12 <bdmurray> ✔ done 15:12 <bdmurray> sponsored fix for LP: #1718055 15:12 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1718055 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu Trusty) "update-initramfs fails for MODULES=dep when root is on LVM wich uses nvme device" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1718055 15:13 <bdmurray> infinity: ? 15:13 <slangasek> seems not 15:13 <slangasek> rcj: 15:13 <rcj> * cloud images are working again 15:13 <rcj> * cloud partner on-site meeting 15:14 <rcj> * helped with linux-azure image publication 15:14 <rcj> ✔ 15:14 <slangasek> any questions on status? 15:15 <rbalint> could someone please sponsor my stuff? :-) 15:16 <slangasek> rbalint: links? 15:17 <rbalint> LP: #1718419 15:17 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1718419 in unattended-upgrades (Ubuntu) " Please merge unattended-upgrades 0.97 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1718419 15:17 <slangasek> ah, the difficult one ;) 15:17 <rbalint> i have an easy one, too :-) LP: #1718521 15:17 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1718521 in libgd2 (Ubuntu) "Sync libgd2 2.2.5-3 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1718521 15:18 <slangasek> rbalint: I'll queue unattended-upgrades to look at today. was this the one that I already looked at an FFe bug on? 15:18 <slangasek> someone else want to look at libgd2? 15:18 <rbalint> this is the next one 15:18 <cyphermox> sure. 15:18 <rbalint> slangasek: this is the one solving the issues you raised :-) 15:19 <slangasek> ah ok 15:19 <slangasek> rbalint: but we discussed that in a bug log somewhere, right? I can't find that now 15:20 <slangasek> I hope you don't expect me to /remember/ the issues I raised :) 15:21 <slangasek> [TOPIC] Bugs 15:21 <rbalint> slangasek: LP: #1714019 15:21 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1714019 in unattended-upgrades (Ubuntu) "Please merge unattended-upgrades 0.96 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1714019 15:21 <slangasek> rbalint: thanks 15:21 <slangasek> [LINK] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-aa-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs 15:22 <slangasek> anything new here? 15:22 <bdmurray> nope 15:22 <bdmurray> One on tracking though 15:22 <slangasek> was LP: #1715490 already discussed? 15:22 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1715490 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "pretty version of plymouth won't accept passphrase" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1715490 15:22 <bdmurray> yes, I think you were out that day 15:22 <slangasek> ok 15:22 <bdmurray> cyphermox was interested in looking at it 15:22 <slangasek> [LINK] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-aa-tracking-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs 15:23 <cyphermox> I looked, need to look more. 15:23 <bdmurray> bug 1718421 is new 15:23 <ubottu> bug 1718421 in debian-installer (Ubuntu Artful) "VLAN config not working in artful d-i" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1718421 15:23 <slangasek> cyphermox: have you checked for reproducibility of that with qxl driver? because that then aligns with desktop team's needs 15:24 <cyphermox> that's what I was getting to do, but virt-manager tends to crash my gnome-shell, and running qemu directly doesn't grab arrow keys. 15:24 <cyphermox> in other words, all hardware ..., all software..., I let you fill in the blanks. 15:24 <slangasek> bdmurray: looks like one we should take into the queue, certainly; might end up waiting for xnox to look at 15:25 <slangasek> cyphermox: ah, enjoy 15:25 <bdmurray> slangasek: which one? the d-i or plymouth one 15:25 <cyphermox> reinstall was partly to make sure that wasn't my system being broken 15:25 <slangasek> bdmurray: the d-i one 15:25 <slangasek> bdmurray: I've trelloed it 15:26 <cyphermox> oh 15:26 <cyphermox> wouldn't that vlan part be netplan-related? 15:26 <slangasek> maybe? 15:26 <slangasek> it's in trello now, your squad can claim it :) 15:26 <cyphermox> there's the code to generate the "right config", but it's d-i.. 15:27 <cyphermox> anyone else than me have local setup to test vlans? 15:28 <slangasek> you can test on s390x? 15:29 <slangasek> anywho 15:29 <slangasek> anything else on bugs? 15:29 <bdmurray> I don't think so. 15:29 <slangasek> [TOPIC] AOB 15:29 <slangasek> anything else? 15:31 <sil2100> I'd like to poke you slangasek about uvp-monitor copyright situation (it's a NEW package) 15:31 <slangasek> sil2100: me personally? 15:31 <sil2100> Since Andy did a review but we wanted to consult with you regarding the copyright being crazy in the source 15:31 <slangasek> ok 15:31 <sil2100> But we can take that off the meeting 15:33 <slangasek> sounds good 15:33 <slangasek> #endmeeting