15:02 <slangasek> #startmeeting 15:02 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Jul 13 15:02:59 2017 UTC. The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 15:02 <meetingology> 15:02 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick 15:03 <slangasek> [TOPIC] Lightning round 15:03 <slangasek> $ echo $(shuf -e doko bdmurray slangasek infinity sil2100 cyphermox tdaitx xnox mwhudson rbalint rcj philroche Odd_Bloke Tribaal fginther) 15:03 <slangasek> Odd_Bloke doko fginther sil2100 xnox rcj slangasek cyphermox Tribaal tdaitx mwhudson philroche infinity rbalint bdmurray 15:03 <chiluk> o/ 15:04 <slangasek> Odd_Bloke: hello 15:05 <Odd_Bloke> Sigh, of course I'd be first when I'm running late. 15:05 <rbalint> o/ 15:05 <Odd_Bloke> * Preparing for the product sprint next week 15:05 <Odd_Bloke> * Cherry-picked all the git commits 15:05 <Odd_Bloke> done 15:06 <Odd_Bloke> doko: 15:06 <Odd_Bloke> (Or maybe not because he's on vacation.) 15:06 <sil2100> I think doko is away? 15:06 <slangasek> yes 15:06 <slangasek> fginther: 15:06 <fginther> * Image testing for walinuxagent 2.2.14 15:07 <fginther> * Automated image publication workflow improvements 15:07 <fginther> + Utility for processing manifest differences 15:07 <fginther> + Jobs for checking and acting upon manifest differences 15:07 <fginther> * Enabled publishing of blobs to Azure Germany 15:07 <fginther> done 15:07 <sil2100> - A lot of regular SRU reviews and releases 15:07 <sil2100> - ubuntu-image: 15:07 <sil2100> * Minor fixes to the release script 15:07 <sil2100> * HIGHLIGHT: Releasing ubuntu-image 1.1 - deb and snap 15:07 <sil2100> * Investigating and fixing issues with some multiarch dependent libraries 15:07 <slangasek> sil2100: 15:07 <sil2100> * Re-releasing fixed zesty-based 1.1 snap (beta channel) 15:07 <sil2100> - Releasing the previous gce-compute-image-packages to -updates 15:07 <sil2100> - Reviewing and sponsoring Balint's trusty gce-compute-image-packages fix 15:07 <sil2100> - Change the kernel-sru-review cache branch per Steve's reviews 15:07 <sil2100> - Checking skiboot artful -> xenial delta, SRUing latest upstream release to xenial 15:08 <sil2100> - Reading up on the point release process, prepping minor stuff 15:08 <sil2100> (done) 15:08 <slangasek> xnox: 15:08 <xnox> systemd for xenial reviewed and accepted to proposed THANK YOU; all test cases passes \o/ so it can safely age for 16.04.3 15:08 <xnox> s390-tool for xenial reviewed and accepted to proposed THANK YOU; yet to validate 15:08 * xnox is confused about "verification-needed verification-needed-$suite" added on all the sru bugs. I thought "verification-needed" is redundant then. 15:08 <xnox> ocaml transition in progress, with demotions only 23 odd packages left 15:08 <xnox> subiquity - discussing how to proceed with vlan views with michael, will start prototyping next 15:08 <xnox> WSL got published; and fixed up; and blogged; and fixed up. 15:08 <xnox> .. 15:10 <bdmurray> rcj: your turn 15:11 <rcj> bdmurray: thx 15:12 <sil2100> xnox: it is a bit redundant, yes, but we decided to leave it in case people want to easily look for bugs that need verification 15:12 <rcj> It was a quiet week, I've been down in the cloud-image publication plumbing 15:12 <xnox> sil2100, ok. 15:13 <rcj> quiet in terms of interesting bits. We have daily publication of all releases swapped over to the new code. 15:13 <rcj> done 15:13 <rcj> slangasek: 15:14 <slangasek> * SRU reviews 15:14 <slangasek> * Landed fix for broken files on ddebs.u.c, then spent a couple days regenerating cache after accidental breakage (LP: #1702550) 15:14 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1702550 in ddeb-retriever "Several files on ddebs.ubuntu.com have bogus content" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1702550 15:14 <slangasek> * Landed sil2100's branches for ubuntu-archive-tools 15:14 <slangasek> * fixes to pc gadget snaps to build from source in archive 15:14 <slangasek> * security release for ubuntu-image 15:14 <slangasek> * publish new fixed candidate,stable channel core images 15:14 <slangasek> * first cut of policy for "Ubuntu main" snaps 15:14 <slangasek> * preparing for next week product sprint 15:14 <slangasek> * off tomorrow, swapping for sprint travel 15:14 <slangasek> (done) 15:14 <slangasek> cyphermox: 15:14 <cyphermox> - back from vacation, catching up 15:15 <cyphermox> MIRs: 15:15 <cyphermox> - sbuild, python-scrypt, python-bcrypt, open-isns, numactl, nghttp2 15:15 <cyphermox> - pyparted needs help (tests not being run) 15:15 <cyphermox> netplan: 15:15 <cyphermox> - [HIGHLIGHT] preparing release 0.25: 15:15 <cyphermox> - fixing autopkgtests 15:15 <cyphermox> - better handle unconfigured devices re: how to deal with IPv6 RAs 15:15 <cyphermox> - improve MTU setting for the NetworkManager handler 15:15 <cyphermox> artful: 15:15 <cyphermox> - reviewing ubiquity merge proposals 15:15 <cyphermox> - reupload shim-signed SRUs for non-interactive, apport hook fixes, state tracking 15:15 <cyphermox> paperwork: 15:15 <cyphermox> - filling backlog cards, discussing pasta processes 15:15 <cyphermox> (done) 15:15 <cyphermox> sil2100: that pyparted thing, we should discuss after the meeting, not sure if you had seen the bug I filed 15:16 <slangasek> sil2100: (and that I assigned to you :) 15:16 <slangasek> Tribaal: 15:16 <sil2100> Oh 15:16 * sil2100 needs to fix his bugmail 15:16 <cyphermox> bug LP: #1695058 15:16 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1695058 in pyparted (Ubuntu) "should run tests as part of the package build" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1695058 15:16 <Tribaal> * Refactoring, adding tests in our build tools 15:16 <Tribaal> * Added/fixed the GCE publication using mutiqueue SCSI 15:16 <Tribaal> * Some work on automatic promotion 15:16 <sil2100> cyphermox: thanks! I can take that, sure 15:16 <Tribaal> (not very interesting but *meh*) 15:16 <Tribaal> (done) 15:16 <tdaitx> > OpenJDK security update 15:16 <tdaitx> > Squad, Trello and whatnot 15:16 <tdaitx> > Other: fixed rtl8812 wifi by replacing network-manager with wicd (https://github.com/astsam/rtl8812au/issues/36) 15:16 <tdaitx> (done) 15:17 <cyphermox> hum wat? 15:17 <tdaitx> yeah, weird 15:17 <cyphermox> indeed, I think I have a rtl8812au and it worked fine.. 15:17 <tdaitx> I can help debug that 15:17 <cyphermox> can you file a bug on LP? 15:17 <philroche> * Automated promotion work 15:17 <tdaitx> sure 15:17 <philroche> + Cleanup of dailies 15:18 <cyphermox> tdaitx: ta 15:18 <philroche> * ENA attribute enabled for Trusty images on AWS 15:18 <slangasek> tdaitx: any +1 maintenance right now? 15:18 <philroche> * gce-compute-image-packages package SRU verification 15:18 <philroche> (done) 15:18 <cyphermox> philroche: what is ENA attribute? 15:18 <bdmurray> is infinity about? 15:18 <slangasek> no infinity? 15:18 <slangasek> rbalint: 15:18 <tdaitx> slangasek, planned for tomorrow 15:18 <chiluk> tdaitx the rtl8812au seems like something that should get really fixed and not just worked around. 15:19 <slangasek> tdaitx: on the day I'm not around to sponsor, too bad :) 15:19 <rbalint> * short week, was on long vacation 15:19 <rbalint> * Debian uploads: pam-ssh-agent-auth 15:19 <rbalint> * multiple unattended-updates changes including helping out upstream sorting out PR-s, Ubuntu delta, Debian patches, LP: #1690980 15:19 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1690980 in OEM Priority Project "unattended-upgrades does not block shutdown of system, as it is designed to" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1690980 15:19 <philroche> cyphermox: It means that you can used enhanced networking on AWS. 15:19 <cyphermox> slangasek: I can sponsor uploads for tdaitx 15:19 <cyphermox> philroche: cool 15:19 <philroche> Speeds up to 20Gb/s 15:19 <rbalint> * google-compute-engine-oslogin SRU LP: #1703647 15:19 <tdaitx> slangasek, cyphermox and there's sil2100 as well 15:19 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1703647 in gce-compute-image-packages (Ubuntu Trusty) "google-compute-engine-oslogin 20170622-0ubuntu1~14.04.0 installation fails on Trusty" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1703647 15:19 <rbalint> (no highlights for now) 15:19 <rbalint> (done) 15:19 <slangasek> bdmurray: 15:19 <bdmurray> tdaitx: Are you going to SRU the openjdk package hook? 15:20 <bdmurray> utilized cassandra database query to verify libgweather SRU was good 15:20 <bdmurray> tested release upgrades from EoL releases 15:20 <bdmurray> worked with balint on unattended-upgrades bug LP: #1690980 15:20 <bdmurray> tested balint's patch for unattended-upgrades bug LP: #1690980 15:20 <bdmurray> discussion re pulseaudio regressions 15:20 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1690980 in OEM Priority Project "unattended-upgrades does not block shutdown of system, as it is designed to" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1690980 15:20 <slangasek> tdaitx: yeah, but if I don't get to sponsor I don't have content for an endorsement! 15:20 <tdaitx> bdmurray, yes 15:20 <bdmurray> sorted out issue with upstream apport's crash digger and bad attachments 15:20 <bdmurray> uploaded new version of lptools to AA to handle same bad attachments issue 15:20 <sil2100> Me too! 15:20 <bdmurray> merged powersj MoM MP to add team stats for ubuntu-server 15:20 <bdmurray> piggy-backed on the above and added foundations-bugs 15:20 <bdmurray> merged bug pattern MP for a samba bug report 15:20 <sil2100> I need to sponsor some stuff for you! 15:20 <bdmurray> tdaitx: then we'd need whoopsie SRU'ed too to allow the field through 15:20 <bdmurray> replied to team process / setup emails 15:20 <bdmurray> irc discussion with moon127 regarding PS4 swift storage (dump it!) 15:20 <bdmurray> HIGHLIGHT: blogged about using Error Tracker for SRUs (http://www.murraytwins.com/blog/?p=144) 15:20 <bdmurray> answered questions in #ubuntu-bugs regarding bug expiry 15:20 <bdmurray> updated meta-release-development and m-r-lts-development to only have supported upgrade paths 15:20 <gaughen> cool! 15:20 <bdmurray> removed --sandbox option from update-manager to match u-r-u (LP: #1605259) 15:20 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1605259 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "do-release-upgrade --sandbox fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1605259 15:20 <bdmurray> u-r-u & u-m clarify the definition of the "-d" switch (LP: #1700829) 15:21 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1700829 in update-manager (Ubuntu Artful) "-d switch doesn't accurately describe itself" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1700829 15:21 <bdmurray> special SRU review of livecd-rootfs for X for infinity 15:21 <bdmurray> ✔ done 15:21 <tdaitx> bdmurray, yeah, it's on my todo list, what do I need to do there exactly? 15:21 <gaughen> bdmurray, I just looked at your blog on Tuesday! 15:21 <bdmurray> tdaitx: copy what I did in artful ;-) 15:21 <slangasek> any questions over status? 15:22 <tdaitx> chiluk, I need to take a deeper look into that, since the rtl works on the command line or wicd, but not on nm 15:22 <chiluk> yeah tdaitx.. a LOT of people are hitting nm issues lately 15:22 <tdaitx> bdmurray, k, tks 15:22 <chiluk> every laptop I own right now has weirdness. 15:22 <chiluk> I think it may even be timing related. 15:23 <chiluk> as in nm-applet coming up before network-manager or the driver are ready 15:23 <bdmurray> tdaitx: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/323195476/whoopsie_0.2.55_0.2.56.diff.gz 15:23 <chiluk> I'll add some status as well since at least xnox used to care about intel-microcode 15:23 <chiluk> lp#1700373 - intel-microcode - backported 20170511 to x, y, then discovered intel released 20170707 over the weekend. Then backported 20170707 for SRU in x,y,z. Tested said backport, created public PPA for additional testing. SRU currently waiting in Upload queue for x, y, z. 15:23 <chiluk> lp1673481 - Completed verification of y and z. 15:24 <tdaitx> bdmurray, in case I get the openjdk update before whoopsie, the only problem is that we won't get that field uploaded right? 15:24 <bdmurray> tdaitx: right that field won't make it into errors but the rest of the report will and the whole thing would land in LP 15:24 <xnox> ## Highlight: systemd 234 released upstream with contributions from Canonical for persistent interface naming of the ACPI platform devices, relevant on ARM64 15:25 <sil2100> chiluk: I didn't find time to review the intel-microcode SRU yet 15:25 <sil2100> Oh 15:25 <sil2100> Ok 15:26 <slangasek> [TOPIC] Bug queue 15:26 <slangasek> [LINK] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-aa-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs 15:27 <slangasek> bdmurray: we did try to review this last week while you were out, and nothing moved 15:27 <slangasek> I don't remember why this one critical is lingering in incoming 15:28 <bdmurray> slangasek: because a community member made it critical w/o much justification 15:28 <tdaitx> chiluk, when you quit you missed sil2100's comment: <sil2100> chiluk: I didn't find time to review the intel-microcode SRU yet 15:28 <sil2100> Ah, chiluk is back! 15:28 <sil2100> tdaitx: thanks ;) 15:28 <slangasek> bdmurray: ah, cough 15:28 <chiluk> sil2100: ... not back... but now part of the community 15:28 <sil2100> chiluk: if other SRU members won't find cycles for the review I might pick it up tomorrow 15:28 <chiluk> yeah sil2100.. I'm ok with us being a little slow on it. 15:29 <chiluk> although from all my testing the microcode update seems to be fairly specific to only kabylake and skylake-e/x 15:30 <bdmurray> I don't think there are many new things in rls-aa-incoming 15:30 <chiluk> sil2100... Indeed has given me 40% time to make sure that Ubuntu continues to work as their development environment... and do some platform enablement. 15:32 <slangasek> ok, 1646739 dispatched (marked as a duplicate) 15:34 <slangasek> bdmurray: anything else on there worth looking at? 15:34 <bdmurray> slangasek: not today 15:34 <slangasek> [TOPIC] AOB 15:36 <slangasek> Anything else? 15:38 <slangasek> #endmeeting