15:05 <slangasek> #startmeeting 15:05 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Mar 31 15:05:06 2016 UTC. The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 15:05 <meetingology> 15:05 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick 15:05 <slangasek> [TOPIC] Lightning round 15:05 <slangasek> $ echo $(shuf -e barry doko bdmurray slangasek caribou infinity sil2100 robru cyphermox pitti tdaitx xnox chiluk) 15:05 <slangasek> infinity barry tdaitx robru xnox caribou doko sil2100 slangasek chiluk bdmurray pitti cyphermox 15:05 <cyphermox> ouh, last 15:05 <infinity> slangasek: Gimme a few minutes, just woke up. :P 15:05 <slangasek> ok 15:05 <slangasek> no barry? 15:05 <slangasek> tdaitx: you want to go first? 15:06 <tdaitx> * JCK 8 15:06 <tdaitx> - Down to 4 runtime failures (3 locale, 1 ssl, 1 graphical/opacity) 15:06 <tdaitx> - Tested various window managers under Xvfb, dummy Xorg, and Xpra; wmaker so far has the fewest intermittent failures under Xvfb or Xorg (still requires one or two additional runs to get everything to pass) 15:06 <tdaitx> - Setup Xpra to improve interactive tests (automatic sound redirection) 15:06 <tdaitx> - Improving scripts to handle both JCK 7 and JCK 8 15:06 <tdaitx> * JCK 7 15:06 <tdaitx> - A bit over 20 failures on runtime (waiting to redeploy the environment with additional fixes and integration with from the JCK 8 scripts) 15:06 <tdaitx> * Checked OpenJDK 8 build failure on arm64; tracked down to missing #includes on an earlier changeset 15:06 <tdaitx> (done) 15:06 <robru> short week due to easter 15:06 <robru> - chased down some issues related to the recent dpkg-buildpackage speedups in the train 15:06 <robru> * pre_release_hook conversion for media-hub and trust-store 15:06 <robru> - began working on further GLES automation in the train (in progress) 15:06 <robru> (done) 15:07 <doko> tdaitx, in the past I used twm (or still using it for the packages) 15:07 <xnox> hello 15:07 <xnox> !skip 15:08 <xnox> caribou, go =) 15:08 <caribou> Bugfix : 15:08 <caribou> - opencontrail panic 15:08 <caribou> Invesitage Juniper support 15:08 <caribou> - LP: #1546260 - kexec-tools purgatory failure on PowerPC64 15:08 <caribou> Uploaded test package to PPA 15:08 <ubottu> Error: Could not gather data from Launchpad for bug #1546260 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1546260). The error has been logged 15:08 <caribou> Development work: 15:08 <caribou> - DEP8 tests for makedumpfile 15:08 <caribou> Finalized first pass 15:08 <caribou> - Kernel crash dump enablement on s390 15:08 <caribou> Investigating zfcpdump 15:08 <caribou> - vsftpd DEP8 regression 15:08 <caribou> Pursueing Debian bug #819546 15:08 <ubottu> Debian bug 819546 in vsftpd "vsftpd no longer starts with systemd because of listen_ipv6=NO from Bug: #803999" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/819546 15:08 <caribou> Misc: 15:08 <caribou> - clamav setup & debug 15:08 <caribou> ☑ Done 15:09 <tdaitx> doko: yes, I used twm, fluxbox, and wmaker... I was getting too many intermitent failures with twm 15:10 <xnox> was out last week, plus this is a short week due to pagan holidays. 15:10 <xnox> beta-2: testing, test report, shipped by dannf, all good 15:10 <xnox> beta-programme: responding to inquiries, kicked off community too 15:10 <xnox> responding to bug mail / fixing things: uploaded netcfg, s390-dasd|zfcp, looking into ftbfs regressions 15:10 <xnox> upstreamish: send trivial patch for openssh, updated germinate/curtin merge proposals 15:10 <xnox> done 15:10 <slangasek> infinity: you ready now? 15:11 <infinity> * Very short week, due to 4-day weekend: 15:11 <infinity> - Rename powerpc-utils and powerpc-ibm-utils in Debian, merging to Ubuntu soon 15:11 <infinity> - Update librtas and powerpc-utils to new upstream, with some local fixes 15:11 <infinity> - Work on glibc security updates 15:11 <infinity> - New tzdata version updates 15:11 <infinity> - Investigate glib2.0/s390x failures, still ongoing 15:11 <infinity> - Lots and lots of queue reviews and a bit of mentoring to go with 15:11 <infinity> (done) 15:11 <doko> - openjdk-6 and openjdk-7 removal 15:11 <doko> - fixing build failures 15:11 <doko> - transitions: qwt, 15:11 <doko> - gcc-5 update, updating from the IBM branch 15:11 <doko> - various +1 maintenance work 15:11 <doko> (done) 15:12 <sil2100> - Shorter week due to national holidays 15:12 <sil2100> - Landing team work, silo coordination, preparing landing e-mails 15:12 <sil2100> - RTM status meetings 15:12 <sil2100> - Quick meetings about the joiner buddy program in Canonical 15:12 <sil2100> - Turbo enablement 15:12 <sil2100> * Preparing an emergency snapshot for the team to build factory image 15:12 <sil2100> * Re-spinning images with different custom/device tarball combinations 15:12 <sil2100> * (more re-spins coming) 15:12 <sil2100> - OTA-10 15:12 <sil2100> * Tracking required landings, coordinating custom tarball releases 15:12 <sil2100> * Spin a new custom tarball for BQ-channel mako with new apps per request 15:12 <sil2100> - Touch language packs: 15:12 <sil2100> * Changing exports to Fridays, langpack-o-matic to few hours later 15:12 <sil2100> * Look into why we're missing some languages in touch (missing potemplate stats) 15:12 <sil2100> * Manual spins of translations 15:12 <sil2100> - Clean-up in assigned bugs 15:12 <sil2100> - Quick preliminary look at the system-image charm 15:12 <sil2100> - Documenting click-package staging with the lock mechanism 15:12 <sil2100> - Booking flights for sprint 15:12 <sil2100> - Seed changes per product team request 15:12 <sil2100> - Various work and tweaks on some LT tools (safe-copy and snapshotter) 15:12 <sil2100> (done) 15:13 <chiluk> slangasek you're up. 15:13 <slangasek> yes 15:15 <slangasek> * short week, off last Friday 15:15 <slangasek> * php sponsorships x 300 15:15 <slangasek> * proposed-migration cleanups 15:15 <slangasek> * NEW reviews, FFe processing for 16.04 15:15 <slangasek> * head-scratching over the 14.04 SIGKILL-the-world upgrader bug, bug #1555237 15:15 <ubottu> bug 1555237 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Upgrade from 14.04.4→ 16.04 dies midway taking out the session." [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1555237 15:15 <slangasek> * nudging launchpad team about scalingstack builders being out of date, possibly caused a build failure due to a kernel bug 15:15 <slangasek> * nudging people about archive reorg changes 15:15 <slangasek> (done) 15:15 <chiluk> - Worked a bit on bug 1012629. Determined the issue to be a bios/efi one at least for me. 15:15 <chiluk> - Snappy stuffs. 15:15 <chiluk> - Some more Vacation *(i.e. moving). 15:15 <chiluk> - done - 15:15 <ubottu> bug 1012629 in grub-installer (Ubuntu Precise) "grub-installer ignores "bootdev" setting in preseed file" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1012629 15:16 <slangasek> bdmurray: 15:16 <bdmurray> backfilled BucketVersionsCount in real cassandra DB 15:16 <bdmurray> fixed (combined FirstSeen, LastSeen) BucketMetadata in real cassandra DB 15:16 <bdmurray> setup local Errors frontend to point at new cassandra DB 15:16 <bdmurray> submitted RT to have mojo spec reviewed 15:16 <bdmurray> made modifications to mojo spec based off reviewer feedback 15:16 <bdmurray> confirmed rsync access to apport's duplicate db works 15:16 <bdmurray> modified component-mismatch MIR bug creator to do more stuff 15:16 <bdmurray> opened some MIR bug reports 15:16 <bdmurray> sprint travel arrangements 15:16 <bdmurray> ✔ done 15:16 <pitti> only a 2-day week (plus some extra hacking over holiday) 15:16 <pitti> autopkgtgest: 15:16 <pitti> - add testbed package list to artifacts.tar.gz (#1559629) 15:16 <pitti> - fix retries for silos when corresponding Ubuntu release does not have any result for given package (#1544917) 15:16 <pitti> - some post-holiday maintenance, update armhf boxes 15:16 <pitti> - britney: add some more tests 15:16 <pitti> ddebs.u.c.: 15:16 <pitti> - analyze ddeb-eating issue from last week, add working --regenerate-all option, refresh indexes for new GPG key/hash algorithm (#1558823) 15:16 <pitti> - add xz index compression, by request from Colin (#1559987) 15:16 <pitti> - prepare for Packages.bz2 disappearing from master Ubuntu archive 15:16 <pitti> distro: 15:16 <pitti> - cmake: clean up merge, sponsor (#1534263) 15:16 <pitti> - debug why libpam-systemd is missing in a ppc64el server install, fix seeds (#1561658) 15:17 <pitti> - investigate deadlock with lots of LVMs, some experiments wrt. fixing watershed, create watershed tests; eventually opted for fixing lvm2 (#1560710) 15:17 <pitti> - PostgreSQL: prepare new upstream security/bug fix releases for all supported Ubuntu releases (#1564268) 15:17 <pitti> misc: 15:17 <pitti> - help Saviq with getting access to scalingstack instance for debugging unity8 failure 15:17 <pitti> (END) 15:17 <cyphermox> xenial: 15:17 <cyphermox> - finishing network-manager updates for FFE 15:17 <cyphermox> - investigating ubiquity crashes (bug LP: #1551285) 15:17 <cyphermox> - minor libcxl fixes 15:17 <cyphermox> - ubiquity oem-config fixes (network and users) (bug LP: #1508865, bug LP: #1552621) 15:17 <ubottu> Error: Launchpad bug 1551285 could not be found 15:17 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1508865 in One Hundred Papercuts "oem-config: networking not enabled during user config" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1508865 15:17 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1552621 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Can't login to desktop autometically after oem-config is finished on OEM mode" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1552621 15:17 <cyphermox> other stuff: 15:17 <cyphermox> - I am in upgrade testing hell 15:17 <cyphermox> - Secure Boot /efi/boot paths on broken firmware 15:17 <cyphermox> - add u-r-u quirk for dbus's setuid helper permissions 15:17 <cyphermox> - upgrade testing w/ timetravel (bug LP: #1555237) 15:17 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1555237 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Upgrade from 14.04.4→ 16.04 dies midway taking out the session." [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1555237 15:17 <cyphermox> - includes setup time for said timetravel w/ meta-release 15:17 <cyphermox> - systemtap tracing signals on upgrade 15:17 <cyphermox> (done) 15:18 <bdmurray> timetravel? 15:19 <cyphermox> yeah, some code I stole from cjwatson with minimal changes so that you can pick at the archive's state at a specific date 15:19 <slangasek> cyphermox: hmm. the NM from the FFe has not landed yet? 15:19 <cyphermox> slangasek: no, it has not 15:19 <slangasek> FFes normally expire once we hit final beta 15:20 <cyphermox> slangasek: the work is useful anyway, it will be ready for next cycle 15:20 <slangasek> ok; is someone (desktop team?) expecting this still for 16.04? 15:20 <cyphermox> I don't know, I'm certainly not getting much help 15:20 <slangasek> cyphermox: re: upgrade testing, did you get a handle on systemtap for this? 15:20 <cyphermox> bdmurray https://github.com/cyphermox/apt-mirror 15:21 <cyphermox> slangasek: yes, I have output from a stap script, hold on 15:21 <cyphermox> http://paste.ubuntu.com/15568151/ 15:21 <cyphermox> it does show that systemd-udevd goes on a murder spree 15:21 <infinity> Whee. 15:21 * xnox bets that cjwatson's traveler is based on my traveler which is based on tumbleweed's traveler 15:22 <slangasek> cyphermox: ah, so it is udev that's doing it 15:22 <cyphermox> xnox: quite likely, which is also based on some other thing from some other people 15:22 <slangasek> cyphermox: maybe you want to grab pitti in to help with this? 15:22 <pitti> udisks2.postinst does this: udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=block --action=change 15:22 <pitti> which at least connects updating udisks to some udev activity 15:22 <cyphermox> already pinged 15:22 <slangasek> ok 15:22 <pitti> but this still looks a bit weird -- why would dbus-deaemon send SIGKILLs too? 15:22 <xnox> because dbus activation timedout.... 15:23 <xnox> (dbus is a mini-init) 15:23 <slangasek> alrighty, any other questions over status? 15:24 <cjwatson> timetravel> it sure is 15:24 <slangasek> and tumbleweed's traveler is based on tumbleweed's traveler is based on tumbleweed's traveler? 15:24 <cjwatson> FYI the archive reorg status is that I have a couple of LP branches up for review to add a flag which changes build-dep resolution behaviour, and xnox's germinate branch is probably OK now though I need to take another look after I get the LP stuff reviewed 15:24 <slangasek> \o/ 15:24 <cjwatson> if all goes well it should be possible to roll it out early next week 15:25 <cjwatson> I'm guessing that if it's after next week, it's too late for 16.04 15:25 <infinity> cjwatson: Yay. I've been intentionally merging my packages with main/universe build-dep deltas at lower-than-Debian versions, so I can sync when that lands. :) 15:25 <cjwatson> and the security team will hate me forever 15:25 <slangasek> cjwatson: we still have component-mismatches in the current report that we are NOT "fixing" for 16.04 :) 15:25 <slangasek> nodejs is blacklisted from main 15:25 <slangasek> because of its known Communist sympathies 15:26 * xnox TRUMP 15:26 <xnox> slangasek, he is a Communist right? 15:26 <infinity> Not last I checked. 15:27 <slangasek> [TOPIC] AOB 15:27 <xnox> infinity, btw that systemctl bug looks like a libsystemd dbus / kdbus serialisation/deserialisation library bug 15:27 <xnox> .... 15:28 <infinity> Nifty. 15:28 <infinity> Does it appear to have any actual runtime effect, or just hilarious cosmetic effect? 15:30 <slangasek> apparently it has the runtime effect of making xnox disappear 15:31 <xnox> infinity, pretty sure any uint communication between any *ctl clients and systemd is borked 15:31 <infinity> Awesome. 15:32 <xnox> but e.g. gdbus client over dbus1 daemon does work correctly 15:32 <slangasek> ok, anything else? 15:33 <sil2100> uh 15:34 <pitti> xnox: do you have some details about that? bug report or so? 15:34 <infinity> sil2100: That's how I feel too. 15:35 <infinity> pitti: My "bug report" was just an IRC ping consisting of "wtf lol" and: 15:35 <infinity> ● z13-028 15:35 <infinity> State: running 15:35 <infinity> Jobs: 1197795576 queued 15:35 <infinity> Failed: 1197795576 units 15:35 <sil2100> That's how I feel all week 15:35 <xnox> pitti, filing one now. will link 15:37 <infinity> pitti: Obviously an endian bug, both from the hilariously large representations of "0", and that I see it on both s390 and powerpc. 15:37 <pitti> *nod* 15:40 <xnox> pitti, https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/2927 15:40 <xnox> infinity, but i like that pid1 has the right value, and reports the right thing over system dbus1 15:46 <slangasek> alrighty, seems we're at and end 15:46 <slangasek> #endmeeting