16:02 <slangasek> #startmeeting 16:02 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Dec 10 16:02:36 2015 UTC. The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 16:02 <meetingology> 16:02 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick 16:02 <slangasek> [TOPIC] Lightning round 16:02 <slangasek> $ echo $(shuf -e barry doko bdmurray slangasek caribou infinity sil2100 robru cyphermox pitti tdaitx xnox chiluk) 16:02 <slangasek> bdmurray robru pitti barry infinity doko xnox cyphermox chiluk sil2100 tdaitx caribou slangasek 16:02 <slangasek> bdmurray: 16:03 <bdmurray> here, just a momment 16:03 <bdmurray> worked on mojo specification for the error tracker 16:03 <bdmurray> cleaning up / fixing of juju charms for the error tracker 16:03 <bdmurray> discussed oopsrepository (removing dpkg comparator) change w/ stub 16:03 <bdmurray> made oopsrepository (removing dpkg comparator) 16:03 <bdmurray> SRU verification of distro-info-data for W (LP: #1508759) 16:03 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1508759 in distro-info-data (Ubuntu Wily) "Update to include xenial" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1508759 16:03 <xnox_> oops, i should join this 16:03 <bdmurray> foundations bug triage 16:03 <bdmurray> tested libopenssl1.0.0 upgrade bug LP: #1495302 16:03 <bdmurray> tested upgrade from T to X (VM dies) 16:03 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1495302 in openssl (Ubuntu) "subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 10" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1495302 16:04 <xnox_> xnox is running on the desktop at home. 16:04 <bdmurray> ✔ done 16:04 <robru> lp:cupstream2distro 16:04 <robru> * Implement three-way diffing in order to finally achieve new commit detection The Right Way 16:04 <robru> * Fix `pbuilder --clean` invocation so that pbuilder cache no longer fills disk 16:04 <robru> * Catch up with some basenode changes fixing our rsync config. 16:04 <robru> * Add debian packaging so that CI Train can self-host (that's right, I now use the train to do train releases) 16:04 <robru> * production unit redeployed, increasing root disk from 10GB -> 50GB disk so it can never run out of space ever again 16:04 <bdmurray> "never"? 16:04 <robru> lp:bileto 16:04 <robru> * Add debian packaging so that Bileto can self-host (as above) 16:04 <robru> * Britney enablement nears completion: 16:04 <robru> - templating of britney.conf is working 16:04 <robru> - downloading all necessary archive indexes is working 16:04 <robru> - invoking britney and reporting status into bileto still ongoing 16:04 <robru> lp:bileto/charm 16:04 <robru> * add support for specifying amqp URI for submitting autopkgtests. 16:04 <robru> (finito) 16:04 <robru> bdmurray: NEVER 16:04 <pitti> autopkgtest: 16:04 <pitti> - Add LXD runner (necessary for moving armhf tests to cloud), and sorted out a few related lxd issues with stgraber 16:04 <pitti> - Fix tests with failed builds staying "in progress" forever, test failures with failed upgrades of Priority >= important packages under apt pinning, and some other corner cases 16:05 <pitti> - Improve debugging of nova failures, and handle those more robustly 16:05 <pitti> - Generalize worker to work with any autopkgtest virt server (in particular, MaaS and upcoming LXD) 16:05 <pitti> - Show test triggers in web UI 16:05 <pitti> - Initial validation of new s390x autopkgtest machines, set up autopkgtest workers, file RTs and requests for production readiness 16:05 <pitti> misc: 16:05 <pitti> - apport: Fix long report load times (#1516947), fix failing test cases 16:05 <pitti> - merges: lvm2 (ugh), step 16:05 <pitti> - Help didrocks with the plymouth merge 16:05 <robru> bdmurray: seriously though it went from "10GB disk and endlessly growing cache" to "50GB disk and we clear the cache after every build" 16:05 <pitti> - Discuss ubuntu-make test migration from s-jenkins with didrocks, resulted in two (relatively small) WIs for me 16:05 <pitti> - Help untangling apt and Qt transitions in -proposed 16:05 <pitti> - python-dbusmock: Review/fix/merge Pete Wood's NetworkManager template update, new upstream release 16:05 <pitti> 🔚 16:05 <barry> short week due to illness and pto 16:05 <barry> helped colleague with some dateutil bugs 16:05 <slangasek> pitti: ah, does that mean we should assign any new plymouth bugs to you ;) 16:05 <barry> continued work on pip 7.1.2 16:05 <barry> continued work on dirtbike 16:06 <barry> LP: #1523806; LP: #1523979 16:06 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1523806 in system-image (Ubuntu) "/usr/sbin/system-image-dbus:UnicodeDecodeError:/usr/sbin/system-image-dbus@5:/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py@3143:_call_aside:_initialize_master_working_set:_build_master:__init__:add_entry:find_on_path:from_location:_version_from_metadata:_version_from_file:decode" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1523806 16:06 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1523979 in Next Generation Checkbox (GUI) "checkbox calls unittest.discover with an incorrect start_dir" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1523979 16:06 <pitti> slangasek: no, to didrocks :) 16:06 <barry> --done-- 16:06 <infinity> Short week due to VAC: 16:06 <infinity> - Helped sort out s390x bootstrap and buildds 16:06 <infinity> - Got lts-wily d-i and ISOs ready for 14.04.4 16:06 <infinity> - Worked with apw on unbuggering s390x kernels and metapackages 16:06 <infinity> - Long discussions with aurel32 and upstream about pt_chown 16:06 <cyphermox> slangasek: pitti: sorry I did another upload after that ;P 16:06 <infinity> - Looked into more issues with glibc 2.22 in hopes of landing before holidays 16:06 <infinity> - Will be on VAC from Dec 17 to Jan 3 16:06 <infinity> (done) 16:06 <slangasek> xnox_: you're after doko fwiw 16:06 <xnox_> slangasek: tah. 16:06 <doko> - python 2.7.11, 3.4.4 rc1, 3.5.1 releases 16:06 <doko> - GCC 5.3 release 16:06 <doko> - started GCC 6 packaging 16:06 <doko> - nvidia-cuda-toolkit transition 16:06 <doko> - sped up pkgbinarymangler, now png files are optimized in parallel, and dh_build works in parallel mode again 16:06 <doko> - fixed all ftbfs for various gcc-4.7 based cross compilers, fixed gcc-4.7 itself 16:06 <doko> - built gmp, ppl and cloog-ppl for the old libstdc++ ABI, demoted ppl and cloog-ppl 16:06 <doko> (done) 16:07 <xnox_> - review ubiquity 16:07 <xnox_> - resolve ubuntu-meta installation / qtbase / indicator etc. 16:07 <xnox_> - submit proposals for ubuntu-cdimage and the livefs-rootfs 16:07 <xnox_> - fix checkbox 16:07 <xnox_> - doko 16:07 <xnox_> - review cpc changes to livefs-rootfs 16:07 <xnox_> - ongoing image building work 16:07 <xnox_> - ongoing archive breakage & fixing (everything is broken at the moment on !s390x) 16:07 <doko> xnox, that's an odd topic ... 16:07 * pitti doesn't understand xnox's "doko" item, what did you do to thim?? 16:07 <xnox_> - bluefin christmas party later today 16:08 <xnox_> doko: pitti: copy and paste error. 16:08 * xnox_ is copying from keep.google.com and it doesn't do things right 16:08 <sil2100> ;) 16:08 * pitti pats good ol' plain text files 16:08 <slangasek> pitti: "file RTs and requests for production readiness" - what does this last part mean? what besides the firewall is a (known) blocker for putting s390x autopkgtest into production? 16:08 <xnox_> and I'm on holiday 17th-3rd i believe too (holiday + closure) 16:08 <xnox_> (done) 16:08 <cyphermox> so high tech, I also just use plaintext 16:08 <cyphermox> - more testing/fixage in ubiquity for signature validation 16:08 <cyphermox> - merged lilo-installer 16:08 <cyphermox> - merged hw-detect 16:08 <cyphermox> - fixed network-manager-applet uninstallability when building live images 16:08 <cyphermox> - merged base-installer 16:08 <cyphermox> - fixed plymouth /lib/plymouth migration for debootstrapped installs. 16:08 <pitti> slangasek: the instances (as of this morning) were way too small and supported only 4 parallel runners 16:08 <cyphermox> - testing d-i components integration in ubiquity 16:08 <cyphermox> - merging grub-installer (in progress) 16:09 <cyphermox> - helped newell installing with d-i to verify grub2 2.02~beta2-22ubuntu1.3 16:09 <cyphermox> - merging usb-creator rework from mdeslaur 16:09 <pitti> slangasek: I got two new emails now, could alreayd have been fixed now 16:09 <cyphermox> (done) 16:09 <pitti> slangasek: the firewall RT is actually not a blocker, just enhancement 16:09 <slangasek> barry: are you still working on LP: #1522500 ? 16:09 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1522500 in python-virtualenv (Ubuntu) "pip in Python 3.4 virtualenvs cannot install using a proxy " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1522500 16:09 <sil2100> chiluk: ? :) 16:10 <pitti> slangasek: git isn't available for s390 yet, but I can work around that for now 16:10 <barry> slangasek: not specifically, but as part of getting pip modernized 16:10 <infinity> pitti: That's fixable. 16:10 <slangasek> xnox_: ^^ should git->subversion bootstrapping be prioritized? (do you have time to do this without disrupting the image prep work?) 16:10 <sil2100> Ok, I'll go on maybe 16:10 <xnox_> slangasek: i can/should yes. 16:11 <slangasek> ok 16:11 <infinity> slangasek: All it needs is a subversion merge, I was going to do that. 16:11 <infinity> Perhaps I'll do it during the meeting. :P 16:11 <sil2100> - Landing team work, silo coordination, preparing landing e-mails 16:11 <sil2100> - RTM Status meetings 16:11 <sil2100> - CI Train: 16:11 <sil2100> * Look into the ghost source-package name issues Simon had with his landing 16:11 <sil2100> - system-image: 16:11 <sil2100> * Testing bin/ scripts under the new testable framework 16:11 <sil2100> * Write basic unit tests, start writing specific tests for tag-image, copy-image 16:11 <sil2100> - OTA-8.5: 16:11 <sil2100> * Review bugs and fixes 16:11 <sil2100> * Prepare a hotfix silo with snapshot dep for unity8 16:11 <sil2100> * Cherry-pick fixes to the snapshot PPA 16:11 <sil2100> * Prepare image builds for rc (switching configs, building different roofses) 16:12 <sil2100> * Propose fix for installing older preinstalled clicks (camera-app revert) 16:12 <sil2100> - Framework additions and changes 16:12 <pitti> infinity: oh, is it? looked like the subversion build was blocking on ruby; but ruby and ruby-dev are installable on s390 xenial (I didn't test on -proposed though) 16:12 <sil2100> - Landing Team tools: 16:12 <sil2100> * Further improve the PPA state script to include archive changes 16:12 <sil2100> * Work-around bug with unaccessible source publishing history for security PPA builds 16:12 <sil2100> * Add generic script for archive package download 16:12 <sil2100> * Improve image-promote for batch copies and latest-image checks 16:12 <sil2100> (done) 16:12 <infinity> pitti: No, it's a build-conflict in the old SVN that makes ruby-dev uninstallable. 16:12 <tdaitx> merges (libjoda-time, superseeded by a new Debian version on Monday; freipmi; squid3) 16:12 <tdaitx> openjdk bug triaging 16:12 <tdaitx> testing another fix for openJDK 6 tls patch (LP: #1482924) 16:12 <tdaitx> preparing bug control application 16:12 <tdaitx> reviewing jtreg test failures 16:12 <tdaitx> (done) 16:12 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1482924 in openjdk-7 (Ubuntu) "Regressions due to USN-2696-1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1482924 16:12 <infinity> pitti: Fixed in the newer version. 16:12 <pitti> infinity: ah, nice 16:12 <caribou> Bugfix : 16:12 <caribou> - rsyslog fails to start under upstart : Investigating 16:12 <caribou> - LP: #1494141 - haproxy 1.5 does not terminate 16:12 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1494141 in trusty-backports "HAProxy 1.5 init script does not terminate processes" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1494141 16:12 <caribou> - LP: #1496317 - kdump OOM killer failure 16:12 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1496317 in kexec-tools (Ubuntu Wily) "kexec fails with OOM killer with the current crashkernel=128 value" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1496317 16:12 <caribou> - Nut merge : waiting for sponsor 16:13 <caribou> - Makedumpfile packaging 16:13 <caribou> - sosreport packaging & CVE 16:13 <caribou> ☑ Done 16:13 <cyphermox> oh, I forgot to mention it, we had some issues with findutils yesterday, turns out the version from exp ftbfs and where it did not, broke some things (our d-i in this instance) 16:14 <cyphermox> chiluk: ^ 16:14 <pitti> charles: right, it got pulled already 16:14 <infinity> Obviously, the d-i thing is a bug that needs fixing anyway, we were using a deprecated option, but the FTBFS made things messy. 16:14 <infinity> And yes, I deleted it. 16:14 <pitti> charles: sorry, that was for cyphermox 16:14 <cyphermox> infinity: the d-i thing is already fixed it 16:14 <infinity> cyphermox: Lovely, thanks. 16:14 <cyphermox> also I can't type. 16:15 <infinity> That said, if deprecated options were dropped in this release, we probably need to be careful to look for fallout in the archive if we try the upgrade again. 16:15 <infinity> findutils affects a LOT of stuff, both at build and runtime. 16:15 <cyphermox> yep 16:15 <infinity> (And, if we can avoid it, I'd rather not be ahead of Debian on this one) 16:16 <slangasek> sil2100: "add generic script for archive package download" ... isn't that already 'apt-get download'? 16:17 <cyphermox> or could it be to download all binaries built by one particular source package for an arch, in which case I can contribute a script I have 16:18 <slangasek> ah, so non-stable findutils is turning out not to be a clean solution ;) 16:18 <slangasek> * merges 16:18 <slangasek> * discussion with mwhudson about the status of golang packages; preparing for a Debian merge and a new upstream point release 16:18 <slangasek> * s390x everywhere 16:18 <slangasek> * figuring out how to get the autopkgtest slaves online 16:18 <slangasek> * SRU reviews for 14.04.4 HWE stack 16:18 <slangasek> * discussions about LLVM versions for xenial 16:18 <slangasek> * took care of archiving older 14.04 point releases for ppc64el off from cdimage.u.c to old-releases 16:18 <slangasek> * assist with manual down-revving of click package for OTA8.5 16:18 <slangasek> (done) 16:18 <slangasek> (and sorry for the 5-minute gap while I was catching up with scrollback) 16:18 <slangasek> any questions? 16:19 <slangasek> tdaitx: did you have a merge awaiting sponsorship for libjoda-time or freeipmi? 16:19 <caribou> Need information from cyphermox on LP: #1520192 (multipath-tools Trusty -> Precise SRU) 16:19 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1520192 in multipath-tools (Ubuntu Precise) "multipath-tools from Precise should have been fixed together with Trusty fixes" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1520192 16:19 <cyphermox> oh, that's new 16:19 <tdaitx> slangasek, not yet 16:19 <caribou> cyphermox: do you think that it is feasible ? 16:19 <slangasek> tdaitx: ok 16:20 <cyphermox> caribou: yes, provided tinoco or someone else can spend the time to carefully test things 16:20 <caribou> cyphermox: well from what it looks, they've already tested it 16:21 <tinoco> cyphermox: this same backport looks really good in openstack with vnx. 16:21 <tinoco> actually is the only way of fixing openstack migration problems and path becoming active/faulty 16:22 <tinoco> caribou: tks louis 16:22 <cyphermox> tinoco: ok, let's just circle back and compare the test cases between your bug and mine to be sure we don't miss testing some non-obvious thing 16:22 <slangasek> pitti, xnox_, infinity, tinoco: things look to be moving well this morning on the s390x front, based on what I see of my mailbox so far. Is there anything you need my help to unblock you on? 16:22 <tinoco> slangasek: i need 3 ips 16:22 <pitti> slangasek: I'm fine; I'll set up production tomorrow morning, assuming that the instances are big enough now 16:22 <tinoco> for DEVAC{01,02,03} 16:23 <tinoco> so i can release them to foundations team definitely 16:23 <slangasek> tinoco: ok, I'll figure that out this morning. Do I give them to you, or should xnox_ take over the setup from here? 16:23 <tinoco> slangasek: after IP xnox_ can review environment and let me know if he needs anything else. 16:23 <tinoco> than i would add, just like pitti did 16:23 <sil2100> slangasek: I never knew how to use apt-get download/source to download a specific version from the past, or from the selected PPA or from the selected series 16:23 <pitti> slangasek: ah, cpu and RAM are fine now, disk is still too small, I'll follow up on the mail 16:24 <tinoco> pitti: you have 2 MOD54 (~50GB) to be used 16:24 <cyphermox> sil2100: did you alreday write a new script? want to see what I have? 16:24 <tinoco> pitti: is this still small for you ? 16:24 <xnox_> pitti: there should be a second disk with data. 16:24 <sil2100> slangasek: if it's possible then I simply didn't know how, apt-get download/source package=version didn't really do much 16:24 <sil2100> cyphermox: I have it 16:24 <slangasek> pitti: requirements were 80GB of disk per instance, right? 16:24 <tinoco> pitti: /dev/dasdb /dev/dasdc (to be used in LVM or the way you want) 16:24 <pitti> tinoco: ah, do I need to mount something new? 16:24 <sil2100> cyphermox: my lp:landing-team-tools has different strange scripts ;) 16:24 <cyphermox> sil2100: to use apt-get download with package=version you'd need to have the release in sources.list 16:24 <sil2100> cyphermox: yeah, and I just use LP API for that 16:24 <sil2100> Without any mods needed 16:24 <cyphermox> right 16:25 <slangasek> sil2100: ah ok :) 16:25 <tinoco> pitti: yep. disks are already there. you can use them ;) 16:25 <sil2100> I could use chdist, but that's pointles and requires a lot of work 16:25 <xnox_> slangasek: i guess it's the evalution of the pull-lp-binary 16:25 <xnox_> sil2100: ^ 16:25 <pitti> tinoco: ah! cooll, thanks 16:25 <slangasek> xnox_: right :) 16:25 <tinoco> pitti: i sent you an email with details 16:25 <xnox_> *evolution 16:25 <cyphermox> sil2100: well, if ever it's useful: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13898161/ 16:25 <cyphermox> xnox_: pretty much yeah 16:25 <sil2100> xnox_: well, yeah, for sources, do you have the same for binaries? ;) 16:26 <slangasek> [TOPIC] AOB 16:26 <sil2100> Anyway, it's a quick script, it's really trivial to do with LP API 16:26 <slangasek> not cutting off discussion, just changing the topic, please continue :) 16:26 <bdmurray> Does anybody have any ideas about bug 1495302? 16:26 <ubottu> bug 1495302 in openssl (Ubuntu) "subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 10" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1495302 16:27 <slangasek> exit status 10 points to a debconf issue, yes? 16:27 <bdmurray> I think they may not be receiving the restart services dialog 16:28 <slangasek> bdmurray: so, db_get should only ever fail if it's asking for the result of a question that's not found in the debconf database 16:28 <cyphermox> could this be another instance of debconf prompts not showing because of interactive or whatnot, cf. bug LP: #1434547 16:28 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1434547 in glibc (Ubuntu) "package libc6 2.21-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 128" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1434547 16:29 <slangasek> bdmurray: I have the 'libraries/restart-without-asking' question on my system, but it's *not* shown as being owned by openssl 16:29 <cyphermox> or maybe not 16:29 <slangasek> Owners: libc6, libc6:amd64, libc6:armel, libc6:i386, libpam0g, libpam0g:amd64, libpam0g:i386 16:29 <slangasek> which means openssl is asking for the answer to a debconf question, without itself making sure that question is available to debconf 16:29 <sil2100> Ok guys, I need to AFK now for a short bit, we go to the vet (again) - this time with our cat ;) 16:29 <sil2100> brb 16:29 <slangasek> sil2100: heh, enjoy 16:30 <pitti> sil2100: you forgot your cat the last time? 16:30 <cyphermox> pitti: he goes *with* 16:30 <slangasek> bdmurray: so normally the procedure would be for libssl to ship its own copy of this question. If there's a reason not to do this, then libssl should instead declare a versioned dependency on the version of libc6 that provides the question 16:30 <bdmurray> but he should have taken his cat the last time he went. ;-) 16:31 * cyphermox pictures sil2100 riding a cat to the vet 16:31 <bdmurray> slangasek: okay 16:32 <slangasek> bdmurray: does that give you enough info to follow up on it? 16:32 <bdmurray> slangasek: if not I'll ping you later today. 16:32 <slangasek> ack 16:34 <slangasek> alrighty, anything else? 16:35 <slangasek> guess not! 16:35 <slangasek> #endmeeting