15:01 <slangasek> #startmeeting
15:01 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Oct  1 15:01:01 2015 UTC.  The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
15:01 <meetingology> 
15:01 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
15:01 <slangasek> [TOPIC] Lightning round
15:01 <slangasek> echo $(shuf -e barry doko bdmurray slangasek caribou infinity sil2100 robru cyphermox pitti tdaitx)
15:01 <slangasek> caribou pitti infinity slangasek sil2100 doko tdaitx robru cyphermox bdmurray barry
15:01 <caribou> \o/
15:01 <caribou> Bugfix :
15:01 <caribou> - Bug #1496317 Wily failed kdump crash
15:01 <caribou> Waiting for kernel team review
15:01 <ubottu> bug 1496317 in kexec-tools (Ubuntu) "kexec fails with OOM killer with the current crashkernel=128 value" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1496317
15:01 <caribou> - sosreport upstream issues
15:01 <caribou> Start work on adding autopkgtests to sosreport to comply to new SRU rules
15:01 <caribou> ☑ Done
15:02 <pitti> - snappy sprint
15:02 <pitti> - some autopkgtest/britney bug fixing and infra maintenance, and -proposed cleanup
15:02 <pitti> END
15:02 <pitti> FTR, can't join mumble today
15:02 <slangasek> pitti: ack
15:04 <slangasek> infinity's not on the channel, it seems
15:04 <slangasek> * short week, on vacation last week; hope you all had a good week!
15:04 <slangasek> * forward progress on s390 recruiting
15:04 <slangasek> * discussions around improvements to proposed-migration + ci-train
15:04 <slangasek> * discussions around scalingstack power/arm bring-up
15:04 <slangasek> * NEW review for dpdk
15:04 <slangasek> * FFe discussions
15:04 <slangasek> * will be looking at getting the first system-image import done of arm64
15:05 <slangasek> (done)
15:05 <sil2100> o/
15:05 <sil2100> - Landing team work, silo coordination, preparing landing e-mails
15:05 <sil2100> - Help with unblocking the new dual platform-api silo blocked on location-service
15:05 <sil2100> - Ubuntu-PD:
15:05 <sil2100> * From last week: preparing the cdimage changes for the ubuntu-pd project
15:05 <sil2100> * Fixing ubuntu-pd images on system-image, adding the missing touch-hacks
15:05 <sil2100> * Creating the infrastructure for ubuntu-pd custom tarballs, building first tarballs
15:05 <sil2100> - RTM Status meetings
15:05 <sil2100> - Discussion regarding enabling autopkgtests in CI Train builds
15:05 <sil2100> - Modifying langpack-o-matic scripts to make auto-uploads of overlay translations (thanks pitti!)
15:05 <sil2100> - Releasing the livecd-rootfs change to remove apt lists completely from touch images
15:05 <sil2100> - Looking into the squid3 FTBFS and the new libecap3 problems in -proposed
15:05 <sil2100> * Reviewed proposed patches
15:05 <sil2100> - Fix livecd-rootfs to properly remove apt lists
15:05 <sil2100> - Work on the touch/pd seeds (additions and removals)
15:06 <sil2100> - Looking into switching train to land to wily overlay
15:06 <sil2100> - Discussions regarding the upstart-watchdog and it leading to bootloops
15:06 <sil2100> (done)
15:07 <slangasek> doko:
15:07 <slangasek> tdaitx:
15:07 <tdaitx> Short week: Sick Monday�
15:07 <tdaitx> Current/Past
15:07 <tdaitx> - US Visa (form filling, booking flight, scheduling biometrics+interview, expense reports, ...)
15:07 <tdaitx> - libecap2 gcc5 transition
15:07 <tdaitx> - completed squid 3.3.8 patches (LP: #1496223, LP: #1496924, LP: #1501566)
15:07 <tdaitx> - helped didrocks on openjdk support for LP: #1441487 (no support for JaxaFX since 2013: JDK-8092837 and JDK-8091321; AWT/Swing will not fix: http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/swing-dev/2014-March/003307.html; maybe another way to load the lib besides as a java agent?
15:07 <tdaitx> - accidentally destroyed my TCK host T_T
15:07 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1496223 in linux (Ubuntu) "squid3 FTBFS due to linux-libc-dev and libc6-dev headers mismatch" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1496223
15:07 <tdaitx> - reading and writing juju charms
15:07 <tdaitx> Next steps
15:07 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1496924 in squid3 (Ubuntu) "squid3 FTBFS due to bad libecap3 dependency and logical-not-parentheses warning" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1496924
15:07 <tdaitx> - verify OpenJDK 6 TLS patch (LP: #1482924)
15:08 <tdaitx> - finish the tck charms if possible, otherwise will run everything manually
15:08 <tdaitx> Waiting/On hold
15:08 <tdaitx> - waiting OCA to submit webrevs for 7093640 backport (set TLS 1.1 as default for JDK 6 and TLS 1.2 as default for JDK 7); not blocking anything for now, just waiting
15:08 <tdaitx> Upcoming
15:08 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1501566 in squid3 (Ubuntu) "squid3 FTBFS due to missing --name arg to pod2man" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1501566
15:08 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1441487 in jayatana (Ubuntu Vivid) "Running any Java program produces messages in the terminal, while rendering many Java applications broken" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1441487
15:08 <tdaitx> - US Visa interview in S�o Paulo on Monday; will be offline the whole day (flight in, interview, flight out);
15:08 <tdaitx> (done)
15:08 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1482924 in openjdk-7 (Ubuntu) "Regressions due to USN-2696-1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1482924
15:09 <slangasek> robru:
15:10 <slangasek> cyphermox:
15:10 <cyphermox> - fixed NetworkManager
15:10 <cyphermox> - review/merge Tony's patches/changes for oFono and wifi
15:10 <cyphermox> - properly unbreak on wily (touch)
15:10 <cyphermox> + fixes a bunch of small issues found in the process
15:10 <cyphermox> - fwupdate work
15:10 <cyphermox> - waiting for sig from Microsoft
15:10 <cyphermox> - getting fwupd in the archive
15:10 <cyphermox> - integration in snappy
15:10 <cyphermox> - discussed usb-creator changes with mdeslaur
15:10 <cyphermox> - really fixing bcmwl modalias for XPS13.
15:10 <cyphermox> - sponsored MATE bugfixes
15:10 <cyphermox> - sponsored ubuntu-release-upgrader/1:15.10.7 for MATE support
15:10 <cyphermox> - fixed modemmanager upgrade issue
15:10 <cyphermox> - ipmitool SRU LP: #1486931 (still in queue, arges did some review)
15:10 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1486931 in ipmitool (Ubuntu Trusty) "[LTCTest][Opal][OP810] ipmitool 1.8.13-1ubuntu0.3 version is still not working for in-band HPM upgrade" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1486931
15:10 <cyphermox> - ubiquity update for user-setup change
15:10 <cyphermox> - more ibmpmlinux review and fixage
15:10 <cyphermox> - debugging ubiquity timezone plugin crash
15:10 <cyphermox> - debugging multipath-tools crasher in trusty SRU...
15:10 <cyphermox> - sponsoring network-manager-strongswan bugfix.
15:10 <cyphermox> (done)
15:11 <slangasek> bdmurray:
15:11 <bdmurray> This covers two weeks since I was out last thursday
15:11 <bdmurray> irc discussion regarding stagingstack version of the error tracker and RT 84780
15:11 <bdmurray> wrote code to review retracer logs to look for duplicate crash processing
15:11 <bdmurray> reported update-manager / u-r-u bug 1497024 re upgrades and obsolete releases
15:11 <ubottu> bug 1497024 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "release upgrades should jump over unsupported releases" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1497024
15:11 <bdmurray> research into the status of the armhf retracing queue (stuck at 12)
15:11 <bdmurray> reviewed log files for failed queue retracers
15:11 <bdmurray> resolved a traceback with the retracers and the failed queue
15:11 <bdmurray> worked with webops on a plan to get new version of daisy running on staging
15:11 <bdmurray> research into using ALTER TABLE with cassandra tables
15:11 <bdmurray> uploaded a T, V SRU for update-manager part of LP: #1497024
15:11 <bdmurray> uploaded T SRU for system-config-kickstater bug LP: #1260107
15:11 <bdmurray> investigation into apport reporting crashes about foreign packages (recreated)
15:11 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1260107 in system-config-kickstart (Ubuntu Trusty) "trusty version experiences a runtime error due to hwdata changes" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1260107
15:11 <bdmurray> discovered and reported u-r-u bug LP: #1498193 (fixed in W, uploaded to V, T)
15:11 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1498193 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Vivid) "demoted.cfg is a broken symlink in the upgrader tarball" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1498193
15:11 <bdmurray> uploaded, verified apport SRU for P for (LP: #1148116)
15:12 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1148116 in apport (Ubuntu Precise) "not all packages from PPAs have '[origin: ' in Package section" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1148116
15:12 <bdmurray> uploaded apport SRU for V for (LP: #1336462)
15:12 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1336462 in apport (Ubuntu Trusty) "Make apport collect some Power information" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1336462
15:12 <bdmurray> SRU verificaton of V for update-manager part of LP: #1497024
15:12 <bdmurray> reported ddeb-retriever bug LP: #1500557
15:12 <bdmurray> investigated, proposed merge for apport to deal with LP: #1500557
15:12 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1500557 in ddeb-retriever "Packages file(s)? for wily out of date" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1500557
15:12 <bdmurray> resolved issue with wily not displaying DevelReleaseAnnouncement
15:12 <bdmurray> worked with thedac regarding mojo spec for the Error Tracker
15:12 <bdmurray> attended Cassandra Summit 2015
15:12 <bdmurray> ✔ done
15:12 <barry> system-image 3.0.2 landed in wily
15:12 <barry> system-image server: reviewed & merged https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/ubuntu-system-image/server-fix-pd-builds/+merge/272445
15:12 <barry> system-image server: lp:~barry/ubuntu-system-image/test-fixes
15:12 <barry> dirtbike (a tool to rewheel installed packages in debian)
15:12 <barry> pypi issues for bzr and launchpadlib
15:12 <barry> helped robru with some ci train problems
15:12 <barry> investigating LP: #1500768 (ongoing)
15:12 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1500768 in python3.4 (Ubuntu) "python3.4.3 SRU break requests" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1500768
15:12 <barry> PEP 507
15:12 <barry> some fixes to batch-update-ppa for 3.5 transitional PPA
15:12 <barry> system administration / hardware issues on the desktop machine
15:12 <barry> --done--
15:13 <slangasek> barry: "rewheel" - heh
15:14 <slangasek> doko, robru, bueller: around?
15:14 <barry> slangasek: yeah ;)
15:15 <slangasek> [TOPIC] AOB
15:15 <slangasek> anything else?
15:16 <caribou> slangasek: who do I beg to have an install-image respun for Trusty ?
15:16 <caribou> (Ref: prior discussion from a few weeks back)
15:17 <slangasek> caribou: you'll have to refresh my memory on the prior discussion - which image do you need respun?
15:20 <caribou> slangasek: I'll email the details
15:20 <slangasek> (answer: d-i respin for current kernel in trusty)
15:20 <slangasek> caribou: thanks
15:20 <slangasek> anything else?
15:21 <pitti> does anyone happen to know about extra "block storage" in nova/prodstack?
15:21 <pitti> i. e. if I want to extend the disk space on an instance without going to a bigger flavor (to avoid wasting CPUs/RAM)
15:22 <caribou> pitti: you should be able to create a volume & attach it to your instance
15:22 <pitti> caribou: ah, volume-list/show/create/attach, thanks for the pointer!
15:23 <pitti> does that have a juju interface, or nova directly?
15:24 <caribou> pitti: dunno about juju. nova directly works
15:24 <pitti> cheers
15:24 <pitti> (or I'll just move to cpu1-ram2-disk50 which sounds fine too)
15:25 <pitti> anyway, sorry for the abuse of the meeitng for lazynet
15:25 <slangasek> :)
15:25 * sil2100 volunteers for the +1 maintenance this month
15:25 <sil2100> o/
15:25 <cyphermox> yay
15:26 <pitti> caribou: ah, FYI (by way of Laney): https://jujucharms.com/docs/1.24/storage
15:26 <sil2100> cyphermox: you can give me things to work if you want, I want to spend most of my next week helping out but just poke me and I'll try to help ;)
15:26 <caribou> pitti: thanks!
15:27 <cyphermox> sil2100: not sure if it's my "month" per se, but I'll be happy to help and sponsor.
15:27 <slangasek> sil2100: did you get a chance to talk to doko already about current +1 maintenance task lists?
15:27 <sil2100> slangasek: no, not yet, I spent my patch pilot session looking at the FTBFS page though
15:28 <slangasek> ok
15:28 <slangasek> sounds like that's everything, then
15:28 <slangasek> #endmeeting