16:00 <slangasek> #startmeeting 16:00 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Dec 11 16:00:11 2014 UTC. The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 16:00 <meetingology> 16:00 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick 16:00 <robru> hola 16:01 <slangasek> [TOPIC] Lightning round 16:02 <slangasek> $ echo $(shuf -e barry doko stgraber jodh bdmurray slangasek cjwatson caribou infinity mvo sil2100 robru) 16:02 <slangasek> slangasek mvo doko sil2100 caribou stgraber bdmurray robru jodh barry cjwatson infinity 16:02 <slangasek> * snappy cloud launch 16:02 <slangasek> * no longer embargoed, so now weekly reports may be more useful for a while ;) 16:02 <slangasek> * marvelous work by everyone involved, the new image is being well-received 16:02 <slangasek> * questions? see #snappy 16:02 <slangasek> * working through HR bits related to the various backfill roles 16:02 <slangasek> * my last day of work for the year is Dec 16 (next Tuesday), grab me sooner rather than later if you need anything :) 16:02 <slangasek> (done) 16:02 <slangasek> mvo: 16:02 <mvo> last week: work on project snappy, virtual sprint 16:02 <mvo> next week: work on project snappy 16:02 <mvo> (done) 16:03 <doko> - still working on the ISL 0.14 transition 16:03 <doko> - fixing GCC cross builds with new dpkg 16:03 <doko> - fixing powerpc and ARM cross builds 16:03 <doko> - fix building GCC 4.7 16:03 <doko> - python 2.7.9 release 16:03 <doko> - trying to get GCC trunk to build on all archs for a first test rebuild 16:03 <doko> (done) 16:03 <sil2100> - Landing team work, silos coordination, preparing landing e-mails 16:03 <sil2100> - Preparing and announcing the Landing Classes 16:03 <sil2100> - Transition upower to 0.99 in ubuntu-rtm 16:03 <sil2100> * Land the modified touch bits: ubuntu-system-settings and powerd 16:03 <sil2100> * Deal with the transition to make proposed migration 16:03 <sil2100> * Rebuild and sync all required desktop packages 16:03 <sil2100> - Ubuntu Engineering Live! 16:03 <sil2100> - RTM status meetings 16:03 <sil2100> - Some fix attempts for CI Train 16:03 <sil2100> - Merge reviews of appmenu-qt5 branches 16:03 <sil2100> - Landing coordination 16:04 <sil2100> - Many smaller tasks here and there 16:04 <sil2100> (done) 16:04 <slangasek> hmm, dpkg broke gcc cross-builds? 16:05 <slangasek> caribou: hi, you're just in time :) 16:05 <caribou> well, not much to talk about aside from regular bugfix 16:05 <caribou> looking for sponsors, testing snappy, the usual 16:05 <caribou> (done) 16:06 <slangasek> :) 16:06 <slangasek> stgraber: 16:06 <stgraber> snappy, lxd, sprint 16:06 <stgraber> (done) 16:06 <sil2100> ;) 16:06 <caribou> stgraber: wow you beat me! 16:06 <stgraber> caribou: :) 16:06 <sil2100> One liner! 16:06 <bdmurray> review of retrace failures due to missing ddebs 16:06 <bdmurray> uploaded packages to get ddebs for all architectures 16:06 <bdmurray> modified daisy retracer to write to BucketRetraceFailureReasons CF 16:06 <bdmurray> updated oops-repository branch and created new oops-repository package 16:06 <bdmurray> pushed daisy/retracer.py changes to use BucketRetraceFailureReason CF 16:06 <bdmurray> updated diasy-retracer charm to run schema.py from oops-repository 16:06 <bdmurray> worked with thedac to verify configuration / status of retracers in scaling stack 16:06 <bdmurray> commited a fix for a traceback with retracers looking up data in the BucketRetraceFailureReason CF 16:07 <bdmurray> committed changes to daisy/retracer.py to better handle being killed by retracers-cache-restart 16:07 <bdmurray> modifications to errors code to display retrace failure reason for a bucket 16:07 <bdmurray> pushed errors r509 which provides specific info about why a retrace failed 16:07 <bdmurray> merged dames's changes to daisy-retracer charm to use a cache-debs configuration option 16:07 <bdmurray> fixed DevelReleaseAnnouncement in ubuntu-release-upgrader for Vivid 16:07 <bdmurray> confirmed that apport_crashes in DistUpgradeViewGtk3 set DistroRelease to 15.04 16:07 <stgraber> well, internet is so sluggish here that typing anything more just wasn't really an option :) 16:07 <bdmurray> modified DistUpgradeViewText in u-r-u to call apport_crash 16:07 <bdmurray> reported ubuntu-release-upgrader bug LP: #1399455 regarding DistUpgradeViewGtk3 16:07 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1399455 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Vivid) "distribution upgrade from utopic uses DistUpgradeViewText" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1399455 16:07 <bdmurray> reported ubuntu-release-upgrader bug LP: #1399836 re RELEASE_UPRADER_NO_APPORT 16:07 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1399836 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Vivid) "RELEASE_UPRADER_NO_APPORT seems to have no effect" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1399836 16:07 <bdmurray> SRU verification of bug LP: #1313165 16:07 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1313165 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Trusty) "removal blacklist matches update-manager-kde which is not critical anymore" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1313165 16:07 <bdmurray> submitted check-contents-server-age merge proposal for apport (partial fix of LP: #1370230) 16:07 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1370230 in Apport "apport-retrace has become slower" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1370230 16:07 <bdmurray> commited a fix to bzr for whoopsie bug LP: #1392412 16:07 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1392412 in whoopsie (Ubuntu) "may frequently try to upload reports when server responds with 400" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1392412 16:07 <bdmurray> ✔ done 16:07 <robru> * emergency CI Train repairs after creds leak 16:07 <robru> * ongoing work to update charm / mojo spec for deploying citrain 16:07 <robru> - looks like we're close to having working production deployments, with MP submitted to IS for review 16:07 <robru> - still lots of work needed to make a functional staging deployment for testing branches before pushing them to production. 16:07 <robru> * lots of silos assign & published for ongoing landings. 16:07 <robru> (done) 16:08 <barry> no jodh today i think? 16:08 <barry> snappy: stuff. LP: #1399687. LP: #1400605. LP: #1400308 16:08 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1399687 in Ubuntu system image "Provide "version_detail" for latest revision on server" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1399687 16:08 <ubottu> Error: Launchpad bug 1400605 could not be found 16:08 <ubottu> Error: Launchpad bug 1400308 could not be found 16:08 <barry> system-image: LP: #1373467 (resurrecting branch) 16:08 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1373467 in Ubuntu system image "Support config.d directory" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1373467 16:08 <barry> other: claws-mail 3.11.1-3ubuntu1 16:08 <barry> --done-- 16:09 <slangasek> bdmurray: ... "UPRADER", not "UPGRADER"? 16:09 <slangasek> (maybe just a cut'n'paste of the misspelling in the bug title?) 16:10 * doko is leaving now. will read scrollback tonight when I'm back 16:10 <cjwatson> hi, sorry I'm late, had to pick up a Christmas present, somewhat miscalculated its size relative to my bike panniers and had to walk most of the way home :-/ 16:11 <bdmurray> slangasek: that's not my typo 16:11 <slangasek> bdmurray: the typo is in the code? 16:11 <bdmurray> slangasek: indeed 16:11 <mvo> bdmurray: *cough* 16:11 <slangasek> cjwatson: hi, your turn :) 16:11 * mvo hopes it was a contributed patch 16:12 <slangasek> DARTH_VADER_NO_APPORT=1 16:12 <cjwatson> this week I merged latest Debian code into proposed-migration, since an importer failure at one point had meant that I hadn't noticed upstream commits for a year or so - should now be less pathologically slow in some edge cases and has clearer output for some things, there's also update_excuses.yaml in case anyone wants to build something on that 16:12 <cjwatson> made use of the new clearer output for old vs. missing builds to clear up some old cruft 16:12 <mvo> slangasek: https://launchpad.net/~blatant-and-awkward 16:12 <cjwatson> chipped in on the odd snappy discussion where useful 16:13 <slangasek> mvo: hah 16:13 <cjwatson> helped with webops' debugging of why the Canonical mumble server is down (James W eventually beat me to finding the cause - lazr.restfulclient bug in lucid) 16:14 <cjwatson> whole bunch of merges and bits and pieces of knowledge transfer 16:14 <cjwatson> .. 16:14 <slangasek> and no infinity this morning 16:14 <cjwatson> oh yeah and I probably helped out with the CI Train repairs 16:14 <slangasek> nothing like doing repairs on the train live while it's going through the tunnel 16:15 <slangasek> (watch your head) 16:15 <slangasek> [TOPIC] AOB 16:15 <slangasek> anything else? 16:15 <sil2100> I'll take a holiday tomorrow o/ 16:15 <slangasek> there are quite a few of those coming up 16:15 <bdmurray> are those being given away? 16:16 <cjwatson> yeah, I'm on holiday Fri, Mon, Tue AM 16:16 <slangasek> does someone else want to volunteer to run the meeting next week? 16:17 * mvo would run it but maybe on vac then already 16:18 <slangasek> well, I guess whoever's here next Thursday can figure it out amongst themselves :) 16:18 <slangasek> anything else besides EOY vacations? 16:19 <slangasek> stgraber sending is pics of sunny capetown with people wearing santa hats? 16:19 <slangasek> s/is/us/ 16:19 <mvo> haha 16:19 <stgraber> slangasek: sorry, not enough bandwidth to upload my photos just yet :) 16:20 <stgraber> I do have a christmas tree next to me though 16:20 <slangasek> :-) 16:20 <slangasek> ok 16:20 <slangasek> short meeting then... everybody's busy snapping up snappy 16:20 <slangasek> I'll let you get back to it 16:20 <slangasek> #endmeeting