17:00:44 <czajkowski> #startmeeting 17:00:44 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Aug 2 17:00:44 2012 UTC. The chair is czajkowski. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 17:00:44 <meetingology> 17:00:44 <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired 17:00:45 <JoseeAntonioR> hablando espaƱol, huh? 17:00:55 <czajkowski> Aloha and welcome to Augusts meeting of the lovely CC folks :) 17:01:02 <itnet7> Hey there!~ 17:01:10 <pleia2> JoseeAntonioR: un poco 17:01:12 <czajkowski> #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda 17:01:15 <czajkowski> this weeks agenda 17:01:33 <czajkowski> #topic LoCo Council catch up 17:01:45 <czajkowski> itnet7: greg-g huats ping 17:02:01 <itnet7> Hey there again ;-) 17:02:21 <czajkowski> thanks for coming to the meeting , this is just a catch up like last cycle to let the CC know how things are going, how they can help in any way and just general feedback 17:02:35 <itnet7> Cool, thanks for having us! 17:02:59 <czajkowski> also apologies from sabdfl for the meeting 17:03:10 <czajkowski> and from paolo, cproffit 17:03:20 <pleia2> summertime means vacations :) 17:04:01 <czajkowski> itnet7: so care to tell us how the LC is doing ? anything you want to share ? 17:04:50 <itnet7> Things are going pretty well as far as I can tell, we're trying to find ways of working together, though it seems a lot of us have a bunch of stuff going on lately in our personal lives 17:05:28 <pleia2> I know how that can get :\ 17:05:41 <pleia2> how many reapprovals this cycle? 17:05:49 <czajkowski> we had over 34 to do 17:05:53 <czajkowski> and we're down to 15 17:05:56 <pleia2> wow! 17:05:57 <czajkowski> so that's been really good 17:06:00 <pleia2> nice job 17:06:02 <czajkowski> and keeps us on our toes 17:06:26 <czajkowski> many come to our meeting and others due to timezone difference and language come via email 17:06:35 <czajkowski> which has worked out well and something we started to do to help people 17:06:39 <pleia2> great 17:06:52 <itnet7> Teams are very excited, and have been doing a lot of great things 17:07:23 <pleia2> council itself aside, any issues you're seeing with loco teams more generally? 17:07:49 <czajkowski> one issue I see a lot is people not communicating issues down to the rest of their teams 17:07:58 <itnet7> agreed 17:08:05 <czajkowski> so we may post stuff to loco contacts list but we don't know if it goes to the rest of the team 17:08:11 * pleia2 nods 17:08:41 <czajkowski> an example of this would be the CDs even up to re approvals we note people havent received their cds and it's just a case of people have just not made any noise about it, and an email later and they have been sorted 17:08:42 <pleia2> has the loco council blog helped with that at all do you think? 17:08:57 <czajkowski> pleia2: a little but again not the level I'd hoped to be honest. 17:09:17 <pleia2> that's tough 17:09:19 <itnet7> I haven't really been able to contribute to the LC Blog 17:10:01 <YokoZar> The CDs issue seems to be a recurrent one, honestly. I wonder if we can figure out a way to track/manage that better. 17:10:02 <czajkowski> itnet7: I think we as a team could improve on that, so our monthly report could go on there 17:10:22 <czajkowski> YokoZar: well out of over 80 teams, only 5 didn't get them so far 17:10:41 <czajkowski> a lot of is it down to people not filling in the form correctly, or the CDs being stuck at customs in some counteries 17:10:45 <czajkowski> it has improved vastly 17:10:47 <pleia2> without my CC hat on, the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter has a LoCo section, which we are always looking to populate, so if there is ever anything you guys need added there to help spread the word, please let me know (already grab everything that goes to planet) or if you have ideas for that section 17:11:00 <czajkowski> pleia2: thank you 17:11:04 <itnet7> awesome 17:11:37 <pleia2> good to hear at least the CD situation is improving :) 17:11:41 <czajkowski> indeed 17:11:55 <czajkowski> an like all things, there is often some tweaking needed 17:12:29 <czajkowski> so now more notice is given to people to apply, but even then people apply late so then large orders come in one go so we did ry and get people to appy early so itcould be better handled 17:12:41 <czajkowski> there is often the big confusion of a TEAM CONTACT and a TEAM leader 17:12:50 <czajkowski> and then some teams have a team council 17:12:58 <itnet7> Yeah, That's true 17:13:06 <czajkowski> this leads to utter confusion 17:13:10 <pleia2> I bet 17:13:19 <czajkowski> we have given feedback to shippit on this 17:13:37 <czajkowski> asking for some fields not to be made mantatory like for example state, or zip/postal code 17:13:44 <czajkowski> as some counteries do not have this 17:13:46 * pleia2 nods 17:13:48 <czajkowski> and it messes up shipping 17:13:55 <czajkowski> so we do give feedback as much as possible 17:14:27 <itnet7> they have worked hard at correcting the issues once they are aware of them!! 17:14:44 <czajkowski> nods 17:14:45 <pleia2> so, how do we get more loco teams blogging/writing/cheering about the awesome stuff they do so the whole community can see? :) 17:15:09 <czajkowski> we we had hoped team reports would help there 17:15:39 <czajkowski> at least to give us an insight reguarly but many dont do this and would like better intergration into loco.u.c which has been promoted a lot 17:15:44 <pleia2> team reports in general are in a pretty sad state, very few teams across the ubuntu community do them anymore 17:15:55 <itnet7> pleia2: as far as I can see, maybe we can indvidually encourage when we here some of the great things that teams are doing 17:16:02 <czajkowski> itnet7: +1 17:16:03 <itnet7> *hear 17:16:15 <pleia2> that'd be good 17:16:21 <czajkowski> some of the re approval applications I've seen are mind blowing 17:16:24 <czajkowski> it's amazing 17:16:34 <beuno> and come out of the blue! 17:16:42 <itnet7> They have been great, and when teams take their time it makes the process go much smoother 17:16:44 <beuno> you suddenly hear about amazing events 17:16:47 <pleia2> maybe use the loco council blog if they need a place to blog to? "guest post from the great columbian team!" or somesuch 17:17:08 <itnet7> pleia2: that sounds like a good idea! 17:17:15 <YokoZar> czajkowski: ~shipit forms, I think there's "some solution" out there that knows exactly which countries need states/postal codes, and in those cases exactly how many digits they should be 17:17:28 <JoseeAntonioR> erm, about the CD stuff, it's recurrent in South America (as far as I know), and some countries didn't get them out even if they paid their taxes, although a lot of them did get them paying 17:17:45 <czajkowski> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ItalianTeam/ReApprovalApplication2012 as an example, highlight they have 27 Ubuntu members 17:18:08 <pleia2> gosh :) 17:18:13 <czajkowski> pleia2: indeed right! 17:18:23 <czajkowski> so maybe we should highlight these teams each month on the blog 17:18:36 <pleia2> yeah, that'd be really great, it's very inspiring 17:19:11 <czajkowski> ok 17:19:13 <pleia2> sounds like things are mostly going well anyway, anything the CC can do to help at all? 17:19:16 <czajkowski> itnet7: we shall do that 17:19:34 <czajkowski> no I think we do need as a council to work better on feedback and moving things on ourselves 17:20:00 * pleia2 nods 17:20:01 <czajkowski> we have ideas and plans, and then we dont seem to be able to push past the discussion to make a decison as we have lots of opinions 17:20:08 <czajkowski> which I find frustrating 17:20:28 <itnet7> agreed 17:20:42 <itnet7> but it seems that it's usually only contrversial type decisions 17:20:56 <czajkowski> itnet7: well thats true indeed 17:20:57 <itnet7> I think for the most part we are working well, on day to day stuff 17:21:19 <itnet7> it's just the big items really 17:21:26 <czajkowski> but thats sometimes where the bullet has to be bitten or we end up going around in circles hitting the same issue every few months 17:21:39 <itnet7> Yeah, I agree 17:21:51 <czajkowski> itnet7: aye so we do work well we just could do with a bit more commuicating 17:22:03 <czajkowski> I know timezones and personal lives are rather busy at times 17:22:18 <pleia2> I know you guys were doing hangouts (and inspired CC to as well), still doing those at all? 17:22:45 <czajkowski> pleia2: we cant seem to find a suitable timezone one that isn't a weekend :/ 17:22:48 <czajkowski> so no 17:22:54 * pleia2 nods 17:23:06 <czajkowski> which is a shame as they do work as the CC can tell to improve communication, even if the hangout is only 15 mins 17:23:19 <pleia2> yeah, just helps us pick up loose ends 17:23:42 <itnet7> czajkowski: we can probably work on trying to make the time, as I think the few I was able to attend were worthwhile 17:23:49 <czajkowski> indeed 17:24:57 <czajkowski> anyone any other comments. 17:25:08 <pleia2> thanks for coming :) 17:25:27 <czajkowski> cheers 17:25:39 <itnet7> Thanks pleia2 ! 17:26:06 <czajkowski> anything else folks ? 17:26:14 <pleia2> a few updates 17:26:25 <czajkowski> #topic updates 17:26:32 <czajkowski> pleia2: you have the floor 17:26:53 <pleia2> the forums council brought to our attention the needed upgrade to 4.x of the forums software, so czajkowski followed up on the ticket and things are moving forward 17:27:05 <pleia2> it's now tossed out to the community to help write the SSO plugin: http://www.jorgecastro.org/2012/07/31/ubuntu-forums-needs-single-sign-on-again/ 17:27:37 <pleia2> the upgrade is required for new spam prevention tools, forums staff are killing themselves manually managing spam right now :\ 17:27:40 <pleia2> so help is appreciated! 17:28:10 <czajkowski> indeed, we have loads of developers surely someone can help 17:28:14 <pleia2> the CoC rewrite is still pending, when dholbach comes back from vacation he'll merge in some changes we discussed and we'll do another call to the community for final feedback once we've gone through it again 17:28:54 <pleia2> I think that's it :) 17:29:36 <czajkowski> okie dokie 17:29:40 <czajkowski> thank for coming folks 17:29:47 <czajkowski> #endmeeting