16:00:55 <Daviey> #startmeeting 16:00:55 <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Jun 19 16:00:55 2012 UTC. The chair is Daviey. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 16:00:55 <meetingology> 16:00:55 <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired 16:01:12 <utlemming> o/ 16:01:46 <Daviey> [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting 16:01:55 <Daviey> arosales to correct "pieces" on ubuntu server blog 16:02:01 <Daviey> -- done by rbasak, super! 16:02:14 <adam_g> o/ 16:02:23 * rbasak apologises for the poor kerning 16:02:29 <arosales> I think rbasak also filed a ticket to get the blogged moved, correct rbasak ? 16:02:40 <rbasak> Yes. That's waiting on IS atm 16:02:49 <arosales> rbasak: cool thanks 16:03:17 <zul> helo 16:03:33 <Daviey> arosales to follow up with rbask on finding the correct home for the Ubuntu Server blog. 16:03:59 <arosales> Daviey: waiting on an IS ticket rbasak submitted 16:04:21 <Daviey> Yep, i chimed in there aswell. So it's blocked with them.. I think it's making adequate progress to remove from agenda 16:04:24 <Daviey> thanks rbasak 16:04:32 <Daviey> jamespage, utlemming, and smb to discuss image bloat, in reference to discussion around dropping -virtual kernel; re bug 1009553 16:04:33 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1009553 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu Quantal) "jeos install oversized" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1009553 16:04:38 <Daviey> -- will cover in kernel section 16:04:45 <Daviey> jamespage to follow up with hallyn on servercloud-q-server-iso-tests-review 16:05:04 <jamespage> c/f 16:06:14 <Daviey> jamespage: c/f? 16:06:22 <jamespage> carry forwards please 16:06:30 <Daviey> oh, ok 16:06:40 <Daviey> utlemming to follow up with rbasak on getting armhf images using highbank 16:07:13 <utlemming> Daviey: still a todo 16:07:31 <Daviey> ok, this week? 16:07:44 <Daviey> [TOPIC] Quantal Development 16:07:52 <Daviey> Release Bugs - http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server/release-bugs.html 16:08:26 <Daviey> bug 974584 Semaphores cannot be created in lxc container 16:08:28 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 974584 in sysvinit (Ubuntu Quantal) "Semaphores cannot be created in lxc container" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/974584 16:08:31 <Daviey> hallyn: one for you? 16:08:38 <hallyn> yes. i did NOT follow up last week. 16:08:58 <hallyn> need to beg someone to analyze/commit my fix 16:09:20 <Daviey> hallyn: upstream or distro? 16:09:24 <smoser> o/ 16:09:36 <hallyn> debian and ubuntu 16:10:47 <Daviey> hallyn: ok, lets see what we can progress out of meeting 16:11:14 <Daviey> thanks 16:11:35 <Daviey> bug 920197 zul ? 16:11:37 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 920197 in python-webob (Ubuntu Quantal) "[SRU] webob last stable version 1.1.1 response header bug" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/920197 16:11:48 <zul> Daviey: in progress 16:12:08 <Daviey> zul: eta? 16:12:17 <zul> Daviey: this week 16:12:41 <Daviey> roaksoax: bug 1001846 .. he is afk.. will follow up post-meeting 16:12:43 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1001846 in cobbler (Ubuntu) "cobbler fails to install with error code 1" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1001846 16:13:28 <Daviey> bug 1008537 , i disucssed with seb (Desktop), as it might e their concern.. Impacting Firefox aswell 16:13:29 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1008537 in sphinx (Ubuntu) "[FTBFS] Segmentation fault during tests" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1008537 16:13:31 <Daviey> bug 1009294 smoser / utlemming ? 16:13:32 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1009294 in Ubuntu Precise "Grub update breaks automated dist-upgrade scripts on AMI images" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1009294 16:13:37 <Daviey> jamespage: bug 1009579 ? 16:13:38 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1009579 in tomcat7 (Ubuntu) "[MIR] tomcat7 (replaces tomcat6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1009579 16:13:58 <jamespage> Pending final ack from SRU team - I'll then make the seed changes required.... 16:14:10 <jamespage> and transition everything that needs to be (~10 packages) 16:15:01 <Daviey> jamespage: Don't you need to unassign yourself, and Mark it back to NEW? 16:15:02 <Daviey> (i don't think they will look a it with the current status) 16:15:02 <Daviey> bug 993291 , jamespage ? 16:15:04 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 993291 in nis (Ubuntu Quantal) "[SRU] package nis 3.17-32ubuntu1.2 failed to install/upgrade: invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/nis not found." [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/993291 16:15:20 <jamespage> when I get time... 16:15:33 <jamespage> still working on a good test case ATM 16:16:10 <Daviey> test cases rock my world. 16:16:11 <Daviey> super 16:16:11 <Daviey> bug 1009553 , smb ? 16:16:11 <Daviey> bug 1013860 , zul ()[Dblocking MIR? 16:16:12 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1009553 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu Quantal) "jeos install oversized" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1009553 16:16:14 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1013860 in python-glanceclient (Ubuntu) "should use Architecture: all" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1013860 16:16:36 * smb looks innocent 16:16:45 <Daviey> hallyn: one for you? bug 1014005 ? 16:16:46 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1014005 in ipxe (Ubuntu) "Please generate and include ipxe.dsk to the ipxe binary package" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1014005 16:16:50 <smb> Its fix realesed... 16:17:00 <Daviey> smoser: i see you as assingee ? 16:17:00 <Daviey> ah! 16:17:03 <Daviey> smb, what is the current size, happen to know? 16:17:09 <zul> Daviey: glanceclient will fixed in the next snapshot 16:17:15 <smoser> wait. which am i assigee of? 16:17:40 <smb> Daviey, No, not sure, has someone created a new image pulling only linux-virtual 16:17:45 <zul> wait we still do jeos? 16:17:54 <Daviey> smoser: was asking you about 1009294 .. you are not the assignee, but logical peson :) 16:18:11 <Daviey> zul: nah, it's a keen abbreviation that someone has used 16:18:14 <smoser> ah. Daviey ok. so yeah, that is fix-committed meaning dailies have been released with the fix in them. 16:18:19 <smoser> (hte expected fix). 16:18:28 <smoser> i can verify that the fix fixes quantal 16:18:38 <smoser> and then we hvae to get utlemming to update hte precise images and release new images 16:18:45 <hallyn> Daviey: i care more about kvm-ipxe, but sure. honoring wishlist priority 16:18:47 <Daviey> cool 16:18:49 <smoser> which i thought was on his list. 16:18:54 <utlemming> the images are tested and queued up 16:18:55 <Daviey> bug 997782 .. needs an assignee 16:18:57 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 997782 in phpbb3 (Ubuntu) "Bug in dbapps-lib when configuring mysql on a remote machine" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/997782 16:19:00 <utlemming> I just have to put the changelog notice out 16:19:01 <zul> Daviey: heh pppphppth 16:19:15 <utlemming> and since http://changelogs.ubuntu.com is _still_ out, that is busy work 16:19:20 <Daviey> hallyn: yeah, i set it to wishlist.. it seem to be a quickish fix we could slip into the next time it's touched 16:19:56 <Daviey> u urgh 16:20:01 <jamespage> Daviey, I'll pickup bug 997782 - promised gnuoy I would 16:20:03 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 997782 in phpbb3 (Ubuntu) "Bug in dbapps-lib when configuring mysql on a remote machine" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/997782 16:20:10 * jamespage assigns himself... 16:20:36 <Daviey> jamespage: \o/ 16:20:51 <Daviey> That is it for current tracked issues.. Are there more that should be tracked? 16:22:08 <Daviey> ok! great, so we are almost ready to release. 16:22:15 <Daviey> Okay.. Blueprints! 16:22:37 <Daviey> ANyone have any questions about WI/process? 16:23:02 <arosales> the trend line was reset so it looks better now, thanks to skaet_ 16:23:24 <arosales> Anyone have a large amount of work items that _aren't_ documented? 16:24:08 <Daviey> o/ 16:24:20 * Daviey notes that -hardening is covering too much scope atm 16:24:38 <Daviey> That topic needs to be reduced. 16:25:14 <arosales> Daviey: ok, I"ll work with you on that off-line 16:25:34 <arosales> There are some ARM blueprints that may get some additional work items . . 16:25:57 <Daviey> I don't think we need to cover every topic right now, i think there is too much. But generally, anyone have any red flags to raise? 16:26:51 <zul> arosales: i usually add when to do openstack snapshots to the bluepritn but didnt this time because i couldnt keep it up to date last cycle 16:27:38 <adam_g> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-q-openstack-charms i haven't seen any WIs come out of this one. is that intentional or did i drop the ball on some BP paperwork ? 16:27:52 <arosales> zul: ok, and probably encapsulated in other work items too 16:28:08 <zul> arosales: right 16:28:45 <Daviey> adam_g: it was missing the series 16:28:53 <Daviey> adam_g: should show next refresh, good catch 16:29:00 <adam_g> Daviey: ah! okay, thanks 16:29:49 <arosales> adam_g: do we know how the charms will work with cloud archive? 16:30:11 <arosales> openstack juju charms that is. 16:30:33 <Daviey> I'm going to move on, any other concerns.. please raise asap 16:30:33 <arosales> perhaps just deploying the latest which should track with the current release? 16:30:54 <adam_g> arosales: that hasn't really been discussed to much, but it should be pretty forwarded provided we get determine some way of managing them in the charm store 16:31:07 <adam_g> arosales: ping me later and we can chat about it 16:31:08 <arosales> adam_g: ok, thanks 16:31:27 <Daviey> [TOPIC] 12.04.1 Development (jamespage & smoser) 16:31:46 <jamespage> http://people.canonical.com/~jamespage/server-sru/precise-sru.html 16:31:48 * smoser missed last weeks meeting 16:31:57 <jamespage> your turn next week smoser :-) 16:32:11 <jamespage> SRU activity ticking along nicely 16:32:18 <Daviey> jamespage: how does the point release currently taste? 16:32:27 <zul> i think we are still stuck on nova and dnsmasq 16:32:31 <jamespage> good potential 16:32:33 <Daviey> Goood progress? Issues to raise? Bottlenecks? 16:32:38 <jamespage> but some work still to go 16:33:00 <zul> dnsmasq and nova :) 16:33:03 <jamespage> quite a few SRU's still need verification - any volunteers much appreciated - see the report 16:33:14 <jamespage> like zul says ^^ 16:33:37 <jamespage> Daviey: also we really need to start tracking the 12.04.1 delivery for maas as well 16:33:38 <Daviey> maas also needs an SRU 16:33:41 <jamespage> snap 16:33:44 <Daviey> hah 16:34:01 <jamespage> so if we can get the bugs targetted and assigned that would be great 16:34:27 <adam_g> what is the status of the stable updates to the openstack components? i see they are still in precise-proposed. are we required to verify all bugs fixed or ? 16:35:04 <Daviey> okay., we probably need to start increasing the tracking for .1 16:35:05 <Daviey> We need to follow up with the SRU team to try to get nova nto -proposed *today* 16:35:09 <zul> adam_g: we are still waiting for nova 16:35:39 <adam_g> zul: waiting for exactly? 16:35:40 <Daviey> Then we need to really work on -verification. 16:35:43 <Daviey> Okay... we have an actin.. super 16:35:52 <Daviey> moving on? 16:36:06 <zul> Daviey/adam_g: when its all ready ill blog about it and send an email to -server and openstack about it 16:36:07 <adam_g> Daviey: actually can we get clarity on the openstack stuff? im still confused 16:36:24 <adam_g> zul: telling/asking what? for verification of whats in proposed or an announcement that its been released? 16:36:40 <zul> adam_g: both 16:37:16 <zul> adam_g: meaning that its available for testing and can you please help test 16:37:36 <adam_g> zul: so, we're going to need to go through the standard SRU process for each bug in the changelog, essentially? 16:38:11 <adam_g> if so, we need to start compiling test cases now otherwise they're just going to rot in proposed like the first oneiric update 16:38:18 <Daviey> ugh... internet problems hjere 16:38:22 <Daviey> somewhat, adam 16:38:25 <zul> adam_g: i think so, the ones we can test 16:38:52 <adam_g> okay, i still have no idea :) we can discuss later. 16:38:58 <Daviey> adam_g: We need to consider the regression potential for each bug, so yes. 16:39:01 <Daviey> As we've had input into most of the stable changes, that shouldn't be too much of a challenge 16:39:04 <Daviey> just a slight pain 16:39:14 <Daviey> We also need to have further discussions with the SRU team to make sure they are satisfied 16:39:15 <zul> adam_g: indeed :) 16:39:56 <Daviey> I suggest that in about 1 hr, we try to grab slangasek. 16:40:24 <adam_g> +1 16:41:37 <jamespage> OK - I think that covers most things for this slot 16:43:06 <smoser> Daviey, moving on? 16:43:16 <Daviey> moving on.. 16:43:51 <Daviey> ugh, sorry.. My net keeps dieing 16:43:56 <Daviey> [TOPIC] Ubuntu Server Team Events 16:44:00 <arosales> Velocity next week. jcastro and hazmat in attendance there with a charm school. 16:44:24 <Daviey> Ooo 16:44:43 <Daviey> okay.. 16:45:09 <Daviey> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) 16:45:52 <Daviey> How is the QA world? 16:47:39 <jamespage> Not sure where hggdh is but I would encourage people to sign up to the ubuntu-utah-devel ML 16:47:40 <jamespage> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-utah-devel 16:47:57 * hggdh is in 16:47:59 <jamespage> utah is the new automated testing platform QA have been working on 16:48:25 <jamespage> all server tests will be transitioned soon I understand - maybe hggdh can tell us when? 16:48:34 <Daviey> jamespage: that is worth raising! Thanks. 16:48:39 <hggdh> I do stress jamespage's comment -- please do sign up, and suggest/complain as needed 16:48:54 <hggdh> yes, all tests will be migrated to UTAH 16:48:55 <Daviey> There is also some planned Openstack CI work, but we should discuss that in a breakout. 16:49:10 <Daviey> hggdh: been following DEP-8 disucssions? 16:49:31 <Daviey> (or anyone else?) 16:50:18 <hggdh> Daviey: I have not, been quite busy, unfortunately 16:50:55 <Daviey> hggdh: it's something pitti has been seemingly driving in Debian.. But we've not had discussions or involvement with it. 16:51:17 <Daviey> I think it will impact us soonly (or at least SHOULD).. so generally, we probably need to join that disucssion 16:51:20 <hggdh> Daviey: I will ping pitti on that tomorrow (already gone for the day) 16:51:21 <Daviey> moving on? 16:51:26 <Daviey> hggdh: Thanks! 16:51:36 <Daviey> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) 16:51:39 <smb> Still trying not to go mental while looking for some scheduler bug. Meanwhile did a merge for Xen in Quantal which needs to get some review. (maybe I should not have told zul there are minor faults hidden for him to find... ;) ) Otherwise: questions? 16:51:42 <smb> .. 16:52:14 <zul> ill have a look at it tomorrow 16:52:16 <Daviey> smoser: is there anything we can unblock wyou with? 16:52:18 <Daviey> I understood you had some sponsorship issues? 16:52:34 <smoser> smoser? or smb? 16:52:39 * smb wonders the same 16:52:53 <smb> Daviey, Not really blocked on this 16:53:15 <Daviey> sorry, i'm trying to type quickly and relying on tab complete as i seem to be suffering some network issue 16:53:21 <Daviey> or, i'll blame the Quantal kernel. 16:53:28 <Daviey> :) 16:53:47 <Daviey> smb: Okay, i'm sorry to rush through this.. But yes, thanks.. Things currently seem good aiui. 16:53:56 <Daviey> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions regarding Ubuntu ARM Server (rbasak) 16:53:58 <rbasak> Nothing to report. Work on ARM server continues. Any questions for me? 16:54:27 <Daviey> rbasak: How is 12.04.1 and 12.10 images currently looking? 16:54:39 <Daviey> I didn't really dig into A1 images. 16:54:51 <rbasak> Setting aside MAAS for a moment, 12.10 is essentially ready. 16:54:57 <Daviey> (i imagine jamespage and smoser haven't dug specifically into arm issues for the point release.) 16:55:09 <Daviey> rbasak: wow, don't say tat too loudly. 16:55:25 <rbasak> Well all the ARM server specific parts, anyway 16:55:33 <Daviey> right 16:55:37 <Daviey> Any arm questions? 16:55:46 <rbasak> NCommander is working on the highbank enablement in precise-updates. AIUI, that's about a week away. 16:55:54 <Daviey> super! 16:55:55 <rbasak> MAAS is the important part though, and work on that continues. 16:56:00 * jamespage knows about that ^^ 16:56:07 <Daviey> yep, fully aware of that little conundrum :) 16:56:17 <Daviey> okay.. 16:56:25 <Daviey> [TOPIC] Welcome jimbaker to Server team (arosales). 16:56:29 <arosales> Welcome jimbaker to the server team! We'll be putting jimbaker's juju, python, and java skills for Ubuntu Server :-) 16:56:31 <rbasak> Welcome jimbaker! 16:56:43 <Daviey> jimbaker: you are focusing on? 16:57:39 <Daviey> ok.. 16:57:47 <Daviey> welcome JIM! 16:57:53 <arosales> Perhaps away atm, We'll definately use his phython and java skill in addition to his juju skills. 16:57:53 <Daviey> [TOPIC] Open Discussion 16:58:14 * arosales apologizes for not sending meeting minutes to the blog or email. 16:58:25 <arosales> I got added to the blog, so that should be corrected going forwared. 16:58:36 <Daviey> \o/ 16:58:43 <Daviey> okay, lets wrap up.. 16:58:47 <Daviey> [TOPIC] Announce next meeting date and time 16:58:54 <Daviey> same time, same place 16:59:02 <Daviey> 26th June 16:59:12 <arosales> thanks Daviey for chairing 16:59:34 <Daviey> Thanks all for attending, and apologies for the sporadic nature.. it's been painful. 16:59:37 <Daviey> #endmeeting