16:01:01 <s3h> #startmeeting 16:01:01 <meetingology> Meeting started Tue May 22 16:01:01 2012 UTC. The chair is s3h. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 16:01:01 <meetingology> 16:01:01 <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired 16:01:39 <s3h> #TOPIC Review ACTION points from previous 16:02:12 <s3h> sigh, bad lag 16:02:16 <s3h> jamespage to send out an email to ubuntu-server about the new template 16:02:28 <jamespage> done 16:02:38 <s3h> sweet 16:02:49 <s3h> daviey update release bugs for quantal 16:03:21 <s3h> Daviey: ^ 16:03:38 * utlemming has a conflict 16:04:01 <Daviey> hye 16:04:03 <Daviey> Hey 16:04:06 <Daviey> The spec's which are currently under consideration are: 16:04:06 <Daviey> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+specs?role=drafter 16:04:06 <Daviey> If there is a spec you are watching that is not on this list, please make it known. 16:04:08 <zul> heeeeeylo 16:04:09 <Daviey> The Spec's that people are responsible for driving to Approved state are, for example: 16:04:12 <Daviey> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~james-page/+specs?searchtext=servercloud-q&role=assignee 16:04:15 <Daviey> Note, that 'Assignee' actually means the person responsible for driving the WI *specifications* (and getting the blueprint Approved).. *NOT* necessarily doing the tasks. :) 16:04:18 <Daviey> I went through them earlier today, and most are in a pretty good state. However, please can those that require review (to be Approved), please be set to 'Review' state please. 16:04:30 <Daviey> Any questions about Spec state? 16:04:31 <roaksoax> o/ 16:04:37 <s3h> LINK https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~james-page/+specs?searchtext=servercloud-q&role=assignee 16:04:55 <Daviey> ^^ obv, switch out james-page for $launchpad-id 16:04:57 <s3h> #LINK https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~james-page/+specs?searchtext=servercloud-q&role=assignee 16:05:12 <s3h> thanks Daviey 16:05:17 <s3h> zul 16:05:27 <zul> hmm? 16:05:31 <s3h> zul talk to arosales and jamespage offline about SRU tracker 16:05:35 <zul> havent done yet 16:05:37 <arosales> jamespage: did zul sync up with you? If not, I'll need to catch up with zul. 16:05:44 <arosales> ah ok 16:05:53 <arosales> I'll catch up with you later zul 16:05:59 <zul> oh no! 16:06:04 <s3h> (null) 16:06:10 <roaksoax> zul: you can't run.. your knee :P 16:06:11 <Daviey> Regarding Development for Quantal... Are people frantically working on Merges? 16:06:19 <zul> knee is fine :P 16:06:33 <lynxman> o/ (sorry for the tardiness) 16:06:34 <SpamapS> Are we not using the bot? 16:06:35 <roaksoax> i started working on merges yesterday 16:06:37 <s3h> zul: arosales: carry that over? 16:06:48 <rbasak> I'm frantically working on the critical path for ARM server and MAAS. I regret I haven't managed to look at blueprints since UDS. And not done any merges :-/ 16:06:50 <Daviey> I have a report here, showing the delta with *sid*/*unstable*... NOT the default parent series of wheezy/testing: 16:06:52 <zul> s3h: yep 16:06:53 <Daviey> http://people.canonical.com/~davewalker/delta.html 16:07:05 <s3h> #ACTION zul talk to arosales and jamespage offline about SRU tracker 16:07:05 * meetingology zul talk to arosales and jamespage offline about SRU tracker 16:07:18 <s3h> ok NOW carrying on :) 16:07:24 <s3h> #TOPIC Quantal Development 16:07:25 <rbasak> I'd still like to do some merges though if there are any that can wait a couple of weeks. I have an apache2 one in a local branch pending testing. 16:07:32 <roaksoax> Daviey: so we should me merging from wheezy? 16:07:36 <Ursinha> can I be involved in the SRU tracker discussion, please? 16:07:51 <zul> Ursinha: yes since you took over it basically 16:07:53 <Ursinha> :) 16:08:01 <Daviey> roaksoax: no, but see if there are hits we should be merging. 16:08:08 <Ursinha> lol, thanks zul 16:08:22 <SpamapS> rbasak: apache2 should be 2.4, right? 16:08:28 <s3h> #ACTION zul to also pull Ursinha into SRU tracker talks 16:08:28 * meetingology zul to also pull Ursinha into SRU tracker talks 16:08:31 * rbasak looks 16:08:49 <SpamapS> wait no 16:08:54 <SpamapS> 2.4 is stil in Debian experimental 16:09:00 <SpamapS> looks like squeeze will ship w/ 2.2 16:09:07 <SpamapS> (which sucks) 16:09:12 <SpamapS> But, timing. ;) 16:09:12 <rbasak> I just have a 2.2.22-5ubuntu1 prepared, to fix a specific bug 16:09:21 <rbasak> quantal is on 2.2.22-1ubuntu1 16:09:24 <SpamapS> rbasak: yeah stick with that 16:09:30 <SpamapS> we don't want to do the transition before Debian :) 16:09:34 <rbasak> :-) 16:09:40 * SpamapS has learned how painful that can be w/ MySQL 5.5 16:10:25 <s3h> (null) 16:10:59 <s3h> SpamapS: do you mind driving release bugs? 16:11:05 <zul> SpamapS: hah hah :) 16:11:28 <SpamapS> eh, uh.. sure.. let me just find that link 16:11:40 <s3h> SpamapS: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server/release-bugs.html 16:11:49 <Daviey> ^^ I updated it to Quantal the other day. 16:12:00 <Daviey> Still, not very populated.. but that is expected at this point in the cycle. 16:12:01 <SpamapS> bug 888123 16:12:02 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 888123 in openjdk-7 (Ubuntu Quantal) "erlang version 14.b.2-dfsg-3ubuntu2 failed to build with openjdk-7" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/888123 16:12:18 <SpamapS> jamespage: ^ 16:12:35 <SpamapS> bug 930916 16:12:36 <jamespage> on it - waiting for doko to reappear to check my openjdk-7 fix (its a scary package) 16:12:37 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 930916 in amavisd-new (Ubuntu) "amavis start-stop script fails to stop amavisd" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/930916 16:12:59 <SpamapS> The bug I keep procrastinating on. Will try to get some time for it later this week. Busy w/ juju SRU to precise today. 16:13:03 <jamespage> SpamapS, is that SRU worthy? 16:13:09 <SpamapS> Yes 16:13:16 <SpamapS> it was in precise's release bugs too :-P 16:13:16 <jamespage> I could pick it up if that would help 16:13:28 <SpamapS> jamespage: sure. take it. :) Its a very simple fix. 16:13:35 <jamespage> SpamapS, ack 16:13:37 <SpamapS> bug 974584 16:13:39 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 974584 in sysvinit (Ubuntu Quantal) "Semaphores cannot be created in lxc container" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/974584 16:13:54 <s3h> I'm waiting to see if someone speaks up there, else I'll aks for the patch to be sponsored tomorrow 16:14:03 <SpamapS> woot 16:14:18 <SpamapS> bug 1001846 16:14:19 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1001846 in cobbler (Ubuntu) "cobbler fails to install with error code 1" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1001846 16:15:13 <roaksoax> so that seems to be a corner case and I've requested for more information even though the proposed fix makes sense 16:15:26 <SpamapS> bug 880339 16:15:27 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 880339 in mysql-5.5 (Ubuntu Precise) "AppArmor profile needs update" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/880339 16:15:39 <SpamapS> I believe that one is well understood and is actually a bug in dh_apparmor 16:16:18 <SpamapS> In some cases, /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.sbin.mysqld is removed because of the transfer of ownership from 5.1 -> 5.5 16:16:35 <SpamapS> Have a patch, just need to apply it (got stalled because apparmor was FTBFS, but that got fixed recently) 16:16:38 <SpamapS> bug 901881 16:16:40 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 901881 in glance (Ubuntu) "nova and glance should depend on python-keystone" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/901881 16:17:15 <SpamapS> zul: ^^ 16:17:24 <zul> SpamapS: ill double check 16:18:04 <SpamapS> I see we have the MIR's listed there too... we should probably track those 16:18:25 <zul> new libvirt is pending a MIR btw 16:18:38 <Daviey> Now is also a good time to raise any issues NOT being tracked on that list. :) 16:18:44 <s3h> and that MIR is not on ts list 16:19:02 <s3h> (dwarves-dfsg) 16:19:03 <SpamapS> zookeeper, I think, is approved.. but we haven't added the depends yet because it was basically done for juju 16:19:17 <s3h> netcf should also be on that list 16:19:30 <s3h> is that accomplished with a tag? 16:19:39 <zul> do we have a server team member on the MIR team? 16:19:54 <SpamapS> no, but it really wouldn't matter. The MIR process is bottlenecked on security 16:20:17 <zul> i mean after the bottleneck 16:20:29 <SpamapS> after the bottleneck there's nothing to do but seed/upload/etc. 16:20:38 <Daviey> zul: we do not. 16:21:01 <zul> SpamapS: i mean when the bottleneck is done someone the server team can poke and do our bidding 16:21:04 <zul> but anyways 16:21:10 <s3h> care to discuss in open discussion? 16:21:18 <zul> sure 16:21:18 <SpamapS> zul: we don't need to be on the MIR team to do anything after the security review is done. 16:21:26 * jdstrand looked at the queue and doesn't see security team subscribed to anything 16:21:28 <s3h> arosales: Daviey: do we wannt to o through blueprints at this point? 16:21:36 <jdstrand> (for MIRs) 16:21:37 <SpamapS> zul: once that is done, the bug is approved, and any core dev can go edit the seeds or upload a depending package 16:21:40 <s3h> ruh ro 16:21:53 <jdstrand> SpamapS: what MIR(s) are you referring to? 16:22:16 <arosales> s3h: I think the main points Daviey already discussed 16:22:20 <SpamapS> jdstrand: I'm more discussing the general process and the fact that adding MIR team members would just overload your team more. 16:22:29 <jdstrand> oh 16:22:31 <arosales> ie getting blueprints updated, correct status, and approved 16:22:36 <s3h> arosales: thanks, great 16:22:40 <jdstrand> well, I was promised it wouldn't be like last time ;) 16:22:58 <SpamapS> jdstrand: "Words are wind, Jon Snow" 16:23:03 <jdstrand> heh 16:23:03 <SpamapS> ;) 16:23:09 <s3h> moving on then 16:23:19 <SpamapS> I don't see any big MIR's this cycle 16:23:21 <s3h> thanks SpamapS! 16:23:28 <s3h> #TOPIC Ubuntu Server Team Events 16:23:43 <zul> SpamapS: i do 16:23:48 <zul> but anyways 16:23:58 <jdstrand> SpamapS, zul: actually, doko and I discussed adding members to the ubuntu-mir team. we think it would be a good idea if someone else wanted to help out (beyond security audits) 16:24:07 <s3h> zul: do you want to discuss that now? 16:24:23 <SpamapS> jdstrand: sure lets discuss that in the open discussion section 16:24:29 * jdstrand nods 16:24:31 <zul> s3h: no lets continue later 16:24:44 <s3h> ok, any events coming up? 16:25:06 <arosales> m_3 @ gluecon 23-24 of May 16:25:07 <SpamapS> m_3: you still going to gluecon? 16:25:19 <m_3> submitting for the aws/ec2 conference in November 16:25:22 <jimbaker`> i'm at usenix config mgmt summit to discuss juju on june 12 16:25:36 <SpamapS> jimbaker`: cool! 16:25:53 <m_3> SpamapS: they rejected the talks... but they're local so maybe I can get a lightning talk in 16:26:01 <jimbaker`> SpamapS, thanks, this will be my first time presenting juju in public, so fingers crossed ;) 16:26:19 <s3h> cool, thanks 16:26:26 <s3h> #TPIC Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) 16:26:26 <jimbaker`> m_3, lightning talks for gluecon are tonight, so doable 16:26:38 <hggdh> hi 16:27:13 <hggdh> I have been working the last week in Boston, so I have no updates. 16:27:15 <SpamapS> m_3: and no charm school? 16:27:21 <hggdh> But I will answer any questions ;-) 16:27:22 <hggdh> .. 16:27:42 <m_3> SpamapS: nope... hopefully next year... it'd be a good crowd for at least an intro juju talk 16:27:45 <s3h> any questions for hggdh? 16:28:12 <s3h> thanks hggdh. moving on, 16:28:23 <s3h> #TOPIC Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) 16:28:25 <smb> Hello... 16:28:36 <smb> Trying to understand bug 999755... slowly. Apart from that... other questions? 16:28:37 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 999755 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel crash on EC2 m1.large instances" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/999755 16:28:45 <smb> .. 16:29:06 <s3h> smb: you might wnat to test zul's proposed libvirt merge for quantal against xen 16:29:37 <s3h> http://people.canonical.com/chucks/libvirt 16:29:46 <zul> ~chucks/libvirt 16:29:55 <smb> s3h, Yes, I guess I should... 16:29:57 <s3h> yeah that 16:30:26 <s3h> any other questions for smb? if not... 16:30:52 <s3h> #TOPIC Weekly Updates & Questions regarding Ubuntu ARM Server (rbasak) 16:30:53 <rbasak> Nothing to report. Work on ARM server continues. Any questions for me? 16:31:40 <s3h> sounds like no, thanks rbasak 16:31:46 <s3h> #TOPIC Open Discussion 16:32:10 <SpamapS> jdstrand: so, despite what I thought, the MIR team actually *could* use a member from the server team? 16:33:05 <jdstrand> SpamapS: yes! 16:33:56 <jdstrand> how it would probably work though is that the server team member would review non-server stuff and the desktop member would review server stuff (to avoid conflict of interest). but that is an implementation detail 16:34:11 <SpamapS> Yeah that sounds like a good idea. 16:34:27 <jdstrand> there is certainly enough work to go around and I feel it would benefit not only the mir team, but all teams trying to pursue MIRs 16:34:33 <SpamapS> arosales: maybe you and Daviey can work out who might be available for such a post? 16:34:33 <s3h> who all would be interested? 16:34:36 <SpamapS> Daviey: ^^ 16:34:46 * SpamapS steps backward 16:34:49 <SpamapS> I have enough :) 16:35:01 <arosales> any volunteers ? 16:35:03 * s3h Daviey and arosales to work a list of who is available for MIR team 16:35:08 <jdstrand> (as an aside, we have work items on the security team surrounding improving the audit process as well) 16:35:11 <zul> he/she doesnt need to be core-dev do they? 16:35:19 <s3h> I might be interested. if i don't have to be cored-ev 16:35:30 <s3h> or be able to speell 16:35:40 <zul> spelling is a must ;) 16:35:47 <zul> so i am out as well 16:35:49 <SpamapS> s3h: you're a server dev, are you not? 16:36:00 <s3h> yes 16:36:01 <jdstrand> well, they all currently are, but technically no because it is up to the filer to adjust the seeds, etc 16:36:07 <SpamapS> s3h: I think that shows enough packaging know-how 16:36:36 <jdstrand> but the person must be able to do pretty thorough packaging reviews. core-dev just happens to demonstrate that 16:36:59 <s3h> let's not focus on me :) perahps whoeer is interested should email Daviey/arosales 16:37:18 <jdstrand> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMainInclusionRequirements should be reviewed by interested people 16:37:23 <s3h> and turn on their spell checker 16:37:52 <s3h> ok, anything actionable here? 16:38:20 <s3h> #ACTION email arosales/Daviey if interested in ubuntu-mir membership 16:38:20 * meetingology email arosales/Daviey if interested in ubuntu-mir membership 16:38:21 <SpamapS> s3h: you forgot the # 16:38:36 <SpamapS> on the first one 16:38:51 <s3h> do you think we need both actions? 16:39:02 <arosales> I also assume a couple of of rounds of MIR can help with core-dev applicaton 16:39:19 <arosales> I am sure the MIR team would welcome help 16:39:20 <rbasak> What is required for membership? 16:39:34 <arosales> able to do pretty thorough packaging reviews 16:40:00 <s3h> ok shall we move on? any further topics? 16:40:02 <rbasak> Is contributing developer a requirement for example? 16:40:08 <arosales> and knowledgeable about https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMainInclusionRequirements 16:40:22 <arosales> s3h: one other topic 16:40:39 <arosales> rbasak: jdstrand would know for sure 16:40:54 <SpamapS> rbasak: you're about ready for a server dev application tho.. so I wouldn't worry too much about not having upload rights "today" :) 16:41:06 <arosales> s3h: Everyone comfortable with integrating the blueprint template jamespage emailed out? 16:41:14 <arosales> Also documented at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BlueprintSpec 16:41:34 <s3h> I followed it with my blueprints and liked it 16:41:37 <jdstrand> well, actually I wouldn't. I kind of inherited my position :) if you are core-dev, I don't think there is any problem. if you aren't, I think the existing team would have to talk to the candidate 16:41:53 <s3h> what do others think? 16:42:05 <arosales> thanks for giving it a try s3h 16:42:55 <jamespage> if anyone needs any help interpreting the template into their blueprints please feel free to ping me 16:43:06 <arosales> or ping in ubuntu-server 16:43:14 <smoser> for reference: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.server/6138 16:43:27 <arosales> be great if server team had some solid blueprint documentation with this template 16:44:04 <s3h> so I personally am backing my bp's in lp +junk. What are others doing? Do we set up a team to combine all the blueprints? 16:44:16 <s3h> (as per smoser's suggestion) 16:44:42 <arosales> I think we still need to iron that out and perhaps sync up with Ursinha 16:44:49 <smoser> Ursinha was working on some things to make this better integrated with launchpad. 16:44:59 <arosales> s3h: good point to bring up though 16:45:07 <smoser> ie, to give a comment field and history of work items. 16:45:20 <s3h> Ursinha: do you have any update on that? 16:45:39 <arosales> s3h: you can give me an action to follow up with Ursinha on the best approach for this cycle. 16:45:43 <smoser> the issue with you doing that on your own, s3h is that someone will just edit the whiteboard manually, and then either lose their changes, or not be able to commit to your +junk branch to change it properly 16:45:49 <s3h> and is there anything in that work that would block creating the ubuntu-server-blueprints lp group 16:46:14 <SpamapS> Its worth noting that any branch can be attached to any blueprint.. 16:46:18 <s3h> #ACTION arosales to follow up with Ursinha on best approach for blueprint management this cycle 16:46:18 * meetingology arosales to follow up with Ursinha on best approach for blueprint management this cycle 16:46:28 <smoser> well, s3h, urshina's proposal would largely mitigate the need for that. 16:46:32 <SpamapS> so if we do an auto-sync thing from branch -> BP we can also link the branch, and make a project, like 'ubuntu-blueprints' to keep them all in 16:46:36 <s3h> smoser: I get emails whenever they do, so I can udpate it in my copy 16:46:57 <SpamapS> this sounds like an implementation discussion tho :-P 16:46:59 <s3h> smoser: sure, but in the meantime we risk losing our whiteboard contents 16:46:59 <Ursinha> there are two things that can be done 16:47:03 <SpamapS> not something for this meeting. :p 16:47:09 <Ursinha> okay :P 16:47:09 <smoser> there she is! 16:47:21 <smoser> good. please discuss, and lets find a solution for this. 16:47:24 <Ursinha> thanks god I have hilight for misspells :P 16:47:26 <arosales> Ursinha: I catch up with you off-line 16:47:29 <Ursinha> sure 16:47:51 <Ursinha> first: using a bot that parses email, and also parses a message in the whiteboard explaining the change 16:48:17 <Ursinha> then the bot removes that and we have a page somewhere else looking like the bug activity pagwe in launchpad 16:48:35 <Ursinha> second approach, is changing launchpad to include blueprint activity 16:48:49 <s3h> Ursinha: thanks 16:48:54 <Ursinha> second one in way cleaner, but it will take a bit of time 16:49:00 <s3h> can you send an email to the m-l after you and arosales discus? 16:49:18 <Ursinha> I'm currently working on it, but don't want to wait for it to finish to start doing something 16:49:19 <Ursinha> sure 16:49:37 <s3h> thanks. any other topics? 16:49:42 <arosales> thanks for working on that Ursinha 16:49:58 <Ursinha> arosales, it's my pleasure 16:50:00 <jamespage> I've been doing some work on the bug triage workflow 16:50:09 <s3h> ah! 16:50:09 <jamespage> should have something for you all to review this week 16:50:18 <s3h> jamespage: awesome, thanks 16:50:19 <Ursinha> jamespage, awesome :) 16:50:38 <s3h> #TOPIC Announce next meeting date and time 16:50:55 <s3h> Tuesday May 29 at 1600 UTC. right here. 16:51:06 <s3h> #endmeeting