16:01:43 <slangasek> #startmeeting 16:01:43 <meetingology> Meeting started Wed Feb 22 16:01:43 2012 UTC. The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 16:01:43 <meetingology> 16:01:43 <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired 16:01:59 <slangasek> [TOPIC] lightning round 16:02:14 <slangasek> well, down by two today... should be a quick meeting yes? :) 16:02:15 <slangasek> $ echo $(shuf -e barry doko stgraber ev bdmurray slangasek) 16:02:15 <slangasek> stgraber bdmurray barry ev doko slangasek 16:02:27 <stgraber> hello 16:02:34 <stgraber> - Networking 16:02:35 <stgraber> - SRUs for ifenslave/vlan/bridge-utils are finally in oneiric-updates! 16:02:35 <stgraber> - Did some more IPv6 testing, trying to switch to single-stack for part of my network so testing current radvd, NM and squid. Filed a few bugs for cyphermox :) 16:02:37 <stgraber> - Updated isc-dhcp to 4.1-ESV-R4 that's their Extended Support Version, did a call for testing and will upload it later today. 16:02:40 <stgraber> - Friendly-Recovery 16:02:43 <stgraber> - Implemented the 'system information' option and did a few more bugfixes. James proposed some good changes, will review the merge and ask for a FFe to get that added. 16:02:46 <stgraber> - LTSP 16:02:49 <stgraber> - Released LTSP 5.3 after two years of development (well, 729 days so not "exactly"), uploaded to Ubuntu. 5.3.1 has already been released as bugfix release but I'll probably wait till 5.3.2 to update Ubuntu. 16:02:53 <stgraber> - Still some work on the udeb needed to finally kill bug 813837 16:02:55 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 813837 in ltsp (Ubuntu Precise) "ltsp client not able to load boot file: ltsp/amd64.tmp/pxelinux.0" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/813837 16:02:55 <stgraber> - TPM 16:02:58 <stgraber> - Got pretty close to having a working TPM authenticating on wireless, everything seems to work except for some broken pkcs11 output and problems using the private key... 16:03:01 <stgraber> - Started looking at bug 934799, can probably be fixed by manually trigger the udev rule or doing the chown/chmod in the postinst 16:03:02 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 934799 in trousers (Ubuntu) "trousers start script has exit status 137" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/934799 16:03:04 <stgraber> - Also bug 926305 is high on the TPM todo list 16:03:05 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 926305 in opencryptoki (Ubuntu) "fails to load modules for pkcs11 backends" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/926305 16:03:06 <stgraber> - Installer 16:03:09 <stgraber> - Merged a couple of fixes in Ubiquity, updated test suite and uploaded a new Ubiquity, will spend a lot more time working on installer bugs from now on. 16:03:12 <stgraber> - Containers 16:03:14 <stgraber> - Uploaded updated udev to avoid flooding the host with events when a container boots. 16:03:17 <stgraber> - Some bugfixes for the Ubuntu template and review of the Ubuntu server guide's section on LXC. 16:03:20 <stgraber> - Other 16:03:23 <stgraber> - pastebinit 1.3 has now been released and is in Precise 16:03:25 <stgraber> - Did quite a few last minute sponsoring of new packages for Precise, most of them are in source NEW 16:03:28 <stgraber> (done 16:03:31 <stgraber> ) 16:03:48 <bdmurray> short week as monday was a holiday 16:03:56 <bdmurray> tested bug 933035 regarding resolvconf 16:03:56 <bdmurray> merged bug patterns from Vadim Rutkovsky 16:03:57 <bdmurray> bug control application review for brettcornwall 16:03:57 <bdmurray> bugbot fix for package-install-segfault re and mythfrontend 16:03:58 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 933035 in resolvconf (Ubuntu) "Upgrade from 11.10 to Precise: resolvconf 1.63ubuntu7 fails to configure with "cp: cannot create regular file `/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf': No such file or directory"" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/933035 16:04:04 <bdmurray> bug triage of some ubiquity hard disk error bugs 16:04:05 <bdmurray> duplicate finding kernel install failures on live media (bug 932663) 16:04:05 <bdmurray> duplicate finding filesystem.size missing (bug 557388) 16:04:05 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 932663 in casper (Ubuntu) "kernel upgrade failed on a USB live system created by usb-creator" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/932663 16:04:07 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 557388 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity crashes over recipe that leads to "Missing filesystem.size."" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/557388 16:04:17 <bdmurray> flot / jquery work to dynamically set the size of the div for the recent package bug task graphs 16:04:20 <bdmurray> modifications to recent package bug tasks graph not to fade the colors of the stacked bar 16:04:23 <bdmurray> moved the legend in flot outside of the graph 16:04:25 <bdmurray> recent package bug graphs making the labels on the y-axis hyperlinks to full launchpad searches 16:04:34 <bdmurray> fixed lucid-proposed version of update-manager (apport hook) 16:04:35 <bdmurray> update of OneiricOcelot release notes regarding wubi (regarding rev 241) 16:04:35 <bdmurray> wrote lp-grab-descriptions based on lp-grab-attachments 16:04:35 <bdmurray> ubiquity apport package hook modifications to fix bug 874727 16:04:37 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 874727 in apport (Ubuntu Precise) "media error bug report blocking is incomplete" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/874727 16:04:45 <bdmurray> ␗ 16:07:49 <slangasek> barry: 16:07:55 <barry> telepathy-qt4 ftbfs, libdbusmenu ftbfs, bug 934592 (oneconf ftbfs), sync python-keyring, python issue 13703 (hash collision dos issue), sync'd sphinx, claws-mail, claws-mail-extra-plugins. todo: looking at ftbfs and nbs reports; bugs, bugs, bugs and more +1 maint work; still working on python issue 13703, hopefully will have joint release candidates in the next day or two. 𝄢 16:07:57 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 934592 in oneconf (Ubuntu) "Out of date po/POTFILES.in causes FTBFS" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/934592 16:08:58 <slangasek> ev: 16:09:42 <ev> - Released some new versions of whoopsie (0.1.8, 0.1.9, and 0.1.10). 16:09:42 <ev> - Don't start the crash reporting daemon if crash reporting is turned off. 16:09:44 <ev> - Cleaned up of the core processing code and much of the backend code, in 16:09:45 <ev> preparation for deployment. 16:09:47 <ev> - Filed RT 51011 for deploying the crash database. Had a catch up with James 16:09:48 <ev> to discuss where things stand. 16:09:49 <ev> - Started leveraging cloud-init to build out an end to end system testing 16:09:51 <ev> framework, so we can ensure that every change works all the way down to the 16:09:51 <ev> database. 16:09:53 <ev> - Figured out, with help from #bzr, how to merge a subdirectory of a branch 16:09:54 <ev> into a subdirectory of another branch without losing history. Case in 16:09:56 <ev> point, moving Whoopsie's GNOME Control Center preferences page into 16:09:57 <ev> activity-log-manager: 16:09:58 <ev> bzr fast-export /tmp/whoopsie-export 16:09:59 <ev> bzr fast-import-filter -i preferences/ /tmp/whoopsie-export > /tmp/whoopsie-export-filter 16:10:00 <ev> bzr fast-import /tmp/whoopsie-export-filter /tmp/whoopsie-export-branch 16:10:01 <ev> cd /tmp/whoopsie-export-branch 16:10:01 <ev> bzr mkdir diagnostics 16:10:03 <ev> bzr mv * diagnostics 16:10:04 <ev> bzr commit 16:10:05 <ev> cd ~/bzr/activity-log-manager 16:10:06 <ev> bzr merge -r0..-1 /tmp/whoopsie-export-branch 16:10:09 <ev> bzr mv diagnostics src/diagnostics 16:10:10 <ev> bzr commit 16:10:11 <ev> - Moved the crash reporting preferences page from a separate page into a tab 16:10:13 <ev> in the activity-log-manager page: 16:10:14 <ev> https://code.launchpad.net/~ev/activity-log-manager/whoopsie/+merge/93899 16:10:16 <ev> - Finally finished addressing all of Martin's concerns in my apport merge, 16:10:17 <ev> after lots of subsequent fixes \o/: 16:10:19 <ev> https://code.launchpad.net/~ev/apport/whoopsie/+merge/92753 16:10:20 <ev> - Interview calls. 16:10:21 <ev> (done!) 16:10:34 <doko> surprisingly short today ... 16:10:40 <barry> ev: you should write that up somewhere more permanent than irc :) 16:10:58 <doko> - openjdk-7 build, currently building in precise 16:10:59 <doko> - fixing and forwarding issues in openjdk7 and -web to IcedTea 16:10:59 <doko> - openjdk6 pull from the branch to fix GC issues on ARM 16:10:59 <doko> - eglibc fixes (gdm restart, ARM dbg package, reboot required) 16:10:59 <doko> - look into some gcc-4.6 issues 16:10:59 <doko> - python2.7 and python3.2 merges for FF. 16:11:03 <doko> - look into gcc-4.7 bootstrap failures on ARM (now fixed) 16:11:05 <doko> - help Linaro understanding the eglibc packaging (Ken working on builds) 16:11:07 <doko> done 16:11:24 <ev> barry: :) 16:12:07 <slangasek> are the apport UI changes landed, then? I noticed my last crash had a different dialog 16:13:18 <ev> yes, finally 16:13:22 <slangasek> * short week, celebrated Président Day on Monday by eating camembert and butter 16:13:25 <slangasek> * resolvconf upload fixing the last of the known issues 16:13:28 <slangasek> * new upstream release of qemu-linaro uploaded; now usable as a buildd on a hardy kernel 16:13:31 <slangasek> * upload cmake to let more packages in precise/main be auto-cross-buildable 16:13:34 <slangasek> * work on getting upstart in Ubuntu into a usable state 16:13:36 <slangasek> * interviewing 16:13:39 <slangasek> done 16:13:41 <slangasek> any questions? 16:14:06 <slangasek> [TOPIC] Bugs 16:14:46 <doko> Andreas Moog did file the ftbfs issues from the last test rebuild, so I hadn't to do it 16:14:54 <bdmurray> Not too many to look at today 16:15:16 <slangasek> good, I gorged myself on bugs yesterday at Mardi Gras anyway 16:15:16 <bdmurray> I assigned bug 883618 to the team recently 16:15:17 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 883618 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Console upgrade useless.. XSet warnings all over the screen" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/883618 16:15:19 <doko> would be nice if somebody could approve the setting of the precice release branch 16:15:30 <slangasek> doko: what do you mean? 16:15:45 <barry> slangasek: ew 16:15:59 <slangasek> barry: ;) 16:16:09 <slangasek> bdmurray: yeah, I was just assigning that one to jodh 16:16:19 <barry> slangasek: and right before lunch! 16:16:27 <bdmurray> slangasek: okay, great 16:16:27 <slangasek> heh, sorry 16:16:34 <barry> :) 16:16:47 <slangasek> fwiw I didn't see any references to xset in the current update-manager code, so I'm not sure where that comes from 16:16:48 <doko> hmm, looks like it already is: see bug 935038 16:16:49 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 935038 in ball (Ubuntu Precise) "ball version 1.4.1+20111206-3 FTBFS on armhf in precise" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/935038 16:17:06 <doko> we just need to confirm these 16:17:30 <slangasek> doko: as in, marking them confirmed? 16:17:36 <doko> yes 16:18:12 <slangasek> I'm not sure that matters anymore, now that LP automatically moves half the bugs to "confirmed" as soon as someone comments on them 16:18:22 <doko> heh 16:18:36 <bdmurray> comments on? that's a bit unfair 16:18:57 <bdmurray> its even easier you just have to click affects me too ;-) 16:18:58 <doko> so now we ignore bugs in state Confirmed instead if New? ;-P 16:19:04 <doko> of even 16:19:13 <slangasek> "triaged" maybe makes a difference; but they should be obvious anyway... don't see the point in spending the effort moving the bug state around 16:19:18 <slangasek> let's just fix the bugs instead :) 16:19:27 <slangasek> doko: exactly ;) 16:20:01 <doko> slangasek, makes sense, thare are more to ignore ;) 16:20:06 <slangasek> bdmurray: doesn't it also do it when someone comments though? which is much less certain to indicate that it's a confirmed bug 16:20:11 <doko> can't type today 16:20:17 <slangasek> bdmurray: anyway, any other bugs in the menagerie? 16:20:33 <bdmurray> slangasek: no affects me too or a bug is made a duplicate of it 16:20:40 <slangasek> ah, ok 16:20:46 <bdmurray> bug 936761 - is there anything to be done there? 16:20:47 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 936761 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Mythbuntu upgrade from Lucid to Precise pulls in all of unity" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/936761 16:21:38 <slangasek> looks like the desktop team needs to fix it 16:22:08 <slangasek> reassigned the bug to gnome-session 16:22:28 <bdmurray> thanks 16:23:03 <bdmurray> then bug 824708 has a rather high heat as a lot of people have said it affects them 16:23:05 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 824708 in aptitude (Ubuntu) "Changelog download failed: Download queue destroyed." [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/824708 16:23:26 <stgraber> slangasek: I've noticed Xubuntu and Mythbuntu at some point started assuming that they always get installed from a media where they contorl the available set of packages, not sure if it's related though. 16:24:05 <slangasek> stgraber: sorta-related 16:24:11 <slangasek> the moral of the story is, they shouldn't do that :) 16:24:14 <stgraber> slangasek: so for example installing Xubuntu from netinstall will get you unity-greeter that will crash at boot time. Installing from media, they don't have unity-greeter and so fallback to lightdm-gtk-greeter which is what they want and so works 16:24:46 <stgraber> that's currently making the automated upgrades for at least Xubuntu fail (so I turned them off for now as they're aware of the issue) 16:24:48 <slangasek> they should ensure there are suitable alternatives in the underlying dependencies and use a metapackage to express their preferences 16:25:34 <slangasek> bdmurray: do you know why pitti has set a milestone for 824708? 16:25:45 <doko> bug 824708 16:25:46 <bdmurray> slangasek: no I do not 16:25:46 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 824708 in aptitude (Ubuntu) "Changelog download failed: Download queue destroyed." [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/824708 16:26:02 <slangasek> oh, he was just pushing an a2 milestone forward 16:26:21 <slangasek> so it has high heat, but I don't think it's something for us to spend time on 16:26:30 <slangasek> they can just use 'apt-get changelog' instead 16:27:08 <slangasek> (and aptitude has much more serious problems in precise, since it doesn't do multiarch) 16:27:34 <bdmurray> okay, makes sense 16:28:12 <slangasek> anything else? 16:28:25 <bdmurray> that's all from me 16:28:29 <slangasek> cool 16:28:31 <slangasek> [TOPIC] AOB 16:29:10 <slangasek> anything more to discuss? the floor's open :) 16:29:51 <doko> the armel panda buildds did land 16:30:08 <doko> but not yet the third powerpc 16:30:21 <slangasek> I've pestered IS about the powerpc already 16:30:28 <slangasek> the RT ticket has a deadline of Mar 1 16:30:40 <slangasek> which I'm told gets looked at :) 16:31:24 <slangasek> (and there's activity on the ticket in the past week) 16:33:15 <slangasek> #endmeeting