17:01 <mdeslaur> #startmeeting 17:01 <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Nov 8 17:01:11 2016 UTC. The chair is mdeslaur. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 17:01 <meetingology> 17:01 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick 17:01 <mdeslaur> [topic] Apologies 17:01 <mdeslaur> none 17:01 <mdeslaur> [topic] Action review 17:01 <infinity> defer 17:01 <mdeslaur> infinity: both? 17:02 <infinity> Without looking, yes. It's been one of those months. 17:02 <mdeslaur> ack 17:02 * mdeslaur mdeslaur to look into flavour CVE tracking 17:02 <mdeslaur> I updated and fixed the tracking scripts 17:02 <mdeslaur> results are here: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/flavors.html 17:02 <mdeslaur> while there still may be improvements and adjustments, I think the action item is completed 17:03 <slangasek> nice! 17:03 <infinity> mdeslaur: I assume the second link for each flavour includes main? 17:03 <infinity> Or includes closed? 17:03 <mdeslaur> that's the intention, but some main packages are showing up in the first link 17:04 <mdeslaur> I need to fix that 17:04 <infinity> Well, it's probably a good enough state to move to a second step of pointing the flavour folks at it, so they can start shouldering some responsibility there. 17:04 <slangasek> mdeslaur: feature request: summary counts on the top-level page :) 17:05 <mdeslaur> infinity: ok, let me see if I can quickly fix the main issue and then we(I) can send out an email 17:05 <mdeslaur> slangasek: ack 17:06 <mdeslaur> [topic] budgie-remix/ubuntu budgie: package-set maintainer application -fossfreedom 17:07 <slangasek> fossfreedom: hi there 17:07 <mdeslaur> so...doesn't that a DMB topic? 17:07 <fossfreedom> Hi ! 17:07 <mdeslaur> hi fossfreedom! 17:07 <mdeslaur> hi HEXcube 17:07 <slangasek> for the packageset, yes, that's rightly a DMB topic 17:07 <HEXcube> Hi 17:08 <mdeslaur> right 17:08 <slangasek> fossfreedom, HEXcube: for the packageset topic, can we redirect you to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard ? 17:08 <fossfreedom> ok thanks. will read etc. 17:08 <mdeslaur> [topic] budgie-remix/ubuntu official community flavour application - fossfreedom 17:08 <slangasek> creating the packageset itself should be non-controversial, provided the TB gives its +1 to the second topic 17:09 <mdeslaur> fossfreedom: so, can you give us the status on getting all your packages in the archive? 17:10 <slangasek> [LINK] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2016-October/002261.html 17:10 <fossfreedom> ok - all packages are now in zesty ... except one which requires a version number update. I've resubmitted that and awaiting a review 17:10 <slangasek> I was pleased to see a number of these packages go into the archive before 16.10 released 17:11 <fossfreedom> can I say thanks to jeremy bica and daniel holbach for helping here 17:12 <slangasek> fossfreedom: what is the remaining package, and where have you submitted it for review? (not a blocker for us approving you, but I would like to help make sure it's on track) 17:12 <fossfreedom> let me give you the link... 17:13 <fossfreedom> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1594596 17:13 <fossfreedom> "arc-firefox-theme" - 17:14 <slangasek> thanks 17:14 <slangasek> you seem to be doing all the right things to get integrated as an official flavor 17:15 <infinity> Are there preliminary seeds and metapackages? 17:15 <slangasek> there are some technical integration points that need to be followed through on ^^ to be truly official 17:15 <slangasek> the fact that searching wiki.ubuntu.com for 'official flavo[u]rs' returns no results seems like a bug 17:15 <slangasek> anyone else know if we have a wiki page somewhere documenting the requirements? 17:16 <infinity> Not sure if we do, or if it just comes up as people try to integrate. :P 17:16 <stgraber> I thought we did 17:16 <slangasek> I thought we did also 17:17 <mdeslaur> I only know of this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecognizedFlavors 17:17 <stgraber> was going to link to that one 17:17 <slangasek> aha! 17:17 <stgraber> that's the one I remembered 17:17 <mdeslaur> seems like it has what we're looking for 17:17 <slangasek> thanks, adding some redirects 17:18 <infinity> Yeah. That's what their presentation referenced as well, I'd say. 17:18 <infinity> It doesn't have gritty technical details like seeds/metas, though. 17:18 <slangasek> ah right, this was the chicken and egg thing where TB had to approve it first ;) 17:18 <infinity> Just higher level commitment and staffing type things. 17:19 <slangasek> infinity: yeah, that's buried under "release team agrees to help do the work" 17:19 <slangasek> so 17:19 <infinity> And, indeed, I don't expect them to have it all ready before approval, just to have looked at how it works and know what they're getting into. 17:19 <slangasek> I feel a strong urge to bikeshed the process documented on that page 17:19 <infinity> I'm shocked. 17:20 <slangasek> but in the meantime, I don't think it should block us from blessing budgie 17:20 <slangasek> others? 17:20 <slangasek> infinity: ;) 17:20 <infinity> I find it hard to have opinions about flavors until I've worked with them for 6-12 months. Can we write a process document for firing them? ;) 17:21 <mdeslaur> Does anyone have any thing else they would like to ask them before we vote? 17:21 <infinity> But their presentation seems to address what the wiki's looking for. 17:21 <infinity> The only nit would be the "upload rights" thing, which seems to be a bit of a question mark. 17:21 <stgraber> infinity: you can write that process and then try it with Edubuntu :) 17:21 <infinity> Since creating a package set doesn't do much without someone to give rights to. 17:22 <slangasek> infinity: right - should we require the DMB review first? 17:22 <mdeslaur> we can make the approval conditional on it 17:22 <infinity> Yeah, that. 17:23 <infinity> But unless there's a long history of sponsored uploads, etc, it's not exactly a slam-dunk when someone comes along and says "I want upload rights to a bunch of packages". 17:23 <infinity> (Maybe there is a history, I haven't been watching) 17:24 <mdeslaur> ok, so DMB review first? 17:24 <infinity> Anyhow, I'd be fine with approving the flavour, conditional on approval of uploaders, and a solid time commitment from the lead that they'll be able to work with the cdimage/release folks to get integrated with seedy things and the like. 17:25 <slangasek> I agree with infinity 17:25 <infinity> I don't think punting them to the DMB without a decision here is helpful, it'll just end up in a loop. 17:25 <mdeslaur> ok, let's vote for a conditional approval 17:25 <slangasek> I don't want us to bounce them back and forth between committee meetings for months at a time 17:26 <infinity> Feel free to copy/waste my above vomit as the vote question. :P 17:26 <mdeslaur> [VOTE] Budgie-remix becoming an official flavour, conditional on approval of uploaders by the DMB 17:26 <meetingology> Please vote on: Budgie-remix becoming an official flavour, conditional on approval of uploaders by the DMB 17:26 <meetingology> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname) 17:26 <slangasek> +1 17:26 <meetingology> +1 received from slangasek 17:26 <mdeslaur> +1 17:26 <meetingology> +1 received from mdeslaur 17:26 <infinity> I'll try to make the appropriate DMB meeting to provide some continuity to the discussion. 17:27 <infinity> +1 17:27 <meetingology> +1 received from infinity 17:27 <stgraber> +1 17:27 <meetingology> +1 received from stgraber 17:27 <mdeslaur> [ENDVOTE] 17:27 <meetingology> Voting ended on: Budgie-remix becoming an official flavour, conditional on approval of uploaders by the DMB 17:27 <meetingology> Votes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 17:27 <meetingology> Motion carried 17:27 <mdeslaur> yay, congrats! 17:27 <infinity> Err, s/budgie-remix/ubuntu-budgie/ 17:27 <infinity> But yeah. 17:27 <mdeslaur> oh, woops :P 17:27 <infinity> Or budgebuntu, or whatever. 17:28 <fossfreedom> all - many thanks on behalf of the team - Ubuntu Budgie! 17:28 <infinity> I think they stated a preference for Ubuntu Budgie, though. :) 17:28 <slangasek> fossfreedom: welcome :) 17:28 <foggalong> Thank you! 17:28 <slangasek> (ubudgtu) 17:28 <HEXcube> Yeah, Ubuntu Budgie! 17:28 <Udara> Thank you very much ! 17:29 <foggalong> It'll always be Bubuntu in my heart 17:29 <HEXcube> Thanx a lot! 😃 17:29 <mdeslaur> [topic] drop the powerpc port 17:29 <mdeslaur> infinity: you'll need to buy a new workstation 17:29 <infinity> :P 17:29 <slangasek> oh man was that the holdup? 17:29 <mdeslaur> yep, our sole remaining user 17:29 <slangasek> we can take up a collection 17:30 <infinity> Yeah, not true. :P 17:30 <doko> well, he still can put them into heating mode without security updates ... 17:30 <mdeslaur> hehe 17:30 <infinity> While I do have some PPC kit here at my feet, I'm not the sole user. 17:30 <infinity> I had someone asking me this morning if we were dropping the port due to Debian's announcement. 17:30 <infinity> I said I didn't think we had plans to. 17:31 <infinity> Then I read doko's agenda point. :P 17:31 <slangasek> well, it's been a discussion point before now 17:31 <slangasek> I don't expect this to be decided by the TB in this meeting 17:31 <doko> if you want a new toy, do x32 ;) 17:31 <infinity> Ick. 17:31 <slangasek> but I do think we ought to help guide the discussion 17:32 <infinity> So, long term, I think we should aim to drop *all* 32-bit ports. 17:32 <infinity> For reasons too long to list. 17:32 <slangasek> I understand that the question will also be raised on the ubuntu-server list 17:32 <infinity> But short term, PPC is the most obvious candidate to drop, if we feel we should drop something. 17:33 <slangasek> yes, and there've been discussions about winding down i386 also 17:33 <slangasek> so it's not as if we're picking on powerpc disproportionately :) 17:33 <mdeslaur> I feel like this depends on how many people step up to volunteer maintaining it 17:33 <infinity> From a maintenance perspective, it's not a huge burden. The problems are generally in leaf compilers (fpc!) that most users don't actually care about. 17:33 <infinity> ie: we could just not care about those issues, and it wouldn't actually matter. 17:33 <doko> define "step up" ... 17:33 <mdeslaur> well, commit :P 17:34 <infinity> Define "maintain" is the better question. 17:34 <slangasek> I contest the claim that it's not a huge burden; there's a diffuse cost that is invisible to those who care about the arch, and which has never been measured 17:34 <doko> I don't want to end up with people claiming, without doing. and that's the case for powerpc for a long time 17:35 <mdeslaur> I do believe the burden will become greater if Debian isn't doing it anymore 17:35 <slangasek> infinity: packages that FTBFS and stall proposed-migration can't just be ignored. There are generally some arch specific for each !x86 arch at any given moment, and it costs attention to fix these 17:35 <infinity> doko: The implication there is either that something's very broken, or that you've been fixing all the bugs. Are either of those true? 17:36 <slangasek> would we be ok with a policy by the AA team to unconditionally remove powerpc binaries whenever they're seen to hold up migrations? 17:36 <infinity> slangasek: Yes, this is true. And sometimes it's PPC-specific. Rarely, but sometimes. 17:37 <infinity> slangasek: If removals aren't done haphazardly in a way that bumps the uninstallability count, sure. 17:38 <slangasek> ok 17:38 <doko> I don't agree about the "sometimes". everybody has to look at migrations, ftbfs, etc ... 17:38 <slangasek> mdeslaur: I can take an action with my AA hat to draft a proposed policy around this to ubuntu-release, as a first step 17:38 <mdeslaur> ok 17:38 <doko> look at mono for xenial, look at openjdk failures, continue that list 17:38 <doko> who is still using that? 17:39 <doko> taht port? 17:39 <mdeslaur> [ACTION] slangasek to draft a proposed AA policy to ubuntu-release about removing powerpc binaries that hold up migrations 17:39 * meetingology slangasek to draft a proposed AA policy to ubuntu-release about removing powerpc binaries that hold up migrations 17:40 <mdeslaur> we can revisit this once we have a list of powerpc binaries that have been removed 17:40 <doko> so when gcc and binutils stop building, can we remove these from the archive then? 17:41 <mdeslaur> if nobody fixed them, the choice will be easy 17:41 <infinity> doko: Short of your making them not build, is that going to happen? 17:42 <doko> infinity: well, look at the gcc-snapshot ftbfs during the past ... it costs time to look at those, prepare test cases, forward them 17:42 <doko> who else is doing this work? 17:42 <slangasek> fwiw there are 22 packages stalled in zesty-proposed at the moment due to powerpc-specific build failures 17:42 <slangasek> (plus a smattering of 32-bit build failures, and big-endian build failures) 17:42 <mdeslaur> ouch, that's a lot 17:43 <slangasek> mdeslaur: not compared to the total -proposed count of 775; but that's another story 17:43 <infinity> A large chunk of those are all in the same package set. 17:43 <mdeslaur> sure, but it means _someone_ has to fix 22 packages currently, and that will only get worse 17:43 <infinity> And dep-wait. 17:43 <doko> for openjdk-9, powerpc will be the only port still needing the zero vm. who will maintain that? 17:44 <infinity> doko: openjdk-9 appears to be broken on armhf too. 17:44 <slangasek> mdeslaur: well, it ebbs and flows. I don't expect it to increase much in the near term, and indeed we do already remove binaries to unblock migration when it's clear no one's fixing them 17:44 <doko> sure, but that one has a hotspot port now. oracle open sourced it 17:46 <mdeslaur> I don't feel comfortable deciding today whether we should remove it or not without it being proposed somewhere and seeing objections 17:46 <slangasek> doko: "who else is doing the work" - I'm not sure this question is the right way around. powerpc is a community port; do you feel an obligation to do this work yourself, and if so, why? 17:47 <doko> slangasek: I can't finish my work if I ignore powerpc issues which hinder migration and ftbfs 17:47 <infinity> slangasek: So, looking at your analysis, I see a bunch of 32-bit, a few big-endian, a few ppc* (ie: both ports), and so far two powerpc-only (though with chain reactions, like kodi*) 17:48 * doko wonders why powerpc ports are doing that analysis only now ... 17:49 <doko> slangasek: please could you point out who is "powerpc community"? 17:49 <slangasek> doko: but you shouldn't have to carry water for the powerpc community; and the powerpc community shouldn't have to track status in 100 different places to know what might be blocking you. shouldn't there be an escalation path for letting a community port's community know about blocking issues, with deadlines for dropping if they don't fix? 17:50 <infinity> (I would argue that gcc-snapshot doesn't belong on a list of packages that need to be fixed urgently to avoid port death) 17:51 <slangasek> infinity: sure, in that case I think the real deadline is "when it stops being snapshot" 17:51 <doko> no, but then it makes death easier when going to the next compiler version 17:51 <infinity> Except that the stable release process includes porters testing and sorting issues. 17:51 <infinity> The daily snapshot process doesn't. 17:51 <infinity> (Maybe it should, but I don't control gcc upstream) 17:52 <doko> powerpc isn't neith a primary nor secondary GCC release architecture 17:52 <infinity> The port maintainers still test, submit results, and fix issues. 17:52 <mdeslaur> doko: so ignore ftbfs on powerpc, and ask an AA to unblock migrations 17:53 <mdeslaur> and when it bitrots to the point where it doesn't make sense anymore, we'll kill it 17:53 <slangasek> doko: but I agree with infinity's point here - failures in gcc-snapshot, or failures of packages to build /with/ gcc-snapshot, are not a measure of the health of a port 17:53 <doko> infinity: who is "port maintainers"? 17:53 <infinity> I don't recall who the gcc powerpc port maintainer is right now. 17:53 <slangasek> mdeslaur: that still puts a burden on the broader team, which we don't currently measure 17:53 <infinity> I assume someone IBMish. 17:54 <doko> no, not that much interested anymore 17:54 <mdeslaur> slangasek: to unblock migrations? 17:54 <slangasek> doko: I do think that you should treat snapshot-related failures as something to signal to the powerpc community, but not take responsibility for fixing yourself (unless you want to) 17:54 <slangasek> mdeslaur: yes 17:55 <mdeslaur> can we get an arch disabled from migration blockages? 17:55 <slangasek> mdeslaur: 1) someone has to notice the migration is blocked, 2) an AA has to remove binary packages, recursively 17:55 <slangasek> we can, but that's equivalent to saying the port doesn't matter 17:55 <infinity> mdeslaur: Yes, but that does more harm than good. 17:55 <doko> slangasek: no, I'm not going to present every issue on a silver tablet to the powerpc porters, and the powerpc porters aren't doing that themself 17:55 <slangasek> infinity: well, depending on who's measuring the harm and the good. it certainly does save AA time ;) 17:56 <infinity> slangasek: The way britney's implemented, it does far more harm than good. :P 17:56 <infinity> (Even to !ppc) 17:56 <mdeslaur> infinity: if the powerpc community steps up and starts fixing packages, we can always revert 17:56 <doko> so please can we first define: who are powerpc users? who are powerpc porters (together with a track of work being done)? 17:57 <slangasek> doko: ok, if pointing out snapshot problems to the powerpc porters is itself burdensome, then what is the way that they can subscribe to be notified of the failures? 17:58 <doko> slangasek: watch ftbfs, excuses on a daily basis, fix issues 17:59 <slangasek> doko: that's something completely different from gcc-snapshot 17:59 <slangasek> which was what I was asking about 17:59 <infinity> "on a daily basis" is an unrealistic thing to ask anyone to do, even if it was their job. 17:59 <doko> slangasek: I don't see this as different. why single out one package? 17:59 <infinity> I suspect xnox doesn't check excuses for s390x issues every day either. 18:00 <slangasek> doko: I thought you were talking about test rebuilds using gcc-snapshot, not just build failures /of/ gcc-snapshot. The latter doesn't seem like it's anything that should be blocking you, gcc-snapshot isn't exactly release-critical for Ubuntu 18:01 <doko> then do it twice a week, weekly is not enough. because then other developers will invest time to fix issues. and these are not powerpc porters 18:02 <mdeslaur> ok, I don't think we're going to decide on this issue today 18:02 <doko> slangasek: so to which porters should issues be reported? 18:03 <doko> we are trying to keep a port without knowing why we are doing it 18:03 <slangasek> I agree that there's an issue here, that a community port imposes a burden on the rest of the developer community that is ill-defined and not measured. It's also difficult to fix it so that the burden does lie with those who feel ownership of the port 18:03 <slangasek> because we don't actually have subscription mechanisms for things like build failures on an arch 18:04 <doko> feeling ownership is not enough 18:04 <slangasek> of course it isn't 18:04 <slangasek> but I'm pointing out that there's a practical challenge to getting those who do feel ownership to shoulder the burden 18:05 <mdeslaur> well, we do need to see if anybody actually does feel ownership in the first place 18:05 <mdeslaur> I suspect not 18:05 <slangasek> infinity: do you? 18:06 <slangasek> AIUI there's difference of opinion on how much it's costing us to keep it, but general agreement that we should move towards deprecating 32-bit archs 18:07 <infinity> I do. BenC does. Not sure who else "feels ownership" and has the skills to do anything about it. 18:07 <doko> when was BenC's last upload to the archive? 18:07 <infinity> (There's a longer list of people who care about the port but probably can't fix hard issues, like flexiondotorg) 18:08 <infinity> doko: Probably somewhere around the time Canonical refused to accept money from his company. :P 18:08 <slangasek> infinity: is there a point of contact for the powerpc community? 18:09 <slangasek> up to now I've used ubuntu-server as a proxy on the grounds that ubuntu-server was the principal flavor being produced 18:09 <infinity> slangasek: Not really. The two flavours that produce PPC images have users, and Ubuntu server does, but there's no ubuntu-ppc community where people hang out. 18:10 <slangasek> infinity: ok, I posit that if you feel ownership of the port and don't want us to drop it, that's something that needs fixed - there needs to be a clear escalation path to powerpc porters 18:10 <infinity> (Well, there's #ubuntu-powerpc, but that's pretty much Canonical and IBM and it's toolchain back-and-fort for both ppc* ports, not wider "community") 18:10 <slangasek> (email escalation path, not IRC :) 18:10 <doko> that is 64bit only 18:10 <infinity> doko: That's not true, even if you see it that way. 18:11 <doko> well, I'm asking there for help, and sometimes but not always get help 18:11 <slangasek> infinity: do you want to take the action to stand up an ubuntu-powerpc mailing list and notify relevant folks, so that we can see how this would work out in practice? 18:12 <infinity> slangasek: The latter before the former, I think, but yes. 18:12 <doko> so for now, I only see one powerpc porter, and one powerpc user (although that might be one company) 18:12 <infinity> slangasek: I'll round people up and see if there's a group to rally. 18:12 <slangasek> mdeslaur: ^^ action and gavel us out? :-) 18:13 <infinity> Very large gavel please. 18:13 <doko> slangasek: timeline for that? 18:13 <slangasek> I think we ought to make sure the list is in place in two weeks' time (i.e. before next TB meeting) 18:13 <mdeslaur> [ACTION] Infinity to gather up powerpc community before next TB meeting 18:13 * meetingology Infinity to gather up powerpc community before next TB meeting 18:13 <slangasek> trivial to do it as a launchpad list 18:14 <mdeslaur> [topic] Mailing list archive 18:14 <mdeslaur> none 18:14 <mdeslaur> [topic] Community bugs 18:14 <mdeslaur> none 18:14 <mdeslaur> [topic] Next chair 18:14 <slangasek> I believe I'm in the hot seat 18:14 <slangasek> stgraber as backup 18:14 <infinity> Looks like you then steffie, yes. 18:14 <slangasek> yes? 18:14 <mdeslaur> slangasek with stgraber as backup 18:14 <stgraber> sounds good 18:15 <mdeslaur> anybody have any other topics before I end this thing? 18:15 <mdeslaur> too late 18:15 <mdeslaur> #endmeeting