19:32 <airurando> #startmeeting Summer Team Meeting 19:32 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Aug 1 19:32:12 2013 UTC. The chair is airurando. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 19:32 <meetingology> 19:32 <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired 19:32 <airurando> Welcome everyone! 19:32 <airurando> The agenda for this meeting can be found at: 19:33 <airurando> http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-ie/630/detail/ 19:33 <airurando> If you are in this channel specifically for this meeting (and I hope you are) please confirm your presence by typing PRESENT and hitting enter. 19:33 <airurando> PRESENT 19:33 <ebel> PRESENT 19:33 <vic9098> PRESENT 19:33 <zmoylan> PRESENT 19:33 <Bpb101> PRESENT 19:33 <mokmeister> PRESENT 19:34 <tdr112> PRESENT 19:34 <airurando> Great stuff! Now on to the agenda items in order. 19:34 <airurando> #topic Summary of successful 2013 reapproval 19:34 <tdr112> big thanks to airurando on this 19:35 <ebel> Yeah, fair play airurando 19:35 <airurando> :-) 19:35 <airurando> thanks 19:35 <mokmeister> Yes indeed, great stuff, thanks 19:35 <tdr112> he did a great job leanding us forward 19:35 <airurando> Our Teams approval status expired at the end of June (at the moment, approved status lasts only 2 years and needs to be reapplied for at the time of expiry) 19:35 <zmoylan> and creating all the wiki pages for it, thanks airurando 19:35 <airurando> We applied for reapproval at the LoCo Council meeting on 16 Jul 13 19:36 <airurando> Minutes and Logs of the meeting can be found at: 19:36 <airurando> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/Minutes/20130716 19:37 <airurando> We were the third and last team up for reapproval. Two very impressive teams preceeded us (The Japanese Team and the Tunisian Team). 19:37 <zmoylan> yeah, it was like 5am for the japanese team 19:37 <airurando> Thanks to vic9098 who provided some valuable input during the preparation of the application 19:38 <vic9098> lies i tell ya 19:38 <airurando> tdr112, zmoylan and of course czajkowski gave great support to my luke warm efforts to promote the Irish LoCo. 19:38 <Bpb101> Sorry I missed that folk , Got mixed up on the days :P 19:38 <tdr112> np 19:38 <ebel> yeah, sorry i missed it too. I was at riverdance with some visiting relatives 19:38 <airurando> We gave a frank account of our diminished activity over the last two years. 19:38 <airurando> no problem vic9098 or ebel 19:39 <zmoylan> special mention to tdr112 who did it on the bus with dying battery :-) 19:39 <tdr112> :P 19:39 <airurando> indeed :-) 19:39 <airurando> We did state that some activity still existed and reboot efforts were ongoing. 19:39 <airurando> The LoCo council recognised this lull in activity as a fairly common occurrence. 19:40 <airurando> A short discussion developed focussed on getting new enthusiastic members to join LoCos. 19:40 <airurando> It was clear that there is no easy way 19:40 <airurando> The council approved our reapproval application. So we are now good to go until July 2015! 19:41 <airurando> I am very thankful to the LoCo council for keeping faith in our LoCo. 19:41 <tdr112> so I think we now have this chance to turn the loco around 19:41 <airurando> indeed tdr112 19:41 <airurando> Now following on from this and, more importantly, following on from the good will expressed during or team reboot efforts both on the mailing list and during recent team meetings, I strongly feel the time is right to firmly put our LoCo on a low level sustainable footing that is not too onerous to maintain at lease until interest and activity grows. 19:42 <airurando> moving on! 19:42 <airurando> #topic Team meetings 19:42 <airurando> Frequency? Timing? 19:43 <tdr112> > every month 19:43 <mokmeister> tdr112: I think so too. 19:43 <tdr112> 2 or 3 months 19:43 <airurando> to frequent in my mind guys 19:43 <vic9098> no longer then two months, but we probs would not have enough uptake for monthly 19:43 <airurando> at the start at least 19:44 <Bpb101> I would say Every Month on a Certin Date . Eg the first Thursday Of every Month at 8.30 /9 pm time 19:44 <airurando> Mulling this over I came up with: 19:44 <zmoylan> that way works best in my experience 19:44 <airurando> http://pix.ie/ubuntuie/3319678/size/992 19:44 <mokmeister> I dunno, I think there's something to be said for giving people a reason to come to here just to chat about ubuntu stuff. 19:44 <airurando> I prefer the idea of quarterly meetings to start 19:45 <airurando> FEB, MAY, AUG and NOV 19:45 <Belgarath> well, sorry for cutting in but irc is dead to new users 19:46 <airurando> looking at the chart there will be ubuntu related stuff to discuss each quarter 19:46 <vic9098> maybe base them around april/oct to coincide with releases 19:46 <airurando> good point Belgarath 19:46 <airurando> but we need to keep it open 19:46 <mokmeister> good points indeed 19:46 <Belgarath> airurando: website with embeded irc client is known to have good results 19:47 <airurando> Belgarth we have that 19:47 <ebel> yeah web irc client makes irc a fesiable option for many 19:47 <darrenbatesdub> Bonjour everyone sorry im late! 19:47 <zmoylan> but it also is an open door to trolls from the other channels i hang out in 19:47 <ebel> freenode has that 19:48 <vic9098> using irc chat on android right now 19:48 <ebel> zmoylan: #ubuntu-ie has a open policy. but also has a code of conduct, if people are troublesome, we can and will kick them 19:48 <darrenbatesdub> Like vic, I'm using AndroIRC 19:48 <ebel> I am an op here and can and will kick out trolls. 19:49 <tdr112> ebel: has the power 19:49 <ebel> just let me (or other ops) know if there's a problem 19:49 <Belgarath> what if they behave, the trolls are mean ...that is racist behavior and troll discrimination :P 19:49 <Bpb101> I know i dont get to many of these meeting, but has there been much trolls on here with the irc option? 19:49 <zmoylan> tickety boo 19:49 <ebel> discrimination against trolls is fine 19:49 <ebel> Bpb101: no, none really that I remember 19:49 <airurando> focus people we have a lot to get through 19:50 <zmoylan> sorry for diverting conversation 19:50 <ebel> back to the topic! 19:50 <airurando> monthly meetings were partly the cause of things fizzling out 19:50 <mokmeister> How do we get new users to use web IRC in the first place? 19:51 <ebel> mokmeister: send them a link. 19:51 <Belgarath> make it look liek a web chat :) 19:51 <mokmeister> ahhh! Thanks Ebel 19:51 <Belgarath> if you tell them "this is a link to our irc client" nobody will use it 19:51 <airurando> ebel can you find the link, I don't have it to hand 19:51 <Belgarath> if you have "click here to talk to us" some might 19:51 <zmoylan> so add a link to tweets of meetings? 19:52 <airurando> it is not necessary for all new members and users to attend the team meetings 19:52 <airurando> small steps initially 19:52 <Belgarath> http://code.google.com/p/irctotwit/ 19:52 <mokmeister> airurando: I think encouraging participation is an important thing though 19:53 <airurando> we need to find our feet again. 19:53 <ebel> http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#ubuntu-ie&randomnick=1 19:53 <Belgarath> actaully bridging it to tweeter might ba a good idea 19:54 <airurando> we were close to dead and the constant meetings, Ubuntu Hours, and other events where only the usual few were turning up caused the demise 19:54 <airurando> start small and build again 19:54 <Bpb101> Maybe use the link the ebel said ,and link it do facebook and twitter 5 minutes or so before the meating 19:55 <vic9098> I like the idea of telling people were the meeting is taking place, but maybe let them decide the medium 19:55 <airurando> I strongly feel we should start with quarterly meetings 19:55 <ebel> +1 non-monthly meetings 19:55 <ebel> we did monthly meetings. now here we are 19:55 <vic9098> +1 q meetings 19:55 <mokmeister> airurando: I'll go along with that 19:56 <Bpb101> +1 19:56 <darrenbatesdub> +1 quarterly meetings 19:56 <airurando> mokmeister we can always ramp up if its needed 19:56 <vic9098> call a vote 19:56 <mokmeister> yep 19:56 <tdr112> 1 quarterly meetings 19:56 <darrenbatesdub> Unanimous 19:57 <airurando> #vote We will hold quarterly meetings initially in say Feb, May, Aug and Nov each year? 19:57 <meetingology> Please vote on: We will hold quarterly meetings initially in say Feb, May, Aug and Nov each year? 19:57 <meetingology> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me) 19:57 <airurando> +1 19:57 <meetingology> +1 received from airurando 19:57 <zmoylan> +1 19:57 <meetingology> +1 received from zmoylan 19:57 <mokmeister> +1 19:57 <meetingology> +1 received from mokmeister 19:57 <Belgarath> -1 19:57 <meetingology> -1 received from Belgarath 19:57 <Bpb101> +1 19:57 <meetingology> +1 received from Bpb101 19:57 <vic9098> +1 19:57 <meetingology> +1 received from vic9098 19:57 <darrenbatesdub> +1 19:57 <meetingology> +1 received from darrenbatesdub 19:57 <ebel> +1 19:57 <meetingology> +1 received from ebel 19:58 <airurando> all done? 19:58 <airurando> #endvote 19:58 <meetingology> Voting ended on: We will hold quarterly meetings initially in say Feb, May, Aug and Nov each year? 19:58 <meetingology> Votes for:7 Votes against:1 Abstentions:0 19:58 <meetingology> Motion carried 19:58 <airurando> #agreed We will hold quarterly meetings initially in say Feb, May, Aug and Nov each year 19:59 <airurando> Belgarath would you like to voice your concerns? 19:59 <airurando> no? 20:00 <Belgarath> sure 20:00 <Belgarath> my poitn is lack of continuity with such a timwe lapse 20:00 <Belgarath> but again I 'm new here 20:00 <Belgarath> it takes digging stuff out to remember 3 months down the line what you were doing on the last one 20:01 <vic9098> the irc tends to have the usual suspects online. The mailing list fills the void I find 20:01 <airurando> valid concerns but really monthly scuppered us last time. If interest grows and the need arises we will switch to more frequent meetings. 20:01 <airurando> vic 9098 indeed 20:02 <Belgarath> fair enough 20:02 <airurando> no silver bullet solution. 20:02 <zmoylan> no reason those that want to meet up monthly can't? just that the 'official' meetups are 4 times a year 20:02 <Belgarath> and sorry to be the one person to disrupt it :) 20:02 <airurando> not at all Belgarath 20:02 <mokmeister> no need to apologize Belgarath , your opinion is as valid as any 20:03 <airurando> indeed zmoylan adhoc meetings could be called by anyone at anytime 20:03 <airurando> mokmeister +1 20:03 <airurando> we'll plough on 20:03 <airurando> #topic Release Parties 20:04 <airurando> Should we continue holding them and if so at what frequency? 20:04 <airurando> Personally I feel we should hold release parties for all releases as an absolute social event minimum 20:04 <darrenbatesdub> Never been to one, so we should hold one for 13.10 20:04 <darrenbatesdub> ;-) 20:04 <tdr112> how many are there 20:05 <airurando> Do folks agree? 20:05 <tdr112> did they move from 2 a year 20:05 <vic9098> suacy party next time... should have a showing of rocky horror to coincide :-) 20:05 <airurando> 2 per year tdr112 20:05 <zmoylan> 2 a year, least we can do is a meetup twice a year? 20:05 <airurando> you know that :-) 20:05 <mokmeister> vic9098: hahaha! I like it! 20:05 <vic9098> Its oct too 20:06 <airurando> vic9098 that's an interesting idea 20:06 <airurando> The initial planning for these could be discussed at the proposed Feb and Aug meetings. 20:07 <airurando> adhoc meetings could be called if necessary 20:07 <zmoylan> push any discussion to the mailing list and that would keep that active? 20:07 <darrenbatesdub> Good idea airurando 20:07 <airurando> indeed zmoylan 20:07 <mokmeister> better start some initial planning then! 20:07 <tdr112> sounds good 20:07 <mokmeister> :) 20:07 <airurando> mokmeister will you take care of the midwest? 20:08 <mokmeister> Yeah, I could try. 20:08 <tdr112> while we have people here 20:08 <tdr112> who would go to one in Dublin 20:08 <zmoylan> i should be able to attend in dublin 20:08 <airurando> I think we can initially plan to have a party or parties for saucy 20:08 <vic9098> me...back to DCU from Sept 20:08 <airurando> me also tdr112 20:08 <vic9098> saucy parties....I like it 20:09 <Belgarath> possibly me 20:09 <darrenbatesdub> I'm for Dublin tdr112 20:09 <tdr112> ok, so no reason why we cant have one in Dublin and hold hope for people to go to mokmeister 20:10 <airurando> aye 20:10 <airurando> general concensus no need to vote eh? 20:10 <zmoylan> or do one definitely in dublin and the other outside dublin? 20:10 <mokmeister> I suppose I could contact the comp socs in UL and LIT and see if I could drum up interest in a release party. 20:11 <airurando> nice mokmeister 20:11 <airurando> Andru Quinn is active in the LoCo. He has organised stuff in Limerick in the past. 20:11 <airurando> thought he would be here tonight 20:11 <mokmeister> yes, I was at one or two event in UL that he helped organise 20:12 <airurando> Definitely Dublin release parties... Yes? 20:12 <darrenbatesdub_> Yes 20:12 <zmoylan> yeah 20:12 <airurando> possibly other release parties outside the Pale 20:12 <airurando> ebel you still there 20:13 <airurando> lots of time gone i think we should move on 20:13 <tdr112> ok 20:13 <mokmeister> Will we get disks for the release party, or is that a thing of the past? 20:13 <Bpb101> if i can go , Dublin would be the best 20:13 <airurando> mokmeister: discs only for LTS releases 20:14 <mokmeister> ok 20:14 <vic9098__> Dvds now 20:14 <zmoylan> who uses disks to install anymore? optical drives are getting rarer and rarer in mobile hardware 20:14 <airurando> and we never get them before release parties 20:14 <airurando> good stuff 20:14 <Belgarath> zmoylan: we can possible get the usb drives:) 20:14 <airurando> #topic Global Jams 20:14 <Bpb101> Could they not just mass produce Ubuntu flash drives and send them out, Couldnt be that expensive 20:15 <darrenbatesdub_> Define a Global Jam for me 20:15 <tdr112> these have never worked well 20:15 <vic9098__> What they charge for a phone, dread to see a usb price 20:15 <Belgarath> Bpb101: we could do it ourselves 20:15 <airurando> Bpb101 a topic for a different day 20:15 <airurando> tdr112 indeed 20:16 <tdr112> darrenbatesdub_: its a weekend where people work on ubuntu together 20:16 <tdr112> dev, bug reports 20:16 <tdr112> testing 20:16 <mokmeister> darrenbatesdub_: the idea is to get together, squah bugs, contribute etc. 20:16 <tdr112> website updating 20:17 <airurando> I think UGJs are both socially and technically valuable for both Ubuntu and our LoCo. For those (if any) not familiar with UGJs: 20:17 <airurando> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam 20:17 <mokmeister> 1st bug I'm gonna SQUASH is my own type ;) 20:17 <darrenbatesdub_> Sounds good - but I'm no dev but would still love to get involved 20:17 <airurando> but we need interested techies 20:17 <mokmeister> *typo! jeez! :D 20:18 <ebel> oops yes here 20:18 <airurando> Anyone interested in learning about and leading UGJs? We need to be productive during these if we are to participate. 20:18 <airurando> no point in just showing up 20:18 <Belgarath> I have no idea wht they are about so ... 20:19 <airurando> but as an absolute minimum I strongly feel we should hold UGJs for the LTS releases. 20:19 <airurando> Belgarath: check out the wiki and google Ubuntu Global Jam 20:19 <airurando> Belgarath: they could be great 20:19 * Belgarath googling in background 20:20 <airurando> but we need leadership 20:20 <airurando> As an absolute minimum I strongly feel we should hold UGJs for the LTS releases. 20:20 <airurando> but I'd prefer if we held them for each iteration 20:21 <Belgarath> actually 3 month before we can do a testing one 20:21 <Belgarath> and upgrade to the new rc :) 20:21 <airurando> Again, the planning for these could be discussed at the proposed Feb and Aug meeting as appropriate. 20:21 <darrenbatesdub_> I can offer leadership, but I'm not a 'techie' and chances are I'll be out of here by the time the new LTS comes out 20:22 <zmoylan> i think we need a pre ugj for the ugj so that everyone is up to speed for the day 20:23 <airurando> zmoylan: can you lead this? 20:23 <airurando> I think that is a good idea 20:23 <zmoylan> at the mo, i can't even make it 100% to meetups unfortunately :-/ 20:23 <airurando> darrenbatesdub_: why out of here by the time the new LTS comes out? 20:24 <airurando> tdr112: could you lead these? 20:24 <airurando> ebel could you? 20:24 <tdr112> airurando: i could i am trying to find the dates at the moment 20:24 <tdr112> for the life of me i cant find them 20:24 <airurando> Belgarath: what about you? 20:25 <darrenbatesdub_> Isn't the new LTS 14.10? I'm hoping to be in the USA then 20:25 <mokmeister> 14.04 20:25 <darrenbatesdub_> September of 2014 20:25 <Belgarath> airurando: lets move that discusson to next quaterly meeting 20:25 <Belgarath> I need to read a bit in between 20:26 <airurando> tdr112 sep 13/14/15 20:26 <airurando> Belgarath: fair point but the saucy jam is in Sept 20:26 <tdr112> thats fine 20:26 <airurando> cool 20:26 <Belgarath> airurando: I ment my participaion 20:27 <Belgarath> not the fact it should go on 20:27 <tdr112> ok i can run something on the sat or sun 20:27 <airurando> Belgarath: sorry 20:27 <tdr112> a one day thing 20:27 <airurando> tdr112 great 20:27 <tdr112> leave it withme 20:27 <airurando> even is we can use the day to figure out how we will do it next time! 20:28 <tdr112> i will use the mailing list to hash out the details 20:28 <airurando> great 20:28 <airurando> we'll move on 20:28 <tdr112> others welcome to help 20:28 <mokmeister> Productive meetings shouldn't last more than an hour... ;) 20:28 <airurando> I'll try 20:28 <Belgarath> mokmeister: not true 20:29 <airurando> mokmeister I was just aboutt o say that 20:29 <tdr112> airurando: whats next 20:29 <darrenbatesdub_> I'll gladly help tdr112 20:29 <Belgarath> mokmeister: depends on a subject 20:29 <mokmeister> ah sure only messin 20:29 <Belgarath> :) 20:29 <airurando> the rest of the stuff is FYO 20:29 <airurando> so ill quickly go through it 20:30 <airurando> #topic Virtual Ubuntu Developer Summits 20:30 <airurando> Do people participate in these? 20:30 <airurando> The next one will be held between the 27th and the 29th of August and at present they are scheduled to occur every 3 months. 20:30 <tdr112> i have never 20:30 <mokmeister> nope 20:31 <airurando> http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1308/ 20:31 <airurando> If you can find the time I'd encourage you all to attend. 20:31 <Bpb101> I havent, but i might consider the next one. They are a good idea though 20:31 <airurando> currently the plan is to hold them every three months 20:31 <mokmeister> Twould be interesting just to see what's going on alright 20:31 <airurando> do if you can 20:32 <airurando> do sign up for it if you can 20:32 <airurando> movin on 20:32 <airurando> #topic Ubuntu Hours and/or Other Social Events 20:32 <airurando> Adhoc? If so will people actually call any? 20:33 <airurando> Personally, I am happy to leave this as adhoc. 20:33 <airurando> thoughts? 20:33 <tdr112> me too 20:33 <darrenbatesdub_> Same 20:33 <ebel> yep 20:33 <airurando> grand 20:33 <mokmeister> agreed. Will they happen if left to adhoc though? 20:34 <mokmeister> And how will people know that they are happening? Through IRC / mailiing list? 20:34 <airurando> mokmeister: indeed 20:34 <airurando> mailing list 20:34 <tdr112> they have been posted on the mailing list and twitter in the past 20:34 <airurando> it will be up to people to call them 20:34 <airurando> if they don't well they don't 20:35 <zmoylan> we need to facebook, g+ AND tweet them 20:35 <zmoylan> anyone on facebook or g+? i don't use them 20:35 <tdr112> I dont use them 20:35 <mokmeister> is there an ubuntu-ie on g+? 20:35 <airurando> zmoylan I do the facebook stuff 20:35 <darrenbatesdub_> Very active on G+. Facebook for family. 20:35 <airurando> andru quinn does the G+ 20:36 <darrenbatesdub_> We could do so much on G+ 20:36 <zmoylan> put out the notices on social media but all links back to the wiki? 20:36 <zmoylan> very few folk on g+ 20:37 <zmoylan> any social media you pick will have x percentage that won't use if for y reason 20:37 <airurando> zmoylan: not the wiki. The LoCo team portal 20:37 <zmoylan> airurando: you are correct, the portal not the wiki 20:37 <airurando> so we'll leave it at call them when you want 20:38 <Bpb101> i ussally post the outings on boards.ie as well , when there one up. Dont know how many people read them though 20:38 <airurando> thanks for doing that Bpb101 20:38 <airurando> #topic Team Administration 20:39 <airurando> Meeting Minutes/Logs , Team Reports, LoCo Team Portal and our Social Streams 20:39 <airurando> anyone interested in getting involved with this? 20:39 <zmoylan> what does it involve? 20:40 <airurando> team reports have stopped 20:40 <darrenbatesdub_> Very interested 20:40 <airurando> we need someone to take them on 20:40 <airurando> or we can continue not doing them 20:40 <airurando> darrenbatesdub_: 20:40 <darrenbatesdub_> I'll take them. 20:40 <airurando> great 20:41 <airurando> I'll chat to you offline darrenbatesdub_ about this 20:41 <airurando> not a biggy 20:41 <darrenbatesdub_> Sound. 20:41 <airurando> I'll continue to take care of the other stuff at present 20:42 <airurando> #topic Any Other Business 20:42 <tdr112> i have one 20:42 <airurando> shoot 20:42 <tdr112> czajkowski: is running a mug in dublin (Dublin MongoDB User Group ) 20:42 <zmoylan> oh yes. 20:42 <tdr112> details here http://www.meetup.com/DublinMUG/events/131173222/ 20:43 <tdr112> it has been some time since she has been back to visit our loco so some of us will be along to chat 20:43 <airurando> yes indeed 20:43 <tdr112> I will be along 20:43 <airurando> I'd encourage everyone to get to know czajkowski 20:43 <zmoylan> ireland has been a lot quieter since she went to uk 20:43 <ebel> oh yeah 20:44 <airurando> a powerful force in the Irish LoCo, the greated Ubuntu ecosphere and now MongoDB community manager for the EMEA region 20:44 <airurando> a passionate open source advocate. 20:45 <darrenbatesdub_> We need more of her in the world! 20:45 <airurando> I've just to more quick links for our new people 20:46 <airurando> first though for the minutes 20:46 <airurando> #topic czajkowski: is running a mug in dublin (Dublin MongoDB User Group ) 20:46 <airurando> now 20:46 <airurando> #topic Ubuntu User days 20:47 <airurando> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDays 20:47 <airurando> folks should check those out 20:47 <airurando> and 20:47 <airurando> #topic Open Week 20:47 <airurando> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek 20:48 <airurando> folks should check those out also 20:48 <airurando> coming to the end 20:48 <mokmeister> airurando: that user days link brings up a timetable for last Feb 20:48 <airurando> #topic Any Other Business 20:49 <airurando> mokmeister: when the hold the next one it should refresh I think 20:49 <mokmeister> ok 20:49 <airurando> all done? 20:50 <airurando> Thanks everyone for attending and participating. Lets hope this can put the Ubuntu Ireland Team on a sustainable, fun and productive footing. 20:50 <airurando> #endmeeting