15:30 <willcooke> #startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-07-28 15:30 <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Jul 28 15:30:22 2015 UTC. The chair is willcooke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 15:30 <meetingology> 15:30 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick 15:30 <willcooke> End of July already?!!??! 15:30 <willcooke> Oh boy 15:30 <qengho> Tempus fugit 15:30 <willcooke> Roll call: attente, dgadomski, didrocks, fjkong, happyaron (out), laney, qengho, seb128, sweet5hark, tkamppeter (out), themuso (out), robert_ancell (out) 15:30 <didrocks> hey! 15:30 <dgadomski> o/ 15:30 <FJKong> hey 15:31 <willcooke> Let's roll... 15:31 <willcooke> #topic attente 15:32 <willcooke> How you doing attente? 15:32 <attente> hi, short week, continued discussions and re-factoring gtk menu positioning code for the mir backend 15:33 <willcooke> attente, eof? 15:33 <attente> (eof) 15:34 <willcooke> thanks! Let me know how you get on with that issue Chris mentioned earlier. 15:34 <willcooke> I think I remember you talking about that issue before 15:35 <willcooke> #topic dgadomski 15:35 <dgadomski> hi 15:35 <dgadomski> I've been on vacation for the last couple of days so nothing to share this time 15:35 <willcooke> quick and easy! 15:35 <dgadomski> so EOF, thanks 15:35 <willcooke> #topic didrocks 15:35 <willcooke> More holidays.... 15:35 <willcooke> oh, no 15:35 <willcooke> you've been back a week now 15:36 <didrocks> tssss :p 15:36 <didrocks> * Ubuntu Make: 15:36 <didrocks> - review community contribution (multiple back and force) on firefox dev language support. Should be ready to be merged soon! An excellent new contributor is on this one. \o/ 15:36 <didrocks> - tutor and help another new contributor on first step to implement the intel SDK support. 15:36 <didrocks> - bugs triaging. 15:36 <didrocks> * Dev advocacy: 15:36 <didrocks> - implemented u1db support to splitthebill example. 15:36 <didrocks> - adding multiple pages and try to form best practice like 2 way databinding, signals, private properties (write as well in which order to go over them in the tutorials). 15:36 <didrocks> - fought with positionning issues and the QML layout system to understand it better and its limitations (bugs). 15:36 <didrocks> - raised multiple bugs (2 on u1db-qt and button+icon sizing) for issues not making sense for developers. 15:36 <didrocks> - good chat with our uitk upstream developers on those. 15:36 <didrocks> - check and try to get some ideas on what would be good examples for IoT related tutorials/sessions. 15:36 <didrocks> * Misc: 15:36 <didrocks> - Checked in prerelease that multiple SDK IDE bugs are indeed fixed. 15:36 <didrocks> eof 15:36 <didrocks> - after the snails, waiting now for some frog emails 15:36 <willcooke> excellent, thanks a lot didrocks 15:37 <didrocks> yw! 15:37 * willcooke makes a note to think more about IoT examples. 15:37 <didrocks> would be appreciated, I have some leads 15:37 <willcooke> #topic FJKong 15:37 <willcooke> Howdy FJKong 15:37 <FJKong> hey 15:38 <FJKong> * testing for new release of sogou IM 15:38 <FJKong> 1 skin preview loading speed when swith to sogou IM the first time 15:38 <FJKong> 2 auto start after crash or process killed 15:38 <FJKong> 3 status of memory using 15:38 <FJKong> 4 stablility testing 15:38 <FJKong> * half day for Sweden VISA interview 15:38 <FJKong> that'all 15:38 <willcooke> Good luck with the Visa 15:38 <willcooke> and thatnks 15:38 <willcooke> thanks 15:38 <FJKong> still waiting for the news 15:38 <willcooke> #topic happyaron 15:39 <Laney> Swisa 15:39 <willcooke> 1. Bring CI system of sogoupinyin back to life 15:39 <willcooke> 2. Preparing release of sogoupinyin (major feature: Shuangpin), 15:39 <willcooke> working with QA now 15:39 <willcooke> 3. Product manager has changed, helping with the handover work 15:39 <willcooke> 4. Update packages of Ubuntu Kylin, prepare for Alpha 2 15:39 <willcooke> #topic Laney 15:39 <Laney> helloooOOOOoooooOOooo 15:39 <Laney> • Some release wrangling for alpha 2 15:39 <Laney> • Babysitting (& bug filing) of autopkgtest-cloud while p-itti was away 15:39 <Laney> • Bugfix to gnome-screenshot to make enter work on the print screen dialog 15:39 <Laney> • Patch pilot 15:40 <Laney> • Get gstreamer 1.0 uploaded, which got stuck on... 15:40 <Laney> • vpx transition, usual fun 15:40 <Laney> ∘ update gst-bad-0.10 to fix FTBFS with new vpx 15:40 <Laney> ∘ Kick some autopkgtests 15:40 <Laney> ∘ Fight with libav which is in some weird half dead state, kill it a bit more 15:40 <Laney> • Testfixes to get glib migrated 15:40 <Laney> ∘ matplotlib -> pyside -> shiboken (python3.5 breakage) 15:40 <Laney> ∘ udisks2 (kernel bug #1478623, overridden) 15:40 <ubot5> bug 1478623 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel oops - blk_update_request: I/O error when running udisks2 force_test_removal test" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1478623 15:40 <Laney> ∘ chromium-browser (fixed) 15:40 <Laney> ∘ winff 15:40 <Laney> ∘ notice that autopilot got broken, give some feedback and reviews on how to fix that 15:40 <Laney> • Merge gtk3 with Debian to get 3.16.6 15:40 <Laney> • Get new gnupg2 and gcr bugfix in to re-enable "Save in password manager" support, not that I dare to use it... 15:40 <Laney> • Next: make sure A2 is released, (still) push e-d-s 3.16, review gst-bad patch from abeato 15:40 <Laney> ⚔ 15:41 <willcooke> thanks Laney 15:41 <willcooke> #topic qengho 15:41 <Laney> I wish those sub bullets indented properly :( 15:41 <qengho> - chromium-ozone-mir progress! I expect to have it running in the next week! Perhaps not running *well*. 15:41 <qengho> - orientating self to firefox. 15:41 <qengho> - new chromium 44 almost ready. ffmpeg library inclusion caused about five packaging problems. tried to get it to CCC before his vacation, but I don't think it's going to happen. 15:41 <qengho> EOF 15:42 <willcooke> thanks qengho, nice work on the Mir b/e 15:42 <willcooke> (and they other stuff, of course) 15:42 <willcooke> *the 15:42 <willcooke> #topic seb128 15:42 <seb128> • snappy personal 15:42 <seb128> ∘ reviewed/NEWed unity-scope-snappy 15:42 <seb128> • sponsored new gegl and gnome-photos 15:42 <seb128> • NEWed binaries from previous review round, accepted gnome-calendar 15:42 <seb128> • some wily archive maintainance 15:42 <seb128> ∘ fixed didjvu build 15:42 <seb128> ∘ fixed spice-gtk installability issue 15:42 <seb128> ∘ reverted zenity to webkit1 which is the only version in main 15:42 <seb128> ∘ fixed account-plugins blocked in proposed due to installability issues 15:42 <seb128> ∘ ucommon transition (soname change) 15:42 <seb128> ∘ libplist transition (soname change) 15:42 <seb128> ∘ looked a bit at some python3.5 transition issues 15:42 <seb128> • SRUed u-s-d touchpad toggle fix to vivid/trusty 15:42 <seb128> • sponsored u-c-c trusty SRU (video details) for the oem team 15:43 <seb128> • looked at touch langpack not shipping glib translations 15:43 <seb128> • started discussion about moving bluetooth auth from settings to a standalone service (touch) 15:43 <seb128> • got regularly sidetracked by some bugs triaging/reporting/fixing for touch issues I hit on my phone 15:43 <seb128> </week> 15:43 <Laney> some good archive abuse 15:43 <seb128> oh, also discussed gcc5 transitions and starting looking at it a bit more/signed up for helping 15:43 <willcooke> thank you seb128 15:44 <seb128> yw! 15:44 <willcooke> #topic Sweet5hark1 15:44 <Sweet5hark1> hello, this is going to be a wall of text. brace for impact. 15:44 <willcooke> :) 15:44 <Sweet5hark1> - packaged LibreOffice 4.4.5 for ppa 15:44 <Sweet5hark1> - work on vanilla/dedebianized libreoffice package as a base for snap/click package creation 15:44 <Sweet5hark1> -- first attempt: disabling mostly only what we dont build in Ubuntu either: 15:44 <Sweet5hark1> --- collada, firebird-db, gstreamer 0.10, kde3, postgresql, bundled fonts 15:44 <Sweet5hark1> --- use only boost, python, cairo, icu from system, but bundle (if used): zlib, jpeg, clucene, expat, libxml, ucpp, openldap, poppler, mariadb, hsqldb, beanshell, rhino, jfreereport, odbc, sane, bluez, glm, vigra, hunspell, mythes, lpsolve, coinmp, liblangtag, eot, revenge, ebook, etonyek, freehand, odfgen, libcdr, mspub, mwaw, libpagemaker, libvisio, libcmis, libwpd/wps/wpg, lcms2, libabw, mdds, glew, nss, graphite, orcus, harfbuzz, a 15:44 <Sweet5hark1> --- does NOT build any debug symbols, do NOT build l10n beyond english etc. 15:44 <Sweet5hark1> --- => 114MB binary xz-compressed *.deb amd64 (installed size obviously larger) 15:44 <Sweet5hark1> -- second attempt: enable mergelibs, disable: gltf, odk (500MB sdk docs), galleries, any theme beyond tango 15:44 <Sweet5hark1> --- => 78MB binary *.deb amd64 15:45 <Sweet5hark1> -- third attempt (for docviewer): disable cups, coinmp, dbus, extensions, extension-integration, gconf, gio, gstreamer-1.0, gtk, liblangtag, lotuswordpro, lpsolve, neon, pdfimport, randr, scripting: beanshell/javascript, systray, impress-remote, webdav, help/helppack-integration, java 15:45 <Sweet5hark1> --- => 68MB binary *.deb amd64 15:45 <Sweet5hark1> --- note that armhf binaries seem to be some 10-15% smaller than amd64 => expect armhf to be ~60 MB 15:45 <Sweet5hark1> -- lintian of course implodes into a black hole after a long hissy fit on the package as it install entirely into /opt/libreoffice 15:45 <Sweet5hark1> -- debian/rules on this is a trivial 46 lines as opposed to the 3300 on the debianized version 15:45 <Sweet5hark1> -- this is not even starting to try tricks like compiling with -Os instead of -O2, or nuking files out of the install (say: base stuff) 15:45 <Sweet5hark1> -- oh, I also looked into using -flto link time opt. -- didnt work out yet though, but would likely be aweseom sizewise. 15:45 <Sweet5hark1> EOF 15:46 <Laney> bundling the world... so this is progress... 15:46 * Laney holds Sweet5hark1 15:46 <willcooke> :) 15:46 <Sweet5hark1> Laney: *cough* right 15:46 <willcooke> Thank you Sweet5hark1, we feel your pain 15:46 <willcooke> #topic tkamppeter 15:47 <willcooke> - ghostscript: Uploaded version with security fix applied to Wily 15:47 <willcooke> - cups-filters: Continued work on cups-browsed to let the daemon observe D-Bus notifications from CUPS to handle in a more sophisticated way if a cups-browsed-generated printer is set as default and also to implement load balancing when the same printer is provided by various servers. 15:47 <willcooke> - Bugs. 15:47 <willcooke> #topic themuso 15:47 <willcooke> * Started revising plans for accessibility profile management in Ubuntu, with plans to completely implement a better solution for 16.04. 15:47 <willcooke> * Further to the above, started investigations as to the best way to store profile settings, with a desire to be able to revert to whatever the default setting was originally. 15:47 <willcooke> * Further work ongoing upstream for Speech DIspatcher plans and some patch processing. 15:47 <willcooke> #topic robert_ansell 15:47 <Laney> cell 15:47 <willcooke> - Released xorg-server 1.17.2 15:47 <willcooke> - End of lifed lightdm 1.12, simple-scan 3.14 15:47 <willcooke> - Updated glibmm 15:47 <willcooke> - Fix zeitgeist FTBFS with GCC5 15:47 <willcooke> - Fix issues in gegl 0.3 package 15:47 <willcooke> oops 15:47 * Laney pays attention :) 15:47 <willcooke> #topic robert_ancell 15:47 <willcooke> all that other stuff ^^ 15:47 <seb128> lol 15:47 <willcooke> #topic AOB 15:48 <willcooke> Any other business? 15:48 <seb128> o/ 15:48 <seb128> just wanted to mention that we should refresh the bluez5 ppa and try to land that this cycle 15:48 <willcooke> yes indeed 15:48 <seb128> there are no phone planned based on wily so that's not a blocker 15:48 <didrocks> did the touch side changed? 15:48 * willcooke is discussing now with phone people 15:48 <didrocks> ah, you want to regress it? 15:48 <seb128> didrocks, they have it on their backlog for next iteration 15:49 <seb128> but we don't need to block wait on them since there is no wily product 15:49 <seb128> it's the only way we are going to get that update before the lts imho 15:49 <didrocks> I unfortunately quite agree, even if I dislike the "let's regress and fix" 15:50 <didrocks> but as it's been on their backlog for quite a few iterations… 15:50 <didrocks> maybe that would be a decent way, no idea 15:50 <seb128> yeah, same here 15:51 <seb128> anyone who want to help refreshing the ppa packages? 15:51 <seb128> cyphermox, maybe you are interested to help on trying to land bluez5? ;-) 15:51 <seb128> I can give an hand, but after the gcc5 things I said I work on 15:51 <seb128> so probably next week 15:52 <cyphermox> next week seems a better target 15:53 <cyphermox> I'm busy with a multipath-tools SRU that should happen before yesterday 15:53 <seb128> yeah, we are speaking about resuming work in the ppa to get in a state where we can land 15:53 <seb128> k 15:53 <seb128> willcooke, I don't think we need to discuss that more in the meeting btw 15:53 <cyphermox> so, I'm +1000 on landing bluez5 this cycle 15:53 <willcooke> oki, let's wrap. We can always carry on other topics later 15:53 <willcooke> #endmeeting