10:00:55 <jaddi27> #startmeeting Ubuntu-AU March 2012 Team Meeting 10:00:55 <meetingology> Meeting started Sun Mar 11 10:00:55 2012 UTC. The chair is jaddi27. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 10:00:55 <meetingology> 10:00:55 <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired 10:01:04 <jaddi27> #chair sagaci, head_victim 10:01:04 <meetingology> Current chairs: head_victim jaddi27 sagaci 10:01:17 <head_victim> Evening all 10:01:28 <fabricator4> Good Evening 10:01:40 <benonsoftware> Evening 10:01:43 <jaddi27> Hello everyone. Say something to be registered as attending 10:01:55 <jaddi27> Agenda: http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-au/347/detail/ 10:02:29 <sagaci> hello 10:02:45 <jimbob> hello 10:03:09 <jaddi27> On to the first topic 10:03:17 <jaddi27> #topic Recap of Feb 2012 Meeting 10:03:42 * benonsoftware is sorry he missed that meeting 10:03:57 <jaddi27> I thought I would add something new to the agenda - a way for us to review what actions, etc were discussed at the last meeting, so we know if we have done what we said we would 10:04:10 <head_victim> jaddi27: good idea :) 10:04:13 <jaddi27> Minutes from Feb meeting: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-au/2012/ubuntu-au.2012-02-12-10.01.html 10:04:22 <jaddi27> The actions include: 10:04:29 * jaddi27 sagaci and jaddi27 to email ML with monthly meeting minutes 10:04:50 <jaddi27> I think this was done after last meeting, and we will continue to do this for future meetings 10:05:14 * jaddi27 head_victim to put a call out for more volunteers to help with team reporting 10:05:42 <jaddi27> head_victim, what was done with this action? 10:05:50 <benonsoftware> May I sy sorry for not doing them that much, I have had some personal problems over the past for months 10:06:38 <jaddi27> benonsoftware, That is alright. We were just trying to find other to assist as well for when you and the others were unavailable 10:06:45 <sagaci> I've put in a couple of points but I've been moving house this past few weeks 10:06:58 <head_victim> jaddi27: not a lot to be honest, sagaci had sort of volunteered but realistically it would be nice for a few others to know how it's done. 10:08:18 <sagaci> I don't have the hours upon hours of time I used to have when I was going through the translations 10:08:30 <jaddi27> Ok. I think this action should be carried through to this month, to see if we can get some other people involved 10:08:42 <head_victim> sagaci: yeah, I don't seem to have the time I had 6 months ago on the previous role at work either 10:09:34 <jaddi27> Any other discussion around the February meeting? 10:09:47 <head_victim> Not that isn't going to be covered in other topics already :) 10:10:14 <jaddi27> Ok. I think we can move on to the next topic 10:10:33 <jaddi27> #topic Precise Pangolin Release Parties 10:10:37 <jaddi27> head_victim, This is yours 10:11:05 <head_victim> I've just noticed an absences of release parties around the country 10:11:12 <head_victim> And was hoping to try and inspire some other locations to join in 10:12:09 <firtvid20> Has Sydney ever had a release party? 10:12:27 <sagaci> yes, a few back in 06, 07 and one just this last cycle 10:12:32 <jaddi27> firtvid20, I think sagaci has organised one for there before 10:12:35 <head_victim> Yep, Sydney, Melbourne, Tasmania, Adelaide and Perth ahve all ahd the in the past 10:13:19 <dns53> I would like to do one in adelaide, when is the release date? 10:13:29 <sagaci> last thursday in April 10:13:33 <elky> and brisbane. 10:13:39 <sagaci> 26th 10:13:50 <jaddi27> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule 10:14:03 <benonsoftware> I wouldn't mind getting one for Melbourne, however I will need to know what I have to do to set one help 10:14:16 <firtvid20> Man I would love to come to one of these parties if I weren't so occupied 10:14:16 <head_victim> dns53: I know some people like to hang out at the hackerspace down there so feel free to see if you can try and organise one there and cross pollinate :) 10:14:23 <sagaci> find a venue, register it on l.u.c, turn up on the day 10:14:41 <head_victim> benonsoftware: it's easy, you don't have to set up polls. Just pick a venue, date and time and put it up on loco.u.c and then tell the team and tweet, email and FB it :) 10:14:56 <jaddi27> So far there is one release party scheduled: Sydney 10:15:01 <jaddi27> details at: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-au/1505/detail/ 10:15:03 <firtvid20> :o 10:15:05 <benonsoftware> head_victim: Ok 10:15:10 <head_victim> It's better to only have 4 people show up to a small gathering than none :) 10:15:22 <head_victim> benonsoftware: it would also be a way to try and meet locals that might help with your other problem with UDS :) 10:15:41 <benonsoftware> Yep :P 10:17:27 <sagaci> release is ~6 weeks away so events need to be drawn up soon so people see and plan for them 10:17:48 <head_victim> I'll be finalising the Brisbane one by the end of next weekend 10:21:23 <head_victim> So, hopefully we have some more ideas 10:21:25 <head_victim> Next topic?> 10:21:26 <jaddi27> Is there any more discussion around release parties for Precise? 10:21:53 <jaddi27> #topic Ubuntu Global Jams March 2012 10:22:04 <head_victim> Nice work if I don't say so myself with these 10:22:19 <jaddi27> Last weekend the UGJ for the Precise Cycle was held around the world 10:22:46 <jaddi27> Ubuntu-AU held 4 events - translation jam, localisation jam, artwork jam and wiki jam 10:23:06 <jaddi27> sagaci, Could you report on the translation and artwork jams 10:24:16 <jaddi27> I will report on the wiki and localisation jams 10:24:49 <jaddi27> The wiki jam went well. We cleaned up a number of pages, and fixed up the headers 10:25:05 <jaddi27> The contact page and meetings page were the most worked on 10:25:08 <sagaci> I held a translation jam on Saturday, translating the remaining strings and fixing up ones that weren't fixed properly 10:25:12 <head_victim> A few of those pages I meant to get to a long time ago but never did. 10:26:00 <sagaci> artwork jam was designed to create ubuntu ads/awareness posters 10:27:05 <benonsoftware> Great job sagaci and jaddi27 for running them 10:27:46 <jaddi27> The localisation jam went well. I still need to create the new repository with the latest localisation files, but should get that done soon 10:28:20 <benonsoftware> jaddi27: I'll go photo hunting in the next month or so :P 10:28:23 <head_victim> sagaci: the process for grepping the files would be a good tool to put up on the wiki somewhere if you had a chance. 10:28:36 <sagaci> yep 10:28:59 <sagaci> I'd like to see some offline jams happening in the next cycle 10:29:33 <head_victim> sagaci: that is one of the things I think would be really useful 10:29:49 <jaddi27> I probably could have done a install jam at my Uni, but there was not enough time to get it organised after I realised it would be useful 10:29:55 <head_victim> I'm not sure how it will go, in Brisbane we're trying to do real world get togethers 3 monthly and the Jams don't really fit that cycle but we can do what we can I guess. 10:30:14 <head_victim> jaddi27: if you ever think of things like that sing out and I can try to organise some CDs and stuff like that 10:30:31 <sagaci> I'd like to organise a similar event in July in Sydney at one of the bigger libraries and just do Jam-type things but without it being on the same weekend 10:30:46 <jaddi27> head_victim, After precise comes out, I will be running a install and training session 10:30:48 <head_victim> Don't forget everyone, we do have some team posters, table runners, CDs and other things I can organise given enough time :) 10:31:31 <head_victim> I have them here, they're not mine though. So please, feel free to organise events and if you want something let me know and we can try to organise postage of whatever can help 10:33:59 <jaddi27> Hopefully everyone thought the jams went well, and I look forward to the jams for the Q-cycle 10:34:00 <head_victim> One of the bigger benefits of being an official team means we have access to this sort of sponsorship from Canonical. 10:34:10 <head_victim> Sounds like it's a good time for next topic? 10:34:25 <jaddi27> Yes, I think so 10:34:31 <jaddi27> #topic General Business 10:34:52 <jaddi27> If you have something not covered by the other topics, feel free to bring them up now 10:35:00 <benonsoftware> Quick questions: Will meeting times change because of Daylight savings finishing? 10:35:18 <jaddi27> benonsoftware, They should stay at 8pm AEST 10:35:37 <benonsoftware> Cool, as I will be able to make the meeting then most of the time 10:35:38 <head_victim> We seem to run them off UTC +10 time to keep it easy 10:36:13 <benonsoftware> ok 10:36:20 <head_victim> I would just like to let people know that I"ve added access to this and the -chat channel to sagaci and jaddi27 as well while we're all here 10:36:35 <head_victim> They have both proven to be reliable and involved over a long period of time. 10:36:48 <benonsoftware> Yep 10:37:07 <head_victim> I wanted to make sure others have access as with my new job at work I'm not at the computer here as often as I'd like or used to be so felt this would be a good thing to do for the team. 10:37:35 <head_victim> Touch wood we've never really had problems here, but it's nice just in case 10:38:10 <head_victim> I just thought it would be good to announce publically in a logged team meeting as well so no one felt left out 10:38:15 <jaddi27> head_victim, Is that active now, or is it still to be added? 10:38:21 <head_victim> So thanks jaddi27 and sagaci for your ongoing commitment to the team. 10:38:27 <head_victim> jaddi27: already active 10:38:44 <sagaci> I'll relogin 10:39:01 <jaddi27> Thanks head_victim 10:40:46 <jaddi27> Also, just to let everyone know, we have played around with the timezone settings on loco.ubuntu.com for the Ubuntu-AU team 10:41:06 <head_victim> jaddi27: good point. We're going to do all the online things in UTC+10 and then all the local things in local time 10:41:08 <jaddi27> We have been trying to get the ical files in the correct times 10:41:27 <head_victim> That's basically what we thought would work best. Apparently I was doing time zones all wrong and that's why the ical was failing 10:42:32 <jaddi27> One thing to note though - if you see 'UTC-10' on l.u.c, it is actually UTC+10 (the - and + are reversed in python timezones due to historical reasons) 10:43:23 <jaddi27> So we will keep trialling events to see if they work correctly in this timezone, and if there are problems I will change the main timezone to try and fix it up properly 10:44:28 <head_victim> As always, if you have any problems with loco.u.c please feel free to someone in the channel or on the ML. 10:46:10 <head_victim> Anyone else have general business to bring up? 10:46:28 <head_victim> Actually, I just remembered one I had 10:47:03 <head_victim> I wanted to see what sort of reaction I'd get to the suggestion of emailing the major computer manufacturers and letting them know we exist so when they get support requests from users who have installed Ubuntu they can point them here 10:47:17 <head_victim> This happened recently where Dell referred someone to my Ubuntu email address. 10:47:29 <head_victim> So that got me thinking if we should actively promote this or not. 10:47:41 <fabricator4> Sounds like a good idea 10:47:43 <jaddi27> head_victim, Nice to know they actually tried to help out 10:47:49 <head_victim> The upside is it would make it easier for average people to find help 10:47:54 <jaddi27> I think that is a good idea 10:47:57 <head_victim> The downside is we might get a lot more tech support requests. 10:48:05 <head_victim> I don't see this as a big problem 10:48:15 <head_victim> But thought I'd float the idea before dumping it on everyone without notice 10:48:55 <fabricator4> If we got too many support requests, we could start referring people to the other main support areas - Launchpad and Ubuntu forums. 10:49:05 <head_victim> If the mood is positive towards this I'll float the idea on the mailing list 10:49:27 <fabricator4> Sure 10:49:27 <jaddi27> head_victim, I think that would be fine 10:49:28 <head_victim> I'll also ask around the traps what previous work has been done in this area in other LoCos so we're not starting from scratch. 10:49:29 <dns53> dell and hp sell ubuntu machines in other countries 10:49:58 <head_victim> dns53: exactly, the user bought it based on that fact. To their credit it sounds liek Dell were actually tryin gto assist with the problem 10:50:01 <benonsoftware> I know that Dell Australia doesn't support Ubuntu 10:50:19 <head_victim> But once it got to a higher level they had nowhere else to go but at least someone passed them my email. 10:50:46 <jaddi27> #action head_victim to email the ML about offering Ubuntu support to manufacturers 10:50:46 * meetingology head_victim to email the ML about offering Ubuntu support to manufacturers 10:51:03 <head_victim> If I get support from the ML I'll draft up an email I can send to the various manufacturers and likely retailers to make it easier for them to point people our way. That way they point to the list not just me personally as well :) 10:53:45 <jaddi27> If there is nothing else, I think we should end the meeting 10:54:10 <head_victim> Sounds good if no one else has anything else to add 10:54:15 <head_victim> We're actually on time as well 10:54:23 <benonsoftware> I'll be able to write the reports up for the wiki before noon tomorrow 10:54:44 <jaddi27> The next meeting will be on April 8, starting at 8pm UTC+10 (daylight saving will be finished by then, so that time will apply to all eastern states) 10:55:07 <benonsoftware> Cool, I **might** be able to come 10:55:25 <fabricator4> Apologies in Advance, I will be out of the country. I'll make it if I can... 10:55:28 <head_victim> Thanks everyone for turning up 10:55:35 <head_victim> fabricator4: the worst excuse yet! :P 10:55:42 <jaddi27> Agenda for April meeting: http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-au/374/detail/ 10:55:42 <fabricator4> :-) 10:56:48 <jaddi27> #endmeeting