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fr-#lubuntu <reply> Dans cette chaîne lubuntu, seul l'anglais est parlé. Si vous cherchez de l'aide en français, entrez le canal #lubuntu-fr; tapez "/join #lubuntu-fr" (sans les guillemets) et appuyez sur Entrée. Added by wxl
Date: 2020-12-14 02:26:23
Requested 4 times
ru-#lubuntu <reply> В этом канале lubuntu говорят только на английском. Если вам нужна помощь на русском языке, перейдите на канал #lubuntu-ru; введите "/join #lubuntu-ru" (без кавычек) и нажмите Enter. Added by wxl
Date: 2020-12-14 20:30:39
Requested 4 times
ifrename <reply> ifrename allows you to rename interfaces at boot based on various criteria such as driver, mac address, etc. 'man ifrename' and 'man iftab' for details on configuration. Added by imbrandon
Date: 2006-06-27 04:00:58
Requested 5 times
buntudot <deleted><reply> http://www.buntudot.org is a 3rd party *buntu news website with articles, reviews, how-to’s, and links for all the buntu's ( not affiliated or run by Canonical Ltd. ) <deleted>buntudot.org also runs a 3rd party Repository of ubuntu software see : http://www.buntudot.org/howtos/buntudotorg-repositories/ Added by imbrandon
Date: 2006-07-13 21:25:27
Last edited by nhandler
Date: 2010-04-26 02:46:26
Requested 5 times
ops-#xubuntu-offtopic <reply> Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - pleia2, Unit193. Added by gnomefreak
Date: 2006-08-04 00:45:01
Last edited by knome
Date: 2019-10-14 12:40:51
Requested 5 times
kopete-icq-aim <deleted><reply> Due to a bug within Kopete's AIM/ICQ plugin, Kopete will not connect correctly to AIM/ICQ. Working versions can be found at: http://ubuntu.lnix.net/misc/kopete-fix/ Added by fdoving
Date: 2006-11-09 00:24:01
Last edited by dax
Date: 2016-04-02 04:28:55
Requested 5 times
eff The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is a non-profit advocacy and legal organisation with the stated purpose of being dedicated to preserving free speech rights. http://www.eff.org/ Added by elkbuntu
Date: 2007-02-07 12:56:19
Requested 5 times
etch a Debian release, its repos are not for use with Ubuntu unless you are a dev, they will break stuff. Added by ompaul
Date: 2007-04-22 15:09:00
Requested 5 times
screenshots-#edubuntu <deleted><reply> Screenshots of Edubuntu 7.04 are available at http://shots.osdir.com/slideshows/slideshow.php?release=784&slide=1 Added by bimberi
Date: 2007-05-10 07:33:04
Last edited by IdleOne
Date: 2011-05-26 16:53:10
Requested 5 times
mythtv-mysql <reply>Having issues with 'access denied for user 'mythtv'@'localhost' (using password: YES), please see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3691155&postcount=4 Added by Madpilot
Date: 2007-11-03 03:33:25
Requested 5 times
lynoure <deleted><reply> Lynoure has the answer! Added by ompaul
Date: 2007-11-06 20:52:42
Last edited by IdleOne
Date: 2011-04-11 20:28:34
Requested 5 times
opguidelines-#ubuntu-ops <reply> For information regarding guidelines that all Ubuntu operators should follow, please read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorGuidelines Added by Pici
Date: 2007-12-10 17:23:12
Last edited by tsimpson
Date: 2010-01-17 11:01:15
Requested 5 times
ircteam <reply> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam Added by Mez
Date: 2008-06-11 18:49:31
Last edited by tsimpson
Date: 2010-01-17 11:02:26
Requested 5 times
twss-#ubuntustudio-devel <reply>Thats what she said! Added by jussi01
Date: 2008-06-13 23:23:18
Last edited by jussi01
Date: 2008-06-13 23:23:38
Requested 5 times
ontv <reply>Just because someone on TV said something offensive, it does not make it ok for you to repeat it here. It is still offensive. Please use common sense and be considerate of others. Added by elkbuntu
Date: 2008-07-26 12:07:45
Last edited by elkbuntu
Date: 2008-07-26 12:08:21
Requested 5 times
artteam <reply>The Artwork Team is a community effort that aims to enrich Ubuntu by designing high quality, original and beautiful themes to be available in the repo as an *alternative* to the default look. For more info please see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork Added by jussi01
Date: 2008-09-16 13:13:04
Requested 5 times
norelease <reply> The release manager saw her shadow and went back into her burrow, so we'll have six more weeks of Hardy. Added by Myrtti
Date: 2008-10-30 11:14:11
Last edited by Pici
Date: 2011-04-11 20:22:25
Requested 5 times
screen-#ubuntu-server <deleted><reply> Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. The 'screen-profiles' package provides very useful additional utilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen Added by LjL
Date: 2009-03-03 17:00:12
Last edited by tsimpson
Date: 2011-09-07 11:25:59
Requested 5 times
does-#ubuntu-offtopic <reply> Yes, yes I do! Or maybe not. Added by LjL
Date: 2009-03-28 23:29:31
Requested 5 times
get_iplayer http://linuxcentre.net/get_iplayer/ a small perl script which can download content from BBC iPlayer and ITV catch up services. Added by popey
Date: 2009-04-05 22:23:20
Requested 5 times
croeso <reply>Helô! Croeso i'r sianel #ubuntu-cym Added by Seeker`
Date: 2009-05-26 22:44:27
Last edited by Seeker`
Date: 2009-05-26 22:47:10
Requested 5 times
multisearch <deleted><reply> http://www.asoftsite.org/s9y/archives/162-What-is-this-Multisearch-thing-in-my-Firefox-about.html Added by gnomefreak
Date: 2009-07-30 13:44:54
Last edited by rww
Date: 2011-08-17 00:00:46
Requested 5 times
pocketpc windows mobile <reply> For information on transferring files and synchronizing to PocketPC and Windows Mobile devices, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/WindowsMobile Added by Pici
Date: 2009-10-15 18:04:01
Requested 5 times
deadbadger-#ubuntu-offtopic <reply>The real story of Linux and badgers: http://www.strangehorizons.com/2004/20040405/badger.shtml Added by Madpilot
Date: 2009-11-26 12:09:28
Last edited by Flannel
Date: 2011-11-16 08:35:45
Requested 5 times
one letting me eat my lunch in peace here today Added by Pici
Date: 2009-12-10 18:52:00
Last edited by genii
Date: 2016-05-31 16:26:08
Requested 5 times
mavrick <reply> It is spelt !mavERick :) Added by Pici
Date: 2010-04-02 11:21:35
Requested 5 times
meeting-#kubuntu-devel <reply>Kubuntu Meetings are usually held in #ubuntu-meeting - Agenda and info: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings Added by jussi
Date: 2010-06-04 12:53:27
Requested 5 times
mousekeys <reply> Mousekeys use the keyboard's number pad to control the mouse cursor. It can be configured using Keyboard Preferences or toggled using shift+numlock. For more information, see http://live.gnome.org/MouseKeys Added by Pici
Date: 2010-08-25 14:26:37
Requested 5 times
ops-#ubuntu-beginners <deleted><reply> Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - bodhizazen, DarkwingDuck, nhandler, paultag, Rocket2DMn, ibuclaw, cprofitt, Tronyx, PriceChild, Hellow, Silver-Fox-, or PabloRubianes! Added by nhandler
Date: 2010-09-22 21:35:18
Last edited by Unit193
Date: 2017-05-05 20:12:17
Requested 5 times
googlearth <reply> Google Earth is now available, for free (as in price), for Linux. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository. - If Google Earth crashes on start, download version 5.1 instead of 5.2 from the website. Added by tsimpson
Date: 2010-11-06 08:59:27
Last edited by tsimpson
Date: 2010-11-06 09:00:16
Requested 5 times
surround <reply> If you're having trouble getting surround sound working in Ubuntu, try the instructions on this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SurroundSound Added by LjL
Date: 2011-05-30 19:14:25
Requested 5 times
session-#xubuntu <reply> To clear your session, go to Settings > Settings Manager > Session and Startup (tab Session), quit any programs you don't want to open and click "Save Session". The next time you log out, uncheck the "Save session for future logins" -checkbox from the quit menu. Added by knome
Date: 2011-08-16 09:38:38
Last edited by knome
Date: 2011-08-16 10:12:08
Requested 5 times
pastebinit-#ubuntu-se <reply> pastebinit är kommando-motsvarigheten av !pastebin. Utskrifter från kommandon och annan text kan skickas genom pastebinit, som sedan returnerar den URL där utskriften finns att läsa. För att använda pastebinit, installera paketet « pastebinit » från pakethanteraren. Användandet är enkelt; kommando | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com Added by tsimpson
Date: 2011-08-30 10:25:58
Last edited by tsimpson
Date: 2011-08-30 10:31:46
Requested 5 times
ports-#ubuntu-phone <reply>There has been some success with the d2vzw verizon variant of the Galaxy S3. There has been some progress on the Kindle Fire too. Other devices may be ported to too, Canonical is not working on them and there is no roadmap or timescale. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting Added by AlanBell
Date: 2013-02-22 10:18:30
Last edited by AlanBell
Date: 2013-02-22 10:54:06
Requested 5 times
xubuntu-devel devel-#xubuntu <reply> The Xubuntu developer mailing list information can be found at https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/xubuntu-devel | The Xubuntu developer IRC channel is #xubuntu-devel Added by knome
Date: 2013-03-10 23:45:09
Last edited by knome
Date: 2013-03-16 19:11:19
Requested 5 times
hello-#xubuntu-devel hi-#xubuntu-devel <reply> Hello! Welcome to $chan! Please note that this channel is for Xubuntu developer coordination. For support questions, please use #xubuntu. Offtopic chatter in #xubuntu-offtopic. Added by knome
Date: 2013-12-11 23:47:19
Last edited by knome
Date: 2014-04-18 13:10:56
Requested 5 times
xterm-#ubuntu-offtopic <reply> If with all the cute terminals that are around you're still using xterm, then you deserve any problem you're experiencing with it. Go away. Added by rww
Date: 2014-01-05 00:42:05
Requested 5 times
random-#ubuntu-offtopic <reply>9 Added by Flannel
Date: 2014-11-08 20:21:24
Last edited by Flannel
Date: 2014-11-08 20:23:33
Requested 5 times
recovery-#ubuntu-touch <reply> You need to use the right recovery.img for your device when flashing with adb: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices#Working_with_ubuntu-device-flash Added by Pici
Date: 2015-08-10 15:48:57
Requested 5 times
daily-#kubuntu <reply> Daily builds of the images of the current development version of Kubuntu can be found at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/ Added by genii
Date: 2016-02-08 20:32:42
Requested 5 times
leetrainbow <reply> 051043073087 03i095 10n11i02g12h06-13i05n04c07008m03p09r10311h02312n06513i05b041073 087030 09u105 11n02012006b13s, 05404n07d 08n03009b10011d02y 12c06413r053045 07i08f 03U09R 104 111023123067 13h05404x07008r03. 09G10i11v023 12i067 134 05r04307508703. Added by dax
Date: 2016-06-13 23:09:21
Requested 5 times
lunix <reply> LUnix is a Little Unix for your Commodore 64, dust it off and visit https://sourceforge.net/projects/lng/ ! Added by genii
Date: 2017-10-05 19:53:42
Requested 5 times
krack <reply> KRACK is a group of attacks against the wireless WPA2 protocol and related software. Ubuntu clients are protected against it if they are updated; see https://usn.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-3455-1/ for details. Networking equipment needs updating if using 802.11r, repeater mode, or other AP-as-client configurations, which most are not. See https://www.krackattacks.com/ for technical details. Added by dax
Date: 2017-10-21 20:53:27
Requested 5 times
32bit-#lubuntu <reply> Lubuntu 18.04 LTS is the last version to support 32-bit processors & will be supported until 2021. Support is highly limited, as we no longer provide images nor test packages for 32-bit. No other Ubuntu flavor offers 32-bit support. Discussion has been had to remove 32-bit packages from the archive. If `grep lm /proc/cpuinfo` succeeds, use 64-bit. Added by wxl
Date: 2019-05-03 18:38:10
Last edited by wxl
Date: 2019-05-03 18:43:28
Requested 5 times
lxd <reply> LXD is a tool for more easily managing !lxc containers. https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/lxd.html and https://linuxcontainers.org/ Added by hggdh
Date: 2019-07-16 16:49:27
Requested 5 times
printk <reply> If your !tty is flooded with error messages, you can limit the kernel logging daemons' log level below the default of 4 (KERN_WARNING), e.g. by running "echo 3 | sudo tee -a /proc/sys/kernel/printk". More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelDebuggingTricks#printk_is_your_friend and syslog(2) Added by Unit193
Date: 2019-09-23 00:41:31
Last edited by dax
Date: 2019-10-03 18:21:48
Requested 5 times
24.04 noble numbat <reply> Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble Numbat) is the 40th release of Ubuntu and the current !LTS release - Download at https://ubuntu.com/download :: Release notes at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-24-04-lts-noble-numbat-release-notes/39890 :: Further schedule at https://ubottu.com/y/nn Added by krytarik
Date: 2023-10-27 11:46:03
Last edited by krytarik
Date: 2024-05-07 17:44:03
Requested 5 times
kdeincludes <reply> To install the kde includes, install the kde-devel package. Added by apokryphos
Date: 2006-06-18 16:44:06
Requested 6 times
nonxgl noxgl a script that allows you to run applications which require direct rendering under XGL (e.g. OpenGL games). It only works with nVidia cards. More information here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176636 Added by Seveas
Date: 2006-10-20 18:25:23
Requested 6 times
ops-#ubuntu-ohio <reply>Help! jacobmp92, meatballhat, rrittenhouse, PWill or Vorian. Added by PriceChild
Date: 2007-03-14 01:05:05
Requested 6 times

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©2008-2009 Terence Simpson
©2018 Krytarik Raido