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fud <reply>Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here! Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt Added by jussi01
Date: 2008-08-06 17:03:48
Last edited by Flannel
Date: 2008-08-31 23:44:02
Requested 204 times
alot <reply>Do you like to hug alot? - http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html Added by mneptok
Date: 2010-04-19 18:39:06
Last edited by dax
Date: 2016-03-31 15:21:42
Requested 204 times
mir <reply> Mir is a display server developed by Canonical and Ubuntu. From Ubuntu 17.04 ( Zesty Zapus ) onward, emphasis has shifted to embedded devices and applications, notably UBports as stated by Mark Shuttleworth ( https://plus.google.com/+MarkShuttleworthCanonical/posts/7LYubpaHUHH ). Regular Ubuntu 17.10 onwards will use GNOME. Added by Pici
Date: 2008-01-14 19:11:47
Last edited by dax
Date: 2017-10-30 06:22:31
Requested 206 times
gui <reply> The graphical user interface (GUI) in Ubuntu is composed of many elements, including the !X server, a window manager, and a desktop environment such as !GNOME or !KDE (which themselves use the !GTK and !Qt toolkits respectively) Added by LjL
Date: 2006-12-14 19:56:09
Requested 208 times
rsync a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync Added by tsimpson
Date: 2009-04-01 01:48:03
Requested 208 times
lnw <reply> Want to know the differences between Windows and Linux? This guide, called "Linux is Not Windows" is a pretty good read -- http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm Added by elkbuntu
Date: 2007-09-01 12:32:19
Last edited by elkbuntu
Date: 2007-09-01 12:49:34
Requested 209 times
addppa <reply> A !ppa can be added using a single command « sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details Added by oCean
Date: 2011-07-10 12:27:52
Last edited by rww
Date: 2014-09-10 02:13:04
Requested 209 times
composite cube <reply> Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg $nick compiz » and « /msg $nick effects » Added by LjL
Date: 2007-11-21 16:47:18
Last edited by m4v
Date: 2013-02-28 16:59:28
Requested 212 times
zesty 17.04 zapus <reply> Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) was the 26th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 13th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-January/000228.html Added by Pici
Date: 2016-10-17 19:53:49
Last edited by dax
Date: 2018-01-21 23:51:29
Requested 212 times
shockwave currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave Added by Hobbsee
Date: 2006-06-20 06:42:24
Last edited by tsimpson
Date: 2011-03-03 21:40:07
Requested 213 times
is a bot is a bot. <reply> Yes, I can confirm that I am a bot. For more information, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots Added by LjL
Date: 2007-04-20 00:19:46
Last edited by krytarik
Date: 2016-11-26 07:33:03
Requested 214 times
weekend <reply>It's a weekend. Often on weekends the paid developers and a lot of the community may not be around to answer your question. Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would or try again during the working week. Added by Hobbsee
Date: 2007-05-27 13:29:23
Last edited by jussi01
Date: 2010-03-27 14:01:59
Requested 215 times
life something very few people know about in this channel - and anyway, it's probably offtopic, perhaps you want to try #ubuntu-offtopic Added by LjL
Date: 2007-09-22 15:10:06
Requested 216 times
cookies <reply> Cookies are delicious delicacies. Added by Flannel
Date: 2008-07-16 21:18:36
Last edited by Flannel
Date: 2008-07-23 12:27:43
Requested 216 times
bionic beaver 18.04 <reply> Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) was the 28th release of Ubuntu. Support ended May 31st, 2023. See !eol, !pro and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2023-May/000290.html Added by Pici
Date: 2017-10-25 03:45:45
Last edited by tomreyn
Date: 2023-06-02 05:33:05
Requested 217 times
dma Direct Memory Access/Addressing. It makes hardware transfer data faster, and is supported by most systems since 2002. For more information see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA Added by apokryphos
Date: 2006-06-18 21:09:59
Last edited by tsimpson
Date: 2010-06-12 00:31:46
Requested 219 times
mount-#kubuntu <reply> Partitioning programs !PartitionManager or !GParted (see also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mount partitions from System Settings -> (Advanced tab) Removable Devices. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter Added by Jucato
Date: 2007-04-29 15:21:48
Last edited by tsimpson
Date: 2010-10-30 01:48:22
Requested 221 times
abs <reply> Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ Added by Myrtti
Date: 2008-05-14 10:49:55
Last edited by Myrtti
Date: 2008-05-14 10:53:33
Requested 221 times
zentyal ebox a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04). Added by Daviey
Date: 2011-05-24 23:17:48
Last edited by Daviey
Date: 2011-05-24 23:27:59
Requested 221 times
systemd the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers For a guide to basic service management with systemd, see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units Added by Pici
Date: 2014-02-14 14:10:03
Last edited by dax
Date: 2016-05-23 04:54:25
Requested 223 times
breezy breezy badger badger 5.10 <reply> Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) was the third release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 13, 2007. See !eol and !upgrade for more details. Added by Seveas
Date: 2006-06-17 23:17:00
Last edited by Pici
Date: 2009-01-16 14:15:43
Requested 224 times
uck a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/ Added by apokryphos
Date: 2006-12-07 20:30:37
Last edited by tsimpson
Date: 2011-03-03 21:42:49
Requested 225 times
canonical <reply>Canonical Ltd. is committed to the development, distribution and promotion of open source software products, and to providing tools and support to the open source community. It is the driving force behind the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu Operating Systems. Canonical's website is at http://www.canonical.com/ Added by Seveas
Date: 2006-08-03 18:21:47
Requested 226 times
ops-#ubuntu-ops <reply> Thanks for letting us know you are here, someone will be along presently Added by tsimpson
Date: 2010-05-31 16:32:06
Last edited by AlanBell
Date: 2014-02-28 13:51:43
Requested 227 times
azureus a popular !bittorrent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo Added by apokryphos
Date: 2006-06-17 22:54:24
Last edited by rww
Date: 2011-01-02 04:20:37
Requested 228 times
ltsp <reply> LTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project Added by bimberi
Date: 2007-05-09 05:45:11
Last edited by bimberi
Date: 2007-05-09 05:51:02
Requested 229 times
kidding joke funny <reply> You might think your joke is funny, but you may confuse new users who follow your advice or irritate people who attempt to answer your question. Added by tonyyarusso
Date: 2006-12-13 06:26:36
Last edited by Pici
Date: 2007-11-09 19:33:47
Requested 230 times
canibeanop newop newops canihaveops canihaveop canibeop icanhazop icanhazop? <reply>If you are interested in joining the Ubuntu IRC Team, take a look at both https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/LaunchpadOperatorApplication and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorRequirements for info on the process and requirements. You can also learn about what the job entails from people in #ubuntu-irc. Added by elky
Date: 2009-05-14 21:36:40
Last edited by IdleOne
Date: 2014-03-20 02:54:19
Requested 232 times
fonts msfonts ttf <reply> Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "ttf-mscorefonts-installer" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/ Added by imbrandon
Date: 2006-07-13 20:17:25
Last edited by LjL
Date: 2012-06-19 14:18:55
Requested 233 times
warty warthog warty warthog 4.10 <reply> Ubuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog) was the first release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30, 2006. See !eol for more details. Added by Seveas
Date: 2006-06-17 23:16:11
Last edited by Amaranth
Date: 2007-07-31 14:18:03
Requested 236 times
smart Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, a monitoring system for hard drives. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools Added by apokryphos
Date: 2006-06-23 03:44:57
Last edited by jrib
Date: 2013-03-30 11:46:31
Requested 236 times
bg <reply> опитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently Added by apokryphos
Date: 2007-02-19 19:34:56
Requested 236 times
feeding the troll feedthetroll don't feed the troll botattack <reply> The above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal. Added by LjL
Date: 2007-10-17 17:04:23
Requested 237 times
adlens shopping onlinesearch <reply> To hide online search results in Ubuntu Unity, go to System Settings > Security and Privacy > Search and toggle the option off. Added by genii-around
Date: 2012-09-24 17:47:39
Last edited by rww
Date: 2015-01-07 06:32:10
Requested 237 times
gnu <reply> G(NU's) N(ot) U(nix). A project that aimed to develop a complete operating system of Free Software, which Ubuntu is based on. See http://gnu.org Added by Seveas
Date: 2006-06-18 16:01:36
Requested 239 times
wily werewolf 15.10 <reply> Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) was the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 28th, 2016. See !eol and https://ubottu.com/y/wily Added by Pici
Date: 2015-05-04 14:33:33
Last edited by dax
Date: 2018-01-21 23:50:14
Requested 240 times
dk da danish dansk <reply> For at få dansksproget support til Ubuntu, bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal forefindes kun engelsksproget support. Added by Seveas
Date: 2006-06-18 00:35:27
Last edited by LjL
Date: 2008-10-26 15:51:37
Requested 242 times
framebuffer <deleted><reply> Information about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub Added by Spec
Date: 2006-09-07 18:25:15
Last edited by Pici
Date: 2015-09-14 20:52:56
Requested 242 times
codenames name <reply> Ubuntu has awesome release codenames. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames for more Added by Seveas
Date: 2006-06-17 23:18:38
Last edited by dax
Date: 2017-10-30 06:39:18
Requested 245 times
goodquestion gq betterquestion <reply> Are you sure your question allows us to help you? Please read http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html to understand how to ask a 'better' question. Added by LjL-Temp
Date: 2008-02-28 00:52:05
Last edited by LjL-Temp
Date: 2008-02-28 01:32:09
Requested 245 times
debug debugging crash <reply> For help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures Added by Spec
Date: 2006-07-21 21:41:23
Requested 248 times
ldap <reply> LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer Added by LjL
Date: 2006-11-29 23:50:51
Last edited by stdin
Date: 2009-02-03 11:24:16
Requested 250 times
portforward ports port <reply> For instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall Added by Seveas
Date: 2006-06-19 10:53:19
Requested 252 times
cloak hostmask nicksetup vhost <reply> To get an Ubuntu member cloak or any other one, first register your nick as detailed at https://libera.chat/guides/registration - For Ubuntu member cloaks, then ask in #ubuntu-irc and link to your Launchpad profile. For general ones, ask in #libera-cloak - See also !membership Added by apokryphos
Date: 2006-07-01 02:14:53
Last edited by kryten
Date: 2021-05-24 22:54:35
Requested 253 times
prayer <reply> Dear $DEITY, Give me strength to understand and work with users who question my logic, the rules, netiquette, and common sense. Give me resilience to teach them the basics of Linux, Ubuntu, Community Guidelines, and IRC. Allow me not to stray to nitpicking, argument, foul language, or leisurely op abuse. Deliver me my daily xkcd, User Friendly, LWN, /. and Planet Ubuntu, and guard over my encrypted drives. Let it be so. Added by Myrtti
Date: 2008-05-16 11:15:49
Last edited by Flannel
Date: 2011-07-02 17:08:55
Requested 253 times
mailserver mail server smtp <reply> Ubuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/email-services.html Added by LjL
Date: 2007-12-11 15:58:41
Last edited by knome
Date: 2015-07-27 16:43:32
Requested 254 times
lilo an alternative [Li]nux Boot[Lo]ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead. Added by apokryphos
Date: 2006-06-19 12:12:07
Requested 255 times
ban banned <reply> If you are banned from an Ubuntu channel, it is probably because you did not follow the IRC guidelines. For details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines - To try and resolve a ban, please join #ubuntu-ops. Added by gnomefreak
Date: 2006-06-30 22:10:52
Last edited by krytarik
Date: 2016-11-27 09:16:37
Requested 259 times
team-#xubuntu-devel <reply> bluesabre, jphilips, knome, krytarik, ochosi, pleia2 and Unit193 Added by knome
Date: 2013-11-14 15:17:40
Last edited by krytarik
Date: 2021-04-23 01:03:33
Requested 259 times
yy.mm <reply> Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle Added by hggdh
Date: 2019-01-08 00:40:20
Last edited by hggdh
Date: 2019-01-25 22:20:18
Requested 260 times

©2006-2007 Dennis Kaarsemaker
©2008-2009 Terence Simpson
©2018 Krytarik Raido