16:58:49 #startmeeting 16:58:49 Meeting started Thu Sep 1 16:58:49 2011 UTC. The chair is AndrewMC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot. 16:58:49 16:58:49 Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired 16:58:54 :D 16:59:01 OKay anyone here please say here 16:59:02 here 16:59:04 here 16:59:04 here 16:59:06 here 16:59:07 New commands :O 16:59:08 here 16:59:08 here 16:59:23 #chair nisshh 16:59:23 Current chairs: AndrewMC nisshh 16:59:33 0/ I raised my hand! im here! 16:59:38 ive got the power! 16:59:45 Mkaysi: Hmmh? 16:59:46 #topic Team restructure 17:00:17 Okay if you would all take a moment to read http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4833020/UY-restructure.pdf so we can discuss it, that would be great 17:00:18 ok, so assuming everyone here as read that document 17:00:31 if not please do 17:00:42 :) 17:01:04 Any questions, comments, concerns about that? 17:01:07 Here 17:01:38 no one? 17:01:41 Well, I'm not very sure that there is need for that at all then. Because how does youth differ from other Ubuntu users? 17:01:42 I don't think that is a good idea 17:01:55 spoke too soon :) 17:02:25 It will be, basically, something like #ubuntu, but for a narrower audience. Do we really need that? 17:02:26 BasicXP: well we have diffrent ways we may use our PCs then adults 17:02:48 such as? 17:03:00 i have to agree, i think the UBT focus team was a better option 17:03:10 BasicXP: gaming is one 17:03:25 i don't think it's just youth that plays games, actually 17:03:29 But there is #ubuntu-gaming 17:03:38 AndrewMC: some adults play games, and some youth don't 17:03:49 true 17:03:54 GTRsdk: I know im just saying that is one example 17:04:04 It looks good. Its interesting how with ubuntu irc channels there are so many for tech support and sometimes if that can be consolidated it helps. Sometimes if a user is younger he may feel intimadated to go to a channel with people not his or her age and therefor ubuntu-youth can therefor still provide tech support but the idea of the channel not being intended for tech support can help. we could say it is a channel in which you 17:04:04 can come to hang out with your fellow younger users and if you feel better getting support from them go for it. even though most of us give and take support from the begginers channel 17:04:34 well said philipballew 17:04:48 * BasicXP nods 17:04:50 look at what ubuntu women does 17:04:52 philipballew: Tech support can very well still happen here 17:05:00 its basically going to be a channel for youth to hang out, away from the older users 17:05:10 http://ubuntu-women.org/ 17:05:12 We just dont have the man power, and I know personally I dont have the time, to be another BT 17:05:25 college takes my time as well 17:05:46 nisshh: Exactly, support can still be asked for, and given 17:05:51 yeah 17:05:57 Who will answer support questions? You do still need a little man power for that 17:05:57 Its going to be exactly what happens in this channel now 17:06:08 just written down on a wiki page 17:06:09 Unit193, anyone who wishes to 17:06:13 we shouldn't be the "main place" you go to for support just because your under a certain age 17:06:38 if i really want true good advice I would find someone older then me, but that is just my opinion 17:06:50 ^^ As there are less people that really know how to help 17:07:01 in many of the channels im in, we all give support selectively based on our areas of knowledge and such 17:07:06 the same could be done here 17:07:06 When will the meeting start? 17:07:20 nyuszika7h: its happening now... 17:07:40 afk 17:07:48 heh 17:07:56 Like I said what happens here now, is what I want it to stay like. 17:07:59 I have to go :/ 17:08:02 ubuntu youth seems to be a attempt to address the miniorty of youth in the linux world? is that a correct assumption? 17:08:13 philipballew: You could say that yes 17:08:19 and we do 17:08:44 because if that is true. then AndrewMC idea would be good as it can be a good place for youth to get to know other community members 17:09:08 possibly "get their foot into the door of joining the community" 17:09:14 exactly 17:09:30 youth should have contact with community members to get experience needed to become an Ubuntu member 17:09:30 philipballew: +1 17:09:47 GTRsdk: Thats what the BT does best with their mentoring system 17:09:49 i can help with that being a ubuntu member myself 17:10:03 Or liek philipballew just said someone here can help to 17:10:15 s/liek/like 17:10:27 also 17:10:40 young users may wish to find out about games and other such things 17:10:57 nisshh: Yep, we would be a pretty much anything (in reason) goes 17:10:57 which isnt a good thing to ask in many other #ubuntu namespace channels 17:11:09 because its offtopic for them 17:11:12 yes 17:11:37 +1 17:11:47 i think it might be, basically, a starting point for youth. if you need help with games - first we'll try to help here, then if it doesn't work, redirect to #ubuntu-gaming 17:11:48 0/ qUESTION 17:11:52 nisshh: just put the icing on the cake 17:11:58 same with other topics 17:11:59 philipballew: fire away 17:12:02 yeah 17:12:08 what about that forms page I was asked by someone to man 17:12:19 all i do is accpect spammers to join now 17:12:28 that thing hasnt been used in days? 17:12:32 oh, the forum? 17:12:34 philipballew: I am not entirely sure Phill is going on abotu that, there is almost no use 17:12:46 yes 17:12:53 someone should chat to phill about it 17:13:03 I was thinking as he made me moderator or head man on it I was gonna see if i can get the entire form moved to ubuntuforms.com 17:13:16 philipballew: Ya that would be ideal 17:13:30 agreed 17:13:35 philipballew: Well lets stay on track here 17:13:40 I think learning about games and getting a game put onto the Ubuntu CD (or a derivative's CD) would help Ubuntu appeal to younger users, creating more team members, and more people interested in games 17:13:43 so all set to vote on the restructure? 17:13:46 I think that this channel might be a little more popular than the forum. 17:13:55 easier to maintain and me and whoever wants can be moderators on the section there 17:14:04 guys, hold on 17:14:11 well talk about that in a bit 17:14:13 GTRsdk, the problem with games is they take up a collosal amount of space 17:14:16 plus as more people are used to forms then irc it might attract new users more easily 17:14:23 so getting one on the CD is a no go 17:14:35 #vote AndrewMC's restructure plan to be implemented as described in http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4833020/UY-restructure.pdf 17:14:35 Please vote on: AndrewMC's restructure plan to be implemented as described in http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4833020/UY-restructure.pdf 17:14:35 Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me) 17:14:37 About #ubuntu-gaming, that channel has only 2 humans and one ChanServ. 17:14:39 +1 17:14:39 +1 received from AndrewMC 17:14:44 +1 17:14:44 +1 received from nisshh 17:14:51 +1 17:14:51 +1 received from Mkaysi 17:14:57 +1 17:14:57 +1 received from philipballew 17:15:02 +1 17:15:02 +1 received from BasicXP 17:15:51 voting ending.... 17:16:02 #endvote 17:16:02 Voting ended on: AndrewMC's restructure plan to be implemented as described in http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4833020/UY-restructure.pdf 17:16:02 Votes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 17:16:02 Motion carried 17:16:07 +1 17:16:25 too late :) 17:16:29 yeah 17:16:37 OKay now philipballew we can talk about the forums 17:16:49 #topic Forums 17:17:02 people give there 2 cents! 17:17:11 I say we should move them to ubuntuforums.com 17:17:16 i agree 17:17:29 what are they currently at? 17:17:41 http://phillw.net/uy-forums.net/phpBB3/ 17:17:50 or uy-forums.net 17:18:12 definetely has to be moved 17:18:16 #vote to move the forums to ubuntuforums.com 17:18:16 Please vote on: to move the forums to ubuntuforums.com 17:18:16 Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me) 17:18:18 can me and http://phillw.net/uy-forums.net/phpBB3/index.php 17:18:22 +1 17:18:22 +1 received from BasicXP 17:18:24 +1 17:18:24 +1 received from AndrewMC 17:18:30 +1 17:18:30 +1 received from philipballew 17:18:33 +1 17:18:33 +1 received from GTRsdk 17:18:34 0 17:18:34 0 received from Mkaysi 17:18:44 +1 17:18:44 +1 received from nisshh 17:18:48 #endvote 17:18:48 Voting ended on: to move the forums to ubuntuforums.com 17:18:48 Votes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:1 17:18:48 Motion carried 17:18:56 Okay philipballew you will head that up> 17:19:05 s/>/? 17:19:48 we need to still talk about how to do that. I will head it all up. but i think that it will end up maybe me and AndrewMC having go to the ubuntu forms counsel and ask 17:20:00 philipballew: Okay 17:20:03 let me know on that 17:20:22 We dont have to copy things over really, there is nothing of importance there 17:20:31 i can get back to you all in the next few weeks on that or whenever ntheir next meeting is and if i can find pgill anywhere 17:20:37 its true. there is not 17:20:59 anything else AndrewMC? 17:21:20 nisshh: not unless you have anything 17:21:30 nope 17:21:31 #toic Any other bisiness 17:21:34 that was it for me 17:21:37 heh 17:21:39 #topic Any other bisiness 17:21:39 typo 17:21:47 I know thats spelt wrong 17:21:59 spelnig is lame 17:22:01 AndrewMC: #topip Any other business 17:22:02 #vote on AndrewMC's bad spelling 17:22:02 Please vote on: on AndrewMC's bad spelling 17:22:02 Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me) 17:22:06 haha 17:22:11 +1 17:22:11 +1 received from philipballew 17:22:15 +1 17:22:15 +1 received from nisshh 17:22:21 +1 17:22:21 +1 received from AndrewMC 17:22:21 +1 17:22:21 +1 received from GTRsdk 17:22:23 +5 17:22:24 #endvote 17:22:24 Voting ended on: on AndrewMC's bad spelling 17:22:24 Votes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 17:22:24 Motion carried 17:22:24 +1 17:22:31 #endmeeting