17:00 <popey> #startmeeting Music meeting
17:00 <meetingology> Meeting started Fri Mar  4 17:00:04 2016 UTC.  The chair is popey. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
17:00 <meetingology> 
17:00 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
17:00 <popey> Boom!
17:00 <popey> How are you?
17:00 <ahayzen> synchronised
17:00 <popey> Sorry about the confusion earlier.
17:00 <ahayzen> good thanks, you?
17:00 <ahayzen> haha it's cool
17:00 <popey> Turns out _next_ friday is when I need to be at school :)
17:00 <popey> Super.
17:00 <ahayzen> ah cool
17:00 <popey> Eagerly looking forward to that converged branch
17:01 <popey> Also, wondering if dpm plans on tackling a snap of Music app sometime :)
17:01 <popey> (he made a calc and clock one)
17:01 <ahayzen> ooo
17:01 <popey> I figure music would be harder because it would need access to music, and thumbnailer and mediascanner etc.
17:01 <ahayzen> a Snap for ... ? Desktop ?
17:01 <popey> yes
17:01 <ahayzen> Xenial ?
17:01 <popey> yes
17:02 <dpm> popey, you're asking me if I'm feeling brave? :)
17:02 <ahayzen> hmm that's have Qt5.6 QtMultimedia right?
17:02 <dpm> I intendently started with calc, as the one with less dependencies
17:02 <popey> It can have whatever it wants inside the snap :)
17:02 <ahayzen> as it needs something with the bgplaylists code in the MediaPlayer thing
17:02 <ahayzen> heh
17:02 <dpm> after seeing it worked, I got excited and gave clock a go
17:02 <popey> It's not dependent on the system qt
17:02 * ahayzen has had a few concerns over Snap recently..but hopes most have been thought of
17:02 <dpm> not sure I'm ready for mediascanner, though :)
17:04 <ahayzen> hehe :-)
17:04 <ahayzen> popey, is getting Snaps done a target for April ?
17:05 <ahayzen> or a 'nice to have' :-)
17:05 <popey> Well, there's a few reasons for doing it.
17:05 <popey> 1, we're gonna go to snap eventually, so we should be prepared
17:06 <popey> 2, we need to feedback requirements / use cases to the snappy / snapcraft devs
17:06 <ahayzen> ah cool
17:06 <popey> 3, It's the future ㋛
17:06 <popey> And if we dont start building them now, we won't get our requirements on the backlog in time for the snappy 16 release
17:07 <ahayzen> so the Phone will have a 'OS Snap' ... which includes all stuff like mir, qt, media-hub etc (maybe mediascanner?) ?
17:07 <popey> Maybe
17:07 <popey> Not sure that's all set in stone yet
17:07 <ahayzen> like where does it crossover from the OS Snap to what we put
17:07 <popey> Things are still a bit fluid
17:07 <ahayzen> eg mediascanner, thumbnailer, media-hub, qt, are all 'platform' but also could be in our snap :-/
17:08 <popey> I expect a kernel snapy, a core snap, and maybe a "phone" snap which has all the things you need on the phone, and then some others like the apps along side that
17:08 <popey> the phone one will provide the frameworks that are needed by the apps
17:08 <ahayzen> yeah
17:08 <popey> But that's just a guess. It's all a bit blurry to me at the moment
17:08 <ahayzen> that's what i've seen from Mark's presentations
17:08 <popey> Yeah.
17:09 <popey> Ok, lets move on :)
17:09 <popey> We can come back to that another day.
17:09 <popey> What's the current state of the convergence branch?
17:09 <ahayzen> if dpm needs any help with anything, feel free to ping me :-)
17:09 <popey> okay :)
17:09 <ahayzen> popey, Victor is reviewing over the weekend :-)
17:09 <popey> Did you say you had a fix for the search focus?
17:09 <popey> Sweeet!
17:09 <popey> Good answer
17:10 <ahayzen> popey, yup should be 'all working' ... in my mind
17:10 <dpm> awesome, thanks ahayzen!
17:10 <ahayzen> popey, next up is sorting the issues the new UITK from silo 050 has introduced
17:10 <ahayzen> popey, oh we have another branch that adds ScrollView to all our flickables...we should queue up that after the convergence
17:11 <popey> Yeah, is silo 50 aimed to be in OTA 10?
17:11 <ahayzen> popey, did you see my conversation with Tim in #ubuntu-app-devel ?
17:11 <popey> yes
17:11 <popey> sounds nasty :)
17:11 <ahayzen> it is not nice
17:11 <ahayzen> app goes from dark->white->partial white/dark->dark on startup
17:12 <popey> DISCO MODE!
17:12 <ahayzen> greyscale disco mode...
17:12 <ahayzen> lol
17:12 <popey> :)
17:12 <ahayzen> popey, did you see the convergence designs made on the telegram group ?
17:12 <popey> nope!
17:13 <ahayzen> they are WIP and he was going to post on G+ when done..
17:13 <popey> show me show me
17:13 <ahayzen> i'll forward...
17:13 <popey> ta
17:13 <ahayzen> done, it is a light theme
17:13 <ahayzen> but also shows what he'd (and i would like) the Tab component to look like in convergence mode
17:15 <popey> niiiice
17:15 <ahayzen> like with the new SDK palette stuff, we should do it all properly so we can theme
17:16 <ahayzen> and then have a light/dark like that
17:16 <popey> That would be great, and would be nice to have a leader app doing that
17:16 <popey> (that's you)
17:16 <ahayzen> heh, podbird does it IIRC ?
17:17 <popey> oh, okay.
17:17 <ahayzen> but i'd love to have all apps doing theming in a common way that could be set at system level
17:17 <popey> a default installed, leading app :)
17:17 <popey> +1
17:17 * ahayzen prefers dark apps on a phone
17:17 <ahayzen> but that light on a desktop could look nice :-)
17:18 <ahayzen> popey, OK, so we can try and investigate this stuff once we have landed these convergence things and sorted the new UITK out
17:19 <popey> Ok, previously we had "streaming" as the next thing to look at after convergence.
17:19 <popey> We might have to push that back and wait for the web api?
17:20 <ahayzen> we need design
17:20 <ahayzen> everything else is cool i think?
17:20 <ahayzen> obviously the media-hub side may need tidying up
17:20 <ahayzen> and then we need to read the web api docs ... but really it is design we are blocked on for that i would say
17:21 <ahayzen> popey, also we need to decide a second service
17:21 <ahayzen> i saw your conversation on twitter with sil/d0od as well :-)
17:22 <popey> Thought you might
17:23 <ahayzen> we need a list
17:23 <popey> soundcloud / deezer / pandora
17:23 <popey> done
17:23 <popey> :)
17:23 <ahayzen> is that *it* ?
17:23 <ahayzen> last.fm ?
17:23 <ahayzen> pandora is US-only ?
17:23 <popey> yeah
17:23 <ahayzen> deezer is commercial ?
17:23 <popey> last.fm and/or libre.fm
17:24 <popey> dunno
17:24 <ahayzen> libre.fm!
17:24 <popey> these are just what the cool kids use
17:24 <popey> you should know ㋛
17:24 <popey> <- very far from being a) cool, or b) kid
17:24 <ahayzen> and jamendo !
17:24 <popey> They still exist?
17:24 <ahayzen> haha .. https://www.jamendo.com/
17:24 <ahayzen> cool kids use Apple Music, Google Music, Amazon ;-)
17:25 <popey> wow, just clicked play and it works
17:25 <ahayzen> i used it to test content-hub
17:25 <ahayzen> as you can donwload
17:25 <ahayzen> jamendo, is what Rhythmbox used to use
17:25 <popey> yeah
17:25 <ahayzen> they use libre.fm now?
17:25 <popey> https://developer.jamendo.com/v3.0
17:26 <ahayzen> it seems a possibility due to its open API
17:26 <popey> 500,000 api calls a month
17:26 <ahayzen> "Number of API requests per month"
17:26 <popey> might be an issue
17:26 <ahayzen> yah :-/
17:26 <ahayzen> wonder if Canonical could do a deal
17:26 <popey> yeah
17:27 <popey> can you take a look at the api maybe, see if it could work out
17:27 <ahayzen> "CONTACT US talk-to-us@jamendo.com +352 26 53 42 32 " ;-)
17:27 <popey> and I'll speak to pitkin to see if we can get a deal with them?
17:27 <popey> be good to have spotify & jamendo
17:27 <ahayzen> popey, shall we start a google doc spreadsheet where we list the services .. then with a link to API docs
17:27 <popey> oauth2 too
17:27 <ahayzen> and Y/N if it is free, open API, has limitations etc
17:27 <popey> great idea!
17:27 <popey> list api limits and stuff in it
17:27 <ahayzen> as i keep losing track which services we are talking about lol
17:28 <popey> Shall I make it and share with you?
17:28 <ahayzen> if that's cool, or i can do it after the meeting
17:29 <popey> ok, lemme now
17:29 <ahayzen> :-)
17:29 <ahayzen> share with Victor as well
17:30 <popey> done
17:30 <popey> you have mail
17:30 <ahayzen> sweeeeet
17:31 <ahayzen> popey, ok another thing, the same guy that did the convergence designs asked if we would ever add lyrics support
17:31 <ahayzen> i think that was on that master list somewhere
17:31 <ahayzen> but i think it would be cool to have
17:32 <popey> hm, maybe. Didn't other things get voted above that? ㋛
17:32 <ahayzen> yeah i think
17:32 <ahayzen> i'm just thinking long term
17:33 <popey> ok
17:33 <ahayzen> i'll have to dig out that spreadsheet
17:34 * ahayzen notes he should organise his google drive so things are in folders :-)
17:34 <popey> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JHIQrszKFuypUT-nSbJLC3n3ovDZRnsAMV1U8g96AsM/edit#gid=419590646
17:34 <popey> there it is :)
17:34 <popey> "Have the app automatically create dynamic playlists that show frequently played songs" was the top one :)
17:35 <ahayzen> popey, hmm i don't see lyrics
17:35 * popey is still listening to the Pop jamendo channel
17:35 <popey> bopping along
17:35 <ahayzen> yeah i think Favouriting i may have a shot at though
17:35 <ahayzen> that was second on the list
17:35 <popey> yeah, that would be good
17:35 <ahayzen> dynamic playlists needs more thought
17:36 <popey> I don't think we should block streaming on design
17:36 <popey> but come up with something that works, and have them review it.
17:36 * ahayzen needs to find a system which nicely organises his TODOs that he can access on phone/lappy...
17:36 <popey> because otherwise we'll be waiting forever
17:36 <ahayzen> popey, yeah i think we should start investigating the WebAPI and pester design
17:36 <popey> ya
17:37 <ahayzen> also we should start migrating AP -> QUnit etc
17:38 <ahayzen> popey, have you got 'the tablet' yet ?
17:38 <ahayzen> or still on N7/10 or something ?
17:39 <popey> no, i dont have one
17:39 <popey> currently begging for one :)
17:39 <ahayzen> :-)
17:39 <ahayzen> also ...
17:40 <ahayzen> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-filemanager-app/+bug/1413821 came up again
17:40 <ahayzen> i think my comment #7 is relatively simple to implement
17:40 <ahayzen> or even better i wonder if you could do useUrlHandler = MediaStore.lookup(filename) !== null;
17:41 <ahayzen> popey, who is working on file manager at the moment? or am i better off attempting something myself ?
17:41 <popey> Carlos and Arto, but they're not super active
17:41 <ahayzen> okies
17:42 <popey> If you have time to have a go at it, that would be appreciated
17:42 <popey> I know arto will review it.
17:42 <ahayzen> popey, do you agree with #7 ?
17:42 <ahayzen> if the path is /home/*/Music or /media/*/*/Music .. simply use url-handler
17:43 <popey> seems reasonable, and is what docviewer is already doing
17:43 <ahayzen> then you could do the same for /home/*/{Documents,Music,Pictures,Videos} or /media/*/*/{Documents,Music,Pictures,Videos}  .. to open docviewer, music, gallery, media-player
17:43 <popey> it's a hac
17:43 <ahayzen> hmm how do they do it?
17:43 <popey> *hack
17:43 <ahayzen> from their side? o.0
17:44 <popey> they have a read-path in the manifest
17:44 <popey> and write in fact
17:44 <popey> which is okay as it's core app - nobody else can do it
17:44 <popey> which is a bodge
17:44 <ahayzen> hmm, so they compare all the files that they know about :-/
17:44 <ahayzen> that'd be slow surely ?
17:44 <popey> they don't have that many files usually
17:44 <popey> not like hundreds of music files
17:45 <popey> and I dont think they compare, not sure.
17:45 <ahayzen> yeah, until you start using LO in convergence mode with super big spreadsheets...
17:45 <ahayzen> ok well if i get something, obviously we'll have to check it works for all apps
17:46 <ahayzen> or just limit to the ones that needs it, eg music
17:46 <popey> yeah
17:47 <ahayzen> ok, think that is all for music..
17:47 <popey> :)
17:47 <popey> okay, thanks ahayzen
17:48 <popey> #endmeeting