15:08 <popey> #startmeeting DocViewer meeting
15:08 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Feb 25 15:08:23 2016 UTC.  The chair is popey. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
15:08 <meetingology> 
15:08 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
15:08 <popey> hello hello!
15:08 <popey> How is everyone?
15:08 <sverzegnassi> Let's have a meeting then!
15:08 <JMulholland> All good here thanks popey, how is embedded world treating you? :)
15:08 <sverzegnassi> I'm fine, just finished yestaerday my exams session!
15:09 <JMulholland> conrgats sverzegnassi !
15:09 <popey> JMulholland: tiring!
15:09 <JMulholland> heh
15:09 <popey> So many stands at E-W had Ubuntu on them!
15:09 <popey> sverzegnassi: great!
15:09 <sverzegnassi> Finally some time to spend on docviewer and terminal! (until May, at least) :D
15:10 <popey> yay
15:10 <popey> did you get everything you needed in terms of photos from davmor2 ?
15:10 <davmor2> popey: you're alive \o/
15:12 <sverzegnassi> (sorry, connection dropped)
15:12 <popey> ok
15:13 <popey> 15:10 < popey> did you get everything you needed in terms of photos from davmor2 ?
15:13 <sverzegnassi> Yeah, I saw what I needed. The zoom selector in the header is not visible and the document browser does not look so great IMHO on a tablet
15:14 <popey> ok
15:14 <davmor2> \o/ /me is off the hook
15:15 <sverzegnassi> :D
15:16 <sverzegnassi> JMulholland, is there any update about coachmarks specs? (terminal-app)
15:17 <JMulholland> no, but there is some user testing going on at the moment and I asked for the terminal app to be looked at. I’m looking to be given time to help you address the feedback/findings we get from those, and I have no doubt that coachmarks will be a useful tool in addressing whatever we find
15:18 <sverzegnassi> great, thanks!
15:20 <popey> Ok, anything docviewer specific to discuss? :)
15:21 <sverzegnassi> how could we handle the transition to the new PDF plugin?
15:21 <sverzegnassi> I mean, it's a big change so we may want to get some feedback from users and be sure to merge the new code when it's ready
15:22 <sverzegnassi> Does it make sense to release a PDF viewer on the store as long as we don't merge the code in docviewer?
15:22 <popey> i think that just needs a diverse bunch of testing
15:22 <popey> we can send an email to the list, like we do sometimes
15:22 <popey> with a link to a click to manually install
15:22 <popey> and can collect a bunch of sample pdfs
15:23 <sverzegnassi> sure, but in the meantime we don't want to remove the current pdf viewer from trunk
15:23 <popey> right, so should i push an update to the store tomorrow maybe?
15:23 <sverzegnassi> (e.g. in case we need to release a critical bugfix)
15:23 <popey> with the new libreoffice
15:23 <popey> or are we keeping that back until pdf plugin changes?
15:23 <sverzegnassi> https://code.launchpad.net/~verzegnassi-stefano/ubuntu-docviewer-app/cmake-click-cache-option/+merge/287187
15:23 <sverzegnassi> we'd need to disable caching first
15:24 <popey> yes, good point
15:24 <popey> so we need to test and land that merge
15:25 <popey> and set the cmake option on jenkins build script, right?
15:25 <popey> paging mr balloons
15:25 <sverzegnassi> I tested locally on my PC and it works... sure, we need to add -DNO_CACHE=on
15:26 <popey> ok
15:26 <popey> I'll review it tomorrow when i am home and on a connection where downloading libreoffice a few times isn't a problem (i.e. not airport wifi)
15:26 <sverzegnassi> ok
15:28 <popey> balloons: how easy is it to update jenkins build script for docviewer to add a cmake option?
15:29 <popey> (I will follow up with him when he's about)
15:29 <popey> once that's done, we can update docviewer in the store (once tested) with the new libreoffice
15:30 <popey> Which makes me think perhaps we should have a set of documents somewhere which we use for testing
15:30 <popey> and compare what the docs look like before / after
15:30 <popey> could automate it
15:30 <sverzegnassi> I'm using the same set of documents since we started with lok
15:31 <sverzegnassi> but I don't have anything automatic
15:31 <popey> I'll have a play tomorrow
15:31 <popey> shouldn't be hard, assuming i can launch docviewer with a document name and it open it? :)
15:32 <sverzegnassi> yes, you can ;)
15:32 <popey> then we're good
15:32 <popey> I'll do that tomorrow, made a note
15:32 <sverzegnassi> thanks!
15:34 <popey> so once that's done we need wider testing of the pdf plugin once you land that
15:34 <sverzegnassi> so we're going to work on the PDF plugin on trunk. did i understand correctly?
15:35 <popey> i think so, yes.
15:35 <sverzegnassi> ok, I'll anticipate some change in the local branch, in order to have the new things in a good status
15:36 <popey> awesome
15:38 <sverzegnassi> great, anything else? :)
15:39 <popey> nope
15:41 <sverzegnassi> popey, have a good flight back home then!
15:41 <popey> thank you!
15:41 <popey> have a great weekend :)
15:41 <popey> #endmeeting