14:02 <popey> #startmeeting DocViewer meeting
14:02 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Oct 15 14:02:13 2015 UTC.  The chair is popey. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
14:02 <meetingology> 
14:02 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
14:03 <popey> How are you?
14:04 <sverzegnassi> fine, thanks! also, it stopped raining after four days... I don't like much all that English weather :P
14:04 <sverzegnassi> where do we start from?
14:05 <popey> One small thing.
14:05 <popey> Icon, you've been asking for one for a while
14:05 <popey> I think JMulholland has some news
14:05 <sverzegnassi> oooh...
14:05 <JMulholland> I do! Matthieu James has been working on a fresh icon that fits with the new family of system/core app icons :D
14:06 <JMulholland> It’s up for review with the creative director, we’ll let you know as soon as it’s approved :)
14:06 <sverzegnassi> that's really a great news, thanks! :D
14:07 <popey> \o/
14:07 <popey> Ok, next, as you saw, I pushed another build of LibreOffice to the ppa
14:07 <popey> so in some hours there will be a new build
14:07 <popey> I had to ask for more disk space in the PPA because we ran out :)
14:07 <sverzegnassi> haha... i saw that!
14:08 <sverzegnassi> I'm having a bit of trouble in debugging that nice 2,3Gb thing
14:08 * popey looks for Bjoern
14:08 <sverzegnassi> I've got gdb working (I was missing the '-l' parameter), but I get no stack as output
14:08 <popey> lemme go and get him
14:09 <sverzegnassi> Of course, I'm a member of the Idiots Club, so I'm surely missing something
14:09 <JMulholland> Popey and Bjoern are both here at the office today, so popey’s just popped out to see if he can find him
14:10 <sverzegnassi> haha, ok
14:11 <sverzegnassi> I'm also working on the porting to UITK 1.2, and I did some UI change. I'll have to ask for some quick review
14:11 <popey> unfortunately he's in another meeting
14:11 <popey> if you have any question for bjoern, just let us have them over email and I'll poke him with a stick
14:11 <sverzegnassi> popey, sure!
14:11 <popey> sverzegnassi: code review?
14:12 <sverzegnassi> UI design review
14:12 <popey> ah okay
14:12 <popey> we can do that, when do you think that'll be ready?
14:13 <popey> Will this be dropping the grid view?
14:13 <sverzegnassi> UITK 1.2 porting? It is mostly completed, ready to land next week... I'd just need a quick check to see if some changes are good or not
14:14 <popey> ok
14:14 <sverzegnassi> For the moment, yes. The problem with grid view is just the code. We probably need to completely separate their code (i.e. also the PageHeadState), but I didn't look any further
14:15 <sverzegnassi> New ListView: http://imgur.com/hxlmBYm
14:15 <sverzegnassi> New ListView with docs from an external storage (I've moved the icon on the bottom-right): http://imgur.com/ZZeiQkf
14:17 <popey> I like that.
14:18 <popey> sverzegnassi: JMulholland is about to share a doc with you, it's not complete
14:18 <popey> but should give you some guidance.
14:18 <popey> there's a section on list items
14:19 <popey> and some examples of wide ones
14:20 <JMulholland> sent over, but the SDK 1.3 specs are very much work in progress, so keeo that in mind
14:20 <sverzegnassi> ok, I'd need authorization for that
14:20 <popey> ah
14:20 <popey> JMulholland: will pull the info out and send it separately
14:20 <popey> because i dont think he has access to that doc to share it fully
14:20 <sverzegnassi> ok, thanks :)
14:20 <popey> bear with us :)
14:21 <sverzegnassi> :-)
14:22 <popey> While he does that, anything else to discuss?
14:22 <JMulholland> fresh link should be with you sverzegnassi
14:23 <sverzegnassi> A bit more complex stuff that would need a review is the UI of the LibreOffice Viewer
14:24 <sverzegnassi> Not asking to do it right now, but we need some help :)
14:24 <popey> Hm, yes. If we get past the crashes and actually get to a point where we can open documents! :D
14:24 <popey> okay.
14:24 <sverzegnassi> JMulholland: thanks! Now it works!
14:24 <sverzegnassi> http://imgur.com/uqMkHC9
14:25 <sverzegnassi> (LibreOffice presentation view)
14:25 <popey> Off the top of my head we have 3 categories of documents, Docs, Sheets, Presentations.
14:25 <popey> Docs should IMO render just like you render a PDF
14:25 <popey> Zoomable, scroll/pannable, can go full screen etc.
14:25 <sverzegnassi> indeed.
14:25 <JMulholland> agreed
14:25 <popey> that's the easy one.
14:25 <sverzegnassi> Sheets: absolutely no idea.
14:26 <popey> Well, a sheet is really just a big table, right?
14:26 <popey> so a very wide, very high document
14:26 <sverzegnassi> yes, I don't know if we'd need to provide some particular control
14:26 <popey> I can't imagine what we'd need for this version
14:27 <popey> Other than show a big zoomable, pannable sheet
14:27 <sverzegnassi> Just having a zoom control is enough
14:28 <popey> agreed
14:28 <popey> Any reason we shouldn't have the same for slides?
14:28 <popey> I mean, possibly do away with the slide-sorter view on the left
14:29 <popey> and just have page / gap / page / gap / page
14:29 <popey> like when you view a presentation which has been exported to pdf
14:29 <popey> with one button for "presentation mode" which just goes full screen and has one a simple gesture to switch slides.
14:29 <sverzegnassi> that would be a bit strange imho...
14:30 <popey> What part?
14:30 <sverzegnassi> not having the left panel (if I got what you mean)
14:31 <popey> well, could the left panel be optional?
14:31 <sverzegnassi> We could add some control to hide it or change its width, but, I mean, also LibreOffice has one
14:31 <popey> yes
14:31 <sverzegnassi> (currently if the window is not wide enough, it stays under the bottom edge)
14:32 <popey> JMulholland: suggests portrait shows only the slides, landscape shows the side slide-sorter?
14:33 <popey> I suspect that in the short term, a phone connected to HDMI will mirror internal/external display
14:33 <popey> so projector / tv will just show whatever is on the phone
14:33 <JMulholland> that’s what I’ve heard too popey
14:33 <popey> in landscape
14:33 <popey> which would mean a full screen slides show would work fine
14:34 <popey> (a bluetooth 'clicker' device would be cool to pair) :D
14:37 * popey wonders if sverzegnassi has dropped connection
14:37 <sverzegnassi> As we've discussed earlier, in that case we can add a "Run presentation" button, which makes the app running fullscreen with no extra controls on display
14:37 <popey> yes, agreed.
14:37 <JMulholland> nice :)
14:37 <sverzegnassi> popey: no, still alive... just checking a thing on the phone
14:37 <popey> heh, okay :)
14:38 <sverzegnassi> Other big design problem is zoom controls: http://imgur.com/V7o2vKV
14:38 <sverzegnassi> http://imgur.com/Z2WjbJR
14:39 <popey> can we use pinch instead?
14:39 <popey> and lose the buttons completely?
14:39 <sverzegnassi> Not on desktop.
14:39 <popey> CTRL+ mouse wheel on desktop
14:39 <JMulholland> ctrl+mouse wheel
14:39 <JMulholland> yea
14:39 <sverzegnassi> The problem is about where to place those controls
14:39 <JMulholland> also: ctrl +/-?
14:39 <sverzegnassi> On a wider screen it's not a problem
14:39 <popey> Yeah, I'd just drop them, and use the gestures.
14:39 <sverzegnassi> We can decide to not provide them when running on a phone
14:40 <sverzegnassi> s/to not/not to
14:40 <popey> so mouse wheel alone is scroll, ctrl+mousewheel is zoom.
14:40 <JMulholland> (for touch it would also be nice to have double-tap to zoom to e.g. 200%, double-tap again to zoom back to 100%)
14:41 <sverzegnassi> yes, I've already started to work on pinch-to-zoom gesture (current blocker: LO not working on device)
14:42 <sverzegnassi> anyway I completely disagree about removing such controls when running in desktop mode
14:43 <popey> Ok. So how about we hide on phone, show on desktop, and re-visit this after some user testing?
14:43 <sverzegnassi> I just think that if we provide different zoom behaviours (e.g. fit to width, fit to page height, manual), we need it
14:43 <sverzegnassi> Yes... the question was if we can put it in the default header (maybe remove the '+' and '-' buttons)
14:43 <sverzegnassi> and what to do if the window is too small on desktop
14:44 <sverzegnassi> it is also about being consistent with the current default PDF viewer on Ubuntu: http://imgur.com/4qFwvQD
14:44 <sverzegnassi> we could make the TextField a bit smaller
14:44 <popey> That's a GTK thing though?
14:45 <sverzegnassi> yes
14:45 <popey> Seems like a bigger question for all the apps, for the sdk header designers to look at.
14:46 <popey> So JMulholland will raise that, but I think it's a longer story.
14:47 <sverzegnassi> ok
14:47 <popey> It's a good example of something we have to cater for though, so I appreciate you bringing it up :)
14:47 <JMulholland> absolutely
14:47 <popey> ok, we're running a _little_ over :)
14:47 <popey> Anything else before we wrap?
14:47 <sverzegnassi> nothing else :)
14:48 <sverzegnassi> I'll discuss with mrqtros about some dev question later
14:48 <popey> okay.
14:48 <popey> Fingers crossed the LO build succeeds!
14:48 <sverzegnassi> :)
14:48 <sverzegnassi> thank you guys!
14:48 <JMulholland> great talking to you again sverzegnassi , keep up the good work! :)
14:48 <popey> Feel free to ping me / bjoern any mails regarding testing. Thanks guys!
14:48 <popey> \o/
14:48 <sverzegnassi> cheers!
14:49 <popey> #endmeeting