16:43 <popey> #startmeeting Weather app meeting
16:43 <meetingology> Meeting started Fri Oct  9 16:43:09 2015 UTC.  The chair is popey. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
16:43 <meetingology> 
16:43 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
16:43 <popey> Yo yo yo!
16:43 <vthompson> Hey all!
16:43 <popey> How you doing?
16:43 <ahayzen> yo, how's your week been?
16:43 <vthompson> I'm good. How's the weather? You guys getting soaked by that storm?
16:44 <ahayzen> storm? .. oh yeah sortof
16:44 <popey> no, we had it diverted to Europe
16:44 * ahayzen was probably sleeping
16:45 <ahayzen> so ... https://code.launchpad.net/~ahayzen/ubuntu-weather-app/fix-1496422-1478255-today-extra-info/+merge/272790 and https://code.launchpad.net/~ahayzen/ubuntu-weather-app/fix-1496425-offscreen-last-expandable/+merge/273741 .. the fixes for the two blockers
16:45 <vthompson> So once we have CI back in place and working, I think we can try to march towards getting ahayzen's fixes in place for the 2 main bugs
16:45 <popey> Ok, last we spoke there were the two outstanding issues...
16:45 <popey> brillinat
16:45 <ahayzen> one is ready, but jenkins just foobar'd itself
16:45 <popey> -typo
16:45 <ahayzen> and then the other will need a pull and maybe one more tweak and its there
16:45 <popey> \o/
16:46 <vthompson> The one other thing I wanted to get was a fix for the expanded list items not having enough room for translations like German
16:46 <vthompson> But that's not really a blocker
16:46 <vthompson> IMO
16:46 <ahayzen> was there a bug for that ?
16:46 <vthompson> erm, maybe I filed one...
16:46 <ahayzen> :-)
16:47 <vthompson> No, I just made an mp https://code.launchpad.net/~vthompson/ubuntu-weather-app/reboot-day-details-width
16:48 <ahayzen> oh yeah
16:48 <vthompson> It might also be just fine on the mx4 and/or bq devices. It just isn't wide enough on the mako
16:48 <ahayzen> ...now what was i ranting about in that one...
16:48 <popey> i suspect worse on bq
16:48 * ahayzen checks
16:48 <popey> it's only 540 px wide
16:48 <vthompson> oh right
16:49 <vthompson> We haven't really touched the translatable strings at all since our last call for translations have we?
16:49 <ahayzen> don't think so
16:50 <vthompson> k, probably good in that department then
16:50 <ahayzen> https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-weather-app/reboot/+translations
16:50 <ahayzen> :-/
16:50 <vthompson> It'd certainly be nice if we had reboot released prior to UOS
16:50 <vthompson> To get feedback, etc
16:51 <ahayzen> i'd hope in the next week it'll be ready
16:51 <vthompson> :) we say that every week
16:51 <ahayzen> those two bugs that QA reported have MPs that are basically done though this time :-)
16:51 <vthompson> But I agree, we mean it this time--promise
16:51 <ahayzen> the lack of translations is a little worrying though
16:52 <vthompson> Don't we just need someone to approve the Chinese ones?
16:52 <popey> We can do another call.
16:52 <vthompson> Looks like most of them are there, just not approved
16:53 <ahayzen> i guess but spanish is missing and german is short
16:53 <ahayzen> and the most important one (UK) is short ;-)
16:54 <vthompson> haha, you'll read Weather in American English and you'll like it! :P
16:54 <ahayzen> :'(
16:54 <vthompson> lol
16:54 * ahayzen wonders if there is a pirate language like facebook
16:55 <popey> Oh dear.
16:55 <vthompson> One big thing I remember design wanting when we first discussed all this was "natural language" in the app. I wonder if that should be on the short list for the 2.1 release
16:55 <ahayzen> +1
16:55 <popey> That and emergency alerts, radar...
16:55 <ahayzen> and what happened with the discussions about alerts? popey ?
16:56 <ahayzen> did you come up with a better plan than account-polld ?
16:56 <davmor2> ahayzen: https://translations.launchpad.net/+languages/tlh
16:57 <ahayzen> davmor2, OMG! :-)
16:57 <vthompson> that is awesome
16:58 <vthompson> Can we make it be a selectable locale in the device?
16:58 <popey> We did, but I can't remember what it was :S
16:58 <ahayzen> :S
16:58 <vthompson> haha
16:58 <popey> I'll poke James next week, he made notes
16:58 <popey> I sadly did not
16:58 <vthompson> Cool
16:59 <ahayzen> awesome
16:59 <vthompson> Do we want to do blueprints for UOS? We are hit or miss as to whether we follow up and use them
16:59 <popey> Hm, up to you guys really.
16:59 <ahayzen> vthompson, we are more affective with bugs .. but for the planning of the session we need topics so maybe blueprints are best for that?
17:00 <vthompson> Or just the pad
17:00 <popey> or just an etherpad
17:00 <popey> yeah
17:00 <ahayzen> unless the etherpad is up
17:00 <vthompson> far better for tag teaming
17:00 <ahayzen> that
17:00 <ahayzen> what happened to the coreapps trello thing ?
17:00 <popey> There didnt seem like much demand
17:00 <vthompson> Good question. I haven't looked at it in ages
17:00 <popey> I'm happy to ressurect it
17:01 <vthompson> I probably won't use it unless it's the main place we start tracking things--which would be fine
17:01 <ahayzen> yeah same
17:02 <popey> ditto
17:02 <ahayzen> maybe we could use it more for requests or blockers than actual WI
17:02 <vthompson> yea, that's how QA and everyone uses it
17:03 <vthompson> as far as I can tell anyway
17:03 <popey> happy to do whatever you guys think is best.
17:03 <vthompson> Let's just do etherpad and bugs for UOS and maybe make a google doc if we want some design feedback/input later (or sooner)
17:04 <popey> +1
17:04 <popey> Ok, so next week we may have a build I can throw at davmor2 ?
17:04 <popey> I'll make a UOS session for each of the apps and schedule them in
17:04 <davmor2> popey: I wouldn't next week
17:04 <popey> then we can pre-populate the pad with things to discuss
17:05 <davmor2> popey: or the week after
17:05 <ahayzen> next week?
17:05 <popey> iso testing?
17:05 <ahayzen> oh weather yeah
17:05 <popey> or ota-7 or both?
17:05 <vthompson> ohhhh
17:05 * ahayzen was still thinking of music
17:05 <davmor2> popey: both
17:05 <popey> well, we only have two itty bitty changes
17:05 <popey> that you asked for :)
17:05 <vthompson> shoot. Then the app won't release before UOS?
17:05 <popey> it's only wafer thin
17:05 <davmor2> \o/
17:06 <popey> So it seems we may need to negotiate for some QA time :)
17:06 <ahayzen> ok so who will buy davmor2 beer ?
17:06 <vthompson> That's cool. we'll try our best to get it ready sooner than later next week in case someone is free
17:07 <davmor2> ahayzen: no one hopefully I don't drink :)   I can be bribed with good coffee though,  rvr will be about testing silos possible wednesday-ish
17:08 <popey> Ok, so target wednesday :)
17:08 <vthompson> Sounds good
17:08 <ahayzen> davmor2, hehe :-)
17:08 <ahayzen> and yeah weds sounds good
17:09 <popey> Ok, anything else?
17:09 <vthompson> Not that I can think of
17:09 <ahayzen> vthompson, the OWM woes?
17:09 <popey> oh
17:09 <popey> is it that bad?
17:09 <vthompson> Yea, right. OWM is being flaky both in the US and EU
17:10 <ahayzen> popey, we were discussing having a suggestion/button when its flaky to link you to change provider
17:10 <vthompson> We were discussing ways of making it easier for a user who is on OWM to know that the network down or if OWM is just not working
17:10 <ahayzen> and that
17:11 <vthompson> Not a blocker, as we default to TWC and it's an issue for the current app, clearly
17:11 <popey> Yeah, I spoke to mpt about this a while back
17:11 <popey> he had no pattern for it
17:11 <vthompson> We just think we'll want to handle it better
17:11 <popey> so we'd have to come up with some way of showing a "this service is having a bad day" like a fail whale when twitter goes down
17:11 <popey> angry clouds
17:12 <ahayzen> an integrated game like Chome :'D lol
17:12 <vthompson> haha, "Please send main to support@owm.com"
17:12 <vthompson> *mail
17:12 <popey> hah
17:12 <ahayzen> haha.. automated emails ?
17:12 <popey> send money to them first
17:13 <vthompson> We'll try to work something out, but it's not really a priority
17:14 <popey> agreed
17:14 <ahayzen> yup
17:14 <vthompson> I think popey even filed a bug for the same issue, so we can track it there as well
17:14 <ahayzen> ok that's all from me i think
17:14 <popey> ya
17:14 <vthompson> All from me as well
17:15 <popey> Excellent.
17:15 <popey> Thank you chaps, have a great weekend, and I look forward to more pleasant Weather next week :)
17:15 <vthompson> Have a great weekend all! Beer oclock I presume
17:15 <ahayzen> yey thanks guys have a good weekend :-)
17:16 <popey> \o/
17:16 <popey> Too the beer machine!
17:16 <ahayzen> \o/
17:16 <popey> #endmeeting