20:21 <popey> #startmeeting Weather meeting
20:21 <meetingology> Meeting started Fri Aug 21 20:21:25 2015 UTC.  The chair is popey. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
20:21 <meetingology> 
20:21 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
20:21 <popey> \o/ Hey guys!
20:21 <vthompson> o/
20:21 <ahayzen> o/
20:21 <popey> (this never gets old)
20:22 <popey> So last week we discussed additional tests for weather, right?
20:22 <ahayzen> yup and we're getting through them :-)
20:22 <vthompson> Yea, and we are kinda in the same place. ahayzen made a new test for the migration
20:22 <ahayzen> https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-weather-app/+activereviews
20:22 <ahayzen> https://code.launchpad.net/~ahayzen/ubuntu-weather-app/fix-1485262-ap-test-migrate-data/+merge/268411
20:22 <vthompson> I suggest we try to get some of the outstanding reviews, reviewed again
20:22 <ahayzen> i also starting profiling things trying to speed up navigating the main view
20:23 <ahayzen> yeah once those reviews are done there probably isn't much left?
20:24 <vthompson> There might be 1 or more outstanding tests to write
20:24 <ahayzen> yeah but its mostly there now
20:25 <vthompson> Yea, there might only be 2 left to write, actually.
20:25 <ahayzen> there are a few WIP ones
20:25 <popey> okay.
20:25 <ahayzen> but otherwise its looking good
20:26 <vthompson> agreed
20:26 <popey> Awesome!
20:26 <ahayzen> do we need to notify translators or are the translations going well already?
20:26 * ahayzen checks
20:26 <vthompson> There might be a few languages that could use more coverage
20:26 <ahayzen> https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-weather-app/reboot/+translations
20:26 <ahayzen> Spanish and Chinese are looking weak ;-)
20:26 <popey> hah
20:27 <popey> we can specifically ask for those.
20:27 <ahayzen> but we have Galician so its cool
20:27 <popey> want me to ask the translations team? are texts pretty stable now?
20:27 <ahayzen> i don't think any extra ones are on my radar ?
20:27 <ahayzen> (at least before the first release)
20:27 <popey> mostly tests.
20:28 <vthompson> I think we are pretty stable in terms of text
20:28 <popey> so not texts
20:28 <ahayzen> tests/bug fixes/performance
20:28 <popey> ya
20:28 <popey> okay, I'll ask then.
20:28 <popey> nice one chaps
20:28 <ahayzen> thanks :-)
20:29 * popey does that now, so people have the weekend to do it at their leisure
20:29 <vthompson> So we were hoping to hand off to qa next week... would it be worth handing them a click on monday regardless if all the tests are in place?
20:30 <ahayzen> potentially, but we do still have the big landing of listitems? but then that has its bugs that'll be fixed in ota6
20:31 <vthompson> True, I guess I'd like to land ListItems... I just thought it'd require more time
20:32 <vthompson> RC proposed should have everything that's in ota6 right now right?
20:32 <ahayzen> oh random thing i thought of for the weather alerts... could we use account-polld so then it just requests the weather via http and then doesn't need to store the users location externally ?
20:32 <vthompson> Because I assume the remaining bugs wont get fixed in OTA6
20:32 <popey> ok, translation mail sent
20:32 <ahayzen> yeah rc-proposed should
20:33 <vthompson> account-polld is a possibility
20:33 <popey> Yes, rc-proposed should (aside from a couple of bugs)
20:33 <vthompson> Alerts should probably be one of the next things to land in v2.1, or whatever
20:33 <vthompson> So maybe listitems should wait until ota7?
20:33 <ahayzen> other than battery life account-polld seemed to be enough when i thought of it :-)
20:34 <ahayzen> vthompson, hmm shall we test listitems with rc-proposed and if all good just land it?
20:34 <ahayzen> as this click is gonna be in the store post-ota6 anyway
20:34 <ahayzen> and if we find some issues we can wait until ota7
20:35 <vthompson> Well, there's at least that delete mako only bug
20:35 <ahayzen> but mako isn't important, as you said ;-) hehe
20:35 <vthompson> :) Maybe tests will fail in the lab though for mako as well
20:35 <ahayzen> haha depends how accurate AP is ;-) lol
20:36 <ahayzen> and i'd hate us to get loads of bugs saying "delete doesn't work"
20:36 <vthompson> Same
20:36 <ahayzen> (same for music)
20:37 <vthompson> Ok, so let's wait until ota7 for it
20:37 <ahayzen> yup unless there is a mako hotfix :-)
20:38 <vthompson> hm, should we lock the orientation for ota6 then?
20:38 <ahayzen> erm probably
20:38 * ahayzen turns his device sideways
20:38 <popey> what about sidestage only or desktop?
20:38 <popey> for tablets?
20:39 <vthompson> I think it currently gets sidestaged
20:39 <vthompson> (on flo it does I thought)
20:39 <ahayzen> it should be able to be sidestaged ?
20:39 * ahayzen has no way to test :-)
20:39 <ahayzen> vthompson, agree lock to portrait
20:39 <popey> well, the .desktop file will tell you
20:39 <popey> if it says sidestage in there
20:40 <ahayzen> oh :-)
20:40 <popey> we haven't done any landscape testing, so I'd lock to portrait and sidestage only for now
20:40 <vthompson> Yea, I think the listitems mp actually removes the sidestage ability of the app
20:40 <popey> oh
20:40 <ahayzen> don't see it in here? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-weather-dev/ubuntu-weather-app/reboot/view/head:/ubuntu-weather-app.desktop.in.in
20:40 <popey> right, so it will use the whole screen on n7
20:40 <ahayzen> try it!
20:41 <popey> adds to todolist
20:41 <vthompson> Yea, you're right. I thought it used to sidestage
20:42 <vthompson> I'll fix that, cuz I can test it
20:43 <popey> thanks
20:43 <popey> Ok, so we should pass to QA early next week?
20:44 <ahayzen> i think so
20:44 <popey> .oO( Needs manual tests and screenshots )
20:44 <popey> I'll create those as we don't have them do we?
20:44 <vthompson> no manual tests, probably have screenshots, but might as well take current ones
20:45 <popey> will do
20:45 <vthompson> nik90, is clock going to sidestage?
20:45 <nik90> vthompson: for the moment yes
20:46 <nik90> it is locked in portrait form and will be sidestaged until we get landscape designs
20:46 <vthompson> hm, on my flo it doesn't on rc-proposed. Not sure which version I'm running though
20:46 <nik90> the one in the store is already locked to portrait.
20:46 <nik90> if it doesn't on flo, then it is a bug for sure...
20:46 <vthompson> Ok, so it won't sidestage then?
20:46 <ahayzen> popey, I assume QA have the TWC key and know how to use it?
20:47 <popey> i will provide a click with it in
20:47 <vthompson> nik90, I'll take a look as I investigate for weather
20:47 <ahayzen> popey, thanks :-)
20:47 <ahayzen> oh and openweathermap has been really bad recently, having to use TWC almost exclusively :-/
20:47 <popey> I do daily builds of the apps and have a bodge for weather which injects the twc key
20:47 <nik90> vthompson: oke. I don't see any special sidestage tags in the clock desktop file. I vaguely remember the old-clock app having it. May be it wasn't transferred to clock reboot.
20:47 <popey> yeah, owm has been terrible
20:47 <popey> http://popey.mooo.com/mirror/daily_clicks/ - daily builds!
20:48 <ahayzen> \o/
20:48 <ahayzen> your even doing _multi (fat) clicks ? ;-)
20:48 <popey> ya
20:48 <ahayzen> awesome :-)
20:50 <popey> Ok, anything else?
20:50 * ahayzen wonders if we should capture connection errors a bit nicer
20:50 <popey> Hm
20:50 <ahayzen> rather than it being blank and just spinning the loading thing indefinitely
20:50 <popey> or revert to twc when owm fails :)
20:50 <popey> automatic failover
20:50 <ahayzen> (eg when owm returns funny data)
20:50 <ahayzen> what happens if twc gives us bad data as well :-)
20:50 <ahayzen> or if your on a really really bad 2g connection :-)
20:51 <vthompson> ahayzen, popey yea, we should try to do some sort of connection timeout thing. Does Android do that automatically for apps? Seems like they have standard ways of doing it
20:52 <vthompson> Since it's pretty comment to get a connection timed out screen--for me :(
20:52 <ahayzen> the standard timeout is 60s for web stuff normally isn't it ?
20:52 <ahayzen> or maybe 30s
20:52 <vthompson> Dunno, but if there's non connection, we should probably also tell the user
20:52 <ahayzen> we should just through a dialog if the connection call fails
20:52 <ahayzen> at the moment you just get something in the log
20:52 <vthompson> I hate dialogs... maybe just an icon or label?
20:53 <popey> hmmm
20:53 <ahayzen> ok maybe an icon/label ;-)
20:53 <popey> need some design thought IMO
20:53 <vthompson> agreed
20:53 <popey> because this is platform wide
20:53 * popey adds to to-do for design next week
20:54 <ahayzen> :-)
20:55 <vthompson> Yikes, I tried to add the sidestage hint to the desktop file and I crashed my flo
20:56 <ahayzen> yey
20:57 <ahayzen> ok thats all from me :-)
20:57 <vthompson> Nothing more from me
20:57 <popey> same
20:57 <popey> awesome
20:57 <ahayzen> \o/
20:57 <popey> thanks chaps
20:57 <popey> have a great weekend!
20:57 <vthompson> have a nice weekend all!
20:57 <popey> #endmeeting