14:03 <popey> #startmeeting Docviewer meeting
14:03 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Jun 18 14:03:08 2015 UTC.  The chair is popey. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
14:03 <meetingology> 
14:03 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
14:03 <popey> hows it going sverzegnassi ?
14:04 <sverzegnassi> fine, thanks! the sort/search changes to the document page has been proposed for a review!
14:04 <sverzegnassi> https://imgur.com/fqE8PxE,YtMuxrW
14:04 <popey> *applause*
14:04 <popey> I'll take a look a little later. Thanks sverzegnassi !
14:05 <popey> my ~/Documents has _loads_ of files in it, so looking forward to this.
14:05 <sverzegnassi> haha, mine is pretty poor :P
14:06 <sverzegnassi> I've also tried to have a last look at the zoom fix
14:06 <sverzegnassi> but I don't see anything strange that causes that flick
14:08 <popey> Hm. Wonder if someone else can help?
14:08 <sverzegnassi> I've tried to track the changes in the properties of the VerticalView, but it's about seeing a change of 100px on a total of 10^5px
14:08 * popey looks at mzanetti :)
14:08 <sverzegnassi> Yep, I'd like it
14:09 <popey> mzanetti: if you have some time, (yeah, sorry, I know) we could do with a fresh pair of eye on docviewer.
14:10 <JMulholland> back
14:11 <popey> JMulholland: take a look at the imgur link above, sverzegnassi has added sorting support for docviewer when listing docs
14:11 <popey> looks good to me.
14:12 <JMulholland> oh nice!
14:12 <JMulholland> looks good
14:12 <mzanetti> popey, what's the issue?
14:12 <mzanetti> (not saying I have time now)
14:12 <mzanetti> but if I know the context it's easier to schedule something
14:13 <popey> mzanetti: the zooming branch sverzegnassi has been working on his some strange flickering behaviour. (am I describing that well sverzegnassi )
14:13 <sverzegnassi> mzanetti, o/
14:14 <mzanetti> hi stefano
14:14 <mzanetti> mhm... ok... probably tonight...
14:14 <sverzegnassi> Yep, I've updated the earlier branch I was working on, so that it does not guess the height of the contentItem. It works better than before, but sometimes while zooming the pages in the view moves from their position in a "strange" way
14:14 <sverzegnassi> Link: https://code.launchpad.net/~verzegnassi-stefano/ubuntu-docviewer-app/attempt-fix-zooming-1
14:15 <sverzegnassi> s/moves/move
14:15 <popey> mzanetti: thanks in advance.
14:17 <sverzegnassi> thank you, I'll try to be here on IRC in the case
14:18 <popey> Ok. I understand we may have a prototype libreoffice viewer by the end of the week.
14:19 <sverzegnassi> \o/
14:19 <popey> Which will be interesting for us to look at for integrating into docviewer
14:19 <sverzegnassi> that's a great news!
14:19 <popey> yeah
14:20 <sverzegnassi> so is the issue with the size of LO libraries solved?
14:21 <popey> well, they will always be large
14:21 <popey> like 50MB or so
14:21 <popey> but that's not the largest app in the store.
14:21 <popey> Although, if we make a "fat" package it will be 3x that
14:22 <popey> (and would ultimately be pre-installed)
14:22 <popey> So would be the biggest app on the phone.
14:22 <popey> Perhaps we will (in the future) need two versions of docviewer
14:23 <popey> a "light" version which only does non-office formats
14:23 <popey> and a "full" version which includes libreoffice bundled in.
14:23 <popey> perhaps one code base could (ideally) build both clicks/snaps/debs
14:23 <sverzegnassi> heh, it sounds like a good compromise for now, IMHO
14:23 <popey> Yeah, lets wait and see what it looks like :)
14:24 <sverzegnassi> haha, can't wait for it :D
14:24 <popey> seems to be a problem with the debian packaging.
14:24 <popey> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-docviewer-app/+bug/1466518
14:25 <popey> the icon file isn't getting bundled in. not sure why.
14:25 <popey> wonder if we moved it and maybe didn't update the debian packaging or something - not a high priority
14:26 <sverzegnassi> yeah, I will have a look over the weekend. it does not seems a huge issue
14:27 <sverzegnassi> Before I forget to talk about it, we had a feedback from the UX team: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-docviewer-app/+bug/1447995
14:27 <popey> ooh
14:28 <sverzegnassi> Now, we have to choose which of the two proposal to pick
14:28 <popey> ooh!
14:28 <popey> JMulholland: what do you think?
14:29 <JMulholland> just having a read
14:29 <popey> "more" = more translations
14:30 <popey> and a piece of text that may not fit
14:30 <popey> (in German for example)
14:30 <JMulholland> and we have a nice contextual options menu icon used all over the place already too...
14:30 <popey> yeah
14:30 <popey> now we have hamburger icons, kebab icons...
14:30 <sverzegnassi> I'd prefer the A, also because the area to tap seems to be wider
14:31 <JMulholland> still waiting on the bbq pulled-pork icon myself…
14:31 <sverzegnassi> hahaha :'D
14:31 <JMulholland> :D
14:31 <JMulholland> i think the consensus is to go with A then
14:32 <popey> ya
14:34 <sverzegnassi> huh, popey, do you have the latest devel-proposed on your N7?
14:34 <popey> you're going to mention landscape mod
14:34 <popey> *mode?
14:34 <sverzegnassi> yes!
14:34 <popey> I saw someone complain about that on G+ earlier.
14:34 <popey> mzanetti: is Nexus 7 intentionally fixed landscape?
14:35 <popey> (sorry for pinging you, but resident unity expert, so ..)
14:37 <popey> I have a suspicion it's intentional
14:38 <sverzegnassi> My concern is about the unity8 panel. I've read that some app has some issue with the changes, so I'm interested in knowing if everything is ok
14:39 <sverzegnassi> on the phones we don't show the panel in any case, so i'm almost sure there's no issue with them
14:39 <popey> right
14:39 <popey> I think it's very early stages in landing the shell rotation code
14:39 <popey> I expect we'll uncover all kinds of odd issues like this
14:41 <sverzegnassi> yeah, it's not a big issue for now
14:41 <popey> Anything else to discuss?
14:41 <popey> (I'll review your sort branch later this evening)
14:42 <sverzegnassi> ok, thanks!
14:42 <sverzegnassi> I don't have anything else to discuss
14:43 <popey> Super. Will let you know about any movement on libreoffice too.
14:43 <popey> have a great weekend if I don't speak to you before.
14:43 <popey> \o/
14:43 <popey> #endmeeting