14:10 <popey> #startmeeting Docviewer meeting
14:10 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Apr 23 14:10:19 2015 UTC.  The chair is popey. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
14:10 <meetingology> 
14:10 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
14:10 <JMulholland> hihi
14:10 <popey> how are you sverzegnassi ?
14:10 <popey> hello JMulholland
14:10 <sverzegnassi> well, thanks! i have some branch still to upload, but I'm waiting for some review on the already proposed ones
14:11 <sverzegnassi> don't wanna break things with prerequisite branches
14:11 <popey> Ok
14:11 <popey> Will take a look at the existing merges
14:12 <sverzegnassi> ok! for the moment you can skip this one: https://code.launchpad.net/~verzegnassi-stefano/ubuntu-docviewer-app/plugins-renaming/+merge/256353
14:12 <sverzegnassi> not sure if register some classes to QML through a plugin or not
14:13 <popey> ok.
14:15 <popey> I was hoping sweetshark could join us, but seems he's afk
14:15 <popey> I'll review your merges tomorrow.
14:15 <sverzegnassi> ok, thanks!
14:15 <sverzegnassi> is sweetshark bjoern?
14:16 <popey> yes
14:16 <sverzegnassi> (i don't know all the nicknames here :P)
14:17 <popey> sorry :)
14:17 <sverzegnassi> so can we start to discuss on something else, while waiting for him?
14:17 <popey> sure. I don't think he'll be here today
14:17 <sverzegnassi> ok.
14:17 <popey> There's a desktop sprint, and I think we lost him in London somewhere :)
14:17 <sverzegnassi> haha :D
14:18 <sverzegnassi> I'd like to start with some ux questions
14:18 <popey> ok.
14:18 * popey looks at JMulholland
14:18 <sverzegnassi> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-docviewer-app/+bug/1418647
14:18 <sverzegnassi> The solution I proposed is probably not so good
14:19 <sverzegnassi> but it would be nice to add this feature somewhere on the screen
14:19 <popey> could we add a "Last page" "First Page" to the "Go to page" dialog?
14:19 <popey> that would be 3-4 taps to get to the first page though
14:19 <JMulholland> hm, i think in most other cases we rely on accelaration occuring on fast swipes for fast scrolling
14:19 <JMulholland> I’ll have a look, as it might not be the best fit here
14:20 <popey> JMulholland: can you add an ubuntu-ux task?
14:20 <popey> (you seem to be the only one able to assign you)
14:20 <JMulholland> will do!
14:20 <sverzegnassi> thanks!
14:21 <JMulholland> popey very weird, others have done so recently
14:22 <sverzegnassi> A second bug report was about the application icon. don't know why, but it seems to be something much wanted: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-docviewer-app/+bug/1432392
14:23 <popey> nik90: who was it that made the podbird icon?
14:24 <nik90> popey: that's a trade secret
14:24 <popey> hah
14:24 <nik90> it was kevin feyders https://plus.google.com/116231235687734373591/posts :)
14:24 <popey> \o/
14:25 <sverzegnassi> ok, he asked me some time ago if we were interested in a new icon for docviewer
14:25 <popey> \o/
14:25 <popey> sounds like a match made in heaven.
14:25 <sverzegnassi> i'll get in touch with him later then
14:25 <popey> nice one.
14:25 <nik90> I am sure he will be glad to help out.
14:26 <sverzegnassi> the third ux question is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-docviewer-app/+bug/1441495
14:26 <sverzegnassi> we'd need to enable sd card support soon
14:26 <sverzegnassi> but we want to allow users to save documents in sd card, instead of the internal memory
14:27 <popey> So the way other apps do it is to have the app save to one place
14:27 <popey> but read from both
14:27 <popey> e.g. Camera app does this.
14:27 <sverzegnassi> does camera-app save only on internal storage?
14:27 <sverzegnassi> (or only external one)
14:27 <popey> no, it's switchable (I think)
14:27 <popey> let me check
14:28 <popey> http://people.canonical.com/~alan/screenshots/device-2015-04-23-152821.png
14:28 <popey> http://people.canonical.com/~alan/screenshots/device-2015-04-23-152831.png
14:28 <sverzegnassi> great! thanks!
14:29 <popey> np
14:29 <sverzegnassi> so we should add a setting for this
14:29 <popey> +1
14:29 <sverzegnassi> 4th and last thing is about adding a contextual menu to the grid delegates in Document/Welcome page
14:30 <sverzegnassi> I disabled swipe-to-delete gesture on the list items
14:30 <sverzegnassi> because it wasn't clear how to provide the same features in the gridview
14:31 <JMulholland> trying to assign 1432392 to the visual designer that does all of our icons, but it keeps timing out. Will get it assigned eventually though
14:31 <popey> I would prefer us to use swipe gestures, of course, for consistency
14:31 <popey> (could also include swipe left -> Move to SD / Move to Internal)
14:31 <JMulholland> 1441495 is tricker, as I’m not sure of the current state of the content hub regarding SD card usage. will have to investigate
14:32 <popey> I think for 1441495 as long as we receive the file and the security manifest allows writing to the sd card, we're good.
14:34 <sverzegnassi> mmh... i agree with popey, copy of an imported document uses standard Qt API in docviewer
14:35 <popey> being able to move files to the SD card that you previously downloaded would be nice
14:35 <popey> especially without having to use the file manager
14:36 <sverzegnassi> +1
14:37 <sverzegnassi> We were talking also about swipe gesture. If I add a contextual menu to the grid delegate, is it ok?
14:38 <sverzegnassi> ref. https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/site_media/appmedia/2015/03/device-2015-03-04-191710.png
14:38 <popey> how would that look?
14:38 <popey> (sorry, can't picture it)
14:38 <sverzegnassi> a moment that I play with gimp then
14:39 <popey> ok
14:41 <sverzegnassi> https://imgur.com/7LMjibC
14:41 <sverzegnassi> well, not my best art attack ever
14:41 <sverzegnassi> but supposed that those 3 points are a button
14:42 <sverzegnassi> tap the button, then it shows a popover with all the actions for that item: delete, move to sd card, etc...
14:42 <popey> hmm
14:42 <popey> not obvious to me.
14:44 <sverzegnassi> i cannot find a screenshot with the same thing on android, i'd need to reboot the phone, but we could talk about this another time
14:44 <popey> I do know what you mean by the dots
14:44 <popey> It's something I'm familiar with from Android
14:45 <sverzegnassi> ah ok. i thought my image editing was so horrible :)
14:45 <popey> Not _that_ bad :)
14:45 <sverzegnassi> haha
14:45 <popey> but I'm not sure it's a pattern we should adopt
14:46 <sverzegnassi> Yep, same feeling. for this reason i've asked
14:46 <popey> it worries me that you'll have to duplicate work for list and grid view
14:47 <sverzegnassi> mmh... they're anyway different in layout, so they will stay duplicated
14:47 <sverzegnassi> the only thing they could have in common is the list of actions to show while swiping or opening the popover
14:47 <popey> Right.
14:47 <sverzegnassi> but we have a PopoverWithAction for this
14:48 <sverzegnassi> s/PopoverWithAction/ActionSelectionPopover
14:49 <sverzegnassi> Last two thing I'd like to discuss before running out of time are:
14:49 <sverzegnassi> https://imgur.com/GRV9Qvd
14:49 <sverzegnassi> I started to work on the advanced text editor for the docviewer
14:50 <popey> woah!
14:50 <popey> nice!
14:50 <sverzegnassi> (no syntax highlighter yet, but it would be better to work on it after UOS, since it's something more complex than line numbering)
14:50 <popey> That's great.
14:51 <sverzegnassi> the other (and last) thing is about the DocumentModel we're using to get the list of documents in the user's folder
14:51 <sverzegnassi> It requires some change for being testable from autopilot
14:52 <popey> ok
14:52 <sverzegnassi> I've already did that work (just need to be uploaded)
14:52 <popey> great :)
14:52 <sverzegnassi> and I'm going to use the SortFilterModel provided by UITK
14:52 <sverzegnassi> So, here's the question: should we add a "search in Documents" and some filter?
14:53 <sverzegnassi> (e.g. "Sort by name", "sort by date", etc.)
14:53 <popey> That would be nice, once you build up a collection of documents on an SD card
14:54 <sverzegnassi> Ok! Do we need to search for Documents in the whole SD card?
14:54 <sverzegnassi> or, as we discussed in the earlier meetings, only $SDCARD/Documents?
14:56 <popey> only documents directory
14:56 <popey> we shouldn't be looking anywhere else
14:56 <popey> and we should limit via apparmor so it cant anyway
14:56 <sverzegnassi> ok, seems legit!
14:57 <popey> :)
14:57 <sverzegnassi> that's all from me. I don't have nothing else to discuss
14:57 <sverzegnassi> :)
14:57 <popey> Me neither. I'll get Bjorn to follow up with the other stuff via email.
14:58 <popey> And I'll take a look at your merges tomorrow.
14:58 <sverzegnassi> ok! Thank you popey!
14:58 <popey> thanks sverzegnassi
14:58 <popey> have a great weekend
14:58 <popey> #endmeeting